12 - Types of IDS

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 Detecting Intrusions

 IDS Types

12.1  IDS Components

 Indicators
 Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems
 Black box on network in promiscuous mode
 Detects malicious activity on the network
 Does not detect anything going on in a host

 Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

 Audits for events on a specific host
 Requires overhead to monitor every system event
 Only detects activity inside the host
 Does not detect anything happening on the network
 Signature-based
 Can only detect known attacks for which a signature has previously been created
 Must regularly download signatures from the vendor
 Is at risk of false negatives
 More commonly used by IDS
 Anomaly-based
 Can identify unknown attacks
 Must pre-create a baseline of “normal” network traffic
 Capture network traffic for about two weeks
 Analyze protocols and usage statistics to identify “normal”
 Is at risk of false positives
 More commonly used by IPS

 Protocol Anomaly Detection

 Uses models to determine anomalies in how TCP/IP specifications are deployed

Audit Records
(Logs/Traffic Capture)

Activity Data
Normal and intrusive
activities have distinct
 True Positive
 There truly was a security incident
 A real attack was detected

 True Negative
 There truly was NOT any incident
 Most desirable! Security controls are working!

 False Positive
 False alarm
 An incident was reported, but it didn’t actually happen
 Too many false positives can become annoying

 False Negative
 A security incident actually happened, but was not detected
 IDS falsely reports that everything is ok
 This is the most serious and dangerous of all!
 Only activities inside the host are monitored:
 File activity
 Processes
 Logons
 Privileged actions
 User account changes
 Software installation/deletion

 Host-based IDS/IPS does not monitor network activity

 Port and vulnerability scans, denial-of-service attacks against the host

 HIDS logs suspicious activities

 HIPS prevents suspicious activities
 SolarWinds Log and Event
 ManageEngine Log 360
 Samhain
 Fail2Ban
 Sagan
 Security Onion
 Splunk
 Symantec Endpoint
 A NIDS is a passive monitoring system
 Network traffic is examined as it passes by an IDS sensor
 The traffic is compared to a rule set
 If the traffic matches a rule it is logged
 Optionally triggers an alert
 SolarWinds
 Bro
 Snort
 Suricata
 Security Onion
 Open WIPS-NG
 Sagan
 McAfee Network Security Platform
 Palo Alto Networks
 A NIPS is an active monitoring and control system
 A network packet comes from Internet and passes through Firewall
 The packet passes through IDS and undergoes signature comparison
 If there is no match the packet is sent to the switch and into enterprise network
 If there is a match:
 An alarm sent and logged
 The packet is sent through anomaly detection and stateful protocol analysis
 Connections from the source are cut
 The packet is dropped
 Ongoing probes of services on your network
 Unusual locations connecting to your network
 Ongoing remote login attempts
 Unauthorized data exfiltration
 Hosts with unexpected outbound connections
 Outbound connections to unusual destination ports
 New/unfamiliar files or programs detected
 Unfamiliar files names
 Files that are missing
 File permissions changed
 Files sizes changed unexpectedly
 Rogue files not on master list of signed files
 Incomplete/short logs
 Logs that are missing/have incorrect permissions
 Random data in log files that might cause DoS or a service crash
 Slow performance of the system
 Graphic displays/text messages that are unusual
 Alterations to system software/configuration files
 System crashes/reboots
 Processes that are unfamiliar
 Wireless intrusion prevention system
 Monitors the radio spectrum for the presence of
unauthorized access points (intrusion detection)
 Can automatically implement countermeasures
 The WIPS system uses wireless access points as
 Management software is installed on a server to
collect, analyze, and aggregate Wi-Fi events
 The AP performs WIPS functions part of the time
 Alternates between WIPS and its regular network connectivity functions

