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Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015) 48(11): 1048–1054, http://dx.doi.org/10.

ISSN 1414-431X

Energy system contribution in a maximal incremental

test: correlations with pacing and overall performance
in a 10-km running trial
M.V. Damasceno1, L.A. Pasqua1, A.E. Lima-Silva2 and R. Bertuzzi1
Grupo de Estudos em Desempenho Aeróbio da USP (GEDAE-USP), Departamento de Esporte,
Escola de Educac¸ão Física e Esporte, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Grupo de Pesquisa sobre Ciência dos Esportes, Centro Acadêmico de Vitória, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
Vitória de Santo Antão, PE, Brasil


This study aimed to verify the association between the contribution of energy systems during an incremental exercise test (IET),
pacing, and performance during a 10-km running time trial. Thirteen male recreational runners completed
: an incremental exercise
test on a treadmill to determine the respiratory compensation point (RCP), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max ), peak treadmill speed
(PTS), and energy systems contribution; and a 10-km running time trial (T10-km) to determine endurance performance. The
fractions of the aerobic (WAER) and glycolytic (WGLYCOL) contributions were calculated for each stage based on the oxygen uptake
and the oxygen energy equivalents derived by blood lactate accumulation, respectively. Total metabolic demand (WTOTAL : ) was the
sum of these two energy systems. Endurance performance during the T10-km was moderately correlated with RCP, VO2 max and
PTS (Po0.05), and moderate-to-highly correlated with WAER, WGLYCOL, and WTOTAL (Po0.05). In addition, WAER, WGLYCOL, and
WTOTAL were also significantly correlated with running speed in the middle (Po0.01) and final (Po0.01) sections of the T10-km.
These findings suggest that the assessment of energy contribution during IET is potentially useful as an alternative variable in the
evaluation of endurance runners, especially because of its relationship with specific parts of a long-distance race.

Key words: Aerobic metabolism; Running; Maximal oxygen uptake; Anaerobic metabolism; Endurance performance


Traditionally, physiological and :mechanical variables, Recent studies have demonstrated that running
such as maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max ) (1), metabolic intensity varies considerably during middle and long-
thresholds (2), and peak treadmill speed (3), have been distance events (8) and is associated with the interplay
used to measure the performance : of long-distance athletes between energy systems. Hettinga et al. (10) found that
with different training status. VO2 max is widely accepted as aerobic metabolism increased until the end of a 4-km
the upper limit of a body’s aerobic functioning (1), which is cycling time trial, whereas anaerobic metabolism was
considered a key component of endurance capacity (4). In greatest during the last part of the race. In addition,
turn, running economy, metabolic thresholds, and peak tre- Nummela et al. (11) found a positive association between
admill speed are related to energetic efficiency (5), cellular the speed of the final lap in a 5-km running time trial and
acidosis (6), and anaerobic metabolism (7), respectively. the highest speed measured in a maximal anaerobic
Therefore, the relationship between these physiological running test. Collectively, these findings suggest that the
variables and endurance performance appears to owe to interaction between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism
the ability to remove metabolites related to fatigue, as well as may be decisive in these kinds of events.
resynthesizing ATP aerobically and anaerobically. In addi- The contribution of both metabolisms is important, and
tion, it was suggested that the distribution of exercise an estimation of the contribution of energy systems during
intensity in a race [i.e., pacing) is also a relevant factor for exercise can be determined by the energy equivalent of
athletic performance (8). Thus, the distribution of exercise O2 (12,13). Previous studies have used oxygen uptake
intensity can be determined by monitoring physiological and oxygen energy equivalents derived by blood lactate
responses to avoid premature fatigue and maximize accumulation to estimate the contribution of aerobic and
performance (9). glycolytic metabolisms, respectively (12,14,15). More

Correspondence: R. Bertuzzi: <bertuzzi@usp.br>.

Received February 24, 2015. Accepted June 3, 2015. First published online September 18, 2015.

