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Schwabish 2014 An Economist S Guide To Visualizing Data

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Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 28, Number 1—Winter 2014—Pages 209–234

An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data

Jonathan A. Schwabish

nce upon a time, a picture was worth a thousand words. But with online
news, blogs, and social media, a good picture can now be worth so much
more. Economists who want to disseminate their research, both inside
and outside the seminar room, should invest some time in thinking about how to
construct compelling and effective graphics.
An effective graph should tap into the brain’s “pre-attentive visual processing”
(Few 2004; Healey and Enns 2012). Because our eyes detect a limited set of visual
characteristics, such as shape or contrast, we easily combine those characteristics and
unconsciously perceive them as an image. In contrast to “attentive processing”—the
conscious part of perception that allows us to perceive things serially—pre-attentive
processing is done in parallel and is much faster. Pre-attentive processing allows the
reader to perceive multiple basic visual elements simultaneously. Here is a simple
example; count the occurrences of the number 3 in the following set:


Now repeat the task with this set of numbers:


■Jonathan A. Schwabish is a Principal Analyst, Congressional Budget Office, Washington,

DC. His email address is jonathan.schwabish@cbo.gov.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1257/jep.28.1.209 doi=10.1257/jep.28.1.209
210 Journal of Economic Perspectives

The instances in the second set are much easier to find because they are encoded
using a different pre-atttentive attribute—in this case, the intensity of boldface type.
It takes imagination to create high-quality images that illustrate data accurately
and effectively and also show some understanding and appreciation of how people
acquire information. Indeed, what is known as the “Picture Superiority Effect” refers
to our ability to retain more information seen through pictures than through words
(for example, Medina 2008; Hockley and Bancroft 2011). There are thousands of
approaches to presenting data: for starters, consider the vast information on how
to choose fonts, colors, styles, layouts, and chart types. Three basic principles seem
especially useful.
First, show the data.. People read graphs in a research report, article, or blog to
understand the story being told. The data are the most important part of the graph
and should be presented in the clearest way possible. But that does not mean that
all of the data must be shown—indeed, many graphs show too much.
Second, reduce the clutter. Chart clutter, the use of unnecessary or distracting
visual elements, will tend to reduce effectiveness. Clutter comes in dark or heavy
gridlines; unnecessary tick marks, labels, or text; unnecessary icons or pictures;
ornamental shading and gradients; and unnecessary dimensions. Too often graphs
use textured or filled gradients

when simple shades of a color could accomplish the same task.

In some cases, familiar data markers (■♦●×) are used to distinguish between
several data series on a graph, but when the markers intersect and overlap they end
up cluttering the patterns.
Third, integrate the text and the graph.. Standard research reports often suffer
from the “slideshow effect,” in which the writer narrates the text elements that
appear in the graph. A better model is one in which visualizations are constructed to
complement the text and at the same time to contain enough information to stand
alone (Corum 2013). As a simple example, legends that define or explain a line,
bar, or point are often placed far from the content of the graph—off to the right or
below the graph. Integrated legends—right below the title, directly on the chart, or at
the end of a line—are more accessible.
Jonathan A. Schwabish 211

These three principles embody the idea that an author should support the
reader’s acquisition of information quickly and easily. By stripping out unneces-
sary clutter, emphasizing the data, and using certain pre-attentive attributes (for
example, hue (color), size, orientation, and shape) graphs can more clearly and
more effectively communicate information. However, default graph options in
many statistical programs tend to add clutter and to separate text and graphs, and
so researchers need to consider overriding those defaults and perhaps adding
annotation to create graphs that communicate information more effectively to
the reader.
This article encourages economists to think more strategically about how to
visualize their data and presents some pathways to create better, more effective
graphs. The next section demonstrates the principles in eight graphs remade using
nothing more complicated than Excel. The discussion then addresses some types
and purposes of different data visualizations, and briefly reviews some tools and
sources of information that researchers can use to improve their existing graphs or
to create new ones. One thing researchers should keep in mind is that graphs in
research reports or articles, and even those shown in verbal presentations, are not
meant for the author, but for the reader or the seminar audience. The line chart
that a researcher uses in the data exploration phase—with default gridlines, tick
marks, and colors—may not be the one that will best communicate the researcher’s
ideas to others. Discussions of data visualization are only now making their way into
economics journals and conferences, but perhaps this is just the beginning and
our discipline’s understanding of the importance of good visualization will expand
and grow.