 The AP has dedicated WIPS functionality built into it

 Performs network connectivity and WIPS functions at the same time

 The WIPS is deployed through dedicated sensors instead of the APs

 Open WIPS-NG
 AirTight WIPS
 HP RFProtect
 Cisco Adaptive Wireless IPS
 Fluke Networks AirMagnet Enterprise
 HP Mobility Security IDS/IPS
 Zebra Technologies AirDefense
 WatchGuard
 WiFi Intruder Detector Pro
 WiFi Inspector
12.2  Snort Overview
 Running Snort
SNORT  Snort Rules
 Popular open source NIDS
 Runs in Linux or Windows
 You can create your own custom rules
 Will not block the connection or drop the packet
 Evaluates the entire packet against all alert rules
 Logs any matches it finds
 Allows packet to continue onward to its destination
 Packet Sniffer
 SNORT’s packet sniffer mode means the software will read IP packets then display them to
the user on its console
 Packet Logger
 In packet logger mode, SNORT will log all IP packets that visit the network
 The network admin can then see who has visited their network and gain insight into the
OS and protocols they were using
 NIDS (Network Intrusion and Prevention Detection System)
 In NIDS mode, SNORT will only log packets that are considered malicious
 It does this using the preset characteristics of malicious packets, which are defined in its
 The action that SNORT takes is also defined in the rules the network admin sets out
 Snort.conf
 Located in:
 /etc/snort on Linux
 C:\snort\etc in Windows
 Snort as Sniffer ---> snort -v
 Snort as Packet logger ---> snort -l
 Snort as NIDS ---> snort -A or snort -c <path_to_conf_file>
 Test snort configuration and rules; check if there is any errors without starting up:
snort -i 4 -l c:\Snort\log -c c:\Snort\etc\snort.conf -T

 -i 4 ---> interface specifier, in case is interface 4

 -l ---> for logging
 -c ---> use Snort rules file specifying path
 -T ---> Only For testing, this prevent Snort from start up; Essentially to check if there
is any error and if the rules are good.
 This command starts a Snort NIDS, logging everything in ASCII:
snort -i 4 -c c:\Snort\etc\snort.conf -l c:\Snort\log -K ascii

Flag Information
-A Set alert mode: fast, full, console, test or none
-b Log packets in tcpdump format (much faster!)
-B <mask> Obfuscate IP addresses in alerts and packet dumps using CIDR mask
-c <rules> Use Rules file
-C Print out payloads with character data only (no hex)
-l Specifies the logging directory
-i <interface number> Specifies which interface Snort should listen on
-K Logging mode (pcap[default], ascii, none)
-? Lists all switches and options and then exits
 Monitored protocols:

 Rule Actions
 Alert
 Pass
 Log
 A security analyst should be able to read Snort IDS rules and pick out generic
content such as:
 The type of protocol covered by the signature
 The port be analyzed
 The direction of traffic flow
alert icmp any any -> &HOME_NET any (msg:"ICMP test"; sid:1000001;
rev:1; classtype:icmp-event;)

Rule part Information

alert icmp any any -> $HOME_NET any Rule Header ⬇
Rule action. Snort will generate an alert
when the set condition is met.
any (1st) Source IP. Snort will look at all sources
any (2nd) Source port. Snort will look at all ports
Direction. From source to
destination; (source -> destination)
alert icmp any any -> &HOME_NET any (msg:"ICMP test"; sid:1000001;
rev:1; classtype:icmp-event;)

Rule part Information

Destination IP. We are using the HOME_NET
value from the snort.conf file which means
a variable that defines the network or
networks you are trying to protect.
Destination port. Snort will look at all ports
any (3rd)
on the protected network
alert icmp any any -> &HOME_NET any (msg:"ICMP test"; sid:1000001;
rev:1; classtype:icmp-event;)

Rule part Information

msg:"ICMP test" Snort will include this message with the alert
Snort rule ID. All numbers below 1,000,000 are reserved
sid:1000001 If you create your own rule, assign it with any available
number greater than 1,000,000
alert icmp any any -> &HOME_NET any (msg:"ICMP test"; sid:1000001;
rev:1; classtype:icmp-event;)

Rule part Information

• Revision number.
rev:1 • This option allows for easier rule
• Categorizes the rule as an "icmp-event",
classtype:icmp-event one of the predefined Snort categories.
Categories help with organizing rules
TCP alert in a source IP address 192.168.x.x with any port; HOME_NET destination
on port 21:
alert tcp 192.168.x.x any -> &HOME_NET 21 (msg:"FTP connection
attempt"; sid:1000002; rev:1;)
TCP alert in HOME_NET port 21 (FTP) as a source, to any destination IP address and
alert tcp $HOME_NET 21 -> any any (msg:"FTP failed login";
content:"Login or password incorrent"; sid:1000003; rev:1;)
This alerts about traffic that originated anywhere other than the internal network,
going to the internal network port 31337:
alert tcp !HOME_NET any -> $HOME_NET 31337 (msg : "BACKDOOR
TCP Flag - NOT Ack
Alert tcp any any -> 443 (msg: “TCP SYN flood”; flags:!A;
flow: stateless; detection_filter: track by_dst, count 70, seconds 10;

If we get more than 70 rule

matches in a 10 second
period, it’s a SYN flood!

