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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

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Online fashion shopping paradox: The role of customer reviews and T

facebook marketing
Fatema Kawafa, , Doga Istanbulluoglub

University of Greenwich, Greenwich Business School, Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, London SE10 9LS, UK
University of Birmingham, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK


Keywords: The paper aims to investigate the relevance of social media marketing, particularly customer reviews and
Customer reviews Facebook pages in online fashion shopping. This qualitative study adopts Personal Construct Theory and em-
Fashion ploys the repertory grid to investigate the question: ‘how do online fashion shoppers construct the relevance of
Social Media social media marketing activities in their online shopping experience? Analysis of 25 repertory grid interviews
reveal insights that challenge current understanding of the role and relevance of customer reviews and Facebook
Online retailing
Repertory grid
pages in online fashion shopping. The research contributes novel insights into the rising desire of individuality
Online fashion shopping and the increasing lack of sociality on social media.

1. Introduction and relevance across industries is rising. The varying role of social
media across industries and product categories is not accounted for, and
Social media marketing1 has become the buzz of the marketing a one size fits all approach seems apparent in current research and
world, attracting ever-increasing attention and booming interest from practices.
brands and businesses both large and small. Social media websites now Scholars have attempted to critically evaluate the importance of
receive the highest web traffic worldwide (Alexa, 2018) and one third social media and its employment in a business context, for instance,
of online time is spent on social media (GlobalWebIndex, 2018). There Quesenberry (2016) suggests that social media marketing is too im-
are 2.13 billion monthly active Facebook users (Facebook, 2018a), portant to be left to the marketing department solely, thus arguing that
along with 60 million active business pages (Facebook, 2018b). It is safe it requires a holistic business involvement.
to say that social media has gone ‘viral’. Another key dimension to social media marketing is the radical shift
More than 2.5 million businesses pay to use Facebook advertising, in communication and how consumers produce, share and gather in-
and 75% of brands pay to promote posts (Smith, 2016). However, a lack formation online (Pitt et al., 2002; Yeh and Choi, 2011). Social media
of purpose remains apparent in a number of business cases and across has become a space for individual expression, a tool for easier searching
industries. For instance, the myopic focus on likes and follows rather and better choices, and a marketing intelligence source to anticipating
than engagement has been a mistake for which many businesses are still users’ preferences and behavior (Lamberton and Stephen, 2016). Par-
paying the price (Walters, 2016). All facilitated by Facebook infra- ticularly, in terms of online shopping, consumers rely on social media as
structure of the so-called ‘Like Economy’ in which certain behaviors are a source of information which could come from strangers and anon-
encouraged, metrified and multiplied beyond their value (Gerlitz and ymous users (Goldsmith and Horowitz, 2006; Schindler and Bickart,
Helmond, 2013). 2005; Sen and Lerman, 2007). This product/service-related information
It is a matter for concern, since the increasing popularity of social are shared on social media in the form of reviews. It is estimated that
media has resulted in a rushed reaction from many businesses that 78% of Internet users in the UK report reading product/service reviews
hoped to jump on the bandwagon called social media marketing. online before buying a new technology product (Mintel, 2016), and
Particularly, the risk of over generalization of social media functions more than two thirds of consumers report that they trust online reviews

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: f.kawaf@greenwich.ac.uk (F. Kawaf), d.istanbulluoglu@bham.ac.uk (D. Istanbulluoglu).

Social media and social networking sites are often used interchangeably in the existing literature. In this paper, the term social networking sites is reserved for a
specific type of social media where users create profiles and use these to connect with others (e.g. Facebook) (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). Other social media types
include blogs, vlogs, microblogging and any user-created content, including customer reviews.

Received 30 May 2018; Received in revised form 12 January 2019; Accepted 18 February 2019
Available online 23 February 2019
0969-6989/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

