Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Describe the divide-and-conquer approach to
solving problems
Apply the divide-and-conquer approach to solve a
Determine complexity analysis of divide and
conquer algorithms
2.1 Binary Search
We present a recursive . The steps are
If x equals the middle item, quit. Otherwise:
1. Divide the array into two subarrays about half .
a) If x is smaller than the middle item, choose the left subarray.
b) If x is larger than the middle item, choose the right subarray.
2. Conquer (solve) the subarray : whether x is in that subarray.
Unless the subarray is sufficiently small, use recursion to do this.
3. Obtain the solution to the array from the solution to the subarray.
Binary search
10 12 13 14 18 20 25 27 30 35 40 45 47
Algorithm 2.1 5
Example B1 in Appendix B:
W(n) = lg n + 1
n not a power of 2 (exercise)
W(n) = lg n +1 θ(lg n)
t1 =1
t2 =t1 +1 =2
t3 =3
tn =n
Proof by induction
2.2 Mergesort
Sort an array S of size n ( let n be a power of 2)
Divide S into 2 sub-arrays of size n/2
Conquer (solve) recursively sort each sub-array until
array is sufficiently small (size 1)
Combine merge the solutions to the sub-arrays into a
single sorted array
Figure 2.2
Algorithm 2.2 - Mergesort
Problem: Sort n keys in nondecreasing sequence.
Inputs: +ve int n, array of keys S indexed from 1 to n.
Outputs: the sorted array S in nondec. order.
void mergesort (int n, keytype S [ ])
if (n > 1) {
const int h = n /2 ; m = n – h;
keytype U [1 . . h] , V [1 . . m] ,
copy S [ 1 ] through S [ h ] to U [1 ] through U [ h ] ;
copy S [ h + 1 ] through S [ n ] to V [1 ] through V [ m ] ;
mergesort ( h, U);
mergesort ( m, V);
merge ( h, m, U, V, S);
n not a power of 2
W(n)=W(n/2) + W(n/2) + n-1
From Theorem B4: (W(n) eventually nondecreasing,
n lg n is smooth )
W(n) Θ(n lg n)
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n, T(1)=1
2.4 Quicksort
Array recursively divided into two partitions and
recursively sorted
Division based on a pivot
pivot divides the array into two sub-arrays
All items < pivot placed in sub-array before pivot
All items >= pivot placed in sub-array after pivot
Example 2.3
Suppose the array contains these numbers in
Pivot item
15 22 13 27 12 10 20 25
Pivot item
13 12 10 15 22 27 20 25
Sort the subarrays:
10 12 13 15 20 22 25 27
15 22 13 27 12 10 20 25
Basic operation
Comparison of S[i] with pivot item
Input size n
Worst Case
Use induction to show it is the worst case
W(n)<= n(n-1)/2