Download Snort and Rules at: https://www.snort.org/downloads

alert tcp any any -> any 445 (msg: “conficker.a shellcode”; content:
“|e8 ff ff ff ff c1|^|8d|N|10 80|1|c4|Af|81|9EPu|f5 ae c6 9d a0|O|85
ea|O|84 c8|O|84 d8|O|c4|O|9c cc|IrX|c4 c4 c4|,|ed c4 c4 c4
94|&<O8|92|\;|d3|WG|02 c3|,|dc c4 c4 c4 f7 16 96 96|O|08 a2 03 c5 bc
ea 95|\;|b3 c0 96 96 95 92 96|\;|f3|\;|24|i| 95 92|QO|8f f8|O|88 cf bc
c7 0f f7|2I|d0|w|c7 95 e4|O|d6 c7 17 f7 04 05 04 c3 f6 c6 86|D|fe c4
b1|1|ff 01 b0 c2 82 ff b5 dc b6 1b|O|95 e0 c7 17 cb|s|d0 b6|O|85 d8 c7
07|O|c0|T|c7 07 9a 9d 07 a4|fN|b2 e2|Dh|0c b1 b6 a8 a9 ab aa c4|]|e7
99 1d ac b0 b0 b4 fe eb eb|”; sid: 2000002; rev: 1;)
msg: “BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer
CacheSize exploit attempt”;
flow: to_client,established;
content:”recordset”; offset:14; depth:9; going on in
content:”.CacheSize”; distance:0; within:100; this
max-detect-ips drop, service http;
classtype: attempted-user;
msg: “BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer Alert only on
CacheSize exploit attempt”; TCP packets
flow: to_client,established;
content:”recordset”; offset:14; depth:9;
content:”.CacheSize”; distance:0; within:100;
pcre:”/CacheSize\s*=\s*/”; Only analyze
traffic for
max-detect-ips drop, service http;
reference:cve,2016-8077; connections
classtype: attempted-user;
12.3  OS Logs


 Nearly all devices have a system log
 Windows Event Viewer
 Linux has many logs located in /var/log
 Most routers, switches, firewalls and other network devices have their own logs

 Log events can be sent to a central Syslog server

 On Windows, install the Syslog server’s client software
 On Linux, edit /etc/syslog.conf to point to the Syslog server

 Logs can also be queried by a SIEM or IDS

 System logs of hosts and network devices must be time-synchronized
 IDS and sysadmin must be able to cross-correlate events
 Logging can be resource intensive for the device
 If you are about to enable logging / OS auditing on a system for the first time, consider
the impact of enabling the audit feature on system performance
 Widely used standard for capture log messages from a variety of devices
 Events are sent by devices to a centralized syslog server
 Even if the attacker manages to delete logs on the compromised system, the syslog
server has a copy
 Separates logging roles into:
 Software that generates messages
 The system that stores the messages
 The software that analyzes the messages and creates reports

 Messages include:
 time stamps, event messages, severity, host IP addresses, diagnostics, and more

 Kiwi syslog server is a popular syslog product

 Syslog uses UDP 514
12.4 IDS  NIDS Considerations


 System clock of all monitored and monitoring devices must be synchronized
 Network sensors (taps) must be strategically placed
 Must have traffic pass their interface
 Best way is to configure port spanning (mirroring) on a switch
 The switch copies all traffic to/from a particular port (where the server is connected) to
the mirrored port
 Provides defense-in-depth protection in addition to a firewall
 It is not typically used as a replacement
 A NIPS cannot handle the same heavy workload that a firewall can handle

 A false positive by a NIPS is more damaging than one by a NIDS

 Legitimate traffic will be denied
 This may cause production problems
 A NIPS usually has a smaller set of rules compared to a NIDS for this reason
 Only the most trustworthy rules are used

