Group A 5 Honeypot 1

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Assignment Group A-5

Problem Definition:
Study and Implementation of Honeypot.

5.1 Learning Objectives:

1. To learn the concept of Honeypot
2. To study the representation, implementation of Honeypot

5.2 Learning outcome:

Use honeybot tool to capture packets and configure tools and systems to enter unknown
unauthenticated IP.

5.3 Theory

5.3.1 Honeypot

It is a computer system. There are files, directories in it just like a real computer. However,
the aim of the computer is to attract hackers to fall into it to watch and follow their
behavior. So we can define it as a fake system which looks like a real system. They are
different than other security systems since they are not only finding one solution to a
particular problem, but also they are eligible to apply variety of security problems and
finding several approaches for them. For example, they can be used to log Malicious
activities in a compromised system; they can be also used to learn new threats for users
and creating ideas how to get rid of those problems.
Honeypots are security resources that have no production value; no person or resource
should be communicating with them. Any activity sent their way is suspect. Any traffic

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initiated by the honeypot means the system has most likely been compromised. Any traffic
sent to the honeypot is most likely a probe, scan, or attack. With a honeypot, nothing is
expected. To better understand the concepts of honeypots, let's take a look at the following
example of honeypot deployments refer the figure.

The purpose here is to demonstrate to you that honeypots can come in many different
flavors, and they can achieve different things. However, they are both honeypots because
they share the same definition and concepts. With the intent using systems as a honeypots,
to determine if there is any unauthorized activity happening within your DMZ. Honeypots
passively capture any traffic or activity that interacts with them .
5.1.1Types of Honeypots:
There are two general types of honeypots: Production honeypots are easy to use, capture only limited information, and are
used primarily by companies or corporations. They are capturing a limited amount of
information; mostly low interaction honeypots are used. security administrator watches the
hacker’s movements carefully and tries to lower the risks that may come from it towards the
company. Research honeypots are complex to deploy and maintain, capture extensive
information, and are used primarily by research, military, or government organizations. The
objective is to learn how to Protect a system better, they do not bring any direct value to the
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security of an organization Honeypots are increasingly used to provide early warning of

potential intruders, identify flaws in security strategies, and improve an organization's
overall security awareness. “Honeypots can simulate a variety of internal and external
devices, including Web servers, mail servers, database servers, application servers, and even
firewalls. As a software development manager, we can regularly use honeypots to gain
insight into vulnerabilities in both the software my team writes and the OS upon which we
depend.” A honeypot is a security resource whose value lies in being probed, attacked, or
compromised. This means that whatever we designate as a honeypot, it is our expectation
and goal to have the system probed, attacked, and potentially exploited.
5.2 Legal issues with honeypots:
While deploying and start using a honeypot, there are some legal issues that a person should
know about. Every country has different laws regarding to honeypot usage and information
capturing. These regulations are related to data security, collection of data and finally how to
use honeypots. All these different laws are based on the quality of the data that a honeypot
can capture and a person who is deploying it. Privacy and data leads us to confidentiality
term in network security. Our example is being a network administrator in a company.
5.3 Practical implementation:
We are starting with low interaction honeypot and then continue on a middle level of
interaction to finally conclude with a high level of interaction.
● Starting to honeypot:
We started with Honeyd as low level interaction honeypot and then we will move on
medium level interaction honeypots. Every honeypot has specific and different
attitudes. We will explain them one by one.
● HoneyBOT is a medium interaction honeypot for windows.
A honeypot creates a safe environment to capture and interact with unsolicited and
often malicious traffic on a network. HoneyBOT is an easy to use solution ideal for
network security research or as part of an early warning IDS. The logging capability of
a honeypot is far greater than any other network security tool and captures raw
packet level data even including the keystrokes and mistakes made by hackers. The
captured information is highly valuable as it contains only malicious traffic with little
to no false positives. Honeypots are becoming one of the leading security tools used to

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monitor the latest tricks and exploits of hackers by recording their every move so that
the security community can more quickly respond to new exploits.
● How does it work?
HoneyBOT works by opening a range of listening sockets on your computer which are
designed to mimic vulnerable services. When an attacker connects to these services
they are fooled into thinking they are attacking a real server. The honeypot safely
captures all communications with the attacker and logs these results for future
analysis. Should an attacker attempt an exploit or upload a rootkit or trojan to the
server the honeypot environment can safely store these files on your computer for
malware collection and analysis purposes. Following figure shows implementation of
● Installing and Securing Your Honeypot:
A honeypot is intentionally put in harms way so it is critical to carry out
some security precautions on your honeypot computer before deployment on any
network. Install HoneyBOT on a dedicated computer or virtual machine. Update the
operating system with security updates and use an antivirus product. You want your
honeypot to be as free as possible from legitimate traffic so in broad terms we can
consider any traffic to the honeypot to be malicious in nature. Remember that we are
attracting attackers to intrude into this system so precautions are important.
● Network Placement:
If you place HoneyBOT inside the internal network where it is secured by
perimeter defences it should never to be attacked. Any malicious traffic captured in
this situation would indicate that another computer inside the network is already
compromised or that the perimeter defences have been breached. In this
configuration HoneyBOT is acting as an intrusion detection system. If you place

HoneyBOT on an external network or internet you will attract higher volumes of

unsolicited network traffic. Direct internet placement is the most common setup with
HoneyBOT being on the network DMZ.
● Windows Services, SMB and NetBIOS
You should disable any Windows services that are not required for the machine to