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Energy system contribution and endurance performance 1049

recently, Bertuzzi et al. (13) used this method to analyze approved by the Ethics Committee for Human Studies of
the profile of energy contribution by aerobic and glycolytic the Escola de Educac¸ão Física e Esporte, Universidade
systems during an incremental exercise test (IET). These de São Paulo.
authors demonstrated that the relative aerobic contribution
progressively decreased by only 9% from the first to last Experimental design
stage, suggesting this pathway was predominant through- Each subject visited the university on two separate
out the IET. In addition, it was observed that glycolytic occasions within a 7-day period, with each session
metabolism did not contribute largely to the energy separated by at least 48 h. Each completed: a) an IET
expenditure at intensities above the anaerobic threshold. to exhaustion on a treadmill for the determination
: of the
Because the contribution of the energy systems is respiratory compensation point (RCP), VO2 max , peak
important for determining variations of exercise intensity treadmill speed (PTS) and energy system contributions;
and overall performance, it would be interesting to verify and b) a 10-km time trial (T10-km) on an outdoor track to
whether the energy contribution during an IET could be determine overall endurance performance and pacing.
related to running speed in different sections of an The subjects were instructed to refrain from exhaustive or
endurance event. This might help coaches and sports unaccustomed exercises and the ingestion of caffeinated
scientists to develop specific training programs and or alcoholic beverages for 24 h before the tests.
understanding pacing strategies for specific events.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate Procedures
the relationship between the relative contributions of the Incremental exercise test. Before starting the IET,
aerobic and glycolytic systems, as well as the perfor- participants were asked to rest quietly in a: standing :
mance and running speed in different sections of a 10-km position for 5 min to determine the baseline VO2 (VO2
running time trial. Based on past studies showing that baseline). After a 5-min warm-up at 12 km/h, the test was
aerobic metabolism is predominant in events with different started with a treadmill speed of 13 km/h; then the speed
distances (16), and increases from the start until the end was increased by 1 km/h every 3 min until volitional
of cycling time trials (10), whereas anaerobic metabolism exhaustion. The treadmill (model TK35, CEFISE, Brazil)
is important in the middle and final sections of time trials was set at a gradient of 1% throughout the IET to simulate
(10,17), we hypothesized that energy system contribution outdoor running (18). Subjects received strong verbal
is correlated to overall performance, aerobic energy encouragement to continue as long as possible. Each
system contribution is correlated with speed at different stage was separated by a 10-s rest period, during which
sections of a time trial (start, middle, and end phase) and capillary blood samples (25 mL) were obtained from the
that glycolytic energy system contribution is strongly earlobe and analyzed for blood lactate concentrations
correlated with the end phase of a race. Therefore, this (YSI 1500; Yellow Springs Instruments, USA). Breath-
would represent an alternative method for assessing by-breath pulmonary gas exchange data were collected
endurance runners. continuously using a gas analyzer (Metalyzer 3b, Cortex,
Germany) and a mean value was determined over
Material and Methods consecutive 20-s periods. Calibration of the device was
performed according to manufacturer specifications using
Participants ambient air of known composition containing 20.9%
Thirteen male, recreationally trained long-distance O2 and 5% CO2, and a 3 L syringe (Model 5530 Series,
runners (means±SD: age: 32.3±7.5 years; weight: Hans Rudolph, USA). Heart rate was measured during the
68.2±10.2 kg; height: 173.1±10.9 cm) volunteered to test with a heart rate monitor coupled to the gas analyzer
participate in this study. All participants regularly com- (S810, Polar Electro Oy, Finland). The maximal heart rate
peted in 10-km running races at a regional level. They also was defined as : the highest value obtained at the end of
had personal records of 40±5 min in 10-km running the test. The VO2 max was determined when two: or more of
races, had performed at least ten 10-km running races in the following criteria were met: an increase in VO2 of less
the last 2 years, and had trained in the last 3 years without than 2.1 ml/kg/min on two consecutive final stages, a
interruption. The subjects’ running training volume was respiratory exchange ratio greater than 1.1, or a heart rate±
38.6±4.4 km/week, reported as the mean distances 10 bpm of the maximal age-predicted heart rate (19). The
covered, assessed through a training log recorded for RCP was determined by three independent investigators
: :
2 weeks prior to the beginning of the study and for the as the point of a nonlinear: :increase in the VE/VCO2 , a
following 2 weeks. The participants received a verbal constant increase in the VE/VO2 , and the first decrease in
explanation about the possible benefits, risks, and the expiratory fraction of CO2 (20). The highest velocity
discomfort associated with the study, and signed a written achieved during the test was recorded as the PTS. When
informed consent before study participation. All sub- subjects were not able to complete the last stage, the
jects were healthy non-smokers with no cardiovascular PTS was calculated from the following equation (21):
or neuromuscular diseases. The study was previously PTS=LCS + (TLIS/180  speed increment) where LCS