 A NIPS is not a replacement for a NIDS

 Many networks use both a NIDS and a NIPS
 To assist a NIPS, you can turn on the built-in auditing feature in the operating system
 Can slow system performance as well as take up a lot of disk space
 Once installed, nearly impossible to uninstall
 The product replaces some OS components

 Can only detect activity happening within the OS

 Cannot detect ping sweeps, port scans, and non-intrusive vulnerability scans

 Does not prevent intrusions or attacks

 Can be installed on network points such as routers or servers, but cannot monitor
at the network level
 Does not filter incoming/outgoing traffic based on rules, the way a firewall does, or
a bandwidth monitor does
 Is most effective as a solution if it can forward events from individual hosts to a
centralized log server, or even a cloud-based SIEM
 Some IDS/IPS products allow you to tune them for greater accuracy
 When tuning security alerts, attempt to tune to reduce false positives and false
 General tuning steps:
1. Identify Potential Locations for Sensors
2. Apply an Initial Configuration
3. Monitor the Sensor While Tuning
4. Analyze Alarms, Tune Out False Positives, and Implement Signature Tuning\
5. Selectively Implement Response Actions:
 IP logging, TCP resets, shunning (dynamically dropping/not allowing certain connections)
6. Update sensors with new signatures
 A bank stores and processes sensitive privacy information related to
home loans
 However, auditing has never been enabled on the system
 What is the first step that the bank should take before enabling the
audit feature?
 You must first determine the impact of enabling the audit feature
12.5  Evasion Techniques

IDS EVASION  Evasion Tools

There is no magic bullet
for detecting and
bypassing a firewalls or
IDS system.
What it requires is skill
and experience
 Use a proxy/anonymizer to make the attack difficult to trace
 Spoofed source IP, source routing and source port manipulation
 Make the packets seem to come from a trusted source

 Customize packets so they don’t make any signatures

 Append binary or text data

 IP fragmentation and session splicing

 Send attack in small packets, making it difficult to determine overall attack signature

 Using character encoding in a URL to obfuscate a destination or intent

 Create confusion by flooding the network with decoys, DoS and false positives
 Encrypt incoming malicious traffic
 An inside host will have to be able to decrypt

 Encrypt outgoing exfiltrated stolen data

 Use a tool such as CryptCat to encrypt stolen data before you exfiltrate it out of the
 Avoid scan types that an IDS will recognize
 Stealth scans
 Other scans with unusual TCP flag combinations
 Scans that go too fast
 Scanning hosts in sequential order
 A very slow scan will just appear as random noise to the IDS
 It will fall below the threshold necessary to fire an alert
 Make sure addresses and ports are targeted in random order
 Scan using nmap’s -T 5 switch
 A SIEM is likely to detect a very slow scan whereas an IDS might not
 Generates “noise” you can hide in
 Multiple IP addresses appear to be scanning a target simultaneously
 This makes it very difficult for the IDS or sysadmin to determine who the real
attacker is
 You can explicitly specify source addresses or allow the scanner to randomly
generate addresses
 Insertion Attack
 Attacker forces the IDS to process invalid packets

 Obfuscation
 Encoding the attack packets in such a way that the target is able to decode them, but the
IDS cannot
 Unicode - Use Unicode characters rather than ASCII so it doesn’t match any signature
 Polymorphic code - Change the attack code so it doesn’t match any IDS signature
 Encryption - Encrypt the attack code so it can’t be read
 Path manipulation to cause signature mismatch
 False Positive Generation Events
 Craft malicious packets designed to set off alarms
 Attempt to distract/overwhelm the IDS and admin

 Overlapping Fragments
 Generate a bunch of tiny fragments overlapping TCP sequence numbers.

