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Chapter 7 Practice Exercises 453

21. a. Show that ln x grows slower as x S q than x1>n for any posi- Algorithms and Searches
tive integer n, even x1>1,000,000. 23. a. Suppose you have three different algorithms for solving the
T b. Although the values of x
eventually overtake the val- same problem and each algorithm takes a number of steps that
ues of ln x, you have to go way out on the x-axis before this is of the order of one of the functions listed here:
happens. Find a value of x greater than 1 for which n log2 n, n3>2, n(log2 n)2.
x1>1,000,000 7 ln x. You might start by observing that when
x 7 1 the equation ln x = x1>1,000,000 is equivalent to the Which of the algorithms is the most efficient in the long run?
equation ln (ln x) = (ln x)>1,000,000. Give reasons for your answer.
T c. Even x takes a long time to overtake ln x. Experiment with T b. Graph the functions in part (a) together to get a sense of how
a calculator to find the value of x at which the graphs of x1>10 rapidly each one grows.
and ln x cross, or, equivalently, at which ln x = 10 ln (ln x). 24. Repeat Exercise 23 for the functions
Bracket the crossing point between powers of 10 and then
close in by successive halving. n, 2n log2 n, (log2 n)2.
T d. (Continuation of part (c).) The value of x at which ln x = T 25. Suppose you are looking for an item in an ordered list one million
10 ln (ln x) is too far out for some graphers and root finders to items long. How many steps might it take to find that item with a
identify. Try it on the equipment available to you and see sequential search? A binary search?
what happens.
T 26. You are looking for an item in an ordered list 450,000 items long
22. The function ln x grows slower than any polynomial Show (the length of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary).
that ln x grows slower as x S q than any nonconstant polynomial. How many steps might it take to find the item with a sequential
search? A binary search?

Chapter 7 Questions to Guide Your Review

1. How is the natural logarithm function defined as an integral? 8. What are the six basic hyperbolic functions? Comment on their
What are its domain, range, and derivative? What arithmetic domains, ranges, and graphs. What are some of the identities
properties does it have? Comment on its graph. relating them?
2. What integrals lead to logarithms? Give examples. 9. What are the derivatives of the six basic hyperbolic functions?
3. What are the integrals of tan x and cot x? sec x and csc x? What are the corresponding integral formulas? What similarities
do you see here with the six basic trigonometric functions?
4. How is the exponential function ex defined? What are its domain,
range, and derivative? What laws of exponents does it obey? 10. How are the inverse hyperbolic functions defined? Comment on
Comment on its graph. their domains, ranges, and graphs. How can you find values of
sech-1 x, csch-1 x, and coth-1 x using a calculator’s keys for
5. How are the functions ax and loga x defined? Are there any
cosh-1 x, sinh-1 x, and tanh-1 x?
restrictions on a? How is the graph of loga x related to the
graph of ln x? What truth is there in the statement that there is 11. What integrals lead naturally to inverse hyperbolic functions?
really only one exponential function and one logarithmic 12. How do you compare the growth rates of positive functions as
function? x S q?
6. How do you solve separable first-order differential equations? 13. What roles do the functions ex and ln x play in growth comparisons?
7. What is the law of exponential change? How can it be derived 14. Describe big-oh and little-oh notation. Give examples.
from an initial value problem? What are some of the applications 15. Which is more efficient—a sequential search or a binary search?
of the law? Explain.

Chapter 7 Practice Exercises

Integration p>6
cos t
Evaluate the integrals in Exercises 1–12. 5. dt 6. ex sec ex dx
L-p>2 - sin t
1. ex sin (ex) dx 2. et cos (3et - 2) dt ln (x - 5) cos (1 - ln y)
L L 7. dx 8. dy
p 1>4 L x - 5 L
3. tan dx 4. 2 cot px dx
L0 3 L1>6
454 Chapter 7: Integrals and Transcendental Functions

