Lab Report Example
Lab Report Example
Lab Report Example
CHEM 4175
This laboratory experiment focused on the Water pollution represents a pervasive global
determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand challenge, stemming from a multitude of
(COD) in water samples through meticulous sources including bacteria, pharmaceuticals,
preparation and precise analytical techniques. and human activities, each exerting
The importance of COD assessment lies in its significant pressures on delicate ecosystems.
global significance for evaluating water In the realm of environmental chemistry,
quality, particularly in terms of carbon researchers undertake meticulous
material content, essential for various investigations to discern the extent of
applications such as consumption and contamination within water samples. Among
industrial usage. Utilizing a the array of analytical techniques employed,
spectrophotometer, Hach test kits, and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis
standardized solutions, the experiment aimed emerges as a cornerstone method, offering
to accurately measure the COD content in the insights into a water sample's capacity to
samples. A key aspect of the experiment deplete oxygen due to the presence of organic
involved maintaining the consistency of the waste matter. Elevated COD levels serve as
solution's color, predominantly orange, to indicators of heightened organic material,
ensure result accuracy. The obtained COD posing threats to dissolved oxygen levels and
values over three dilution factors (1:6, 1:8, engendering adverse environmental
1:10) were recorded. The COD values for the repercussions.
1:6 and 1:8 factors were 408 mg/L, while the
Complementing COD analysis, Biochemical
1:10 factor yielded a value of 400 mg/L.
Oxygen Demand (BOD) assessment serves
These values provide valuable quantitative
as an additional parameter for evaluating
data for assessing water quality and
water pollution, focusing on the
suitability for diverse applications. This
measurement of biologically oxidizable
experiment underscores the meticulous
organic matter. While both COD and BOD
approach required in analytical chemistry and
analyses furnish critical information on water
the significance of COD determination in
quality, BOD assessments are often lauded
water quality assessment.
for their reliability, notwithstanding the
lengthier duration required for completion Oxygen Demand levels. Through this
compared to COD analyses. endeavor, we aim to contribute to a
comprehensive understanding of water
In the laboratory setting, the assessment of
contamination dynamics, thereby fostering
water contamination necessitates the
informed decision-making and proactive
utilization of specialized tools such as Hach
environmental stewardship.
COD Test Vials, equipped with reactive
compounds capable of exothermic reactions Motivation
with water samples. These tools, alongside
Water contamination poses a pressing threat
advanced analytical instruments, form the
to ecosystems and human health globally,
cornerstone of water quality assessment
necessitating urgent action and scientific
efforts, facilitating comprehensive
intervention. Understanding the extent and
evaluations of environmental health.
implications of water pollution is essential
The imperative for analyzing polluted waters for devising effective mitigation strategies
transcends mere academic inquiry, bearing and safeguarding environmental integrity.
significant ramifications for the long-term Our study aims to contribute to this critical
sustainability of ecosystems and human well- endeavor by focusing on the analysis of
being. Consequences of water pollution Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) levels in
include the jeopardization of potable water water samples. By unraveling the intricate
sources, propagation of diseases, and dynamics of COD, we seek to shed light on
irreversible degradation of biodiversity. By the extent of organic waste matter and its
elucidating the Chemical Oxygen Demand impact on water quality. Through this
levels within water samples, scientists can research, we aspire to inform evidence-based
proactively devise strategies to mitigate decision-making, promote environmental
environmental degradation and foster the stewardship, and pave the way for a
restoration of ecological balance. sustainable future.
Students obtain four Hach test kit vials for the Data & Results
experiment. One vial is allocated for the
A single trial of Chemical Oxygen Demand
blank test, while the remaining three are
(COD) analysis was conducted, and no
designated for the analysis of chemical
standard deviation was provided to indicate
oxygen demand (COD) levels based on
accuracy. Using UV-VIS spectrophotometry,
contaminated water samples were analyzed,
For the blank test vial, students invert the yielding the following COD levels for each
tube to ensure thorough mixing. Then, 2.0 dilution factor:
mL of deionized water is added to the vial
• Dilution factor 1:6: 408 mg/L
and inverted again to combine.
• Dilution factor 1:8: 408 mg/L
Similarly, for the test vials to be analyzed,
students invert the tubes to mix the provided • Dilution factor 1:10: 400 mg/L
solution. Next, 2.0 mL of each dilution factor
sample is added to their assigned vials,
followed by another inversion to combine. The findings of the Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) analysis provide valuable
An exothermic reaction occurs in all vials due
insights into the contamination levels of the
to the chemicals in the Hach test vials
water samples under investigation. The
reacting with the water.
results reveal consistent COD levels across
Once the Hach test vials are fully prepared the various dilution factors tested, with
and the DRB200 reaches the set temperature, concentrations ranging from 400 mg/L to 408
mg/L. This uniformity suggests a relatively represents a standard analytical technique
stable degree of organic waste matter present widely employed in environmental research.
in the samples, regardless of the dilution However, it is essential to ensure proper
factor applied. calibration and validation of the
spectrophotometric method to minimize
While the obtained COD values offer useful
measurement errors and ensure result
information regarding the pollution levels in
accuracy. Additionally, consideration should
the water samples, it is important to
be given to potential interferences or
acknowledge the limitations of the study. The
limitations associated with the analytical
absence of standard deviation data prevents a
method, which could affect result
comprehensive assessment of result accuracy
and precision. Standard deviation is essential
for understanding the variability or spread of Conclusion
data points around the mean, providing
Water samples sourced from a local
crucial insights into result reliability. Without
chemistry lab in the Permian Basin were
this measure, the robustness of the findings
analyzed to ascertain their Chemical Oxygen
may be questioned, and the interpretation of
Demand (COD) levels, serving as a measure
the results becomes less definitive.
of environmental contamination intensity.
Moreover, the reliance on a single trial for Although a single trial of UV-VIS
COD analysis raises concerns about result spectrophotometric analysis was conducted
reproducibility and reliability. Conducting on a prepared sample, the COD analysis
multiple trials and calculating standard yielded valuable insights into water
deviation for each dilution factor would contamination levels. The results revealed
enhance result accuracy and confidence in consistent COD levels across the samples,
the findings. This approach would enable indicating a relatively stable degree of
researchers to assess result consistency and contamination within the environment.
variability, thereby strengthening the validity
However, the absence of standard deviation
of the study outcomes.
data and reliance on a single trial warrant
Furthermore, the use of UV-VIS caution in result interpretation. Moving
spectrophotometry for COD analysis forward, it is essential for future research
efforts to prioritize conducting multiple trials Acknowledgements
with standard deviation calculation. This
We would like to express our sincere
approach will enhance result reliability and
appreciation to the UTPB Chemistry
robustness, providing a more comprehensive
department for generously providing ample
understanding of water contamination levels.
supplies of chemicals and laboratory
Additionally, meticulous attention to method equipment essential for the successful
validation and potential analytical limitations completion of this experiment. Additionally,
is imperative to ensure accurate and our heartfelt thanks go to Dr. Dong for his
meaningful COD analysis in environmental invaluable assistance in setting up the
studies. By addressing these considerations, required machines and imparting the
researchers can contribute to a more accurate necessary knowledge on their operation. The
assessment of water quality and guidance and support received from the
environmental health in the Permian Basin department and Dr. Dong played a crucial
region and beyond. role in facilitating our experiment and
contributing to the attainment of our final
1. What are the differences between Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD)? - The Laboratory People. The Laboratory People. (2022).
Retrieved 12 March 2022, from
2. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) - Water Quality Parameter | Hach. (2022). Retrieved
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4. Dong, C. (2022). Chemical Oxygen Demand [Video]. Odessa; Canvas.
5. What is Water Pollution? | Causes and Effects - Iberdrola. Iberdrola. (2022). Retrieved
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7. Hu, Z., & Grasso, D. (2005). WATER ANALYSIS | Chemical Oxygen Demand.
Encyclopedia Of Analytical Science, 325-330.
8. Dong, C. (2022). How to Analyze Chemical Oxygen Demand in Water [Video]. Odessa;