(Nielsen, 2015). In addition, consumers also easily and critically share customers’ willingness to pay in varying degrees (Wu and Wu, 2016)
independent reviews of products and services alike. and also positively influence their offline purchase intentions (Flavián
However, despite this research insights into customer reviews and et al., 2016) and online purchases such as software downloads (Frick
Facebook likes, it remains unclear whether their role is relevant in in- and Kaimann, 2017). Consumer reviews also known to influence for-
dustry specific context. For instance, customer reviews seem to be of mation of consumers’ trust, particularly competence dimension of trust
great significance for technology products (Mintel, 2016), generalizing judgements (Stouthuysen et al., 2018). In spite of the important role of
this to clothing and fashion is problematic. Indeed, it remains unclear customer reviews as highlighted in the aforementioned literature, it is
how consumers, in the fashion industry, construct their experience of worth noting that the impact of reviews varies depending on the nature
such social media related exposure and interactions. and effectiveness of the review (Chakraborty and Bhat, 2018; Cao et al.,
Accordingly, this research critically investigates the role of social 2011; Kim and Gupta, 2012), and arguably the role of reviews may vary
media marketing in an industry-specific context. Focusing on Personal across industries and product categories. These two issues are vital in
Construct Theory (PCT) (Kelly, 1955), the perceived relevance and ef- critically understanding the impact of customer reviews, and as such
fectiveness of customer reviews and Facebook related marketing ac- they are discussed in detail below.
tivities within the fashion industry are investigated as constructed by The first issue to explore is the nature of the review and what makes
the consumers and using their own words. Our main aim is to answer a review effective. Quality of the review is one of the most important
the question: “Based on Personal Construct Theory, how do online factors that influence credibility of the review and ultimately con-
fashion shoppers construct the relevance of social media marketing sumers’ future behaviors (Chakraborty and Bhat, 2018). Cao et al.
activities in their online shopping experience?” Indeed, this question (2011) assert that the unstructured nature of online reviews can create
would then open a window of opportunity to, first, contribute to the challenges for consumers in terms of how to interpret them, thus ar-
theoretical understanding of consumer perception and online shopping guing that effective reviews must have a structure that allows ease of
experience in the social media environment by using the foundations of access and interpretation. For example, long and narrative reviews are
personal construct theory to uncover such constructs. Second, it would not perceived as helpful, but overall ranking scores are (Filieri et al.,
result in insightful implications to the field of fashion marketing, ex- 2018). In addition, research suggests that emotional expressions in re-
plaining whether social media marketing activities in the fashion in- views also influence their impact (Felbermayr and Nanopoulos, 2016).
dustry such as customer reviews and Facebook marketing are as influ- For instance, Kim and Gupta (2012) suggest that a negative review
ential as they appear to be in other industries. consisting of negative emotional expressions is perceived as less valu-
able and less influential because of the association of the negative re-
2. Literature review view with the negative state of the reviewer instead of the product or
service being reviewed.
2.1. Online customer reviews Furthermore, contextual information and reviewer details have an
effect on the impact of reviews (Hu et al., 2008; Chakraborty and Bhat,
Online customer reviews have become an essential tool on most 2018). For example, Cheng and Ho (2015) reveal that when reviewers
retailers’ and service providers’ websites. Existing research in- have a large number of followers and a higher level of expertise, their
vestigating customer reviews of products and services focuses on three reviews are perceived as being more practical and useful. Similarly,
key areas of inquiry: (1) reasons for writing reviews (e.g. Chen et al., both the average score and word count of a review are found to influ-
2011; Moe and Trusov, 2011; Schlosser, 2005), (2) reasons for reading ence sales of products (Cheng and Ho, 2015; Zhang et al., 2013). Ac-
reviews (e.g. Burton and Khammash, 2010), and (3) the effectiveness cordingly, review effectiveness is linked to a number of issues that re-
and influence of customer reviews (e.g. Chakraborty and Bhat, 2018; late to the nature of the review and its content and context, in addition
Dellarocas, Zhang and Awad, 2007; Frick and Kaimann, 2017; Folse to the influence of the reviewer's status and the dynamics of the plat-
et al., 2016; Sen and Lerman, 2007; Smith et al., 2005). Within the form.
scope of this paper, the literature that is most relevant is the latter two: The second issue relates to reviews across industries and product
examining the reasons for reading reviews and their effectiveness and categories (see Table 1 for the list of selected papers across industries).
influence on the customer. The role of reviews has been investigated in a number of industries,
Reasons for reading reviews include factors relevant to purchase showing how certain consumption practices are affected. For instance,
decision involvement (e.g. risk reduction) and product involvement reviews seem to have an influential role in the entertainment and media
(e.g. to learn about new products) (Burton and Khammash, 2010). In industry (Godes and Mayzlin, 2004), movies (Hennig-Thurau et al.,
addition, personal reasons include self-involvement for instance to ex- 2015), online book sales (Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006), bath, fragrance
pand one's general knowledge or to satisfy curiosity and social in- and beauty products (Moe and Trusov, 2011), video gaming (Frick and
volvement (e.g. belonging to an online community) (ibid). Whether Kaimann, 2017; Zhu and Zhang, 2010) and in the hospitality industry
reviews are read for personal or purchase-related reasons greatly in- (e.g. Tripadvisor) (Bigné et al., 2016; Fong et al., 2017; Tan et al., 2018)
fluences how such reviews then impact on the customers. As existing literature focused on reviews within several industries
In addition to exploring the motivations for reading customer re- such as the media and entertainment industry (e.g. TV shows and
views, a growing body of literature discusses the influence of these movies), the hospitality industry (e.g. restaurants and hotels), as well as
reviews and their effectiveness for business and consumers. Factors that video games, books, bath, fragrance and beauty products; the role of
contribute to the effectiveness of online customer reviews include (1) reviews is rooted within the industry context and their influence as such
providing fast, easy and almost instantaneous communication which is should be understood in light of said industry. It is therefore important
accessible by the public and (2) easy identification of content with the to consider the role of customer reviews within this specific industry,
help of search engines (Hong and Lee, 2005; Sparks and Browning, and this paper focuses on the online fashion industry. Research in this
2010). As reviews are made in the public domain, this may become a area is extremely limited, with papers only briefly referring to reviews
major concern for managers in the case of negative reviews and an but with a completely different research focus (e.g. Dawson and Kim,
important opportunity in the case of positive ones (e.g. Purnawirawan 2010). It is, indeed, vital for research on online customer reviews to
et al., 2015). specifically focus on the fashion industry, given that fashion and
Research shows that customer reviews influence product sales in clothing are associated with high emotional involvement (Levy, 1959),
certain industries such as books, restaurants and technology products as they may carry strong symbolic meaning that relates to identity and
(e.g. Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006; Frick and Kaimann, 2017; Moe and social status in addition to their use as a commodity of core value
Trusov, 2011; Zhang et al., 2013). Moreover, reviews also influence (McCracken, 1986; Solomon and Douglas, 1987).

Table 1
Selected literature across industries.
Key Study Social Media Type/ Website Industry Type of Industry Country Data Type and Sample Size Method
(Hedonic or.

– Sen and Lerman (2007); – Anonymous e-retailer website Generic Products such as digital Hedonic and – Not specified – Reviews of 100 items on retail – Contingency Table
– Burton and Khammash (2010) – Ciao.co.uk cameras, books and movies utilitarian – United Kingdom website, 137 MBA students and 120 Analysis
F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu

MBA students Regression

– 25 Ciao users ANOVA
– Template Analysis
– Smith, Menon and Sivakumar – Simulation-based Experiment Restaurants Hedonic – Not specified – 252 UG students and 150 UG students – ANOVA
(2005); – ipeen.com.tw – Taiwan – 983 reviews Logistic Regression
– Cheng and Ho (2015); – Yelp – Not specified – 10.000 Yelp users Linear Regression
– Singh, Nishant and Kitchen – Simulation-based Experiment – China – 107 students (+ 36 students for pilot – Content Analysis and
(2016) study) and 205 online panel members Hierarchical Regression
– Tan et al. (2018) (+ 120 members for pilot study) – Regression
– Mediation analysis
– Chen, Fay and Wang (2011) – Epinions.com; Car and Driver; Automobiles Hedonic and – Not specified – Reviews posted in 2001 and 2008 – Statistical Analysis
Autobytel, MSN, yahoo utilitarian
– Schlosser (2005); – Simulation-based Experiment Movies Hedonic – English speaking – 154 UG students and 137 UG students – ANCOVA
– Dellarocas, Gao and Narayan – Yahoo! Movies participants – 520 reviews in 2002 and 715 reviews – Forecasting Model
(2010); – Twitter – United States in 2007–8 – Incident Analysis
– Hennig-Thurau, Wiertz and – North America – Approximately 4 million tweets and
Feldhaus (2015) 600 Twitter users
– Folse et al. (2016) – Simulation-based Experiment Laptops Utilitarian – Not specified – 161 undergraduate students and 213 – Structural Equation Model

Amazon Turk users
– Moe and Trusov (2011) – Anonymous retailer website Bath, Fragrance and Beauty Hedonic – Not specified – 3801 ratings – Hazard Modeling
– Godes and Mayzlin (2004) – Usenet TV Shows Hedonic – United States – Usenet posts about 41 TV shows – Regression
– Bickart and Schindler (2001) – Anonymous corporate websites and Cycling, Exercise Equipment, Utilitarian – Not specified – 61 corporate website or consumer – MANOVA
anonymous consumer forums Nutritional Supplements, forum
Photography and Stereo
– Casaló et al. (2015); – Centraldereservas.com Hotels Hedonic – Spain – 92 travel agency customers and 165 – T-test
– Sánchez‐Franco, Navarro‐- – Booking.com – Spain customers ANOVA
García and Rondán‐Cataluña – Trip Advisor – United States (Las – 19,318 reviews Omega squared
2016 Vegas) – 500 reviews – Text-mining
– Fong, Lei and Law (2017) – Content Analysis Log-linear
– Zhang, Ma and Cartwright – Amazon.com Cameras Utilitarian – United States – 63,121 online reviews – Multi‐regression
– Flavián, Gurrea and Orús – Simulation-based Experiment Smartphones and mobile Utilitarian - Not specified – 63 college students and 101 students – ANOVA
(2016) applications – T-test
Logistic Regression
– Zhu and Zhang (2010) – Gamespot.com (also known as Video Games Hedonic – United States – 220 games – Regression
– Frick and Kaimann (2017) videogames.com) – Not specified – 32 applications, 5792 observations – Regression
– Apple App Store
– Hu, Liu and Zhang (2008) – Amazon.com Books, DVDs and Videos Hedonic – Not specified – Amazon reviews of 16,256 products – Regression
Stouthuysen et al. (2018) – Simulation-based Experiment DVDs Hedonic – West Europe – 336 students Structural Equation Model
Hierarchical Regression
– Cao, Duan and Gan (2011) – Download.com Software Programs Hedonic and – Not specified – 3460 reviews – Text mining and text
utilitarian preprocessing
Logistic Regression
(continued on next page)
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153
F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

Indeed, the role and usefulness of customer reviews are linked to the

– Structural Equation Model

type of product or service being reviewed (e.g. hedonic vs. utilitarian)
(Sen and Lerman, 2007). Li and Gery (2000) distinguish between
– Tobit Regression homogenous and heterogeneous products, arguing that the former are
easier to buy online. Therefore, unlike standardized books, CDs, or
airline tickets that can be bought online or offline with hardly any
variation, clothing may have variations in attributes such as style, color,

texture or size when presented on a website and when finally, in the

hands of the customer. However, in the case of products that are he-
donistic and/or heterogeneous in nature, such as fashion items, the
relevance of reviews remains unclear.
Accordingly, this paper's first focus is on the role of reviews in on-
– 1179 users of three selected e-

line fashion shopping experiences to understand how they are con-

Data Type and Sample Size

structed by the online fashion shoppers. Reasons for our selection of

fashion products are twofold. First, fashion is one of the most popular
industries leading in online shopping (Ashman and Vazquez, 2012;
commerce sites

Kawaf and Tagg, 2012; Perry et al., 2013), therefore, presenting tai-
– 1608 reviews

lored results that are specific to advancing this industry is important.

Second, despite the high popularity of online fashion shopping this
industry was not fully explored in terms of the usefulness online re-
views. Dennis et al. (2010) is one of the very few empirical papers
studying in part the issue of customer reviews in the fashion industry.
They argue that within a social shopping community site, being able to
– United Kingdom

read customer reviews and receive style advice improved users’ pur-
chasing choices (Dennis et al., 2010). It is, however, not clear how
online reviews influence consumers in general as their study's main
– India

focus is on social shopping rather than online retailing. Dawson and

Kim (2010) also briefly advocate the importance of customer reviews in
online fashion shopping as part of a larger study, but their argument is
based on Wagner (2008), which does not specifically report on the
Type of Industry

importance of customer reviews in the specific context of online fashion

(Hedonic or.

shopping. Instead, Wagner's (2008) report is made within the broad


context of online retailing as a whole.

2.2. Role of facebook in the online fashion industry

tablet, printer, headphones and
Consumer electronics including

Facebook is the most popular social media, the second most visited
website in the world (Alexa, 2018). With more than 2 billion monthly
active users, over 60 million businesses have set up Facebook pages to
communicate with their target (Facebook, 2018); thus, transforming
businesses (Vladlena et al., 2015) and creating an additional marketing
communications channel (Burton and Soboleva, 2011). The novelty of


this channel is that businesses can use it to engage and collaborate with
their consumers to encourage them to share and circulate positive
sentiments, which then will increase the visibility of the business
(Smith et al., 2012).
– Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon

Research identifies that there are four main reasons for users to
participate in Facebook pages: socializing, entertainment, self-status
Social Media Type/ Website

seeking and information seeking (Park et al., 2009). As consumers can

also create their own content and share this with others, they now have
the power of controlling the conversation (Abedin and Jafarzadeh,
– -Amazon.co.uk

2013). When consumers engage with brand-related content on Face-

book, their online behaviors express their ideal self rather than their

actual self (Hollenbeck and Kaikati, 2012; Kytö and McGookin, 2017).
This means that users shape their behavior in a way that they believe is
the ideal way of self-presentation. Smith et al. (2012) shows that con-
sumers create apparel-related branded content on Facebook to support
– Chakraborty and Bhat (2018)
– Agnihotri and Bhattacharya

their self-presentation on profile pages. These findings signal the im-

portance for consumers to engage with some brands and to avoid
Table 1 (continued)

In the context of fashion, consumers can interact with a Facebook

page through various activities. These activities can take many shapes
depending on the content type the company creates on their page. For
Key Study


example, if a company shares photos or videos (e.g. advertisement or

behind the scenes), consumers can view these, like them, comment on
them or share them on their profiles. In general, activities available for

F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

consumers include commenting on the posts (e.g. text, photo, video, and consumer research, the method has been adopted and adapted both
link or other), sharing the posts with their own networks, watching qualitatively and quantitatively as an exploratory tool, a tool for eval-
videos, sharing own photos of the products (e.g. outfit), interacting with uating choices or decisions, or a method of inquiry into human per-
polls, clicking the links to obtain more information, clicking the links to ception, emotion and cognition (for example, see Kawaf and Tagg,
purchase products or liking the page, which is sometimes referred to as 2017; Lemke, Clark and Wilson, 2011; Marsden and Littler, 2000;
becoming a member or fan of the brand. Richardson et al., 2002; Tagg and Wilson, 2012; Walker et al., 2003,
Liking a business page on Facebook is recognized as consumers’ among others). Indeed, researchers such as Kawaf and Tagg (2017)
method of identifying brands that they like, and is believed to lead to advocate the use of PCT for studying all human experiences and par-
higher loyalty. As a result, consumption-related activities on Facebook ticularly digital customer experiences as the approach allows a level of
become part of social life and are used for personal and social gratifi- individuality and personal understanding of such experiences. As such,
cations such as seeking self-status or information. Businesses can use PCT is adopted in this research as a suitable humanistic and structured
these pages to develop relationships with customers. In order to develop approach to studying how online fashion shoppers construct the re-
such relationships, they can provide useful content about the business, levance of social media marketing activities in their online shopping
create interactive environments where users can also post and feel part experience.
of a community (Abedin and Jafarzadeh, 2013), and can use informal The methodological companion of PCT is the repertory grid tech-
communication styles which increases the brand trust for familiar nique. This is a technique that has been developed by Kelly (1955) to
brands (Gretry et al., 2017). Companies can provide exclusive content help the individual to unveil his or her constructs and experiences.
or monetary incentives on their Facebook page and limit this content to Unlike other types of measurement, the grid does not impose any
those who like the page. This may help to increase likes on their pages. content dimensions on the participants. Instead, the participants are
When companies create their content on Facebook, they mostly engage invited to use their own words to construct their experiences and their
in five types of activity: direct marketing of products or services, pro- understanding of these experiences (Bannister and Mair, 1968).
motion of sponsored events, surveys, informational announcements and Therefore, in order to critically explore consumers’ perceptions of social
fun postings (Dekay, 2012). Consumers who have liked the page will be media marketing and their relevance within the online fashion industry,
notified about business posts on their homepage (i.e. news feed) a form of repertory grid structured interviews was used as discussed
whenever they log in to Facebook. It is known that among the posts that below.
include a textual status message or a photo receives more attention
from consumers compared to content containing only a link or video 3.1. Data collection method
(Kwok and Yu, 2013). This way, business use Facebook pages to
showcase their products akin to traditional product exhibitions (Athwal For the purpose of addressing the research question, in-depth in-
et al., 2018). However, the relationship between Facebook likes and terviews were conducted. In the first part of the interview, repertory
consumer behavior is not clear. It is possible that some consumers who grids were produced, the second part then followed an unstructured in-
have liked a brand on Facebook do not actually interact with it, depth interview style. In this section, the method of repertory grid
whereas others who have not liked the brand might be the loyal cus- production is further explained.
tomers of that brand (Wallace et al., 2014). Every repertory grid consists of a topic, elements, constructs, and
This literature review has highlighted the existing discussion with ratings. As Jankowicz explains: “people have constructs about anything
regard to using Facebook as a business and communication channel as and everything. A grid is always conducted about a particular topic,
well as critically reviewing the nature and relevance of customer re- with the intention of eliciting just those constructs which the person
views across industries. Therefore, in addition to exploring the role of uses in making sense of that particular realm of discourse - that parti-
customer reviews, this paper investigates the case of social media pages, cular slice of their experience” (2005, p.12). The grids studied here
particularly Facebook. The second aim of this study is to investigate were collected for a wider research project focusing on the online
how customers perceive brands’ social media marketing activities shopping experience. The participants were asked to choose the ele-
within the context of the online fashion industry. It is worth noting that ments of the grids with respect to different web atmospherics and
this research has not included the use of influencers or fashion haulers characteristics. Once the elements were chosen, construct elicitation
as it focused mainly on anonymous reviews and Facebook pages of began. Any means of element comparison can result in construct eli-
brands rather than those of influencers. citations (e.g., dyads, triads, etc.). However, Kelly (1955) suggests the
use of triads as the most appropriate method. This study follows East-
3. Methodology erby-Smith et al.’s Minimum Context Card Form in which “the cards are
normally drawn randomly from the pack and triads are presented until
This paper adopts the theoretical foundation of Kelly's (1955) per- time runs out or the person ‘dries up’” (1996, p.9).
sonal construct theory (PCT) in order to address the research question: In this research, three elements cards were picked by each partici-
“Based on Personal Construct Theory, how do online fashion shoppers pant, who was asked to say in which way two of these cards (elements/
construct the relevance of social media marketing activities in their websites) were similar and different from the third, in terms of their
online shopping experience?” own experience. The participant's answer for the similar (common
The rationale for adopting PCT is related to the affordances of such factor) between two of the cards was recorded on the very left-hand
approach. PCT is a humanistic approach of inquiry that accounts for the side of the grid as the “emergent” pole of the construct. In contrast, the
role of the person as a whole, and sees an individual as one who is participant's answer regarding how the two cards differed from the
capable of learning from his or her experiences and constructions of the third was recorded on the right-hand side of the same row to represent
world. As such, PCT is presented as a suitable approach to exploring the “implicit” pole of the same construct. After eliciting the construct,
how individual consumers construct the relevance and importance of each participant rated all the elements of the grid on a 5-point Likert
reviews and social media marketing efforts in their own experiences scale of the construct itself (emergent pole represents rating of 1 and
using their own words. implicit pole represents rating of 5).
PCT is an individual's personal inquiry and a psychology of the Another construct elicitation process called “laddering/pyramiding”
human quest (Bannister, 1970). It views humans as experts in their own follows, wherein “the person is able to indicate the hierarchical in-
experiences, and therefore as the best source to guide us into under- tegration of their personal construct system” (Bannister et al., 1968,
standing their experiences in a holistic manner (Bannister and p.50). In this process, in-depth questioning about the initial construct
Fransella, 1986). Whilst PCT is not a popular approach in marketing (“why” and “in what way”) results in further constructs (Jankowicz,

F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

2005). Table 2 below shows an example of the resulting grid.

As seen in Table 2, the elements of the grid appear at the top of the

Only buy if the product is

grid, in this particular example these include: Search Facilities, Cus-

The minimum basics

tomer Reviews, Catwalk Videos, Product Image +/3D, Web Layout,
Social Network Pages, etc. The elicited constructs include: (It brings a

Implicit Pole

good alternative to store service – the minimum basics), (Glad and

really good

High risk
happy – disappointed), and so on. The ratings then indicate for each of

the constructs above how the elements were rated. For instance,
looking at the first line of the grid, the construct is (It brings a good
alternative to store service – the minimum basics). The rating of 5 for
Info on Model

‘search facility’ indicates it is rated toward the ‘minimum basics’ im-

plicit pole of the construct, whereas ‘web design’ is rated as 1 indicating

it relates to the emergent pole of the construct (e.g. ‘it brings a good



alternative to store service’) and so on.

In addition, accompanying the grids, is the transcribed in-depth
interviews that include the conversations in relation to all these con-
Chat with

structs as discussed by the participants. This paper is part of a wider

research project and so some of the elements of the grid (e.g. search



facilities, images, catwalk videos, etc.) are not included in this parti-
cular study.

3.2. Research sample




Sampling techniques are classified into two distinctive types;


probability and non-probability samples (Saunders et al., 2009). While


the former relies on probability theory, it is the latter that is widely




used in qualitative research mostly in the form of purposive or judg-

mental sampling (Creswell, 2009; Goulding, 1999). Using purposive
Social Network

sampling, members are chosen based on the judgement of the re-

searcher and in relation to the research problem. The selection criteria

included that a person must have recurrent experiences of online




fashion shopping, including purchase and post-purchase experiences, in

order to participate. In addition, the participants’ familiarity with a
number of online fashion retailers was an important criterion in order

to avoid discussions that revolve around a single brand. This also ex-



cluded fashion shopping on generic retailing websites such as Amazon

and eBay due to the wide variety of product categories that can be
Product Image

found on such websites. The sampling approach is in line with Goul-

ding's rationale that “the participants are selected because they have
+ /3D

‘lived’ the experience under study, and therefore sampling is planned

and purposive” (1999, p 868).



A total of 25 individual repertory grid interviews were conducted

(See appendix A for a grid example), of which 23 were recorded and

analyzed. Most of the participants were within an age range of 18–34


years old with 76% females to 24% males reflecting on the already



established higher popularity of online fashion shopping among females

more than males (Mintel, 2017). Appendix A presents a detailed table of
participants information, all the participants were recruited and inter-
viewed in the United Kingdom where online shopping is in high po-

pularity. For the purpose of this paper, the transcribed interviews along
with the repertory grids were analyzed using thematic analysis, the



results are explained and discussed in detail below.

Grid Elements

4. Results and discussion


4.1. Customer Reviews: No black and white; shades of grey




The research findings challenge the effectiveness and relevance of

It brings a good alternative to

customer reviews in online fashion shopping and show their fluid

Construct's Emergent Pole

Make me easily buy more

Repertory Grid Example.

nature. Although different views and comments were made regarding

customer reviews, a clear voice was unavoidably noticeable in the data
store service

that the relevance of customer reviews is a fluid concept and no fra-

Glad and happy

Vital, Essential

mework could capture this fluidity rather it is best understood in terms


of how the individuals express their views.

Low risk

At ease
Table 2

Various examples could be used to illustrate this point from the

data, for instance one participant suggests: “I don’t look for reviews. See if

F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

I’m buying something to do with technology, like more expensive, I’d look … Accordingly, despite positive and negative reviews, with the in-
but not for clothes” (Joe, Interview 06). Another participant, Sara, creasingly easy and free options of returning unwanted items, the risks
comments: “Customer reviews … I’d never actually looked at that at all associated with online fashion shopping are decreasing. However, the
(…) If I found something I really like and I watched the catwalk video of it practicality and convenience of delivery and returns do not mask some
and I read product information and I liked it then I’d just go ahead and buy of the tension created by negative reviews; one participant explains:
it. I would maybe look for customer reviews in something to do with like “Negative reviews make me disappointed … tension between me liking the
technology or something like that but not for clothes. Because, everybody is product and the negative reviews … I might go to actual store. If I really like
different anyway. Not everybody like the same clothes that I like so it is not it, I might take a chance … it is also about the price. […] I’d feel guilty if I
something I’d look at. […] Even if there are negative reviews, I’d still take the buy something that customer reviews said it wasn’t good. Hahaha” (Lin,
risk especially if I’d been on the website before. It's not really the end of the Interview 08).
world. I can always return it. […] It might make me feel uneasy or un- The emotional states Lin expressed in the case of encountering ne-
certain, it would be at the back of my mind but I would probably still buy it” gative customer reviews despite liking the product are feelings of guilt,
(Sara, Interview 04). tension and disappointment. However, in spite of these emotions her
Such quotes challenge the current view of an influential role of decision remains the same, she would buy the products and deal with
customer reviews in the shopping experience. This comes surprising the consequences later. As previously discussed in the literature review
given that existing research has strongly emphasized the importance section, emotional expressions in online customer reviews influence
and essential role of reviews year after year (e.g. Bickart and Schindler, how such reviews are perceived (e.g. Felbermayr and Nanopoulos,
2001; Dawson and Kim, 2010; Dellarocas et al., 2007; Felbermayr and 2016; Kim and Gupta, 2012). Accordingly, the review's value of in-
Nanopoulos, 2016). Moreover, by re-examining Table 2 of the example formation is argued to be compromised when using negative emotional
grid, the ratings of the elements (reviews and social media pages) seem expressions.
to constantly attract a rating of 3 further supporting this notion of the As the literature review highlighted the role of online reviews across
fluid role of review in the online fashion shopping experience. a number of industries, it is interesting to see how the fashion industry
By focusing specifically on reviews in the context of fashion rather compares. Whilst research on reviews in the entertainment industry (TV
than a generic understanding of reviews across all product and service and movies) suggests that reviews have an important influence on
categories this research presents the following findings as an explana- consumer behavior and choice (e.g. Godes and Mayzlin, 2004; Hennig-
tion to the lack of perceived relevance of reviews in online fashion Thurau et al., 2015), this research does not support that the same would
shopping experience. apply in the case of fashion shopping. In addition, unlike the direct
influence on buying decisions in the sales of bath, fragrance and beauty
4.1.1. Fashion and the individuality corollary products (Moe and Trusov, 2011), anonymous reviews of fashion pro-
One explanation of the fluidity and perceived lack of relevance of ducts do not influence whether or not a customer will buy the reviewed
reviews in online fashion shopping experience can be explained by products. Some reviews may appear to have informative values that
Kelly's PCT individuality corollary; “People have different experiences help the customer choose between sizes or colors, rather than influen-
and therefore construe events in different ways” (1955, p46). cing whether or not they buy the product. In this instance, the influence
Individuality in fashion could be best explored in relation to self-pre- of reviews may have a similar effect to that of the tourism industry, in
sentation and identity (Levy, 1959; McCracken, 1986; Solomon and some cases, in which customers use the reviews as an aid for in-
Douglas, 1987), evident in the participants’ comments ‘fashion is very formation searching (Smith et al., 2005).
personal’ (Joe, Interview 06) and ‘everybody is different anyway’ (Sara, Having discussed the role of customer reviews and their relevance in
Interview 04). The individuality corollary explains the theoretical un- online fashion shopping, the next section discusses the role of social
derpinning of such views; people experience fashion differently, and networking business pages on Facebook and explores their relevance to
indeed people have different tastes, styles, personalities, body shapes online fashion shopping.
and preferences; thus, making the reviews made by others less relevant
and less important. 4.2. Facebook for business or online begging for likes?
However, the relevance of reviews might be different when the re-
views are made by opinion leaders, influencers, or fashion haulers due The findings of this research reveal an issue of a perceived lack of
to their influential status rather than the power of customer reviews in sociality on social media as well as a desire for exclusivity in fashion
general (Cheng and Ho, 2015) as credibility of the source is an im- choices as discussed below:
portant factor that influences consumers (Chakraborty and Bhat, 2018).
Accordingly, despite existing research views on fashion as a social 4.2.1. The lack of exclusivity in a connected world
phenomenon (Kang, 2009), this research shows, by focusing on a theory Sharing on social media, namely Facebook, proved less popular than
of personality, that fashion is closely relevant to the individuality of the expected. The participants in this research seem to intentionally avoid
shopper and how they construe their experiences. Fashion is down to sharing on Facebook the fashion products they intend to buy. Across all
the individual and their ‘liking’ of garments, an issue that is highly interviews there was no indication that any of the participants used (or
subjective. Therefore, many shoppers seem to place much less value on will be using) the option to share a product or an outfit on Facebook.
customer reviews on apparel websites. Indeed, the structure and functionality of Facebook and most fashion
shopping websites allow users to easily share their outfits with their
4.1.2. The lure of free returns friends and network.
In addition to the theoretical concept of the individuality corollary This sharing function has proved popular across various product
that challenges the relevance of customer reviews due to the fluidity categories, for example, sharing an experience of eating in a café or a
and individuality of fashion experiences, another simple explanation is restaurant, or checking in to a hotel or a holiday destination have been
given by the participants themselves: “even if there are negative reviews, very popular in recent years. Yet, sharing of fashion products and
I’d still take the risk especially if I’d been on the website before. It's not really outfits have not been as popular. One participant suggests “I don’t want
the end of the world. I can always return it” (Sara, Interview 04). Indeed, anyone to know where I buy my stuff from, or how much they cost me” (Jill,
the practicalities of a prospering online fashion retailing sector is the Interview 12). Another participant, Liz, looked at the product page for a
need for easy and often free return policies. Pure players have re- T-shirt she was considering buying, she noticed the links to Facebook
cognized that, albeit expensive, easy and free returns are a game and Twitter, and explained that she has never seen it before and that
changer for most online retailers (National Retail Association, 2016) she would not interact with it (Liz, Interview 15).

F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

An explanation to the lack of interest in sharing on Facebook is their online fashion shopping experience.
explained in another comment from a participant saying: “I have all One of the illusions of the virtual world of social networking is that
sorts of ‘people’ on my Facebook, but I will never ask their opinion on my fans follow pages because they ‘like’ them, and are attached to them;
clothes!” (Isla, Interview 24). The nature of fashion and its links to that fans are proud of their relationship with the brands they like that
identity, class and self-presentation (Hollenbeck and Kaikati, 2012; they want to show this to their friends and relatives. However, as dis-
Smith et al., 2012) explains the desire for exclusivity in fashion shop- cussed in the literature review, the relationship between Facebook likes
ping. Sharing fashion choices on Facebook intervenes with the shoppers and consumer behavior remains unclear. This research therefore con-
need to maintain exclusivity in their purchase decisions. firms Wallace et al.’s (2014) stance on the possibility that some con-
Hollenbeck and Kaikati (2012) argue that the online behavior of sumers who like a brand on Facebook may not actually interact with it,
customers on Facebook expresses their ideal self rather than their actual whereas others who have not liked it may be its most loyal customers.
self. The participants’ rationale for not sharing included comments that This might be one of the examples where consumers use Facebook for
referred to not wanting to compromise their image among their con- hedonic rather than utilitarian motivations, as explained in the litera-
nections. On the other hand, although the findings of this paper do not ture (Xu et al., 2012) and it is indeed strongly supported by Gerlitz and
show that consumers share apparel content on Facebook as Smith et al. Helmond's (2013) like economy.
(2012) suggest, an explanation is perhaps available in the same work,
as they link this to self-presentation, and so avoiding sharing outfits 5. Conclusion
may be for the same reason. It is the need to maintain exclusivity in
fashion choices, withholding information on where an outfit is from or This research critically investigated the role of social media mar-
how much it is bought for has long been associated with fashion keting in an industry-specific context. Based on Personal Construct
shopping. Therefore, it is thought that perhaps sharing outfit choices Theory, the research contributes to the field of fashion marketing and
may compromise this exclusivity making a fashion choice less unique. social media by unraveling some of the many fashion specific dimen-
sions of online shopping experiences and its links to social Media.
4.2.2. Fashion in the like economy Unlike existing research that suggest a high relevance of both customer
Brand pages on Facebook seem to attract a large number of fans and reviews and Facebook marketing in several industries such as en-
followers. For instance, the Facebook page of ASOS.com had attracted tertainment, hospitality, beauty (e.g. Bigné et al., 2016; Chevalier and
more than 5.3 million likes as of early 2018. The findings of this re- Mayzlin, 2006; Godes and Mayzlin, 2004; Moe and Trusov, 2011), this
search questions the influence of such likes and argues against their research brings different insights suggesting that, in the fashion in-
relevance. Despite liking business Facebook pages, a number of parti- dustry, the relevance of such activities is uniquely different and worthy
cipants in this research showed no direct link between liking such pages of further investigation.
and how they viewed a brand. Even those who like some pages ex- Due to the nature of fashion and its association with identity, social
plained motivations for doing so do not necessarily relate to being ‘fans’ links, and self-presentation, it seems that conventional uses of social
of a brand. For instance, Steph expressed her detailed perspective on media activities proved less effective. Specifically, this research shows
this matter: “I follow a couple (…) it is useful cuz it just comes up on your that the perceived relevance of customer reviews in online fashion
homepage [Newsfeed] and you can kinda almost browsing the website shopping is far from distinctive black and white, and that the fluid
without actually going on the website. You can see what's new in and if nature of online shopping experience as supported by Kawaf and Tagg
you’re sitting on the bus and you’re looking through Facebook on your (2017), resonates with this lack of relevance of reviews. The research
phone, you can just look at things. It's not like you’re actually shopping, so I presented two explanations for this, one links to ‘fashion and the in-
think social network pages are quite a good idea. And it can, it lets you know dividuality corollary’ (Kelly, 1955) and another less complex one
about competitions and I (for some) if you like them on Facebook and enter linking to the ‘lure of free returns’ and the current built mechanism of
the code using your Facebook page you get 10% off! So, umm, probably good easy and almost free delivery and returns resulting in drastically re-
for things like that” (Steph, Interview 16). duced risks.
This quote reveals intrinsic motivations relating to learning about In addition, in terms of Facebook marketing, the value of liking a
fashion trends and staying up to date on what a fashion brand has to business page is challenged in this research. Whilst few indicated that
offer. There is a factor of convenience in having continuous access to following such pages helps them stay up to date on fashion trends and
the fashion world even without intentionally starting an online shop- latest offerings, a strong voice suggested that the ‘like’ behavior loses
ping task. This motivation, however, fades over time for most liked relevance over time and that sometimes it is only due to financial
pages due to overcrowded newsfeeds and declining relevance over motivations such as accessing discounts and vouchers. This is supported
time. In this instance, liking or following a page on Facebook does not by Gerlitz and Helmond's (2013) concept of the like economy and the
necessarily equate to any long-term engagement or exposure; this in- lost sociality of social media. Moreover, the issue of sharing outfits with
deed is supported by Gerlitz and Helmond's (2013) concept of the ‘Like’ the Facebook network has been found to be rarely relevant or effective
economy and the declining relevance of such behaviors over time. The to any of the participants of this study. Fueled by the desire to maintain
continuous push by brands to initiate a ‘like’ behavior also appear as an exclusivity in their fashion choices and outfits the participants of this
unpleasant distraction of sociality, one participant, Jack, called this study showed no interest in this act of sharing.
type of push for likes a form of “online begging” in which brands are Accordingly, this research contributes to a clear understanding of
mindlessly begging for more likes despite any further value or relevance the perceived relevance of social media marketing activities, namely,
of such likes (Jack, Interview 22). customer reviews and Facebook pages in online fashion shopping. In
In other instances, liking and following Facebook pages of fashion light of the rise of popularity of social media marketing, it is apparent
brands is linked to financial motivations. For example, some partici- that many brands and businesses have rushed in to catch the technology
pants who followed certain brands on Facebook were motivated by wave in recent years, leaving behind any planned marketing and
access to discounts, vouchers, and competitions resulting in financial branding strategy. Even though one could argue that businesses have
gains. However, despite this, major resistance to social media mar- been doing such activities for years, this does not guarantee any value
keting activities was apparent throughout the data, and mostly the of such uses. Indeed, after years of embedding star ratings and customer
participants did not believe in the so-called ‘social’ aspect of it. Many reviews as well as links to sharing outfits on Facebook, the major
viewed it as another suspect way for companies to push their adver- fashion retailer ASOS has recently launched a new website (ASOS,
tising messages onto them, a form of online begging; while others dis- 2018) omitting all reviews and Facebook links and focusing on learning
trusted customer reviews or at least thought they were of no value to and social interactions for fashion in a community based forum on a

F. Kawaf and D. Istanbulluoglu Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 144–153

Table A1
Table of participants’ profiles.
No. Demographics Browse for clothes Shop for clothes Familiar fashion websites

3 Female (18–24) year old Very! Once a week! Very often!! I love shopping online Many!! Rather all.
4 Female (18–24) year old Everyday Once/twice a month 5–6
5 Female (18–24) year old 2–3 times a week At least once a week 10
6 Male (> 50) year old 3–4 times a month 6–8 times a year 3–4
7 Male (18–24) Once a week (sometimes even more) Once every 1 or 2 months 10–12
8 Female (18–24) year old Almost everyday 5–10 times a year 8
9 Female (18–24) year old Around once a month It depends how much money I have 4–5
10 Female (18–24) year old Once a week or more 3–4 times a month 15 or more
11 Female (25–35) year old Everyday Every week 20 +
12 Female (25–35) year old Regularly Rarely 6–7
13 Male (18–24) year old 2–3 times a week Once a month 6
14 Female (18–24) year old 2–3 times a week Once a month 10
15 Female (18–24) year old Everyday Once a week 20
16 Female (18–24) year old Once/twice a week Once a month 5–10
17 Male (18–24) year old 1–2 times a week 1–2 times every 2–3 months 10
18 Female (18–24) year old Once or twice per day Once a week 10
19 Female (18–24) year old 3 times a week Once a month 7
20 Female (36–50) year old Almost every week Every month Too many (over 30)
21 Male (18–24) year old 3 Times a week Once a month 9
22 Male (18–24) year old Weekly Every few months 15
23 Female (18–24) year old Once every 2– 3 weeks (less or more depending on my needs) Every 1–2 months 3–4
24 Female (18–24) year old Daily Fortnightly At least three
25 Female (25–35) year old Once a week Once every (~3) months 10

separate part of the website steering away from conventional star rat- social media pages, or the options to share products on one's timeline.
ings and anonymous reviews. Other social media, such as platforms that are not connected to a re-
Since this study adopted a research design with individual partici- tailer website, are important topics for investigation to further under-
pants who were experienced in online fashion shopping, its findings can stand the role of social media in online fashion shopping. Examples of
only be regarded as relevant to this population, and cannot be extended these include blogs and YouTube vlogs led by ‘fashion haulers’. Future
to novice shoppers who are unfamiliar with online fashion shopping. research may further incorporate the influence of fashion haulers and
Moreover, this paper used purposive sampling to identify candidates the effectiveness of their integration into online fashion websites.
with prior recurrent experience of online fashion shopping, a decision
which might arguably influence the generalizability of the findings; an
issue that further research should address. This study is also limited to Declarations of interest
examining customers’ perception of social media activities that are di-
rectly linked to a brand or a business, such as customer reviews, brand None.

Appendix A. – Repertory grid example

See Appendix Table A1.

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