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Research Centre of Commerce, Fatima College, Madurai
Geofencing is a location-based service in which an app or other software uses GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi or cellular data
to trigger a pre-programmed action when a mobile device or RFID tag enters or exits a virtual boundary set up
around a geographical location, known as a geofence. Depending on how a geofence is configured it can
prompt mobile push notifications, trigger text messages or alerts, send targeted advertisements on social media,
allow tracking on vehicle fleets, disable certain technology or deliver location-based marketing data.
With the rising popularity of mobile devices, geofencing has become a standard practice for plenty of
businesses. Once a geographic area has been defined, the opportunities are seemingly endless for what
companies can do, and it has become especially popular in marketing and social media.
Some retail and hospitality businesses will set up geofences around their competition, so when you approach the
boundary, you’ll get a push notification prompting you to visit the other establishment. Or, you might walk into
a retail store and see a coupon pushed to your device. If you download a grocery app, chances are it will register
when you drive by to prompt an alert, trying to get you to stop in.
Here are other common geofencing applications:
Social networking: One of the most recognizable uses for geofencing comes in the form of popular
social networking apps — most notably, Snapchat. Location-based filters, stickers and other shareable
content are all made possible with geofencing. Whether you’re using a promoted filter at a concert, using
a custom-made filter for a friend’s birthday or uploading to public, location-based stories, it’s all thanks
to these virtual perimeters.
Marketing: Besides social networking, geofencing is also a popular way for businesses to deliver in-
store promotions, alerting you right as you step in range of the store. Geofencing also helps businesses
target ads to a specific audience to figure out what strategies work best based off user’s location-data.
Audience engagement: Geofencing is used to engage crowds of people at organized events, like
concerts, festivals, fairs and more. For example, a concert venue might use a geofence to crowdsource
social media posts or deliver information about the venue or event.
Smart appliances: As more of our appliances get ―smart,‖ with Bluetooth capabilities, it’s easier than
ever to program your fridge to remind you that you’re out of milk the next time you pass by the grocery
store. Or you can make sure the thermostat is set to the perfect temperature when you get home from
work by using a geofence.
Human resources: Some companies rely on geofencing for monitoring employees, especially workers
who spend time off-site doing field work. It’s also an easy way to automate time cards, clocking
employees in and out as they come and go.
Telematics: Geofencing can also be helpful with telematics, allowing companies to draw virtual zones
around sites, work areas and secure areas. They can be triggered by a vehicle or a person and send alerts
or warnings to the operator.
Security: Geofencing might seem invasive — and it certainly has the potential to sometimes feel like an
overreach depending on how it’s used. However, geofencing can also be used to bring more security to
your mobile device. For example, you can set your phone to unlock when you’re home using a geofence
or to get alerts when someone enters the house or leaves.
Better Targeting
With the ability to hyper-target prospects you’ll not only be able to reach folks at the right time and at the right
place but be able to engage them with messaging that is relevant and timely. By targeting folks in a specific
geographic area, and filtering that area by specific targeting criteria, you’re much more likely to engage your
prospects. Using the Sephora example above: a marketer would not send out the ―lipstick‖ messaging to any
Jane, Dick or Harry that walked by, rather would have targeted that ad to a specific demographic.
Spend Effectiveness
When your advertising is hyper-targeted, and sent at the right time and right place, your engagement numbers go
up. With geofencing, you’re spending marketing dollars on prospects that are most likely to take action, and
spending less money on those that are not.
Competitive Advantage
When thinking about where to put your virtual fence, consider not just your own physical location, but where
are your customers likely to be? It may not always be where you are.
Utilizing this tactic has proven hugely successful for many big brands. Why? Because geofencing provides the
ability to draw prospects away from the competition. Back in 2016, Dunkin Donuts famously utilized
geofencing technology to lure customers away from the competition by creating geofences around other coffee
shops in the area and sending targeted ads to those prospects. Of the 36 percent that clicked on the offer (a
coupon), 18 percent saved the coupon and 3.6 percent returned to redeem their coupon. Geofence virtual barriers
can be active or passive. Active geofences require an end user to opt-in to location services and a mobile app to
be open. Passive geofences are always on; they rely on Wi-Fi and cellular data instead of GPS or RFID and
work in the background.
The technology has many practical uses, including:
Use Example
Drone management A sporting event can use geo-fencing to create a temporary no-fly zone that prevents drones from
crossing a defined perimeter.
Fleet management Geo-fencing can alert a dispatcher when a truck driver breaks from his route.
Human resource An employee's smart card will send an alert to security if the employee attempts to enter an
management unauthorized, geo-fenced area.
Compliance Network logs can record geo-fence crossings to document the proper use of devices and
management their compliance with established policies.
Marketing A small business can text an opt-in customer a coupon code when the customer's smartphone enters a
defined geographical area.
Asset management A network administrator can set up alerts so when a hospital-owned iPad leaves the hospital grounds, the
administrator can monitor the device's location and lock it down to prevent it from being used.
Law enforcement An ankle bracelet can alert authorities if an individual under house arrest leaves the premises.
Home automation When the home owner's smartphone leaves the home's geo-fenced perimeter, the thermostat lowers itself
to a pre-defined temperature.
women in the waiting room or nearby with anti-abortion ads. However, despite questions about security, it
doesn’t seem that geofencing will lose its popularity any time soon. According to a press release
from MarketsandMarkets, the geofencing industry is expected to grow over 27 percent by 2022, citing
―technological advancements in use of spatial data and increasing applications in numerous industry verticals.‖
Akira Suyama & Ushio Inoue (2016) made a study in Tokeyo on ―Using Geofencing for a Disaster Information
System‖ . It proposes a disaster information system using the geofencing technology�to detect the movement of
users and provide information of the risk for them. The system is composed of client-server architecture; the
server collects risk information from various information sources and the client watches the user to notify the
information as the need arises. To detect the user’s movement, the client creates a virtual fence called geofence
at the dangerous area based on the risk information stored in the server, and monitors the user's entry and exit of
the fence. Thus the system can deliver warnings and advices timely to specific users in danger. The location of
the user was detected with high accuracy when entering the fence, but the accuracy was low when exiting the
Akira Suyama & Ushio Inoue (2016) ―Using Geofencing for a Disaster Information System‖ 978-1-5090-
0806-3/16/$31.00 copyright 2016 IEEE ICIS 2016, June 26-29, 2016, Okayama, Japan
Application of Geofencing Technology for the Purpose of Spatial Analyses in Inland Mobile Navigation
June 2016
Natalia Wawrzyniak & Tomasz Hyla (2016) made study in Szczecin on Application of Geofencing Technology
for the Purpose of Spatial Analyses in Inland Mobile Navigation‖ . In this paper it was analyzed geofencing
technology in inland mobile navigation systems. It described implementation issues related to proximity
analysis used for safety and informational purposes with the usage of geofences. This includes generation of
warnings and alarm messages when approaching to navigational hazards. Characteristics of spatial data
management in mobile on-water navigation systems are presented. Advantages and disadvantages of applying
geofencing technology in spatial analyses are described.
Natalia Wawrzyniak & Tomasz Hyla (2016) “Application of Geofencing Technology for the Purpose of
Spatial Analyses in Inland Mobile Navigation”. DOI:10.1109/BGC.Geomatics.2016.15