A Seminar Presentation: Honeypots and SQL Injection
A Seminar Presentation: Honeypots and SQL Injection
A Seminar Presentation: Honeypots and SQL Injection
Con’s – HoneyPots
SoftPicks – HoneyPots
HoneyPots - Introduction
Resource with variety of Different Uses whose value lies in its unauthorized
or illicit use. Used for monitoring, detecting and analyzing attacks.
A HoneyPot Resource has no REAL use, Normal users will never connect
to it.
HoneyPots do not solve a specific problem, instead they are a tool that
contribute to your overall security architecture.
HoneyPot Timeline
1990/1991 The Cuckoo’s Egg and Evening with Berferd
Resource HoneyPots
Production HoneyPots
Negative HoneyPots
Research HoneyPots
The Biggest problem that system administrators face nowadays is that, they
DO NOT know their own attackers.
They do not know what techniques, tools, methods etc are being employed
by their attackers.
Research HoneyPots do not provide security to your network and are merely
used for RESEARCH PURPOSES only.
Resource HoneyPots - Challenges
The biggest problem with Research HoneyPots is that they introduce High
security risk in the network.
A typical research HoneyPot will have certain ports open AND few
vulnerable services running.
Negative HoneyPots are usually the Spam which we see on visiting any
particular website.
Usually the people get confused on the point that the Advertisements are
also Negative HoneyPots.
These are sometimes malicious and might also cause real damage to the
user or a person whoever gets trapped into it.
Negative HoneyPots
Free Screen savers
Negative HoneyPots
Yeah!!! You really are Lucky…
Credit Card Details gone to a Malicious User
Negative HoneyPots
Free Smiley's
Negative HoneyPots
Fake login Trap
A typical Low involved HoneyPots will have Few ports open, so that
administrator knows what ports the attackers are trying to connect.
The attacker will NOT be allowed to do anything else on the server and
hence they are less risky.
Low Involved HoneyPots do not give us must insight into the attacker,
hence, they are normally used as PRODUCTION HONEYPOTS.
High Involved HoneyPots
A typical high Involved HoneyPots will have a few ports open AND a few
vulnerable services running.
The attacker is allowed to actually break into the high involved HoneyPots,
which makes them risky.
High Involved HoneyPots can be used to gather a lot of insight on the tools,
techniques and methods used by the attacker. Hence they are normally
Pros of HoneyPots
Efficient: Centralized Log files or IDS log files might drop a few lines due
to high activity and the bandwidth.
BackOffice friendly
Windows Based Low involved HoneyPot.
Linux Based Low involved HoneyPot.
Open Source Low involved HoneyPot.
High involved HoneyPot.
Within a HoneyNet Network, real computers with real applications are setup,
inviting attackers.
Attackers fall for the trap and all their activities are recorded by the research
Most of the SQL database programs also have their own proprietary
extensions in addition to the SQL standard!
SQL Injection
SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security
vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application.
The vulnerability is present when user input is either incorrectly filtered for
string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input
is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed.
Even worse, a lot of solutions posted on the Internet are not good
In our pen tests over 60% of our clients turn out to be vulnerable to SQL
Magic/Input Strings
The Magic Strings are as follows
For String
FormUser = ' or 1=1 – –
PHP/MySQL Login(Numeric)
Username= 1 or 1=1#
Final query would look like this: