UCSP Quarter 1 NOTES
UCSP Quarter 1 NOTES
UCSP Quarter 1 NOTES
Anthropology started as a Sociology emerged as an Archeology refers to the Some fields are social
science during the time of academic field right at the study of dead culture organization, social
did it
exploration when European height of Industrial (religion, social system, psychology, applied
start? language, how they dress, sociology, and human
countries started to colonize Revolution in Europe
what they considered as which mobilized the entire foods, beliefs, traditions, ecology.
primitive societies where population in a way that etc).
people were believed to be had never been before in
savages and barbaric. human history. These era
had brought great Goals The goals of anthropology The goals of Sociology are
Anthropology started as the changes in the way people are the following: the following:
study of non-European live in a society. See the commonalities Obtain possible
people by European people among people theories and
(outward). Sociology started as the (tradition, language, principles about
study of European society kinship, etc). society as well as
During their colonial by European people Look at what makes us various aspects of
encounter with these (inward). the same to social life.
people, Europeans started to understand more about Study the nature of
make a written records During that time, human nature. humanity to further
about non-Europeans. They emerging institutions Discover what makes examine our roles
focus on kinship, language, arose and replaced the people different from within a society.
race, religion, cultural old ones. People saw the each other in order to Appreciate that all
perceptions, and others. importance of studying understand and things in society are
these emerging preserve diversity interdependent.
institutions and how they Produce new Expose our minds to
started and what impact knowledge and new different perspectives
they could make to an theories about in attaining truth
individual and the new mankind and behaviour
society in general. Look at one’s own
culture more
During these years, people were nomads and able to use EARLY CIVILIZATION and RISE of the STATE
simple tools and weapons made of unpolished stone.
The caves served as their shelter. Ancient State and Civilization
One of the earliest states and civilizations was found in the
Similarly, this was the time when people discovered to use Fertile Crescent which is known as the Mesopotamian
the fire, through the use of stone, for their protection civilization. The word Mesopotamia is a Greek word for
against cold temperature and to cook their own food. “Land between two rivers” which is often referred to as the
cradle of civilization. It is the region of the Western Asia
NEOLITIC PERIOD located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
It is known as the Fertile Crescent where the first
Likewise, the term “Neolithic” also comes from the same evidence of agriculture was also found. Here
archaeologist and from the Greek word “neo” which the first human civilizations were taking the earliest
means new and “lithos” meaning stone or in short, steps from hunter-gatherer society into settled
the “New Stone Age” which was happened for about community
10,000 B.C. In this period, the Cro Magnon disappeared
and the new people who are considered the modern MODERN STATE AND CIVILIZATION
man appeared. In the European continent, several states and civilization
grew tremendously over centuries. In England, around
The Neolithic Revolution is also called as the First 1500s, most of the people lived in small villages. They
Agricultural Revolution. During this period, there was a paid tithes to their feudal landlords. Henry VII won the
wide-scale transition of many human cultures from a War of the Roses in England, which led into what is
lifestyle of hunting and gathering to of agriculture known as the Tudor dynasty, and begun the
and settlement kind of society which eventually led to development of the English nation-state.
population increase. People depend on domesticated plants
and animals. They learned to create such crafts as pottery In Spain in the year 1492, Spanish monarchs Ferdinand
and weaving. They likewise developed boat as means of and Isabella took Spain back from the Muslim. It became
transportation and for fishing as well. the era of Spain as a global power