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1050 M.V. Damasceno et al.

is the velocity in the last complete stage performed by the Results

subject, and TLIS is the time in seconds sustained by the
subject in the last incomplete stage. Energy system contributions during the incremental
10-kilometer running time trial. Participants performed exercise test
the T10-km on an outdoor 400-m track and were Table 1 shows the physiological and performance
instructed to finish the race as quickly as possible, as if parameters measured during the IET, and the heart rate
in a competitive event. Before the trial, the participants and section running speeds during the T10-km. Table 2
warmed up for 10 min at 12 km/h. They were instructed to shows the energy system contributions reported as
maintain regular water consumption within 6 h of testing absolute and percentage values for each stage of the
and water was provided ad libitum during the entire event. IET. The WAER was significantly higher compared with
Verbal encouragement was provided during the entire WGLYCOL throughout the IET (Po0.05). The WAER
event. Speed and heart rate were registered at each 100 increased continuously up to 223.3±30.0 kJ, while
m via a global positioning system (GPS Forerunners 405, WGLYCOL increased continuously up to 45.8±8.8 kJ.
Garmin, USA) and the mean velocity of each section was When reported as a percentage, the WAER continuously
calculated. Maximal heart rate was the highest value decreased from 94.6±10.2% at 13 km/h to 82.9±11.0%
obtained at the end of the test. Ambient temperature and at 18 km/h, while the WGLYCOL continuously increased
humidity values were provided by the Institute of from 5.4±3.5 to 17.1±3.3%.
Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences of
the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The Ten-kilometer running performance
means±SD values for temperature and humidity were The WAER (r=–0.85; P=0.01), WGLYCOL (r=–0.67;
22.8±1.3°C and 61.0±4.2%, respectively. P=0.01), and WTOTAL(r=–0.83; P=0.01) estimated from
Calculation of energy system contributions. Energy the IET were significantly correlated with the T10-km time.
system contributions during each stage of the IET were The
: PTS (r=–0.78; P=0.01), RCP (r=–0.56; P=0.04), and
determined as previously described (22,23). Briefly, the VO2 max (r=–0.67; P=0.01) were also significantly corre-
: aerobic energy system : was estimated by subtracting lated with the T10-km time. Table 3 shows the Pearson’s
VO2 baseline from the VO2 exercise area integrated over correlation coefficient of the running speed in different
time by the trapezoidal method. To estimate the glycolytic sections of the T10-km with the energy system contribu-
system contribution, a value of 1 mM [La-]net was tion and physiological variables. The WAER, WGLYCOL, and
considered to be equivalent to 3 mL O2/kg body mass WTOTAL were positively and significantly correlated with
(24). Because the ATP-PCr system is predominantly used the running speed in the middle and final sections and with
to resynthesize of ATP during
: high-intensity (3-5 times the the mean speed in the T10-km. Similarly, PTS also
power output that elicits VO2 max ), short duration exercises correlated with the middle and final sections, and mean
(B10 s) (25), and the contribution of alactic metabolism speed in the T10-km, while RCP correlated : with the
was not considered. The aerobic (WAER) and glycolytic middle section and mean speed. However, VO2 max did not
(WGLYCOL) energy system contributions represented the correlate with any of the speed sections and none of the
sum of all stages in IET. The total metabolic demand variables correlated with the start section (Table 3).
(WTOTAL) was the sum of both energy metabolism
contributions. WAER and WGLYCOL are also reported as a Discussion
percentage of WTOTAL. A caloric equivalent of 20.9 kJ/L O2
was used for the energy systems calculations. The present study was conducted to determine the
association between performance in a T10-km and energy
Statistical analyses system contributions estimated during an IET. Our results
The distribution of the data was analyzed using the showed that WAER, WGLYCOL and WTOTAL were signifi-
Shapiro-Wilk test, and the results showed a normal Gaussian cantly correlated with the T10-km time. Additionally, WAER,
distribution. Data are reported as means±SD. Paired t-tests WGLYCOL, and WTOTAL were positively and significantly
were used to compare the WAER and WGLYCOL contributions correlated with speed in the middle and final sections of
of each stage during the IET. Pearson’s correlation the T10-km. These findings indicated that an estimation of
coefficient was calculated to assess the relationship between aerobic and glycolytic metabolism during IET is an
the energy system : contributions and physiological variables alternative variable to be considered for the evaluation
(PTS, RCP, and VO2 max ) with partial running speed sections of long-distance runners, with the additional advantage of
(start: first 400 m, middle: from 400 to 9600 m, and finish: last being related to specific sections of a T10-km run.
400 m) and overall performance. The statistical power for the Because the intensity of exercise progressively
correlations was calculated as 1–b, and is reported as a increases throughout the IET, the contribution of energy
percentage (%). The level of significance was set at a=0.05. systems is altered to meet the increasing energy demand.
All statistical analyses were conducted using the SPSS Although most sport scientists and coaches believe that
statistical package (version 16.0, USA). metabolic pathways have a transitional nature during the

