Reproduction in Organisms Notes
Reproduction in Organisms Notes
Reproduction in Organisms Notes
It is defined as a biological process in which an organism gives rise to young ones (offsprings)
similar to itself.
Asexual reproduction:
Under unfavourable conditions the Amoeba withdraws its pseudopodia and secretes a three-
layered hard covering or cyst around itself. This phenomenon is termed as encystation.
When favourable conditions return, the encysted Amoeba divides by multiple fission and
produces many minute amoeba or pseudopodiospores; the cyst wall bursts out, and the spores
are liberated in the surrounding medium to grow up into many amoebae. This phenomenon is
known as sporulation. Theses spores can be carried by air also.
In some organisms, if the body breaks into distinct pieces (fragments) each fragment grows
into an adult capable of producing offspring (e.g., Hydra). This is also a mode of asexual
reproduction called fragmentation.
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• Budding: e.g. Yeast.
Budding in Yeast
Zoospores in Chlamydomonas
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• Conidia: Conidia are borne exogenously on conidiophore. Conidiophore → Rami
→ Metulae. Conidia are non-motile spores (aplanospores). Penicillium.
• Bud: Tentacles develop around the hypostome. Fully developed bud gets detached
from the main body. Hydra
• Gemmules: Endogenous budding is present. The cells present inside the gemmule are
central archaeocytes and spongin spicules which are made up calcium carbonate and
silica. Sponges.
Sexual reproduction:
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• Gametes fused to form a diploid zygote.
• Zygotes developed into new organism.
• The offsprings are not genetically identical to their parents.
• Period between birth and sexual maturity is called juvenile phase. It is known
as vegetative phase in plant.
• Bamboo species flower only once in their life time generally after 50-100 yr.
The plants produce large number of fruits and die.
• Strobilanthus kunthiana (neelakuranji) flowers once in 12 years.
• Plants which flower once in a lifetime are called monocarpic.
• Oestrus cycle: Cyclical changes during reproduction in non-primate
mammal. There is no blood flow. Eg. cows, sheep, rats, deers, dogs, tiger etc.
• Menstrual cycle: Cyclical changes during reproduction in primate mammals
like monkeys, ape, and humans.
• Seasonal breeders: Reproductive cycle takes place in favourable seasons as in
wild animals. Animals like non primates exhibiting oestrous cycle are seasonal
• Continuous breeders: Reproductively active throughout their reproductive
phase. Animals like primates exhibiting menstrual cycle are continuous
Pre-fertilization events:
Sexuality in organisms:
• Plant having both male and female sex organs are called homothallic or
monoecious. Eg. Riccia
• Plants having only one sex organ is called heterothallic or dioecious. Eg.
• In flowering plants, the unisexual male flower is staminate, i.e. bearing
stamens, while the female is pistillate or bearing pistils. Eg. Date Palm and
• Plants bearing both reproductive organs are called monoecious. Eg. Cucurbits
and Coconuts.
• Animal having one type of reproductive system, called unisexual.
• Animal having both male and female reproductive system, called
hermaphrodite or bisexual. Eg. Sponges, tapeworm, earthworm, leech etc.
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Cell division during gamete formation:
• Gametes in all heterogametic species two types namely male and female.
• Gametes are always haploid irrespective of parent’s ploidy.
• A haploid parent produces gametes by mitotic division.
• Diploid parent produces gametes by meiotic division.
• In diploid organisms specialized cells called meiocytes (gamete mother cell)
undergo meiosis to produce haploid gametes.
Gamete transfer:
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• A major disadvantage is that the off-springs are extremely vulnerable to
• Fertilisation takes place inside the female body is called internal fertilisation.
• It occurs if fungi, higher animals, bryophytes, pteridophytes gymnosperms and
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• Fertilised eggs covered by hard calcareous shell is laid by reptiles and birds.
• Viviparous animal gives birth to the young. The development takes place
inside the body of the female. Because of proper embryonic care and
protection of young ones, their chances of survival are better.
• In plants post fertilization changes are:
o Zygote develops into embryo.
o Ovule develops into seed
o Integuments of the ovule develops into seed coat (outer testa and
inner tegmen).
o Ovary develops into fruit.
o Ovary wall develops into pericarp.
o Sepals, petals, stamens, style and stigma withers.
o Persistent sepals are found in Brinjal, Tomato and Strawberry etc.
• The nature of pericarp plays a crucial role in the dispersal of seeds. If the
pericarp is soft then seed will be hard. If the pericarp is hard then the seed
will be soft.
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