Eight Graphs Transformed

Poor graphs communicate ineffectively, or even worse, provide a distorted

impression of the data. This section shows how eight graphs could be redesigned
to demonstrate the application of the three principles outlined above. Some
decisions are subjective, of course—line thickness, series order, axis label style.
Other decisions, I would argue, are just objectively better ways to convey meaning.
All of the redesigned graphs were constructed in Excel and required slight varia-
tions from the program’s default settings. Garamond—a classic serif font—is
used to slightly distinguish the graphs from the Journal of Economic Perspectives’s
Baskerville typeface. The electronic version of the JEP often uses color, which can
be an important tool in data visualization to invoke emotion, emphasize graphical
elements, or simply add aesthetic value. The print JEP does not use color, but all
graphs that use color in the electronic version of the JEP are designed to work
in greyscale for print readers. The choice of a color palette, like the choice of
a font, also can be subjective, but following some basic guidelines can improve
communication. In the final section, I discuss some tools that can help with those
strategies and selections.
212 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 1A
An Original Line Chart

15% 15%

Percent change in caseload

Percent change in caseload

Caseload: AO Caseload: NC
10% 10%

5% 5%

0% 0%

<5% <5%

<10% <10%

<15% <15%
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Years Years

15% 15%
Caseload: WE
Percent change in caseload

Percent change in caseload

Caseload: SS
10% 10%

5% 5%

0% 0%

<5% <5%

<10% <10%

<15% <15%
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Years Years

Source: Klerman and Danielson (2011).

The Line Chart

Figure 1A summarizes regression results of the correlation between the long-
run unemployment rate in the United States and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program caseloads for four groups.1 Instead of a single line chart with multiple
series or four large, separate charts, the authors have used a “small multiples”
approach in which four smaller charts are grouped together. Instead of packing as
much information as possible into a single graph, researchers should probably use
this approach more often. However, in other ways the graphs violate the three prin-
ciples outlined above.
Perhaps most importantly, a graph should emphasize the data, but the darkest
and thickest line on these graphs is the 0 percent gridline. Your eye is immediately
drawn to that thick, horizontal gridline rather than to the important parts of the graph,
namely the coefficient line and the standard errors. Also notice that the data values in
the last point of the WE and SS charts actually exceed the 15 percent data marker—the
graphs fail to show all data points.
Some elements add unneeded clutter. For example, the y-axis labels and
percentage signs are redundant and add clutter (there are 28 percentage signs
in all!) and the tick marks on the y-axes also seem unnecessary.

The authors were kind enough to send me the data behind their figure for reproduction here.
An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data 213

Figure 1B
A Revised Line Chart

Implied Impulse Response Functions for Different Caseloads

(Percent change)
Adult Only No Cash



Welfare Cash Assistance SSI Cash Assistance


0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Years Years

Finally, what do AO, NC, WE, and SS mean in the figure? In this article, these
terms are explained on the third and fourth pages, 15 pages before this figure is
presented. It seems unfair to ask a reader to search the paper to decode the meaning
of those labels. Instead, the text and the graphs can be integrated.
Figure 1B offers an alternative version of this figure. The darkest line now shows
the data (in this case, the coefficient estimate). The gridlines have been lightened,
but leaving the 0 percent gridline slightly darker so it can provide a baseline for the
series that dip below zero. Because the charts are aligned vertically and horizontally,
I eliminated two sets of labels to reduce clutter and to help highlight the central
message. I eliminated the percent signs and identified the unit in parentheses below
the title. This last edit is essentially a style choice—there is nothing inherently wrong
with using rotated text on the vertical axis, but it does require readers to turn the
page sideways or tilt their heads (Robbins 2013a).
The title is now above the graph—some publishers place titles below graphs even
though readers tend to start reading from the top left, move down along the left margin,
and then move to the right. Repositioning the word “Caseload” into the title—used
four times in the original—leaves room to spell out the abbreviations. One could, of
course, argue about many of the choices illustrated here: Perhaps four sets of axis labels
are better than two, or dotted standard error lines would be preferable to solid ones.
But surely, a number of these changes are clear improvements on the original figure.
214 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 2A
A Clutterplot Example

Education and Exports of Office Machines

Revealed comparative advantage

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Years of schooling, 2005

Source: Hanson (2012).

The Clutterplot
The next chart (Figures 2A and 2B) comes from the JEP (Hanson 2012, p. 54).
The explanation in the original article is as follows (emphasis added):

[The figure] plots countries’ revealed comparative advantage in office

machines . . . averaged over 2006 to 2008, against the average years of school-
ing of the adult population in 2005 . . . China is above the regression line,
indicating that its specialization in the sector is greater than one would
expect given its level of education, but it is hardly an extreme outlier. Other
middle-income countries—including Costa Rica, the Philippines, Malaysia, and
Thailand—have larger positive residuals.

