Sup PFAS Degradation by Magnetite Fe3O4 in UV Fenton
Sup PFAS Degradation by Magnetite Fe3O4 in UV Fenton
Sup PFAS Degradation by Magnetite Fe3O4 in UV Fenton
16 Supplementary References
24 ST1. Percent destruction of PFOA and PFOS with variable UV exposure time, hydrogen peroxide
29 HRMS analysis was conducted on a Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 instrument. Control
30 PFOA and PFOS samples (100 ppm) and samples after reaction at specific conditions (pH 7 or pH
31 9, 2.5M or 5M) were analyzed under the same instrumental conditions. Samples were prepared by
32 filtration through 0.2 µm PTFE syringe filters followed by dilution in methanol in a 1:10 ratio of
33 sample to methanol. Sample solutions were introduced by continuous direct infusion (10 µl/min)
34 into the electrospray ion source of the instrument and were analyzed in both negative and positive
35 ion modes. Optimized source conditions were 3600V and 2600V spray voltage for positive and
36 negative ion generation, respectively. The instrument was autotuned (rf lens rel. value 70%) with
37 automatic gain control and custom injection time functions switched on. The system was mass
38 calibrated in both polarities each day before each analysis by following the manufacturer's
39 protocols with calibration compound mixtures purchased from the manufacturer. The resolving
40 power was set at 240,000 FWHM. For each analyzed sample, 150 individual ion spectra were
41 collected in a range from 50 to 500 m/z (50 to 700 m/z for PFOS) in MS or tandem MS mode for
42 either polarity, respectively. The estimated experimental mass accuracy was better than 5 ppm in
43 the entire range. Tandem mass spectrometry was performed by isolating monoisotopic precursor
44 ions (window 1 m/z) and subsequent manual optimization of the relative collision energy value for
46 mass determination of select ions in the averaged negative ion spectra were performed using the
48 electron (0.00054 Da) was subtracted from each experimentally determined anion mass, i.e., the
49 mass of the neutral species was input into the program. The calculated masses of the species with
50 tentative elemental composition assignment were restricted to be less than 5 ppm than the
53 Fe3O4 nanoparticles were filtered from solutions following Fenton reactions in the UV oven and
55 uniform layer of magnetite was cut from the whole filter paper. The filtered Fe3O4 section was
56 mounted between Kapton tape and X-ray clean polyfilm. Fe XANES were collected for each
57 sample from -100 to -20 eV below the Fe k-edge (5.0 eV step size), from -20 eV below to 50 eV
58 above the Fe k-edge (0.2 eV step size), and 50 eV to 150 eV above the Fe k-edge (5.0 eV step size)
59 with a 0.5 sec point–1 acquisition time. Spectra were collected in both transmission and
60 fluorescence modes, and a standard ionization chamber and a four element Silicon drift detector
61 were used for each of these measurement types, respectively. Fe XANES standard spectra of
62 Fe3O4, Fe foil, hematite (Fe2O3), and wustite (FeO) were collected and used to calibrate all samples
63 to the same Fe K-edge energy and to conduct linear combination fitting of each spectrum.
65 S3.1. HRMS.
66 High resolution negative ion mass spectra of PFOS control and PFOS reacted under varying
67 conditions are plotted on Figure SF1. For the control, the most intense ion peak corresponds to
68 intact PFOS anion [C8F17O3S]-. at m/z 498.93015 (molecular ion). The absolute intensity of the
69 intact PFOS peak in spectra from reacted samples is decreasing considerably. Similar to PFOA,
70 the initial PFOS sample has been completely degraded at 5M H2O2 and pH9, and no molecular ion
71 is observed in the spectrum (Figure SF2.C). Additional peaks observed in spectra from reacted
72 PFOA and PFOS are interpreted as the respectve degradation products (Supplementary Tables ST2
73 and ST3).
78 Figure SF1. Comparison between negative ion spectra of PFOA control (A) and PFOA reacted at
79 different conditions: 2.55M H2O2 at pH9 (B), and 5M H2O2 at pH9 (C). Arrows indicate peaks
80 corresponding to degradation products, asterisks indicate peaks reported in the literature.
