Why Steam?
• The Direct Method: energy gain of the working fluid is compared with
the energy content of the boiler fuel
• Efficiency
• Efficiency can be measured by direct or indirect methods
1 Lancashire 10000
It necessitate larger feed water pumps than if continuous blow down is used.
TDS level will be varying
substantial amount of heat energy is lost with intermittent blowdown.
Continuous Blowdown
There is a steady and constant dispatch of small stream of
concentrated boiler water, and replacement by steady and constant
inflow of feed water. This ensures constant TDS and steam purity at
given steam load.
This flash steam can be used for pre-heating boiler feed water or for
any other purpose (see Figure 2.8 for blow down heat recovery
system). This type of blow down is common in high-pressure boilers.
Benefits of Blowdown
Good boiler blow down control can significantly reduce treatment and
operational costs that include:
− Lower pretreatment costs
− Less make-up water consumption
− Reduced maintenance down me
− Increased boiler life
− Lower consump on of treatment chemicals
Energy Conservation Opportunities
The various energy efficiency opportunities in boiler system can be related to
combustion, heat transfer, avoidable losses, high auxiliary power consumption,
water quality and blowdown.
1. Stack Temperature
The stack temperature should be as low as possible.
However, it should not be so low that water vapor in the exhaust condenses on
the stack walls. This is important in fuels containing signficant sulphur as low
temperature can lead to sulphur dew point corrosion.
Stack temperatures greater than 200°C indicates potential for recovery of waste
It also indicate the scaling of heat transfer/recovery equipment and hence the
urgency of taking an early shut down for water / flue side cleaning.
2. Feed Water Preheating using Economiser
Typically, the flue gases leaving a modern 3-pass shell boiler are at
temperatures of 200 to 300 o C. Thus, there is a potential to recover
heat from these gases.
For a typically older model shell boiler, with a flue gas exit temperature
of 260 o C, an economizer could be used to reduce it to 200 o C,
increasing the feed water temperature by 15 o C. Increase in overall
thermal efficiency would be in the order of 3%
3. Combustion Air Preheat
Combustion air preheating is an alternative to feedwater heating. In order to
improve thermal efficiency by 1%, the combustion air temperature must be
raised by 20oC.
4. Incomplete Combustion
Incomplete combustion can arise from a shortage of air or surplus of fuel or poor
distribution of fuel. It is usually obvious from the colour or smoke, and must be
corrected immediately.
In the case of oil and gas fired systems resons could be
burner system problems
poor mixing of fuel and air at the burner
improper fuel viscosity
worn tips, carbonization on tips and deterioration of diffusers or
spinner plates.
5. Excess Air Control
Excess air is required in all practical cases to ensure complete combustion,
to allow for the normal variations in combustion and to ensure
satisfactory stack conditions for some fuels.
Controlling excess air to an optimum level always results in reduction in
flue gas losses; for every 1% reduction in excess air there is
approximately 0.6% rise in efficiency.
Portable oxygen analysers and draft gauges can be used to make periodic
readings to guide the operator to manually adjust the flow of air for
optimum operation. Excess air reduction up to 20% is feasible.
continuous oxygen analyzer, remote controlled pneumatic damper, the
automatic stack damper control can be used for further improvement.
6. Radiation and Convection Heat Loss
The heat loss from the boiler shell is normally a fixed energy loss,
irrespective of the boiler output. Repairing or augmenting insulation
can reduce heat loss through boiler walls and piping.
high pressures.
The small size of the hole in the top of the bucket means
that this type of trap can only discharge air very slowly. The
hole cannot be enlarged, as steam would pass through too
quickly during normal operation.
act as a seal around the lip of the bucket. If the trap loses
this water seal, steam can be wasted through the outlet
Thermodynamic Steam Trap
•Operating principle: changes in fluid dynamics
•Thermodynamic steam traps rely partly on the
formation of flash steam from condensate
Steam Trap Testing
•Visual Observation
lCold Trap
lFailure- Open
lFailure- Closed
Steam Trap Selection
Application Feature Suitable Trap
fs =ms/m1 =(hf1-hf2)/(hg2-hf2)
Industrial Heating Furnaces
• Furnace is by definition a device for heating
materials and therefore a user of energy.
• Heating furnaces can be divided into batch-
type (Job at stationary position) and
continuous type (large volume of work output
at regular intervals).