Congratulations if you already know the three-letter codes for the five countries
referenced in the text. Even if you do, try to find them in the haystack of labels and
dots. The redesign offers an alternative that shows the data and reduces the clutter
I eliminated all labels other than those for the five countries under discussion,
which I spelled out, and I made the five data points darker, thus deemphasizing the
other points but still showing the important information.
Jonathan A. Schwabish 215

Figure 2B
Revising the Clutterplot Example

Education and Exports of Office Machines

Costa Rica Malaysia


China Philippines
Revealed comparative advantage
in office machines, 2006–08

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Years of schooling, 2005

One potential objection to naming only some of the points is the concern that
some readers may want to search through the figure for individual countries or
identify various outlier points. There will often be some tension between presenting
enough data to tell the story and presenting additional data that some readers
might want. But most journals and many individual researchers now have their own
websites, so posting the complete actual data for interested readers can be relatively
simple and inexpensive. If it is important to include the data within the paper itself,
a supplemental table in the text or as an appendix could be a more straightforward
method of presentation.

The Basic Column Chart

When it comes to bar and column charts, a first rule is to start the chart at zero.
Otherwise, the differences between the columns are overemphasized. Figure 3A
shows one such example of a column chart that does not start at zero. For example,
if you look at the second-shortest bar, with a value just above 500, it certainly does
not appear at a glance that it is half the length of the longest bar. This figure had
different colors for each bar, which is not necessary but may be useful. The axis in
the redesigned version, shown in Figure 3B, starts at zero and, to make room for the
labels that are integrated with the chart, the figure is rotated horizontally. In this
version, the second-shortest bar now appears at a glance to be about half the length
of the longest bar.
216 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 3A
The Basic Column Chart

Figure 2 Discounted Expected Lifetime

Earnings, VN(t')
finish no school
income in thousands

900 finish 1 yr

800 finish 3 yrs

grad 2.0 GPA
grad 3.0 GPA
400 grad 3.75 GPA

Source: Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (2013).

Figure 3B
The Revised Column Chart

Discounted Expected Lifetime Earnings, VN(t')

(Income in thousands)

Finish no school

Finish 1 year

Finish 3 years

Graduate, 2.0 GPA

Graduate, 3.0 GPA

Graduate, 3.75 GPA

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200

Source: Author’s calculations using numbers inferred from text in Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (2013).
An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data 217

Figure 4A
A 3D Chart

Change in real weekly wages of US-born workers by group, 1990-2006

Young (experience below 20 years) 11.3%
Old (Experience above 20 years)





-1.2% -1.3% -1.2%



-6.0% -5.4%
Some High School High School Graduate Some College College Graduate

Source: Ottaviano and Peri (2008).

The 3D Chart
Figure 4A uses the now-familiar 3D effect. In such graphs, the third dimen-
sion does not plot data values, but it does add clutter to the chart and, worse, it
can distort the information. Look at the far-right-hand bar, labeled 6 percent: No
point of the column touches the gridline for that value. This software tool—like
many others—uses perspective to give depth to the imaginary plane that runs across
the top of the column, intersecting the gridline. But most readers will perceive the
actual value of the column as less than 6 percent. Figure 4B shows a redesign: cancel
the 3D treatment and integrate the disconnected legend with the graph. Notice that
inserting the common baseline—portrayed in the original by a hovering, barely
perceptible thin gray line—permits a more effective comparison among groups.

The Unbalanced Chart

The source material for Figure 5A originally appeared in an interactive
visualization on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) website (http://www.oecd.org/gender/data/proportionofemployedw
hoareseniormanagersbysex.htm); a static version was later reproduced in a New
York Times Economix blog post (http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/02
218 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 4B
Flattening a 3D Chart

Change in real weekly wages of US-born workers by group, 1990–2006

12 11.3


Young (experience 6.0
6 below 20 years)

4 Old (experience above

20 years)

-1.2 -1.3 -1.2
-4 -3.0

Some High School High School Graduate Some College College Graduate

Figure 5A
An Unbalanced Chart

Percentage of Employed Who Are Senior Managers,

by Sex, 2008

Women Men




United States

United Kingdom



Czech Republic

OECD average




Slovak Republic




New Zealand





Source: Author, based on OECD (no date) and Rampell (2013).