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Table 1. Physiological and performance parameters measured during an

incremental exercise test and heart rate and section running speeds during a
10-km running time trial (n=13).

Means±SD 95%

WAER (kJ) 973.3±284.8 818.7–1127.9

WGLYCOL (kJ) 98.9±47.1 73.4–124.4
WTOTAL (kJ) 1072.2±326.6 894.8–1249.6
RCP (km/h) 15.5±1.0 15.0–16.0
PTS (km/h) 17.1±1.2 16.5–17.7
VO2 max (mL  kg-1  min-1) 53.8±5.4 50.9–56.7
T10-km time (min) 43.8±4.3 41.5–46.1
Heart rate (bpm) 180±8 175–184
Start (first 400 m, km/h) 14.8±1.8 13.8–15.7
Middle (400–9600 m, km/h) 13.8±1.3 13.1–14.5
End (last 400 m, km/h) 13.9±2.0 12.8–14.9
Average (10,000 m, km/h) 13.8±1.3 13.1–14.5

Data are reported as means±SD. WAER: aerobic energy system contribution;

WGLYCOL: glycolytic energy system contribution; WTOTAL: total metabolic demand;
RCP: respiratory compensation point; PTS: peak treadmill speed; VO2 max :
maximal oxygen uptake; T10-km time: total time to complete 10-km running time
IET, only one study has quantified the profiles of aerobic RCP, and VO2 max ). In addition, the WAER and WGLYCOL
and glycolytic metabolism during an IET (13). It was were also significantly correlated with the overall running
demonstrated that the aerobic contribution was predomi- performance during the T10-km. These correlations
nant during all stages of the IET and that there was an observed between energy system contributions during
increase in the glycolytic contribution at intensities equal IET and T10-km might be associated with the energy
to or above the anaerobic threshold. These results are in profile of those undertaking long-distance events. Pre-
accordance with the data of the current study, because the vious findings indicated a high relative aerobic contribution
WAER was significantly higher than WGLYCOL throughout (96%) during long-distance running, suggesting the
the IET. Therefore, the results of the current study confirm importance of oxidative metabolism for overall running
the idea that aerobic metabolism is predominant through- performance (26). Therefore, aerobic contribution might
out IET and that the glycolytic contribution becomes be related to endurance performance because of the high
substantial, but not predominant, during the last stages capacity (total amount of available energy) of aerobic
of an IET (13). metabolism to resynthesize ATP, so it can be recruited at
Our results also showed that the correlation coefficient high magnitudes over a long period of time (25).
between T10-km time and WTOTAL was higher than Furthermore, Duffield et al. (16) demonstrated that aerobic
between the T10-km time and the other variables metabolism provided the major pathway for energy supply
traditionally related to endurance performance (i.e., PTS, to runners of 1500- and 3000-m track events, with the