 Fragmentation / Session Splicing

 The pre-created endpoint must reassemble the packets
 Use can use Whisker to perform this attack
 Desynchronization
 Manipulate the TCP SYN flag
 Fool IDS into not paying attention to the sequence numbers of the illegitimate attack
 Give the IDS a false set of sequences to follow

 Invalid RST Packets

 Manipulate the RST flag to trick the IDS into ignoring the communication session with the
 Urgency Flag - URG
 Manipulate the URG flag to cause the target and IDS to have different sets of packets
 The IDS will processes ALL packets irrespective of the URG flag
 The target will only process URG traffic
 Polymorphic Shellcode
 Blow up the pattern matching by constantly changing the shellcode

 ASCII Shellcode
 Use ASCII characters to bypass pattern matching

 Application-Level Attacks
 Taking advantage of the compression used to transfer large files and hide attacks in
compressed data, as it cannot be examined by the IDS.
 Exploits IDSs that do not reconstruct sessions before performing pattern matching
 Fragments the attack across multiple packets
 No single packet triggers an alert
 IDS reassembly times out if fragments sit too long it its buffer

 Whisker is a popular tool for session splicing

-I 1 IDS-evasive mode 1 (URL encoding)
-I 2 IDS-evasive mode 2 (/./ directory insertion)
-I 3 IDS-evasive mode 3 (premature URL ending)
-I 4 IDS-evasive mode 4 (long URL)
-I 5 IDS-evasive mode 5 (fake parameter)
-I 6 IDS-evasive mode 6 (TAB separation) (not NT/IIS)
-I 7 IDS-evasive mode 7 (case sensitivity)
-I 8 IDS-evasive mode 8 (Windows delimiter)
-I 9 IDS-evasive mode 9 (session splicing) (slow)
-I 0 IDS-evasive mode 0 (NULL method)
 Splits an HTTP request across multiple packets
 Not true IP fragmentation
 The receiving webserver does not have to reassemble IP fragments

 The target views the attack as a very slow incoming HTTP request
 Will keep adding the incoming data to its buffer until a complete request has been made

 Example:
GET / HTTP/1.0  GE T / H T TP /1 .0

 Whisker will put 1-3 characters in each packet

 Depending on system and network speed

 Stick
 An “IDS stress tool”
 Overwhelms a NIDS with so many alerts using valid signatures
 The admin can no longer distinguish between false positives and legitimate alerts
 Produces 250 alarms per second
 Can cause some IDSes, including Snort, to turn themselves off
 Snot
 Similar to Stick
 Attempts to randomize the sequence of rules or alerts generated so that a "Snot generation"
rule is not triggered by Snort
 Example: snot -r snort.rules -s www.somerandomhost.org/24 -d somesnortuser.com -l 10

 Fragroute
 Packet fragmenter

 Nessus and Nikto

 Vulnerability scanners with evasion capabilities
 sslproxy, TOR
 Use proxies with encrypted traffic to evade detection

 ADMmutate
 Creates scripts not recognizable by signature files

 NIDSbench
 Older tool for fragmenting bits

 Inundator
 Flooding tool

 IDS-Evasion
 Multiple bash, PowerShell, and Python scripts to evade Snort
 https://github.com/ahm3dhany/IDS-Evasion
 Whisker  Your Freedom
 Nmap  Tomahawk
 Hping2, Hping3  Atelier Web Firewall Tester
 CryptCat  Freenet
 Traffic IQ Professional  Gtunnel
 tcp-over-dns  Hotspot Shield
 Snare Agent for Windows  Proifier
 AckCmd  VPN One Click
 Whisker  Ostinato
 Colasoft Packet Builder  fping 3
 CommView  NetScanTools Pro
 hping3  pktgen
 Multi-Generator (MGEN)  PACKETH
 Net-Inspect  Packet Generator
 Overview
 Stateless
12.6  Stateful

FIREWALLS  Circuit-level
 Application
 Acts as a network choke point
 Traffic must flow through it
 Unauthorized traffic (in or out) is blocked

 Can detect:
 Unauthorized protocols
 Unauthorized source and destination IP addresses
 Unauthorized source and destination ports
 Unauthorized incoming connection attempts
 Malicious site URLs
 Malicious payloads

If you can reach a host using one port or protocol but not another,
suspect that a firewall is blocking certain traffic types.
 Hardware-based
 AKA firewall appliance
 Separate device
 Placed at the network edge, between the “trusted” and “untrusted” networks
 Blocks unauthorized traffic movement between the networks

 Software-based
 Installed on a host
 Prevents unauthorized traffic to/from the host itself
 Works at multiple OSI layers:
 Layer 3 – IP addresses
 Layer 4 – Protocol
 Layer 5 - Ports