Jonathan A. Schwabish 219

The chart is an ineffective communication tool in either version for three main
reasons. First, the same kinds of data are plotted using different types of encoding
so that it is difficult to compare location (diamonds) with length (bars). Further, the
relationship between the two values is obscured: The data points for men are too far
away from those for women and there is no visual connection between them. The
original versions used color—red (for women) and blue (for men) in the New York
Times and orange and blue in the OECD version—which can serve to draw attention
to or from certain elements.
Second, the columns for women take up a much larger proportion of the graph
than do the diamonds for men, overemphasizing the data for women. If the inten-
tion is to give greater emphasis to the data for women, then a descriptive title—such
as “Women’s Employment as Senior Managers Averaged 6 Percent in 2008”—would
have helped clarify the meaning. Furthermore, the gradient color shading in the
columns is darker at the bottom than at the top where the data are truly encoded.
Finally, there are many gridlines, all heavy, and the percent signs on the y-axis
labels are redundant. Additionally, the x-axis labels are potentially difficult to scan
because they are vertical.
The chart could be redesigned in a number of ways. Paired bars could be
used for men and women, or the figure could be turned into a table (Schwabish
2013a shows some other alternatives). Figure 5B shows a less-common type of visual
approach. For some readers, these different types of plots may not be perceived as
quickly as more commonly used graph types, such as bars or lines, but it’s instructive
to remember that scatterplots, not so long ago a novelty in mainstream publishing,
now appear regularly. Just as our text literacy can expand with experience and expo-
sure, so can our graphic literacy.
The redesigned chart shown in Figure 5B has several characteristics worth
noting. First, the data are encoded similarly for men and women so that the reader
can better perceive the connection between the two series and compare them.
Second, the title, units, and legend are integrated and placed at the top-left of the
chart, which helps the reader “enter” the chart. Third, the country labels are rotated
horizontally and incorporated directly onto the chart with the thin gray connecting
lines helping to illustrate the comparison between data points for men and women.
Finally, the average value for the OECD as a whole is an unfilled circle (in a version
where black and white printing is not considered, different shades or colors could
be used instead).
One potential shortcoming of the redesign is the lack of vertical gridlines. In
the original, the gridlines perhaps helped distinguish more specific values. There
is often a tension in this aspect of data visualization—how much of the purpose of
the graph is to explain an idea and how much is to provide specific data (Few 2005;
Schwabish 2013b)?

The Spaghetti Chart

If a line chart has too many series, any single trend will be obscured. Such
charts are sometimes called “spaghetti charts” (Nussbaumer 2013). If too much
220 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 5B
Revising the Unbalanced Chart

Percentage of Employed Who Are Senior Managers, by

Gender, 2008
Women Men
United States
New Zealand
United Kingdom
OECD average
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
0 5 10 15 20

information is plotted, readers can have difficulty pulling out the meaning of a
single series or drawing an overall conclusion. Figure 6A is not an extreme example
of a spaghetti chart, with only four lines. Nonetheless, consider some of its short-
comings: First, the data markers on every point make it difficult to pre-attentively
follow any single series. Second, the legend is located far from the data and the
order of the legend does not match the order of the lines.
One alternative to the spaghetti chart is to create smaller charts in series (some-
times called sparklines or small multiples; see Tufte 2006). Instead of a single, dense
presentation of data, Figure 6B splits the information into four separate, smaller
An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data 221

Figure 6A
A Spaghetti Chart

27. Initial DI Worker Awards by Major Cause of Disability—Calendar Years 1975-2010




15% Circulatory


1975 1980 1985 1990 1996 2000 2005 2010

Source: Social Security Advisory Board (2012).

Figure 6B
Revising the Spaghetti Chart

Initial DI Worker Awards by Major Cause of Disability—

Calendar Years 1975–2010
Circulatory Mental
32 Mental Circulatory


11 11

Musculoskeletal Cancer



1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
222 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 7A Figure 7B
A Pie Chart B: A Pie Chart, Rotated

Group A Group B

Group B Group C

Group C Group D

Group D Group A

Group E Group E

Group F Group F

graphs to highlight the information in each line within the context of all the data.
The contrast between light and dark helps to highlight specific trends and reduce
clutter, as does the use of a label at either end of the main line in each set. (The
y-axes are deleted, but they could be restored.) In this redesign, I have tried to
emphasize the trends over time; my approach would differ if I were trying to empha-
size specific numbers.

