Unit 5 Test 1star
Unit 5 Test 1star
Unit 5 Test 1star
2 4.08 Listen again. Complete the sentences with 8 Match the verbs with their past simple forms.
numbers. (6 marks) (5 marks)
He got married 6 times! 1 break a was / were
1 He had _____ wives with the same name. 2 be b made
2 He had _____ son. 3 write c met
3 He had _____ daughters. 4 make d had
4 Marie Antoinette was _____ when she got 5 have e broke
engaged. 6 meet f wrote
5 They got married _____ years later.
6 She was _____ when she died. 9 Put the words in the correct order to make
sentences. (10 marks)
5 Complete the life events with the words in 10 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple
the box. (10 marks) affirmative of the verbs in brackets. (10 marks)
abroad born drive love married working John Lennon was (be) in a group called
The Quarrymen.
be born 1 He __________ (meet) Paul McCartney in 1957.
1 get __________ 4 learn to __________ 2 The group __________ (become) The Beatles
2 fall in __________ 5 start __________ in 1960.
3 travel __________ 3 John played the guitar and he __________
(write) songs too.
Grammar 4 He __________ (get) married twice.
6 Complete the past simple verbs. (10 marks) 5 He _________ (have) two sons.
help > h e l p e d
1 play > p _ _ y _ d 6 stop > s _ o _ _ e d
2 study > s t _ d _ e d 7 call > c _ l _ _ d
3 live > l _ v _ d 8 try > t r _ _ d
4 chat > c _ a t _ e _ 9 paint > p _ _ n t _ d
5 talk > t _ _ k e _ 10 plan > p _ a n _ e _
Unit 5 test
1 Robert did a lot of sport / plays at school.
11 Cross out the extra word. (5 marks) 2 His favourite teacher was an art / English
You no couldn’t write when you were three. teacher.
1 I did could swim when I was five. 3 He could play the guitar / write essays when
2 I couldn’t not win the game. he was five years old.
3 James could paint when he be was a child. 4 When he was 15 / In 2003 he started acting.
4 She couldn’t not answer the question. 5 He moved to the UK / USA in 2008.
5 They not could run fast.
Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Grammar _____ / 50 Reading _____ / 10 Writing _____ / 10