Purpose of the Performance Test
• To find out the efficiency of the furnace
• To find out the Specific energy consumption
Source Temperature, oC
• After identifying source of waste heat and the possible use of it, the
next step is to select suitable heat recovery system and equipments
to recover and utilise the same.
• Economic Evaluation of Waste Heat Recovery System
• It is necessary to evaluate the selected waste heat recovery
system on the basis of financial analysis such as investment,
depreciation, payback period, rate of return etc. In addition
the advice of experienced consultants and suppliers must be
obtained for rational decision.
Commercial Waste Heat Recovery Devices
• In a recuperator, heat
exchange takes place between
the flue gases and the air
through metallic or ceramic
• second common configuration
for recuperators is called the
tube type or convective
• Radiation/Convective Hybrid
• For maximum effectiveness of heat
transfer, combinations of radiation and
convective designs are used, with the
high-temperature radiation
recuperator being first followed by
convection type.
• Ceramic Recuperator
• The principal limitation on the heat
recovery of metal recuperators is the
reduced life of the liner at inlet
temperatures exceeding 1100oC. In
order to overcome the temperature
limitations of metal recuperators,
ceramic tube recuperators have been
developed whose materials allow
operation on the gas side to 1550oC
and on the preheated air side to 815oC
on a more or less practical basis.
• The Regeneration which is
preferable for large capacities
has been very widely used in
glass and steel melting furnaces.
Important relations exist
between the size of the
regenerator, time between
reversals, thickness of brick,
conductivity of brick and heat
storage ratio of the brick.
In case of boiler system, economizer
can be provided to utilize the flue
gas heat for pre-heating the boiler
feed water. On the other hand, in an
air pre-heater, the waste heat is
used to heat combustion air.
• Plate heat exchanger
• The cost of heat exchange surfaces
is a major cost factor when the
temperature differences are not
large. One way of meeting this
problem is the plate type heat
exchanger, which consists of a series
of separate parallel plates forming
thin flow pass.
• Each plate is separated from the
next by gaskets and the hot stream
passes in parallel through
alternative plates whilst the liquid
to be heated passes in parallel
between the hot plates. To improve
heat transfer the plates are
• Waste Heat Boilers
• Waste heat boilers are ordinarily water tube
boilers in which the hot exhaust gases from gas
turbines, incinerators, etc., pass over a number of
parallel tubes containing water. The water is
vaporized in the tubes and collected in a steam
drum from which it is drawn off for use as heating
or processing steam.
• Because the exhaust gases are usually in the
medium temperature range and in order to
conserve space, a more compact boiler can be
produced if the water tubes are finned in order to
increase the effective heat transfer area on the gas
• If the waste heat in the exhaust gases is
insufficient for generating the required amount of
process steam, auxiliary burners which burn fuel in
the waste heat boiler or an after-burner in the
exhaust gases flue are added. Waste heat boilers
are built in capacities from 25 m3 almost 30,000 m3
/ min. of exhaust gas.
• Heat Pumps: The majority of heat pumps work on the principle of the vapour
compression cycle. In this cycle, the circulating substance is physically separated
from the source (waste heat, with a temperature of Tin) and user (heat to be used in
the process, Tout) streams, and is re-used in a cyclical fashion, therefore called 'closed
• Heat pump applications are most promising when both the heating and cooling
capabilities can be used in combination. One such example of this is a plastics
factory where chilled water from a heat pump is used to cool injection-moulding
machines whilst the heat output from the heat pump is used to provide factory or
office heating.
Thermocompressor :
In many cases, very low pressure steam
are reused as water after condensation
for lack of any better option of reuse. In
many cases it becomes feasible to
compress this low pressure steam by
very high pressure steam and reuse it as
a medium pressure steam.
• Direct Contact Heat Exchanger :
Low pressure steam may also be
used to preheat the feed water or
some other fluid where miscibility
is acceptable. This principle is used
in Direct Contact Heat Exchanger
and finds wide use in a steam
generating station. They essentially
consists of a number of trays
mounted one over the other or
packed beds. Steam is supplied
below the packing while the cold
water is sprayed at the top. The
steam is completely condensed in
the incoming water thereby
heating it.