The Pie Chart

The debate concerning the effectiveness of pie charts is among the most
contentious in the field of data visualization (much of the discussion in this section
is based on Few 2007). Many people love pie charts—they are familiar, easily under-
stood, and present “part-to-whole” relationships in an obvious way. But others argue
that because pie charts force readers to make comparisons using the areas of the
slices or the angles formed by the slices—something that our visual perception does
not accurately support—they are not an effective way to communicate information.
Donut charts—in which the center of the pie is punched out—just exacerbate the
problem: The empty center makes the reader estimate the angle and arrive at other
qualitative part-to-whole judgments without being able to see the center where the
edges meet.
Pie chart slices that form 90-degree right angles—that is, slices that form one-
quarter increments—are the most familiar to our eyes. Other amounts can be far
more difficult to discern. The six segments in Figure 7A, for example, are presented
clockwise in alphabetical order. Group C is easily identified as being about 25 percent
of the whole. If, as in Figure 7B, however, the order of the segments is positioned so
that the largest starts at the 12 o’clock position, the value of Group C is not so easily
apprehended. One small change obscures the information.
To test your accuracy, try to guess the values of the slices: Figure 8A shows the
answers. Was your guess about Group A correct? What about Group E? When I ask
this question, guesses ordinarily range between 5% and 17% for each. Figure 8B
offers a different approach: Add labels that integrate the data (instead of listing
percentages in the notes or attaching them to the legend).
Jonathan A. Schwabish 223

Figure 8A
A Pie Chart, Labeled

Group F
Group E
Group A
Group B

Group D

Group C

Figure 8B
Pie Chart Alternative: A Bar or Column Chart

Percentage of Total Sales






Group B Group C Group D Group A Group E Group F Total
40% + 25% + 17% + 10% + 7% + 1% = 100%

This approach results in what amounts to two sets of information: the labels
and the values for the slices (which readers might add up to arrive at 100 percent).
This defeats the very purpose of the chart, which is to provide a visual representa-
tion of the data. It might be more effective just to present this information in the
form of a short table. A bar or column chart could be another effective alternative:
Figure 8B takes the guesswork out of identifying the value of each group and gives
a clear picture of the relationships between the various groups, both in absolute
amounts and in relative differences, as well as a ranking of the group from largest
to smallest. The bar or column chart representation is best suited for comparing
different segments; however, it is less efficient at helping us make part-to-whole
224 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 8C
Part-to-Whole Mini-Pie Charts

comparisons. In an attempt to add “part-to-whole” context—something that is often

not that interesting in itself—the descriptive title at the top and the values and plus
signs at the bottom reinforce the fact that the sum of the columns is 100 percent.
(A completed graph could also delete the percent signs.)
Another point: Although pie charts typically ask us to compare all the data
within a single space, they are by definition designed to facilitate part-to-whole
comparisons. Thus, Figure 8C shows the true purpose of the pie chart, which is to
individually compare each part to the whole (Camões 2013).
Another common—and less-than-optimal—way to present data is in a 3D pie
chart. Like the 3D bar chart, such a treatment often presents the additional draw-
back of actually distorting the data. Whatever slice of a 3D pie chart that is toward
the “front” tends to look bigger, because you can also see the 3D thickness for
that slice. However, slices toward the “back” of a 3D pie chart tend to look smaller,
because their “thickness” is only partially visible or not visible at all (Skau 2012).
As an example of the difficulty in discerning quantities from pie charts,
Figure 9A makes the reader undertake a difficult comparison of a large number
of segments—not just internally, but with another similar set right beside the first.2
The process of information transfer can be simplified by use of other graphic
forms, which also offer the benefit of emphasizing different aspects of the analysis.
For example, the paired column chart in Figure 9B fosters within-category compari-
sons. The vertical orientation requires that the labels either stretch across several
lines or, worse, are rotated 90 degrees. A horizontal orientation would also work

Note that the pie chart for 1962 does not sum to 100 percent and there is a small, unlabeled gap left
at the 12 o’clock position. For the redesigned graphs in Figures 9B –9D, I added the missing 2 percent
from the 1962 series to the “Other” category. Brock (2013) shows other possible alternatives to paired
pie charts.
An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data 225

Figure 9A
Two Pie Charts for Comparison

Shares of Aggregate Income, 1962 and 2007

Aggregate income, by source
employee Other
Other Social pensions 3% Social
16% Security 8% Security
30% 36%
Government pensions
employee 9%
Asset 16%
15% Earnings
28% Earnings
1962 2007

Source: Social Security Administration (2009).

