org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Skin infections related to bacteria are most commonly found in surrounding environment. In such cases the
significant attention to provide curative actions and maintenance of proper health hygiene is required. Some of
the natural extracts obtained from herbal plants possess antibacterial activity. The paper soap is most used
handwash preparation in this article formulate antibacterial paper soap with eucalyptus oil and evaluate their
parameter and in-vivo antibacterial activity. However, aroma therapy is pleasant, eco-friendly and reduced
number of side effects. The study indicates that the evaluated paper soap contain may be antimicrobial properties
and this can contribute the curative and preventive actions for skin infections caused by bacteria if well balanced
quantity of natural excipient and reagents to target particular contribute organisms and packaged with proper
guidance for utilization and storage.
Health hygiene is very essential due to increasing number of diseases caused by microorganisms. Since ancient
time, soap is a fundamental part of human health hygiene. In the modern era bath soap that is available in the
market are mainly of two types: solid soap and liquid soap. Selection of soap by people depends on various factors
one of which is ease of carrying. Paper soap itself is an innovation to the soap formulation which is printed and
moulded as slender as paper. To keep us the essential cleanliness while traveling, it is very imperative to have
soaps handy. This is the place where travel soaps populated as paper soaps become an integral factor. When
comes in contact with water it easily gets wet and produce foam similar to ordinary soap and gels. Paper soap is
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© 2023 JETIR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)
produced on big industrial scale majorly in China. The paper soap is made from variety of materials, such as
methyl paraben, propyl paraben, glycerine, carbomer. Until now there are very a smaller number of paper soap
preparations available from natural ingredients/agents such as eucalyptus oil, neem oil, coconut oil which are safe
and healthy for topical use.
Light weight
Ready to use
Gentle on skin
Ease of carrying
Earth friendly
Low cost
Biodegradable, compostable
2.1 Eucalyptus
FAMILY: Myrtacae
Leaves : Glossy, dark green, thick and leathery leaves. Gray wax like
thicker substance cover bottom surface of the leaf.
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© 2023 JETIR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Flowers : unique white flowers with many stamens, arise from the axis of
flattened stalks.
KOH 0.2ml
Glycerin 2.5ml
PROCEDURE:10ml of eucalyptus oil was measured and transferred into small beaker. Into it 1% of sodium
lauryl sulphate was weighed and added with continuous stirring to form solution. Glycerin was added to maintain
the viscosity of the solution. The prepared solution was then sonicated using bath sonicator. pH of above solution
is measured. pH should be in the range of 9-10. Then the pH was adjusted with 0.1N KOH. The final adjusted
solution was applied onto the whatman filter paper of appropriate size. Then the paper soap was kept in sunlight
for drying until it gets dried. The prepared paper soap was then evaluated.
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© 2023 JETIR April 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)
4.2 pH: pH of paper soap solution was measured using pH meter. Required pH (9-10) was adjusted by 0.1N
KOH solution.
4.3 Foam height: 0.5gm of sample of soap solution was taken, dispersed in 25ml distilled water then, transferred
it into 100ml measuring cylinder; volume was make-up to 50ml with water. Then the cylinder was shaken 5
times until the foam is produced. The cylinder was allowed to stand till aqueous volume measured up to 50ml
and measured the foam height, above the aqueous volume.
4.4 Sensitivity test: It is done by “patch test”. Apply product on 1cm patch of chicken skin, if no inflammation
or rashes then it is considered as free from sensitivity.
4.5 Foam stability test: Foam stability is the consistency of the amount of foam produces by paper soap. The
resulting foam on paper soap is smoother than the regular soap. The foam is stable in the presence of glycerine
and glycerine do not have any significant effect on foam stability.
4.6 Paper spread-ability: A pinch of product should be easily spreadable on paper.
4.7 Stability test: Stability study was carried out for the formulation by providing different temperatures. I.e., at
room temperature 37 degree Celsius and refrigerator 2-8 Celsius. Sample was checked on different time
interval and analysed for visual appearance, pH etc.
4.8 Antibacterial Test: There was study conducted on antibacterial activity of paper soap. Microbial study was
done using microorganisms. For checking the effectiveness of the paper soap uses the bacterial was grown in
the culture media the soap strip was placed in the surface of the agar media then it was placed in the incubator
for about 24 hrs at 30 c The herb diffuses out of the strip into the agar an the bacterial activity was recorded.
5.0 Conclusion
To conclude, the prepared antibacterial paper soap formulation confirm that eucalyptus oil is an vast source for
many medicinal important chemicals such as 1,8-cineole, α terpinolene, α-terpinyl acetate responsible for number
of pharmacological activities like antibacterial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal. However
aroma therapy is pleasant, eco -friendly and reduced number of side effects. In present review we have made an
attempt to assemble the description, physicochemical, application and information on antibacterial eucalyptus oil
paper soap.
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