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Micro Projects

Electrical Engineering Program

(I Scheme Curriculum)

Group Number: 05



Government Polytechnic Awasari(KH)2023-24

A Micro Project Report On:

Topic : “Prepare a report on effect of ground water contamination.’’




• ACADEMIC YEAR : 2023-24


• COURSE CODE : 22447



• TOPIC OF PROJECT : Ground water contamination.


• GROUP LEADER : Shravani Sandbhor



This is to certify that the following students of semester IV of Diploma in Electrical

Engineering (EE) of institute, Government Polytechnic Awasari (KH) Institute
(code :1051) have completed the micro project of satisfactorily in course of ENVIRONMENTAL
STUDIES (22447) for the Academic Year 2022 – 23 as prescribed in the curriculum.


Sr. No. Roll no. Enrollment no. Name of team members

1. 23EE225 2210510279 Shital Babasaheb Kolekar

2. 23EE226 2210510280 Ganesh Sharad Barve

3. 23EE227 2210510283 Abhinav Abasaheb Kade

4. 23EE228 2210510285 Shravani Ramchandra Sandbhor

5. 23EE229 2210510286 Riya Rohan Dombale

6. 23EE230 2210510287 Atish Kalyan Gade

GUIDED BY: Mrs. T. J. Bhangale

DATE: 15 \ 03 \ 2024

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(Mrs.T.J.Bhangale) (Dr.S.V.Bhangale) (Dr.V.S.Bandal)

Part – A Micro-Project Proposal

Title of Micro-Project: “Prepare a report on effect of ground water contamination.”

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project: Prepare a report on effect of ground water


2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

Apply the techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.

3.0. Proposed Methodology

1. Note down the topic and then search information about the assigned topic.
2. Take reference about the topic from the subject teacher.
3. Do discussion among team members and distribute sub- topics accordingly.
4. Search information using various sources on the particular sub- topic.
5. Prepare a report on given topic with the help of searched information.
6. Sort the information accordingly and type the required part – A,B
7. Arrange the data of the searched information and submission of report.
4.0 Action Plan

Sr. No. Details of activity Planned start Planned finish Name of

date date responsible team

1 Group information 15/01/2024 28/01/2024 All team

and allocation of members
MicroProject title

2 Information search 29/01/2024 08/02/2024 All team


3 Part A preparation 09/02/2024 12/02/2024 All team


4 Part B preparation 13/02/2024 17/02/2024 All team


5 Verification of 18/02/2024 27/02/2024 All team

project members

6 Confirmation of 28/02/2024 10/03/2024 All team

project members

7 Submission of 11/03/2024 15/03/2024 All team

project members
5.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining
facility, software etc.)

Sr. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks

1 Book Dr.B.L Therajab, A.K 1

Textbook of
environmental studies Volume I -S.chand &

2 Internet Google Chrome -

3 Software Microsoftword -

6.0 Names of team members with Roll No.

Name of students Roll No.

Sr. No

1 Shital Babasaheb Kolekar 23EE225

2 Ganesh Sharad Barve 23EE226

3 Abhinav Abasaheb Kade 23EE227

4 Shravani Ramchandra Sandbhor 23EE228

5 Riya Rohan Dombale 23EE229

6 Atish Kalyan Gade 23EE230


1.0 Rationale: Groundwater is also one of our most important sources of water for irrigation.
Unfortunately, groundwater is susceptible to pollutants. Groundwater contamination occurs when
man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and
cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use..

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project: Prepare a report on effect of ground

water contamination.

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

Apply the techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.

4.0 Literature review :

Groundwater contamination poses a significant threat to human health, ecosystems, and overall
environmental quality. This report examines the causes, consequences, and potential mitigation
strategies associated with groundwater contamination. The goal is to raise awareness about the
issue and provide insights into how stakeholders can work collaboratively to address and prevent
further contamination.
 Causses of groundwater contamination:

a. Industrial Practices: Improper disposal of industrial waste, leakage from storage tanks, and
accidental spills contribute to the contamination of groundwater with hazardous chemicals.

b. Agriculture: The use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides in agriculture can result in the
leaching of harmful substances into the groundwater.

c. Urbanization: Urban development increases the risk of groundwater contamination through

activities such as improper waste disposal, leaking underground storage tanks, and stormwater
runoff carrying pollutants.

d. Landfills: Poorly managed landfills can release contaminants into the groundwater, posing a
long-term threat to water quality.

e. Natural Sources: In some cases, natural sources, such as minerals and salts, can contribute to
groundwater contamination.
 Consequences of Groundwater Contamination : -

Health Impacts:

 Waterborne Diseases: Contaminated groundwater is a source of waterborne diseases,

impacting communities reliant on untreated water sources.
 Long-term Health Effects: Chronic exposure to contaminants in drinking water can
lead to various health issues, including gastrointestinal disorders, neurological
problems, and increased cancer risks.