Figure 9B
Alternative to a Pie Chart: A Paired Column Chart

Shares of Aggregate Income, 1962 and 2009


1962 2009


30 29

11 9
3 4

Social Security Earnings Asset income Private Government Other

pensions employee

in this case and is a useful approach when labels are difficult to fit in the vertical
column chart layout (recall Figure 3; also see Schwabish 2013c). Also notice the
(subjective) decision to omit the y-axis; the usefulness of the y-axis is doubtful with
data labels placed on top of each column.
226 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Figure 9C
Alternative to a Pie Chart: A Stacked Bar Chart

Shares of Aggregate Income, 1962 and 2009

Private employee
Social Security Earnings Asset income pensions pensions Other

1962 30 28 18 15 6 3

2009 38 29 4 11 9 9

Figure 9D
Alternative to a Pie Chart: The Slope Chart

Shares of Aggregate Income, 1962 and 2009 38


Social Security, 30 29
Earnings, 28

Other, 18
Asset income, 15
Government employee 9
pensions, 6
Private pensions, 3
1962 2009

Alternatively, the stacked bar chart in Figure 9C shows the distribution of the
various groups and that the groups sum to 100 percent, while also highlighting
differences from one year to the other. Finally, the slope chart in Figure 9D also
shows the difference in each category from the first year to the last by pairing points
on two vertical axes. Slope charts can be used for a variety of purposes including
showing correlations; for example, the relationship between a state’s obesity rate
and the share of people with at least a bachelor’s degree (Cairo 2013). In this
example, the color contrast (or what appears as different shades of grey in the
black-and-white printed version) identifies which categories increased over time
(blue; darker) and those that declined (orange; lighter).
Jonathan A. Schwabish 227

Figure 10
Data Visualization: Form and Function

Form: Static

Often a line chart, bart chart, or Leads readers to discover

infographic used to identify key their own stories as they
findings for the reader, examine the static
reinforce a specific point in the representation of data
text, or show a single narrative (for example, Moritz
(for example, CBO, Federal Stefaner, Müsli Ingredient
Means-Tested Transfer Programs). Network).
Function: Function:
Explanatory Exploratory
Often, an online slide deck Promotes information
or a static graph with an transfer between user and
interactive hover or rollover interface; asks users to
that allows a reader to generate their own
interact with a specific story hypotheses and find their
(for example, World Bank, own stories (for example,
Economic Policy & External OECD, Better Life Index).
Debt ).

Form: Interactive

Source: CBO (Congressional Budget Office), Means-Tested Transfer Program (http://www.cbo.gov

/publication/43935); Moritz Stefaner Müsli Ingredient Network (http://stefaner.eu/projects/musli
-ingredient-network); World Bank, Economic Policy & External Debt (http://data.worldbank.org/topic
/economic-policy-and-external-debt); and OECD, Better Life Index (http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org).

Form and Function

Once we move past the various strategies for presentation, it is useful to examine
the various forms and functions of data visualization. First, consider the vertical axis
in Figure 10, which illustrates the connection between the two general forms of visu-
alization. Static visualizations provide all of the information at once and are not active
or moving: for example, visualizations that appear on paper are static. Interactive
visualizations allow a transfer of information between the figure and the user.
Animated visualizations, which move but do not necessarily permit manipulation of
data points to create alternative results—like movies or online slideshows where the
user can control the pace of the story—can be thought of as falling between a static
and an interactive visualization. Second, consider the horizontal axis in Figure 10,
which considers the function of the visualization. Explanatory visualizations bring the
main results to the forefront—they “surface key findings”—to some extent helping
to reveal the story (for further discussion, see Segel and Heer 2010; Kosara and
Mackinlay 2013). In comparison, exploratory visualizations help users interact with a
dataset or subject matter to uncover the findings themselves. Such visualizations do
not generally propose a single narrative or draw out specific insights.3

Other mappings are of course possible and just as feasible (Bertin 1983; Harris 1996; Heer, Bostock,
and Ogievetsky 2010; Kirk 2013; Kosara 2013a).
228 Journal of Economic Perspectives

