Ulab Cse Question Template
Ulab Cse Question Template
Ulab Cse Question Template
General Instructions
Please read the following instructions carefully:
1. This is an open online examination that allows you to use any materials handed out in
the class, your notes from the lectures, and any other resource that have been already
shared with you on Google Classroom;
3. You must write the following on the Cover Page of your script:
Final Examination: Fall 2021
Student ID:
Course Code: CSE 410
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence
Section: 01
5. Questions you are answering must have their numbers written correctly;
6. The duration of the examination is 2 hours including answer script submission time;
8. You will be monitored using Google Meet during the examination. Therefore, you
must keep a camera on during the entire examination period;
9. A backup internet connectivity is highly recommended, just in case if you need to use
in the event of emergency.
10. Please inform the course instructor immediately (via phone calls or SMS) on an event
of electricity or internet disruption;
Script Submission:
1. After completing writing answer, take photos or scan your answer script. You may use
any scanning app for this purpose;
4. Failure to submit the answers on time without any valid ground will be considered as
late submission. Marks will be deducted in such cases.
School of Science and Engineering
Final Examination Term: Fall 2021
Course Code: CSE 410 Course Title: Artificial Intelligence
Section: 01 Course Teacher: Muhammad Abul Hasan, PhD
Exam Date: 25 January 2022 Exam Time: 2:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Time: 2 hours Total Marks: 25
QUESTION 1: (5 marks)
Aedes mosquito, is a mosquito that can spread dengue fever, chikungunya, zika fever, ma-
yaro and yellow fever viruses, and other disease agents.
Recently dengue is spreading at an alarming rate. A doctor is called to see a sick child. As
a practicing doctor, he has prior information that 80% of sick children in that neighborhood
have the flu, while the other 20% are sick with Dengue. Let us assume that kids are getting
sick due to flu or dengue only lately.
A well-known symptom of dengue is a rash on skin. Assume that the probability of
having a rash if one has dengue is P (Rash|Dengue) = 0.95. However, occasionally children
with flu also develop rash, and the probability of having a rash if one has flu is P (Rash|Flu) =
Upon examining the child, the doctor finds a rash on the body of the patient. What is
the probability that the child has dengue?
i. Assuming that in Dhaka city we have three weather states: Sunny ( ), Rainy ( ), and
Cloudy ( ). Between the August 28, 2021 to September 27, 2021 the weather states
of days are as follows:
ii. Suppose on an average 15%, 85% and 25% people carry umbrella on Sunny, Rainy, and
Cloudy days respectively in the Dhaka city. Represent this information in a emission
probability table.
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iii. Yesterday was a sunny day while you decided to locked yourself in a room for taking
exam preparation. Your friend has joined you this morning with an umbrella for study
together. Based on the given information above, what is the most likely weather today?
QUESTION 3: (5 marks)
Given the following Bayesian Network and corresponding Conditional Probability Tables
• I: Intelligent
• H: Hardworking
• G: Good performer
P (I) P (H)
0.70 0.60
I H P (U |I, H)
I P (G|I) T T 0.90
T 0.80 G U T F 0.20
F 0.50 F T 0.80
F F 0.10
G U P (E|G, U )
T T 0.90
T F 0.50 E
F T 0.70
F F 0.30
i. What is the probability that a student got high score in the exam because he is not a
good performer but good at understanding course materials and he is intelligent but
not a hardworking student?
QUESTION 4: (5 marks)
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