7 32 25. A particle is traveling upward and to the right along the curve
3 1
9. x dx 10. dx y = ln x. Its x-coordinate is increasing at the rate (dx>dt) =
L1 L1 5x 2x m>sec. At what rate is the y-coordinate changing at the point
e2 4 (e2, 2)?
11. dx 12. (1 + ln t)t ln t dt 26. A girl is sliding down a slide shaped like the curve y = 9e-x>3.
Le x 2ln x L2 Her y-coordinate is changing at the rate dy>dt = (- 1>4) 29 - y
ft>sec. At approximately what rate is her x-coordinate changing
Solving Equations with Logarithmic or Exponential Terms
when she reaches the bottom of the slide at x = 9 ft? (Take e3 to
be 20 and round your answer to the nearest ft > sec.)
In Exercises 13–18, solve for y.
13. 3y = 2y + 1 14. 4-y = 3y + 2
27. The functions ƒ(x) = ln 5x and g(x) = ln 3x differ by a constant.
15. 9e 2y
= x 2
16. 3y = 3 ln x What constant? Give reasons for your answer.
17. ln (y - 1) = x + ln y 18. ln (10 ln y) = ln 5x 28. a. If (ln x)>x = (ln 2)>2, must x = 2?
Comparing Growth Rates of Functions b. If (ln x)>x = -2 ln 2, must x = 1>2?
19. Does ƒ grow faster, slower, or at the same rate as g as x S q? Give reasons for your answers.
Give reasons for your answers. 29. The quotient (log4 x)>(log2 x) has a constant value. What value?
a. ƒ(x) = log2 x, g(x) = log3 x Give reasons for your answer.
1 T 30. logx (2) vs. log2 (x) How does ƒ(x) = logx (2) compare with
b. ƒ(x) = x, g(x) = x + x
g(x) = log2 (x)? Here is one way to find out.
c. ƒ(x) = x>100, g(x) = xe-x
a. Use the equation loga b = (ln b)>(ln a) to express ƒ(x) and
d. ƒ(x) = x, g(x) = tan-1 x
g(x) in terms of natural logarithms.
e. ƒ(x) = csc-1 x, g(x) = 1>x
b. Graph ƒ and g together. Comment on the behavior of ƒ in
f. ƒ(x) = sinh x, g(x) = ex relation to the signs and values of g.
20. Does ƒ grow faster, slower, or at the same rate as g as x S q?
In Exercises 31–34, solve the differential equation.
Give reasons for your answers.
a. ƒ(x) = 3-x, g(x) = 2-x dy 3y(x + 1)2
31. = 2y cos2 2y 32. y′ =
dx y - 1
b. ƒ(x) = ln 2x, g(x) = ln x2
c. ƒ(x) = 10x + 2x ,3 2
g(x) = ex 33. yy′ = sec y2 sec2 x 34. y cos2 x dy + sin x dx = 0
d. ƒ(x) = tan-1(1>x), g(x) = 1>x In Exercises 35–38, solve the initial value problem.
e. ƒ(x) = sin-1(1>x), g(x) = 1>x2 dy
35. = e-x - y - 2, y(0) = -2
f. ƒ(x) = sech x, g(x) = e-x dx
21. True, or false? Give reasons for your answers.
dy y ln y
36. = , y(0) = e2
a. 2 + 4 = O a 2 b b. 2 + 4 = O a 4 b
1 1 1 1 1 1 dx 1 + x2

37. x dy - 1 y + 2y 2 dx = 0, y(1) = 1
x x x x x x
c. x = o(x + ln x) d. ln (ln x) = o(ln x)
e. tan-1 x = O(1) f. cosh x = O(ex) dx ex
38. y-2 = , y(0) = 1
22. True, or false? Give reasons for your answers. dy e2x + 1