Economists typically live in a world of explanatory, static graphs. The graphs

tend to be static and are used to reinforce a point made in accompanying text.
Infographics (a longer form that tends to combine text, graphics, pictures, and
icons) also typically are in that quadrant.
An example of a static explanatory figure would be one that portrays a single
narrative, like the Congressional Budget Office’s Federal Means-Tested Transfer
Programs infographic (http://www.cbo.gov/publication/43935), which combines
images, graphs, and text to tell a specific story. An example of a static exploratory
figure is Moritz Stefaner’s Mü üsli Ingredient Network (http://stefaner.eu/projects
/musli-ingredient-network), which shows combinations of custom-ordered muesli
ingredients. This approach leads readers to discover their own stories as they
examine the static representation of data.
Interactive visualizations often are popular because they open the possibility of
new and independent conclusions. They also enable the user to take those discov-
eries and produce something more explanatory. In general, the most effective
interactive visualizations follow a three-step mantra: “Overview first, zoom and filter,
then details-on-demand” (Shneiderman 1996). Such visualizations give a broad
look at the graphic space, then allow readers to further define the space of interest,
and finally permit them to capture specific details.
Perhaps the easiest explanatory interactive graph type to consider is a static
graph that has an interactive hover or rollover layered on top (for example, the
line graphs of economic indicators produced by the World Bank, http://data
.worldbank.org/topic/economic-policy-and-external-debt). Exploratory interactive
visualizations (such as OECD’s Better Life Index,, http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org)
graphically present a complete dataset and ask users to find interesting stories.
Subsequent links and reports then allow readers to find the details on demand.

Tools and Resources

Standard statistical software packages can generate basic static graphs, but
people who want to improve their visualizations can take a few steps to reduce clutter
and move away from default layouts, gridlines, colors, and fonts. The discussion
below is not comprehensive and mentions of specific products are not intended
as an endorsement but may serve as a starting point. A longer list can be found
at the “Resources” page of my website (http://policyviz.com/resources/). Several
tools—often free—can help users to make better use of their data in analysis or as
they prepare for presentation or publication.

Color could be the most misused and misunderstood aspect of design (Kosara
2013b). One simple strategy for improving the finished product is simply to avoid
using default palettes. The red, green, and blue default in Excel is so pervasive
that just changing to a different set of colors can make a graph more appealing.
An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data 229

Free online tools like Adobe Kuler (kuler.adobe.com/create/color-wheel),

ColorBrewer2.0 (colorbrewer2.org), ColorSchemeDesigner (colorschemedesigner.
com), and Colrd (colrd.com), allow users to create, modify, and export color
palettes. The Instant Eyedropper tool (instant-eyedropper.com) allows users to
choose colors from any image on a computer screen. Much has been written on
color, but Ware (2012) offers perhaps the most comprehensive discussion. For situ-
ations such as publication in this journal, where one’s graph may appear in both
color and greyscale, there are tools—especially the ColorBrewer tool—that allow
one to test grayscale-consistent color palettes.
Another important note about color is that about 10 percent of the population
has some form of a color vision deficiency, and many of those people have difficul-
ties distinguishing between greens and reds (see, for example, Coady 2013). Color
Oracle (colororacle.org) and Vischeck (www.vischeck.com/) are two free tools that
can simulate varieties of color blindness.

With so many type choices on most people’s computers or available online for
free, it seems a shame to use the boring and overused Arial, Calibri, and Times New
Roman typefaces. New fonts are designed all the time, and many old ones can give an
image a fresh look. Good starting places are Font Squirrel (www.fontsquirrel.com)
and Google Fonts (www.google.com/fonts). Spiekermann and Ginger (2003) and
Bringhurst (2013) explain some of the science of typography and offer guides to
choosing type for different purposes.

Visualization Tools
It is relatively simple to venture beyond the basic graphs available through the
default settings in Stata, SAS, Excel, and other commonly available programs. The
default graph in Stata, for example, has a blue background, and the first set of tick
marks are not always located where the x- and y-axes intersect. Both of those conditions
are easily changed. As alternatives, the open-source language R (www.r-project.org)
offers more graphing capabilities. And although Excel is often dismissed as unimag-
inative, a variety of blogs, books, and websites provide tips and strategies to extend
its capabilities (www.peltiertech.com is one).
It used to be that knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, or some other web-based
programming language was a prerequisite for creating interactive visualizations.
But an expanding set of available graphics tools require no more than the ability
to drag and drop. Several different file types can be imported into Tableau (www
.tableausoftware.com), for example, to create a variety of interactive graphics. Custom
visualizations can be built using different programming languages such as HTML,
JavaScript, or Processing (http://processing.org/). The R programming language
also has a series of additions that enable users to create interactive visualizations: for
examples, see, rCharts (http://ramnathv.github.io/rCharts/) and Shiny (http://
www.rstudio.com/shiny/). The New York Times,, for example, makes extensive use of
the JavaScript library D3. Creator Mike Bostock (http://bost.ocks.org/mike/ and
230 Journal of Economic Perspectives

bl.ocks.org/mbostock) provides a library of D3 visualizations, and Murray (2013)

offers an introduction to the language.