Table 2. Energy system contributions reported as absolute and percentage values in each stage of an incremental exercise test (n=13).

Speed (km/h)

13 14 15 16 17 18

Aerobic (kJ) 169.3±18.3* 178.6±21.2* 190.0±22.9* 199.2±21.7* 210.3±22.7* 223.3±30.0*

Aerobic (%) 94.6±10.2* 94.0±11.2* 90.6±10.9* 88.1±9.6* 85.6±9.2* 82.9±11.1*
Glycolytic (kJ) 9.6±6.3 11.3±8.6 19.6±10.9 26.8±10.9 35.5±12.2 45.8±8.8
Glycolytic (%) 5.4±3.5 6.0±4.5 9.4±5.2 11.9±4.8 14.4±5.0 17.1±3.3
WTOTAL (kJ) 178.9±24.6 189.9±29.8 209.6±33.8 226.0±32.6 245.8±34.9 269.1±38.8

Data are reported as means±SD. WTOTAL: total metabolic demand. *Po0.05, compared to glycolytic contribution (paired t-tests).

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Table 3. Correlation coefficients between energy system contribution, physiological variables, and section running speeds during the
10-km running time trial.

Start Stat power Middle Stat power End Stat power Average Stat power

WAER (kJ) 0.51 45.5 0.89* 99.6 0.83* 97.1 0.83* 97.1
WGLYCOL (kJ) 0.32 19.2 0.76* 90.1 0.69* 79.1 0.68* 77.3
WTOTAL (kJ) 0.49 42.0 0.89* 99.6 0.82* 96.4 0.82* 96.4
RCP (km/h) 0.34 21.3 0.61** 64.1 0.54 50.8 0.82* 96.4
PTS (km/h) 0.32 19.2 0.78* 92.6 0.76* 90.1 0.78* 92.6
VO2 max (mL  kg-1  min-1) 0.11 5.5 0.47 38.7 0.52 47.2 0.31 18.2

Start: first 400 m; middle: 400-9600 m; end: last 400 m; average: 10,000 m. The statistical power (Stat power) for the correlations was
calculated as 1–β, and is reported as a percentage (%). WAER: aerobic energy system contribution; WGLYCOL: glycolytic: energy system
contribution; WTOTAL: total metabolic demand; RCP: respiratory compensation point; PTS: peak treadmill speed; VO2 max : maximal
oxygen uptake; *Po0.01; **Po0.05 (Pearson’s correlation coefficient).