= O a 2 + 4b = oa 2 + 4 b
1 1 1 1 1 1 39. What is the age of a sample of charcoal in which 90% of the
a. b.
x4 x x x4 x x carbon-14 originally present has decayed?
c. ln x = o(x + 1) d. ln 2x = O(ln x) 40. Cooling a pie A deep-dish apple pie, whose internal tempera-
e. sec x = O(1) f. sinh x = O(ex) ture was 220°F when removed from the oven, was set out on a
breezy 40°F porch to cool. Fifteen minutes later, the pie’s internal
Theory and Applications
temperature was 180°F. How long did it take the pie to cool from
23. The function ƒ(x) = ex + x, being differentiable and one-to-one,
has a differentiable inverse ƒ -1(x). Find the value of dƒ-1 >dx at
there to 70°F?
the point ƒ(ln 2).
24. Find the inverse of the function ƒ(x) = 1 + (1>x), x ≠ 0. Then
show that ƒ -1(ƒ(x)) = ƒ(ƒ -1(x)) = x and that

dƒ -1
= .
dx ƒ(x) ƒ′(x)
Chapter 7 Additional and Advanced Exercises 455

Chapter 7 Additional and Advanced Exercises

1. Let A(t) be the area of the region in the first quadrant enclosed by a. Show that g(0) = 0.
the coordinate axes, the curve y = e-x, and the vertical line b. Show that g′(x) = 1 + 3g(x) 4 2.
x = t, t 7 0. Let V(t) be the volume of the solid generated by
c. Find g(x) by solving the differential equation in part (b).
revolving the region about the x-axis. Find the following limits.
7. Center of mass Find the center of mass of a thin plate of con-
a. lim A(t) b. lim V(t)>A(t) c. lim+ V(t)>A(t)
t Sq t Sq tS0 stant density covering the region in the first and fourth quadrants
2. Varying a logarithm’s base enclosed by the curves y = 1>(1 + x2) and y = - 1>(1 + x2)
a. Find lim loga 2 as a S 0 + , 1-, 1 + , and q. and by the lines x = 0 and x = 1.
T b. Graph y = loga 2 as a function of a over the interval 8. Solid of revolution The region between the curve y = 1> 1 2 1x 2
0 6 a … 4. and the x-axis from x = 1>4 to x = 4 is revolved about the x-axis
to generate a solid.
T 3. Graph ƒ(x) = tan-1 x + tan-1(1>x) for - 5 … x … 5. Then use
calculus to explain what you see. How would you expect ƒ to a. Find the volume of the solid.
behave beyond the interval 3- 5, 54? Give reasons for your b. Find the centroid of the region.
answer. 9. The Rule of 70 If you use the approximation ln 2 ≈ 0.70
T 4. Graph ƒ(x) = (sin x)sin x over 30, 3p4. Explain what you see. (in place of 0.69314 c), you can derive a rule of thumb that
5. Even-odd decompositions says, “To estimate how many years it will take an amount of
money to double when invested at r percent compounded continu-
a. Suppose that g is an even function of x and h is an odd func-
ously, divide r into 70.” For instance, an amount of money invested
tion of x. Show that if g(x) + h(x) = 0 for all x then
at 5% will double in about 70>5 = 14 years. If you want it to
g(x) = 0 for all x and h(x) = 0 for all x.
double in 10 years instead, you have to invest it at 70>10 = 7,.
b. Use the result in part (a) to show that if ƒ(x) = Show how the Rule of 70 is derived. (A similar “Rule of 72” uses
ƒE(x) + ƒO(x) is the sum of an even function ƒE(x) and an 72 instead of 70, because 72 has more integer factors.)
odd function ƒO(x), then
T 10. Urban gardening A vegetable garden 50 ft wide is to be grown
ƒE(x) = (ƒ(x) + ƒ(- x))>2 and ƒO(x) = (ƒ(x) - ƒ(- x))>2. between two buildings, which are 500 ft apart along an east-west
line. If the buildings are 200 ft and 350 ft tall, where should the
c. What is the significance of the result in part (b)? garden be placed in order to receive the maximum number of hours
6. Let g be a function that is differentiable throughout an open inter- of sunlight exposure? (Hint: Determine the value of x in the accom-
val containing the origin. Suppose g has the following properties: panying figure that maximizes sunlight exposure for the garden.)
g(x) + g(y)
i. g(x + y) = for all real numbers x, y, and
1 - g(x)g(y)
x + y in the domain of g.

ii. lim g(h) = 0 350 ft tall

g(h) 200 ft tall
iii. lim = 1 u2
hS0 h
West u1 East
x 50 450 − x

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