• Typical application is in the
deaerator of a steam generation
Electrical Systems
Typical Electric Power Supply Systems
Transmission and Distribution Lines
• The power plants typically produce 50 cycle/second (Hertz),
alternating-current (AC) electricity with voltages between 11kV and
• At the power plant site, the 3-phase voltage is stepped up to a higher
voltage for transmission on cables strung on cross-country towers.
• High voltage (HV) and extra high voltage (EHV) transmission is the
next stage from power plant to transport A.C. power over long
distances at voltages like; 220 kV & 400 kV.
• Where transmission is over 1000 kM, high voltage d.c. transmission is
also favoured to minimize the losses.
• Sub-transmission network at 132 kV, 110 kV, 66 kV or 33 kV
constitutes the next link towards the end user.
• Distribution at 11 kV / 6.6 kV / 3.3 kV constitutes the last link to the
consumer, who is connected directly or through transformers
• The transmission and distribution network include sub-
stations, lines and distribution transformers.
• High voltage transmission is used so that smaller, more
economical wire sizes can be employed to carry the lower
current and to reduce losses.
• Sub-stations, containing step-down transformers, reduce the
voltage for distribution to industrial users.
• The voltage is further reduced for commercial facilities.
• Electricity must be generated, as and when it is needed since
electricity cannot be stored virtually in the system.
• There is no difference between a transmission line and a
distribution line except for the voltage level and power
handling capability.
• Transmission lines are usually capable of transmitting large
quantities of electric energy over great distances. They
operate at high voltages.
• Distribution lines carry limited quantities of power over
shorter distances.
• For the same quantity of power handled, lower the voltage,
higher the current drawn and higher the voltage drop. Since P
= VxI.
• The power loss in line is proportional to resistance and square
of current. (i.e. PLoss=I2R)
• If we consider the
electricity flow from
generation to the user
in terms of cascade
energy efficiency,
typical cascade
efficiency profile from
generation to 11 – 33 kV
user industry will be as
Industrial End User
• At the industrial end
user premises, again
the plant network
elements like
transformers at
receiving sub-station,
switchgear, lines and
cables, load-break
switches, capacitors
cause losses, which
affect the input-
received energy.
However the losses in
such systems are
meager and
• LT Public Works
20-40 kW Rs 1.75/kWh + Rs 50/kVA
• LT Agriculture
• Non-metered: Rs 2.41/kW
• Metered: Rs 1.10/kWh + Rs 20/kW
Example (MSEB HT Tariff-1/6/08)
• HT Industrial
Demand charges Rs 150/kVA/month
Energy charge Rs 4.00-5.00/kWh
• TOD – Energy charge
2200 hrs – 0600 hrs (-0.85)
0600 hrs – 0900 hrs 0
0900 hrs – 1200 hrs 0.80
1200 hrs – 1800 hrs 0
1800 hrs – 2200 hrs 1.10
Maximum Demand Control
• Typically, demand charges constitute a considerable portion of the electricity bill
• Integrated load management to effectively control the maximum demand
– Generate load curve
– Analyse load curve for various demands
– Identification of critical and re-schedulable loads for maximum demand and TOD
• Rescheduling of large electric loads and equipment operations
– prepare an operation flow chart and a process chart
• Reduce the maximum demand by building up storage capacity
• Shedding of Non-Essential Loads
• Operation of Captive Generation
• Maintain the desired Power factor of system
Reactive Power Compensation
• The maximum demand can also be reduced at the plant level by
using capacitor banks and maintaining the optimum power factor.
• Capacitor banks are available with microprocessor based control
systems. These systems switch on and off the capacitor banks to
maintain the desired Power factor of system and optimize maximum
demand thereby.
Power Factor Correction
• Static Capacitors (Fixed/
• Automatic PF Correction
• Reduced line current
(and I2R losses)
• Improved Voltage
• Reduced Maximum Demand
• Capacity for expansion
• Reduction in tariff
Cost Benefits
• Reduced kVA (Maximum demand) charges in utility
• Reduced distribution losses (kWh) within the plant
• Better voltage at motor terminals and improved
performance of motors
• A high power factor eliminates penalty charges
imposed and may be reduction in utility bill
• Capacity deferred costs
Location of Capacitors
• Maximum benefit of capacitors is derived by locating
them as close as possible to the load
• The rating of the capacitor should not be greater than
the no-load magnetizing kVAr of the motor, if connected
directly (over voltage protection)
• motor manufacturers specify maximum capacitor ratings
• A circuit breaker or switch will be required if a capacitor
is installed for many appliances with high voltage
breaker, capacitor bank to feeder
Locations C1A, C1B and C1C, all
three locations extra switches are
not required, since the
Capacitor is either switched with
the motor starter or the breaker
before the starter.