aerobic contribution increasing as the event distance influenced by anaerobic characteristics (30). In turn, a
increases. In turn, the high rate of energy production possible advantage in attaining the RCP at higher
(power) of anaerobic metabolism can influence endurance intensities could be the achievement of higher speeds
performance and determine the ability of an athlete to without the accumulation of metabolites related to muscle
accelerate in specific sections of a long distance race, for fatigue. RCP occurs in response to an initial decrease of
example a sprint at the end (27). Furthermore, Lazzer blood pH, which represents the beginning of failure of
et al. (28) determined the effects of long-lasting endurance muscle buffering capacity (31). Foster et al. (32) suggested
events on the energy cost of running and showed that a that athletes learn how to monitor values of muscle pH and
substantial increase in the cost of running during the adjust their pacing accordingly so that they ideally reach
competition caused a marked worsening of performance. critically low values of pH near the end of a race. This
Therefore, athletes with a high ability to resynthesize ATP could preserve the capacity of skeletal muscle to produce
aerobic and anaerobically during IET might also be able to force during the middle section. Because the last part of a
maintain higher speeds during a running race. race might not be long enough for the establishment of
In the current study, the contributions of aerobic and acidosis, athletes could attain high speeds independently
glycolytic metabolism determined during the IET were also of muscle buffering capacity. This might explain the lack of
significantly correlated with the middle and final sections of correlation between RCP and running intensity during the
the T10-km. These findings are in agreement with previous final section. :
studies showing changes in both aerobic and glycolytic In turn, VO2 max was not correlated with any speed
metabolism in events performed with different pacing sections in the T10-km. This result is in contrast with
strategies (10,17,29). Hettinga et al. (10) demonstrated previous findings (33), but similar with results of another
that in 4000 m cycling time trials, aerobic contribution study conducted by Lima-Silva et al. (34) in which the
increased toward the end of the race, independent of athletes covered
: a similar distance during a running trial.
strategy, but the power distribution during these races Although VO2 max is considered an important determinant
appeared to be regulated primarily by changes in anaerobic of elite performance in competitive distance running (1), it
contribution. Santos et al. (29) reported that the time to may not be sufficiently sensitive to predict performance in
complete a 4-km cycling time trial was negatively asso- specific sessions of a T10-km : run. In particular, previous
ciated with the total anaerobic work expended (r=–0.77). findings suggested that VO2 max might not be a good
Thus, it seems that because of the relationship with the predictor of endurance performance in homogeneous
aerobic and anaerobic contribution during a race, estimat- groups (3). Despite the absence of studies including
ing the energy system contributions during IET to evaluate specific running speed sections, several studies: have
the endurance of athletes has an additional advantage shown that other variables (i.e., PTS) besides VO2 max
in predicting the performance during specific sessions were related to endurance performance: (3,35). Thus, at
(i.e., middle and end phases) of long-distance events. least for running speed sections, VO2 max might not be a
In relation to physiological variables, the middle section good predictor of running pace in a T10-km.
of the T10-km was correlated with PTS and RCP, while the It was interesting to observe that no correlation was
final section was correlated with PTS only. Considering that obtained with the first 400 m of the T10-km. It was
the intensity of the end sprint seems to be dependent on previously demonstrated that the time needed for the
anaerobic energy expenditure (10), the correlation of PTS stabilization of physiological variables (e.g., oxygen
with the final section could be expected, because it is also uptake) that are important for this event was greater than

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Energy system contribution and endurance performance 1053

the time required to complete this first section of the run distance race. From a practical standpoint, sports scientists
(36). In this context, Bertuzzi et al. (33) demonstrated that and coaches could use these variables measured during
in a 10-km running time trial, only the rate of perceived an IET, particularly WTOTAL, as an alternative method to
exertion accounted for the variance of speed during the diagnose the training status of endurance athletes. This
start phase. Therefore, the authors suggest that psycho- might be especially relevant because the application of
logical factors may be more important during the early knowledge regarding energy system contributions involved
stages of a running race than physiological factors (33). in any athletic event is considered important for the correct
This could explain the results found in the present study, administration and structuring of training regimes to
because the first 400 m were not correlated with any achieve peak athletic performance (16).
measured physiological variable.
In conclusion, the results of the present study demon- Acknowledgments
strated a positive and significant correlation between WAER,
WGLYCOL, and WTOTAL with the running speed in the middle The authors thank the athletes who participated in this
and final sections of a 10-km running time trial. These research. This study was supported by FAPESP (#2011/
findings showed that the assessment of energy system 10742-9). M.V. Damasceno would like to acknowledge the
contributions during IET may be potentially useful as an support from FAPESP (#2013/00371-9). R. Bertuzzi would
alternative variable to evaluate endurance runners, and like to acknowledge the financial support from CNPq
assess a runner’s performance in specific parts of a long (303233/2013-3).


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