 Can be a stateless firewall or a packet filtering router

 Every packet is compared to a rule set
 Firewall can permit or deny the packet
 Rules may include:
 IP address of source and/or destination
 Port number of source and/or destination
 Protocol (IP, ICMP, IGMP, TCP, UDP)

 There is no memory of the packet before

 You will have to configure rules for every contingency
 Best when high performance is critical
 Maintains a state table for every connection
 Disallows even outbound traffic if suspicious
 Tracks each connection
 Will notice if:
 There is no proper TCP handshake to start the connection
 Any port suddenly changes
 There are any other anomalies in the conversation

 Filters packets at the network and transport layers

 Evaluates packet contents at the application layer
 Most modern firewalls are stateful
 Works at the Session Layer (Layer 5)
 Allows/disallows entire circuits (connections), as opposed to individual packets
 Validates that TCP or UDP packets belong to an allowed connection
 Examines TCP handshakes
 Maintains a session state table
 Makes IP spoofing more difficult
 Compensates for UDP lack of source IP validation

 Typically host-based
 Or a feature of a multi-layer firewall appliance
 Filters packets at the Application Layer (7) of OSI or Application layer of TCP/IP
 Examines payloads and Application Layer headers
 Traffic is examined and filtered on application-specific commands

 If configured as a proxy:
 Client session put on hold at the proxy
 Proxy fetches approved content for the client
 Proxy caches the content against future requests • SOCKS is a Layer 5 protocol
 Only protocols supported by the proxy are serviced
• Connects client to proxy
• Can forward TCP and UDP
 All other protocols are rejected
• Optional authentication
 Or routed through packet filtering

 Slowest performance, deepest packet inspection

 A device that combines multiple functions into a single piece of hardware including:
 Firewall
 Anti-malware
 URL filter
 Spam/phishing filter
 VPN server
 Proxy
 Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
 Rules Syntax
 Examples

 Different products have different rules syntax
 Typical rules elements include:
 Action
 Protocol
 Source IP
 Source port
 Destination IP
 Destination port
 Connection state
 Interface
 Traffic direction (in or out of an interface)
End End Admin Filtering/ Web SSH /
User User Station Stateless server Telnet
Firewall Linux

source destination dest port/protocol

access-list 101 deny tcp any any eq 23

access-list 101 permit tcp host eq http
access-list 101 permit tcp host host eq ssh
access-list 101 permit ip any any
 Disallow any source from pinging any destination
 Deny ICMP any any

 Disallow any source from from querying any DNS server
 Deny UDP any eq 53

 Only permit host to use SSL/TLS connect to webserver

 Permit TCP host eq 443
 Only permit the admin station to SSH to a Linux server
 Permit TCP host eq 22

 Only permit hosts from subnet to use the client TCP source port 5555 to
connect to a gaming server that listens on port 7777
 Permit TCP eq 5555 host eq 7777

 Disallow any host sending SNMP packets to

 Deny UDP any host eq 161
 Block a specific IP address
 iptables -A INPUT -s "$BLOCK_THIS_IP" -j DROP

 Allow Incoming SSH only from a Specific Network

 iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -s --dport 22
-m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 22 -m state --state
 You’ve been asked to review the firewall configuration to ensure that workstations in
network can only reach the bank web site using https.
 Which rule satisfies the requirement?

 if (source matches and destination matches and

port matches 80 or 443) then permit

 if (source matches and destination matches and

port matches 443) then permit

 if (source matches and destination matches and port

matches 443) then permit

 if (source matches and destination matches and

port matches 443) then permit
 You’ve been asked to review the firewall configuration to ensure that workstations in
network can only reach the bank web site using https.
 Which rule satisfies the requirement?

 if (source matches and destination matches and

port matches 80 or 443) then permit

 if (source matches and destination matches and

port matches 443) then permit

 if (source matches and destination matches and port

matches 443) then permit

 if (source matches and destination matches and

port matches 443) then permit
12.8 FIREWALL  Architecture
 DMZ Types
DEPLOYMENTS  Traffic Flow
 Bastion Host
 A public-facing host
 System that protects network resources from attack
 Two interfaces: public and private

 Screened Subnet (DMZ)

 External and Internal firewalls, back-to-back
 Does not allow access to private zone