Case C1A is recommended for
new installation, since the
maximum benefit is derived and
the size of the motor thermal
protector is reduced. In Case C1B,
as in Case C1A, the capacitor is
energized only when the motor is
in operation.
1. No-load loss (also called core loss) is the power consumed to sustain the
magnetic field in the transformer's steel core. Core loss occurs whenever the
transformer is energized; core loss does not vary with load. Core losses are
caused by two factors: hysteresis and eddy current losses. Hysteresis loss is
that energy lost by reversing the magnetic field in the core as the magnetizing
AC rises and falls and reverses direction. Eddy current loss is a result of induced
currents circulating in the core.
2. Load loss (also called copper loss) is associated with full-load current flow in the
transformer windings. Copper loss is power lost in the primary and secondary
windings of a transformer due to the ohmic resistance of the windings. Copper
loss varies with the square of the load current. (P=I2R).
Transformer loss vs %Load
• For a given transformer, the manufacturer can supply values for no-load loss, PNO-
LOAD, and load loss, PLOAD. The total transformer loss, PTOTAL, at any load level can then
be calculated from:
PTOTAL = PNO-LOAD+ (% Load/100)2 x PLOAD
Where transformer loading is known, the actual transformers loss at given load can be
computed as:
System Distribution Losses
• In an electrical system often the constant no load losses and the variable load
losses are to be assessed alongside, over long reference duration, towards
energy loss estimation.
• In system distribution loss optimization, the various options available include:
– Relocating transformers and sub-stations near to load centers
– Re-routing and re-conductoring such feeders and lines where the losses /
voltage drops are higher.
– Power factor improvement by incorporating capacitors at load end.
– Optimum loading of transformers in the system.
– Opting for lower resistance All Aluminum Alloy Conductors (AAAC) in
place of conventional Aluminum Cored Steel Reinforced (ACSR) lines
– Minimizing losses due to weak links in distribution network such as
jumpers, loose contacts, old brittle conductors.
• Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy by the
interaction between the magnetic fields set up in the stator and
rotor windings. Industrial electric motors can be broadly classified
as induction motors, direct current motors or synchronous motors.
All motor types have the same four operating components: stator
(stationary windings), rotor (rotating windings), bearings, and frame
Induction Motors
• Induced magnetic field of the stator winding
induces a current in the rotor
• Induced rotor current produces a second
magnetic field, which tries to oppose the
stator magnetic field, and this causes the rotor
to rotate
• The 3-phase squirrel cage motor is the
workhorse of industry; it is rugged and
reliable, and is by far the most common motor
type used in industry.
DC and Synchronous Motors
• DC motors are used in special applications
where high starting torque or where smooth
acceleration over a broad speed range is
• AC power is fed to the stator of the
synchronous motor. The rotor is fed by DC
from a separate source.
• The rotor magnetic field locks onto the stator
rotating magnetic field and rotates at the
same speed.
Motor Characteristics
• Synchronous Speed (SS) = 120 f/p
Where f = frequency & p = No. of poles.
• Slip (s) = 1 - (Rated speed/SS)
• Power Factor: lagging due to induction
– At part load, the active current reduces.
– However, no reduction in the magnetizing current
(proportional to supply voltage)
– Reduction in power factor
Motor Efficiency
• Ratio of mechanical output to electrical input
• May be determined directly or indirectly through
intrinsic losses
• Efficiency is a function of operating temperature,
type of motor, speed, rating, etc.
• Squirrel cage motors are normally more efficient
than slip-ring motors
• Higher-speed motors are normally more efficient
than lower-speed motors
• Core losses vary with the core material, core geometry, and input
• Friction and windage losses are caused by friction in the bearings of
the motor, aerodynamic losses associated with ventilation fan, and
other rotating parts
• Copper losses are I2R losses
• Stray losses arise from a variety of sources. Typically, proportional
to the square of the rotor current.
• Energy-efficient motors (EEM) are the ones in which, design improvements are
incorporated specifically to increase operating efficiency over motors of
standard design. Design improvements focus on reducing intrinsic motor
losses. Improvements include the use of lower-loss silicon steel, a longer core
(to increase active material), thicker wires (to reduce resistance), thinner
laminations, smaller air gap between stator and rotor, copper instead of
aluminum bars in the rotor, superior bearings and a smaller fan, etc.