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operate as they offer an attacker a possible avenue of attack. HoneyBOT cannot listen
on a port that is already in use by a Windows service. Some of the services that you
may choose to disable include Messenger, ClipBook, COM+, FTP Publishing, SMTP,
SNMP, TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper, Telnet, WWW Publishing. SMB (CIFS) provides name
resolution, network browsing and printing services over TCP/IP. To disable SMB
open the Network Connections window, right click the adapter and select Properties
and uninstall Client For Microsoft Networks and File And Printer Sharing. SMB
services may also be provided over NetBIOS (NBT). To disable NetBIOS open the
Device Manager window, select Show Hidden Devices, expand Non-Plug And Play
Drivers and disable NetBios Over Tcpip. If you are monitoring your honeypot via a
remote desktop tool then you should change the default listening port to a random
high numbered port.
Finally, before starting HoneyBOT take a baseline of the current listening services by
opening a command shell and launching netstat with the -ano option. Any listening
services that you are unable to disable need to be blocked at the firewall.
● Firewall:
A firewall will prevent unsolicited connections from reaching your computer. In order
for HoneyBOT to communicate you need to customise your firewall rules to allow
incoming connections. If you are using a software firewall you should create an
exception for HoneyBOT.
● HoneyBOT Options:
Select Options from the View menu to configure HoneyBOT. Automatically Start
Engine: The server engine will start automatically when the application is started.
Enable Sound Alert: Plays a short sound each time an event occurs. Capture Binaries:
If this option is enabled HoneyBOT will attempt to capture malware and other files
and save them to the \HoneyBOT\Captures\ folder. If this option is enabled you
should add an exception in your antivirus software to exclude this folder from its
scan. Automatically Rotate Log: Each day at midnight HoneyBOT will save the
current log file and start a new log file. Server Name: The alias name of the
HoneyBOT server given to the remote machine.
● Email Alerts :

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Enter your email address and SMTP server information to receive daily email
updates from HoneyBOT.
● Exports:
Select the Export Logs to CSV option to create a daily extract of your log file as a CSV
file. Exported logs are saved in the \HoneyBOT\Logs\ folder. You can also choose to
participate in the centralised log program and have your log files uploaded to the
HoneyBOT website.
● Syslog :
Select to send connection events to a Syslog server. Enter the Syslog server IP
address and port.
● Bindings:
Only applicable to multihomed machines. Provides support for multiple networks so
HoneyBOT can bind to one or all detected networks. Enter the IP address that you
want HoneyBOT to bind to. If the IP address is not valid and more than one IP
address is available you will be prompted to select an address when the server
engine starts.
● Updates:
Select to have HoneyBOT check for updates on startup. There are two update types
that may occur. A service update is a minor update to the server listening services, if
a service update is available you will be prompted to install the update. An
application update notification will occur if a new version of HoneyBOT is available.
● Services and Profiles :
Select to edit the TCP and UDP services started by the HoneyBOT engine. You can add
a new port, edit and disable an existing port, or delete the port configuration entirely.
By default HoneyBOT will open more listening ports than a typical computer and this
may alert an attacker to its presence. You can choose to limit your honeypot
exposure to just a handful of ports that more closely resembles a real operating
system. By loading a profile you can quickly emulate common operation system
setups like an SQL Server, IIS Server, Exchange Server, etc.
● Whitelist :
You may find HoneyBOT is interacting with services on your network that are

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legitimate and not a cause for alarm. You can whitelist the source machine by adding
the IP and port to the whitelist settings. When a machine is whitelisted HoneyBOT
will no longer accept connections from that machine.
● Debug :
The debug window will display application messages and socket events that occur
during typical application operation.
● Event Navigation:
The event tree on the left shows the ports that have been probed and remote
addresses that have connected to HoneyBOT. The event list at the top right will
display all connection attempts including the attributes of the connection. The
packet list at the bottom displays each packet transmitted and received between the
remote machine and the HoneyBOT server. You can expand the event tree and filter
the events displayed by selecting an item in the list.

5.4 Advantages of honeypots:

There are many security solutions available in the market. Anyone can browse the
variety of choices through internet and find the most suitable solution for their needs.
Honeypots can capture attacks and give information about the attack type and if needed,
thanks to the logs, it is possible to see additional information about the attack. New
attacks can be seen and new security solutions can be created by looking at them. More
examinations can be obtained by looking at the type of the malicious behaviors. It helps
to understand more attacks that may happen. Honeypots are not bulky in terms of
capturing data. They are only dealing with the incoming malicious traffic. Therefore, the

information that has been caught is not as much as the whole traffic. Focusing only on the
malicious traffic makes the investigation far easier.

5.5 Disadvantages of honey pots:

We can only capture data when the hacker is attacking the system actively. If he does not
attack the system, it is not possible to catch information. If there is an attack occuring in
another system, our honeypot will not be able to identify it. So, attacks not towards our

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honeypot system may damage other systems and cause big problems. There is
fingerprinting disadvantage of honeypots. It is easy for an experienced hacker to
understand if he is attacking a honeypot system or a real system. Fingerprinting allows us
to distinguish between these two. It is a not a wanted result of our experiment. The
honeypot may be used as a zombie to reach other systems and compromise them. This
can be very dangerous.

5.6 Assignment Questions:

Q1.What is Honey Pot?
Q2.What are different types of Honey Pot?
Q3.What is Malware Honey Pot?
Q4. What is Database honey pot?
Q5.What is Honey nets?
Q6. Which are two popular reasons or goals behind setting up a Honey Pot?

Conclusion: Hence, we have successfully studied concept of Honeypot in which we have

set different network setting and set different drivers to identify unauthenticated access
in our system

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