The workhorse of most graphic designers is the Adobe Creative Suite,
which includes programs such as InDesign, Illustrator, and PhotoShop. The free,
open-source software Inkscape (http://inkscape.org/) is an alternative. Many
books have been published on the topic of layout and design: Golombisky and
Hagen (2010) offer a starting point to better understanding of design techniques,
and Tondreau (2009) offers a good introduction to layout.

Formal mapping software can be quite expensive and free online versions—from
ArcGIS and ESRI, for example—are often relatively inflexible. Stata offers the “spmap”
add-in (www.stata.com/support/faqs/graphics/spmap-and-maps), but the quality of
the images is disappointing. StatPlanet (www.statsilk.com) is a free Flash-based program
that imports data from Excel to create interactive visualizations. Interactive maps can
also be constructed in Tableau, mentioned above. Another free tool, TileMill (http://
www.mapbox.com/tilemill/) is HTML-based and thus may require a bit more time to
learn and use, but it is slightly more flexible.

Infographic Tools
Rising interest in infographics has led to the creation of services that guide
users through the design process. Like those for interactive visualizations, the new
infographic packages are more user friendly than older tools. Examples include
Datawrapper (http://datawrapper.de/), Infogr.am (http://infogr.am/), and Lemon.ly

The amount of writing on data visualization has exploded over the past few
years. The data visualization field moves fast—new work is constantly emerging,
new products are constantly being released, and discussion and debates about best
practices are continuous. Many books and blogs offer in-depth discussions on data
visualization techniques and strategies or offer tutorials for the tools listed above.
Early and fundamental books are those by Tukey (1977), Bertin (1983),
Cleveland (1993), and Tufte (2001[1983]). Wong (2010) and Robbins (2013b) are
excellent sources for classifying specific charts for specific data types. In his books,
Few (2009, 2012) dedicates a bit more time to examine the cognitive theory of
data visualization and effective data visualization techniques. Recent books by Cairo
(2013) and Yau (2011, 2013) are also excellent newer contributions to the field.
The number of blogs dedicated to the data visualization field is constantly
growing. What follows is a very short list: Eager Eyes (eagereyes.org) is produced by
Robert Kosara, a visual analysis researcher at Tableau Software and former computer
science professor at UNC-Charlotte. Kosara often writes about the research side of
Jonathan A. Schwabish 231

data and information visualization and offers constructive criticism and explora-
tions. Flowing Data (flowingdata.com) is produced by author and statistician Nathan
Yau, who provides a daily showcase of visualizations from around the web. He also
posts visualization tutorials, primarily in the R programming language. Percep-
tual Edge (perceptualedge.com) is produced by author and consultant Stephen
Few, who writes about good and bad trends in data visualization and promotes
best practices with a focus on the visual aspects of human cognition. Junk Charts
( junkcharts.typepad.com) is where Kaiser Fung collects and offers criticism of
charts that do a poor job of presenting data. Visualising Data (visualisingdata.com)
author Andy Kirk details the design process and trends in the field. Storytelling
with Data (storytellingwithdata.com) is Cole Nussbaumer’s blog where she offers
practical examples for creating more effective visualizations. Finally, I offer prac-
tical data visualization examples on my website (policyviz.com/), as well as issues
pertaining to creating more effective verbal presentations. On my companion site,
HelpMeViz.com, readers can submit works in progress to seek advice and feedback
from the data visualization community.


For economists who want readers to apprehend results quickly and accurately,
presentation matters. Effective visualizations show the data to tell the story, reduce
clutter to keep the focus on the important points, and integrate the text with the
graphs to transfer information efficiently. With the increased flexibility of even
fairly basic software programs (like Excel), it is now more cost-effective in terms of
time and energy for researchers to invest some time learning and thinking about
the details of graphical presentation.
To create great, effective visualizations, carefully consider the needs of your
audience—the numbers, facts, or stories that will help them understand your ideas
and your arguments. Consider the interfaces—static versus interactive—they will
use. And pair the depth and clarity of your data, models, and writing with visualiza-
tions that are just as clear and compelling.

■ The views in this article are mine and should not be interpreted as those of the Congressional
Budget Office. For more information on data visualization and presentation techniques,
see my site www.PolicyViz.com. I am grateful to the editors of this journal—David Autor,
Chang-Tai Hseih, Ulrike Malmendier, and Timothy Taylor—for recognizing the importance
of data visualization in the economics profession, and to Ann Norman and Annette Blanar
for their painstaking proofreading and typesetting work. I also thank the authors of the graphs
used in the paper and Alberto Cairo, Stephen Few, Molly Dahl, Kate Kelly, and Robert Kosara.
232 Journal of Economic Perspectives


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