Efficiency Testing Methods
• Load Test – No load test and six load tests
• Equivalent Circuit Test – No load test, Locked Rotor test , Variable
voltage (IEEE Std 112-1984, JEC 37, IEC –34-2, ISI –4889)
No Load Test
• The motor is run at rated voltage and frequency without any shaft
• Input power, current, frequency and voltage are noted
• The no load P.F. is quite low and hence low PF watt-meters are
• From the input power, stator I2R losses under no load are
subtracted to give the sum of Friction and Windage (F&W) and core
• plot no-load input kW versus Voltage; the intercept is Friction &
Windage kW loss component
• F&W and core losses = No load power (watts) - (No load current)2 ×
Stator resistance
Stator and Rotor I2R Losses
• The stator winding resistance is directly measured
• The resistance must be corrected to the operating temperature
• A current limiting device, to counter negative resistance
characteristics of any discharge lamps. In case of fluorescent
lamps, it aids the initial voltage build-up, required for starting.
• These are used for starting high intensity Metal Halide and
Sodium vapour lamps.
Lumen (lm) is measure of the total amount of visible light (to the
human eye) from a lamp or lightsource.
• Illumination (lux = lm/m2)
• Lighting Efficacy (lm/W)
• Load efficacy (lux/(W/m2))
• Installed load efficacy ratio (Actual to target load efficacy)
• Glare (excessive brightness)
• Colour
• Colour rendering indexes (CRI)
• This is the quotient of the illuminous flux incident on an element of the
surface at a point of surface containing the point, by the area of that
• The lighting level produced by a lighting installation is usually qualified by
the illuminance produced on a specified plane.
• In most cases, this plane is the major plane of the tasks in the interior and is
commonly called the working plane.
• The illuminance provided by an installation affects both the performance of
the tasks and the appearance of the space.
Lux (lx)
• This is the illuminance produced by a luminous flux of one lumen, uniformly
distributed over a surface area of one square metre. One lux is equal to one
lumen per square meter.
• Luminous Efficacy (lm/W)
• This is the ratio of luminous flux emitted by a lamp to the
power consumed by the lamp. It is a reflection of efficiency of
energy conversion from electricity to light form.
• Colour Rendering Index (RI)
• Is a measure of the degree to which the colours of surfaces
illuminated by a given light source confirm to those of the
same surfaces under a reference illuminent; suitable
allowance having been made for the state of Chromatic
Types of Lighting
Improving Energy Efficiency
• Using day lighting
• Reducing the light source’s on-time
• Performing simple maintenance
• Lowering wattage through re-lamping
• Improved electromagnetic/electronic ballasts
• Use CFLs
Recommended Illuminance Levels for Various Tasks /
Activities / Locations
• Recommendations on Illuminance Scale of Illuminance: The minimum
illuminance for all non-working interiors, has been mentioned as 20 Lux (as per
IS 3646). A factor of approximately 1.5 represents the smallest significant
difference in subjective effect of illuminance. Therefore, the following scale of
illuminances is recommended.
20–30–50–75–100–150–200–300–500–750–1000–1500–2000, Lux
• Illuminance ranges: Because circumstances may be significantly different for
different interiors used for the same application or for different conditions for
the same kind of activity, a range of illuminances is recommended for each type
of interior or activity intended of a single value of illuminance. Each range
consists of three successive steps of the recommended scale of illuminances. For
working interiors the middle value (R) of each range represents the
recommended service illuminance that would be used unless one or more of the
factors mentioned below apply.
The higher value (H) of the range should be used at exceptional cases where
low reflectances or contrasts are present in the task, errors are costly to
rectify, visual work is critical, accuracy or higher productivity is of great
importance and the visual capacity of the worker makes itnecessary.
Similarly, lower value (L) of the range may be used when reflectances or
contrasts are unusually high, speed & accuracy is not important and the task
is executed only occasionally.
Recommended Illumination
• The following Table gives the recommended illuminance range for different
tasks and activities for chemical sector. The values are related to the visual
requirements of the task, to user's satisfaction, to practical experience and
to the need for cost effective use of energy.(Source IS 3646 (Part I) : 1992).