 Multi-homed Firewall
 Firewall with two or more interfaces to further subdivide the network based on security
 Often has a third interface that connects to a DMZ
 Sometimes called a perimeter network
Simpler to configure
More expensive Bastion

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall
More complex to configure Untrusted
Less expensive

Untrusted Private Network
Let the public-facing bastion host (typically a web server) “take one for the team”
Keep the application and database servers in the private network to protect them

Public-facing Application Database

Web Server Server Server

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

Traffic flow follows the same principles regardless of your firewall configuration

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

Outbound connection = connection started from the private network


DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

Replies from the untrusted network are permitted

If both firewalls are stateful, they will remember that an internal host started the session

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

An outbound connection can be from the trusted

network to any untrusted network (Internet or DMZ)

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

If the trusted network initiates the connection, a response from the

untrusted network is permitted back into the trusted network

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

An outbound connection can also be from the DMZ to the Internet

Both networks are considered “untrusted”
The DMZ will have some protections for its bastion hosts

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

Both a stateful and stateless firewall should be configured to permit responses


DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall
An Inbound connection is one initiated from a (less) trusted network to a (more) trusted network
A stateful firewall will know from its state table that the connection was not started from the inside
A stateless firewall should be configured to not accept any packet with just the TCP SYN flag raised
and the ACK flag set to 0


DMZ Private Network
Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted
firewall firewall

If there is a bastion host offering a service to the

Internet, the outside firewall should be configured to
permit incoming connections on that port


80 DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

While the Outside firewall will allow inbound connections to the DMZ
The Inside firewall is typically configured to allow NO inbound connections


Untrusted IPSEC
DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall

The exception is that you might have a host in the DMZ that needs to communicate with a host in the
private network. The safest way to allow this is to have an IPSEC VPN between the two. The inside
firewall should have very strict rules that only allow the VPN, and only to a specific internal host

NOTE: IPSEC works at Layer 3 and 4. It does not care what the Layer 2 protocol is.
Nor does it care what the payload is.
 Web server front end - Database server back end
 You could protect the internal financial database with a web server front
end in the DMZ
 Email spam filter - Email server
 Webmail front end - Mailbox server back end
 Public DNS

12.9 SPLIT DNS  Private DNS

 Split DNS Example
 You manage two separate DNS servers:
 External (public) DNS
 Internal (private) DNS

 They should be SEPARATELY managed with NO communication

between the servers
 You will need to separately configure records for both
 It is ok for both to have the same domain name
 Internal hosts should be configured to ONLY use the internal DNS server
 Should be in the DMZ or hosted by a provider
 Public-facing services such as public website, spam filter/email relay,
VPN server
 Only has records the general public will need access to
 TLD and parent DNS zones should delegate (point) down to your DNS
on the Internet
 Should not have to perform any non-authoritative lookups
 Should not have to query other DNS servers for anything
 Should be in the private network
 Has records that internal clients will need access to:
 Active Directory
 Internal resources

 Should include manual entries for public services in the DMZ

 Should be able to perform recursive queries or search the Internet
DNS tree for clients needing public records
 Configure all internal clients to use the private DNS only
 Have the private DNS go directly to an ISP DNS to do Internet name
IP DNS Public DNS Private DNS

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall
ISP DNS Public DNS Private DNS

DMZ Private Network

Outside Untrusted Inside Trusted

firewall firewall
FIREWALL  Host-based
 Appliances

 Comodo  VaultCore
 Cisco ASA  PC Protect
 Check Point  Bitdefender
 Untangle NG Firewall  McAfee
 Sonicwall  ZoneAlarm PRO
 Online Armor  Windows Defender
 FortiGate  Linux iptables
 ManageEngine  Linux UFW
 Perimeter 81  Cisco packet filtering router
 Outside firewall to create a “Dirty” DMZ
 Total AV
 Android Firewall  Privacy Shield
 Firewall iP  aFirewall
 Mobiwol: NoRoot Firewall  NoRoot Firewall
 DroidWall
 AFWall+
 Firewall Plus
 Root Firewall
 Android Firewall Gold
 Droid Firewall
 IDSaaS
 Google Cloud IDS
 AlienVault
 Checkpoint

 FWaaS
 Perimeter 81
 Fortinet
 Zscaler

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