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4 A trolley on a track is attached by springs to fixed blocks X and Y, as shown in Fig. 4.1. The track
contains many small holes through which air is blown vertically upwards. This results in the trolley
resting on a cushion of air rather than being in direct contact with the track.



fixed block holes track fixed block

Fig. 4.1

The trolley is pulled to one side of its equilibrium position and then released so that it oscillates
initially with simple harmonic motion. After a short time, the air blower is switched off. The variation
with time t of the distance L of the trolley from block X is shown in Fig. 4.2.


L / cm



0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Fig. 4.2

(a) Use Fig. 4.2 to determine:

(i) the initial amplitude of the oscillations

amplitude = ................................................... cm [1]

© UCLES 2021 9702/43/O/N/21


(ii) the angular frequency ω of the oscillations

ω = .............................................. rad s–1 [2]

(iii) the maximum speed v0, in cm s–1, of the oscillating trolley.

v0 = .............................................. cm s–1 [2]

(b) Apart from the quantities in (a), describe what may be deduced from Fig. 4.2 about the motion
of the trolley between time t = 0 and time t = 24 s. No calculations are required.





............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(c) On Fig. 4.3, sketch the variation with L of the velocity v of the trolley for its first complete


v / cm s–1

0 5 10 15 20 25 L / cm 30



Fig. 4.3

[Total: 11]
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3 An object is suspended from a vertical spring as shown in Fig. 3.1.



Fig. 3.1

The object is displaced vertically and then released so that it oscillates, undergoing simple
harmonic motion.

Fig. 3.2 shows the variation with displacement x of the energy E of the oscillations.




E / mJ




–1.6 –1.2 –0.8 –0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
x / cm

Fig. 3.2
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The kinetic energy, the potential energy and the total energy of the oscillations are each
represented by one of the lines P, Q and R.

(a) State the energy that is represented by each of the lines P, Q and R.

P ...............................................................................................................................................

Q ...............................................................................................................................................

R ...............................................................................................................................................

(b) The object has a mass of 130 g.

Determine the period of the oscillations.

period = ...................................................... s [4]

(c) (i) State the cause of damping.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) A light card is attached to the object. The object is displaced with the same initial
amplitude and then released. During each complete oscillation the total energy of the
system decreases by 8.0% of the total energy at the start of that oscillation.

Determine the decrease in total energy, in mJ, of the system by the end of the first 6
complete oscillations.

energy lost = ................................................... mJ [2]

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(iii) State, with a reason, the type of damping that the card introduces into the system.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 10]

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3 (a) State what is meant by simple harmonic motion.



............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) A trolley of mass m is held on a horizontal surface by means of two springs. One spring is
attached to a fixed point P. The other spring is connected to an oscillator, as shown in Fig. 3.1.

spring trolley spring oscillator

Fig. 3.1

The springs, each having spring constant k of 130 N m−1, are always extended.

The oscillator is switched off. The trolley is displaced along the line of the springs and then
released. The resulting oscillations of the trolley are simple harmonic.

The acceleration a of the trolley is given by the expression

⎛2k ⎞ x
⎝m ⎠
where x is the displacement of the trolley from its equilibrium position.

The mass of the trolley is 840 g.

Calculate the frequency f of oscillation of the trolley.

f = .................................................... Hz [3]

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(c) The oscillator in (b) is switched on. The frequency of oscillation of the oscillator is varied,
keeping its amplitude of oscillation constant.

The amplitude of oscillation of the trolley is seen to vary. The amplitude is a maximum at the
frequency calculated in (b).

(i) State the name of the effect giving rise to this maximum.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) At any given frequency, the amplitude of oscillation of the trolley is constant.

Explain how this indicates that there are resistive forces opposing the motion of the



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 8]

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4 (a) State what is meant by resonance.



............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) A small ball is held in place using a stretched string. One end of the string is fixed to a wall
and the other end is attached to a vibration generator, as shown in Fig. 4.1.

vibration wall


Fig. 4.1

Initially, the vibration generator is switched off.

A student displaces the ball vertically and then releases it. Fig. 4.2 shows the variation of the
displacement of the ball with time after it is released.


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
time / s

Fig. 4.2

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(i) State the name of the phenomenon illustrated by the decrease in the amplitude of the
oscillations in Fig. 4.2.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Explain the decrease with time of the amplitude of the oscillations of the ball.



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) Determine the frequency of the oscillations of the ball.

frequency = .................................................... Hz [1]

(c) The vibration generator in (b) is switched on and its frequency f of vibration is gradually
increased from 0 to 10 Hz.

On Fig. 4.3, sketch the variation with f of the amplitude of the oscillations of the ball.