Ecosystem consequences :

 Ecosystem Disruption: Contaminated groundwater adversely affects aquatic

ecosystems, disrupting the balance of flora and fauna and threatening biodiversity.
 Soil Contamination: Groundwater contaminants often permeate into the soil, affecting
agricultural lands and potentially compromising food safety.
 Surface Water Pollution: Contaminants can migrate from groundwater to surface water
bodies, amplifying the scope of environmental damage.

Increased healthcare costs.

 Loss of agricultural productivity.

 Diminished property values in affected areas.

 Mitigation Strategies:
a. Source Control: Implementing strict regulations and best practices to control the release
of contaminants at their source.

b. Monitoring and Early Detection: Regular monitoring of groundwater quality and the
use of early detection systems to identify contamination incidents promptly.

c. Remediation Techniques: Applying various remediation technologies such as pump-

and-treat, bioremediation, and permeable reactive barriers to clean up contaminated
d. Sustainable Practices: Promoting sustainable agricultural practices, proper waste
management, and responsible industrial activities to minimize the risk of groundwater

e. Public Awareness and Education: Raising awareness among the public and stakeholders
about the importance of groundwater protection and the consequences of contamination.

Some facts and fictions about ground water:


 groundwater is inexhaustible  use can exceed supply, drying up streams and wells
 groundwater moves in strange and  groundwater flow can be investigated and
unknown ways determined
 spring water is always pure  it can be polluted like all water
 groundwater comes from underground  it is recharged locally from precipitation falling on
rivers surrounding land areas
 groundwater moves long distances within  it rarely moves more than a few miles, but can take
the earth in Connecticut years to flow that far

What can we do to reduce pollution?

Groundwater contamination can last for years and be difficult and expensive to clean up.
Pollution prevention is the key. We urge you to look at the ways you can help.

At home

 properly dispose of all waste; don’t dump chemicals down drains or on the ground
 test underground fuel oil tanks for leaks; if possible, replace them above ground
 safely store all chemicals and fuels
 minimize the use of chemicals; always use according to directions
 have on-site septic systems pumped and inspected every five years
 examine on-site wells and surrounding land areas; test wells as often as pollution risk

At work

Waste disposal:
 properly dispose of all waste
 ensure proper waste water discharge connections; if possible, eliminate floor drains
 properly use and maintain on-site septic systems
 plug and cover waste dumpsters

Hazardous materials:

 safely store, handle, and use chemicals and fuels

 monitor underground fuel and chemical tanks; if possible, replace above ground
 contain storage and loading areas
 reduce or substitute use of chemicals

Storm water:

 keep chemicals and waste safe from rain

 isolate drains from storage and loading areas
 use deicing salt and pesticides sparingly

Other good management practices:

 conduct an environmental audit

 develop a pollution prevention plan
 regularly inspect high risk areas
 devise an emergency response plan
In town
 ensure that land use plans and regulations protect important water supply aquifers and well
 support protection legislation and programs
 inform and educate residents and businesses about groundwater
 consider important aquifers when acquiring open space
 monitor and inspect important well fields and recharge areas
 conduct household hazardous waste collections
 ensure that town facilities practice good pollution prevention.

Future Outlook:
Highlight emerging technologies and research efforts aimed at preventing and mitigating
groundwater contamination. Emphasize the importance of sustainable practices for
ensuring the long-term health of groundwater resources.
5.0 Actual Methodology
1. Note down the topic and then search information about the assigned topic.
2. Take reference about the topic from the subject teacher.
3. Do discussion among team members and distribute sub- topics accordingly.
4. Search information using various sources on the particular sub- topic.
5. Prepare a report on given topic with the help of searched information.
6. Sort the information accordingly and type the required part – A,B
7. Arrange the data of the searched information and submission of report.

6.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining
facility, software etc.)

Sr. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks


1 Book Dr.B.L Therajab, A.K 1

Textbook of environmental
studies Volume I -S.chand &

4 Internet Google Chrome -

5 Software Microsoftword -
7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Project :

We Learnt about ground water contamination and sources that create water pollution.
Understand the effects of ground water contamination.

8.0. Skills Developed / Learning outcome of Micro-Project :

1) Demonstrate working as a group leader or team member.

2) Co-ordination with team member.

9.0. Applications of this Micro-Project:

We can use this project to create public awareness about effect of ground water pollution.

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