Mth = 498.93019
Mth = 448.93339
Mth = 398.93658
* *
85 Figure SF2. Comparison between negative ion spectra of PFOS control (A), and PFOS reacted at
86 different conditions - 5M H2O2 at pH7 (B), and 5M H2O2 at pH9 (C). Arrows indicate peaks
87 corresponding to degradation products, asterisks indicate peaks reported in the literature.2 Strong
88 peaks in spectrum C (at m/z 293, 333, 405, 451, 608) are attributed to metalloorganic cluster
89 anions, that are also observed in spectra of blank (non-PFOS-containing) samples at the same
90 experimental conditions.
94 Figure SF3. Fluorescence intensity of detected ROS with increasing concentration of Fe3O4
95 nanoparticles.
116 Figure SF4. PFOA concentrations in solutions with magnetite with and without added H2O2 and
117 exposed to UV radiation. There is no significant change in PFOA concentration with magnetite
118 particles suspended in the solution, compared to the control. Therefore, adsorption to magnetite is
119 not a contributing factor to PFAS removal. In contrast, ROS generated when H2O2 is present in
120 the solution result in a significant reduction in PFAS concentration.
124 All samples were prepared with 1000 ppm Fe3O4 and underwent 30 min of UV-C exposure before
125 analysis. Linear combination fitting results for these spectra are given in Table ST4. Analysis
126 indicates no change in the peak energy of the K-edge (generally associated with oxidation state),
127 disappearance or appearance of pre-edge or K-edge features, or intensity of these features. In all
128 cases, the collected spectrum matches well with the Fe3O4 standard spectrum collected and shown
129 in Figure SF3A. Further analysis by linear combination fitting (Table ST4) of 4 common Fe
130 mineral spectra containing varied oxidation states of Fe emphasizes there is no change in the Fe3O4
131 after multiple reaction cycles. All samples are shown to be between 94-100% (estimated fit error
132 ± 3%) Fe3O4 in their Fe bonding characteristics. There is one outlier in the 2.55M, pH9 sample
133 after one cycle, which shows only about 89% Fe3O4, and this outlier is likely due to difficulty in
134 normalizing this specific spectrum, which may cause the fit to have a larger error.
136 Figure SF5. Fe K-edge XANES spectra for Fe standards (A) and Fe3O4 NPs after variable number
137 of UV-Fenton cycles and solution conditions: (B) 2.55 M H2O2, pH 7, (C) 2.55 M H2O2, pH 9, (D)
138 5 M H2O2, pH 7, (E) 5 M H2O2, pH 9.
140 Table ST2. Linear combination fitting of Fe K-edge XANES using four common Fe standards
141 with varied Fe speciation and local bonding states. The reported R-factor represents the goodness-
142 of-fit.
Samples Fe foil Fe2O3 FeO Fe3O4 R-factor
2.55 M H2O2, pH 7
1 cycle 0.016 0 0.014 0.970 0.000055
2 cycles 0.049 0 0.015 0.930 0.000325
3 cycles 0.022 0 0.004 0.974 0.000068
2.55 M H2O2, pH 9
1 cycle 0.075 0 0.032 0.889 0.000633
2 cycles 0.020 0 0.007 0.972 0.000054
3 cycles 0.017 0 0.010 0.974 0.000044
5 M H2O2, pH 7
1 cycle 0.000 0 0.005 0.997 0.000007
2 cycles 0.010 0 0.004 0.987 0.000025
3 cycles 0.045 0 0.013 0.941 0.000242
5 M H2O2, pH 9
1 cycle 0.028 0 0.017 0.955 0.000094
2 cycles 0.028 0 0.016 0.956 0.000112
3 cycles 0.022 0 0.006 0.971 0.000059
146 Supplementary References
147 (1) Trojanowicz, M.; Bobrowski, K.; Szostek, B.; Bojanowska-Czajka, A.; Szreder, T.;
148 Bartoszewicz, I.; Kulisa, K. A Survey of Analytical Methods Employed for Monitoring of
152 (2) Yamamoto, T.; Noma, Y.; Sakai, S. I.; Shibata, Y. Photodegradation of Perfluorooctane
153 Sulfonate by UV Irradiation in Water and Alkaline 2-Propanol. Environ. Sci. Technol.