0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
f / Hz

Fig. 4.3

[Total: 8]

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Question 1a
A bar magnet of mass 250 g is suspended from the free end of a spring, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1
The magnet hangs so that one pole is near the centre of a coil of wire.
The coil is connected in series with a resistor and a switch. The switch is open.
The magnet is displaced vertically and then allowed to oscillate.
At time t = 0, the magnet is oscillating freely. At time t = 6.0 s, the switch in the circuit is closed.
The variation with time t of the vertical displacement y of the magnet is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Page 2 of 8

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Fig. 3.2
For the oscillating magnet, use data from Fig. 3.2 to determine, to two signi cant gures:
(i) the frequency f

f = ...................................... Hz [2]
(ii) the energy of the oscillations during the time interval t = 0 to t = 6.0 s.

energy = ....................................... J [3]

[5 marks]
Question 1b
When the switch is closed, the oscillations are damped.
Explain, with reference to Fig. 3.2, whether this damping is light, critical or heavy.
[1 mark]
» For a particle oscillating in s.h.m. with frequency f, » The total energy Etot of a particle of mass m

then ω = 2πf and T = 2π/ω .
Simple harmonic motion is described in terms
oscillating in simple harmonic motion with
angular frequency ω and amplitude x0 is 17
of displacement x, amplitude x0, frequency f, and 1
Etot = 2mω 2x02 .
angular frequency ω by the following relations. » For a particle oscillating in simple harmonic motion
displacement: x = x0sin ω t or x = x0cos ω t Etot = Ek + Ep
velocity: v = x0ω cos ω t or v = −x0ω sin ω t or and this expresses the law of conservation of
v = ±ω √(x02 − x2) energy.
acceleration: a = −x0ω 2 sin ω t or a = −x0ω 2 cos ω t. » Free oscillations are oscillations where there

End of topic questions

» Remember that ω = 2πf, and the equations above are no resistive forces acting on the oscillating
may appear in either form. system.
» For a particle oscillating in s.h.m., graphs of the » Damping is produced by resistive forces which
displacement, velocity and acceleration are all dissipate the energy of the vibrating system.
sinusoidal but have a phase difference. » Light damping causes the amplitude of vibration
» Velocity is out of phase with displacement by of the oscillation to decrease gradually. Critical
π/2 radians, meaning velocity is zero at maximum damping causes the displacement to be reduced
displacement and maximum when displacement to zero in the shortest time possible, without any
is zero. oscillation of the object. Overdamping or heavy
» Acceleration is out of phase with displacement damping also causes an exponential reduction
by π radians, meaning acceleration is maximum in displacement, but over a greater time than for
at maximum displacement but in the opposite critical damping.
direction. » The natural frequency of vibration of an object is
» The kinetic energy Ek of a particle of mass m the frequency at which the object will vibrate when
oscillating in simple harmonic motion with angular allowed to do so freely.
frequency ω and amplitude x0 is Ek = 2mω 2(x02 − x2) » Forced oscillations occur when a periodic driving
where x is the displacement. force is applied to a system which is capable of
» The potential energy Ep of a particle of mass vibration.
m oscillating in simple harmonic motion with » Resonance occurs when the driving frequency
angular frequency ω is Ep = 2mω 2x2 where x is the on the system is equal to its natural frequency of
displacement. vibration. The amplitude of vibration is a maximum
at the resonant frequency.


1 A particle is oscillating in simple harmonic motion with period 2.5 ms and
amplitude 4.0 mm.
At time t = 0, the particle is at the equilibrium position. Calculate, for this particle:
a the frequency,
b the angular frequency,
c the maximum speed,
d the magnitude of the maximum acceleration,
e the displacement at time t = 0.8 ms,
f the speed at time t = 1.0 ms.
2 A spring stretches by 69 mm when a mass of 45 g is hung from it. The spring is
then stretched a further distance of 15 mm from the equilibrium position, and the
mass is released at time t = 0.
When the spring is released, the mass oscillates with simple harmonic motion of
period T.
The period T is given by the expression
T = 2π √(m/k)
where k is the spring constant and m is the mass on the spring.

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a the spring constant,
17 b the amplitude of the oscillations,
c the period,
d the displacement at time t = 0.20 s.
3 One particle oscillating in simple harmonic motion has ten times the total energy
of another particle, but the frequencies and masses are the same. Calculate the
ratio of the amplitudes of the two motions.
4 A ball is held between two fixed points A and B by means of two stretched springs,
17 Oscillations

ball as shown in Fig. 17.19.
The ball is free to oscillate along the straight line AB. The springs remain
▲ Figure 17.19
stretched and the motion of the ball is simple harmonic. The variation with time t of
the displacement x of the ball from its equilibrium position is shown in Fig. 17.20.

x / cm

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2


▲ Figure 17.20

a i Use Fig. 17.20 to determine, for the oscillations of the ball:

1 the amplitude, [1]
2 the frequency. [2]
ii Show that the maximum acceleration of the ball is 5.2 m s−2. [2]
b Use your answers in a to plot, on a copy of Fig. 17.21, the variation with
displacement x of the acceleration a of the ball. [2]
a /m s–2

0 x /10–2 m

▲ Figure 17.21

c Calculate the displacement of the ball at which its kinetic energy is equal to one
half of the maximum kinetic energy. [3]
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics (9702) Paper 43 Q3 May/June 2013


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5 A metal plate is made to vibrate vertically by means of an oscillator, as shown in
Fig. 17.22.

direction of


End of topic questions

▲ Figure 17.22

Some sand is sprinkled on to the plate.

The variation with displacement y of the acceleration a of the sand on the plate is
shown in Fig. 17.23.

a/m s

–10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10




▲ Figure 17.23

a i Use Fig. 17.23 to show how it can be deduced that the sand is undergoing
simple harmonic motion. [2]
ii Calculate the frequency of oscillation of the sand. [2]
b The amplitude of oscillation of the plate is gradually increased beyond 8 mm.
The frequency is constant.
At one amplitude, the sand is seen to lose contact with the plate.
For the plate when the sand first loses contact with the plate:
i state the position of the plate, [1]
ii calculate the amplitude of oscillation. [3]
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics (9702) Paper 41 Q2 May/June 2018


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