Class Savant Expanded

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The Savant Expanded

The Savant Expanded Eccentricities

Often, with great intellect and intense mental focus comes
The savant is an Intelligence-based, non-magical class that some strange habits. A savant's eccentricities are usually the
focuses on gathering information and supporting their allies. result of them spending too much time on their field of study.
Provided here are a multitude of additional savant options:
Personality & Quirks. Use these roleplaying tables to d6 Eccentricity
randomly determine your savant's quirks and personality, You assume that every person you talk to cares
take what you like, or use the options here for inspiration 1
about the minutia of your area of expertise.
Scholarly Feats. It is no secret that Intelligence is the You have a really bad habit of only speaking
ability score with the least useful and synergistic options for 2
in the technical jargon of your field.
feats. The feats presented here look to solve that problem!
Magic Items. Enhance your loot with a variety of magic 3 You don't understand children.
items of all rarities designed specifically for the savant. When someone doesn't understand something
Additional Academic Disciplines. Included below are 4
you just haven't explained it enough times.
four additional Disciplines for savants to choose from at 3rd
level: Culinarian, Orator, Philosopher, and Rune Scribe! 5
You take diligent notes on everything
even when it isn't socially appropriate.
Additional Scholarly Pursuits. Finally, included here are
a multitude of additional Pursuits for your savant to master. 6
You are so dedicated to your field of study that
you find yourself explaining things to your foes.
Personality & Quirks
Having trouble creating a personality for your savant, or just Good Luck Charms
looking for inspiration? Choose an Obsession, Eccentricity, Often, despite their intellect, savants develop attachments to
and an Irrational Fear from the tables presented here. mundane charms, objects, or clothing they perceive as lucky.
Obsessions d6 Lucky Trinket
In their desire to answer every question, savants can develop 1
You refuse to place your faith in a single deity
obsessions. These inexplicable questions and phenomena so you carry a multitude of holy symbols.
gnaw at savants until they find the answers that they seek. Your father was a farmer who paid for your
d4 Obsession education. You wear his hat in his memory.
You discovered a strange script in the margin Despite its ineffectiveness, you carry a
1 3
of a book. The best scholars cannot identify it. whip to impress and intimidate others.
As a child you saw a majestic golden bird fly You carry a scroll of insane ramblings. One
2 4
across the sky that left a rainbow in its wake. day you will figure out its meaning.
Your father charged you to find the legendary, You wear a pair of crystal spectacles
3 5
and most likely fictional, chalice of Bahamut. even though you have perfect vision.
You use the word "inconceivable" all the time You never leave home without a copy of
4 6
even though you aren't exactly sure what it means your mentor's thesis on owlbear anatomy.
Irrational Fears Lifelong Learner
Despite their impressive minds, savants tend to develop fears You have made a vow to never stop learning, no matter how
that anyone with common sense would find totally irrational. old or intelligent you become. You gain the benefits from the
d6 Irrational Fear table below depending on your current Intelligence modifier:
You are convinced you contracted a minor form Modifier Benefit
of lycanthropy from a dog that bit you as a child. You learn to speak, read, and write one
You will do literally anything to additional language of your choice.
avoid interacting with fire magic. You gain proficiency with one set
You always make sure to sleep with a silver of artisan's tools of your choice.
coin in your hand to ward off night hags. +3 You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice.
4 You hate snakes and snake-like creatures. For one skill proficiency of your choice you
You are so afraid of undead that the sight treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.
of them causes you to vomit. Whenever you are forced to make a Wisdom
You give out code words to your allies so +5 saving throw, you can choose to make an
6 Intelligence saving throw instead.
they can prove they aren't doppelgangers.

Scholarly Feats Mental Acuity

Your mind is a wonderful thing, capable of bursts of insight
If your group uses the optional rule for feats, the following and mental fortitude. You gain the following benefits:
feats are available alongside those in the Player's Handbook:
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Classical Artist Choose two of the following skills: Arcana, History,
Your great intellect has allowed you to master what many Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion, or
would consider the fine arts. You gain the following benefits: Religion. If you were not already proficient in that skill you
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20. gain proficiency, and any time you make an ability check
You gain proficiency with both mason's tools and painter's with that skill you can roll a d4 and add it to your roll.
supplies, and you can add double your proficiency bonus Quick Student
to any check you make with these tool proficiencies. You have always been quick on the uptake and pick up new
You can use mason's tools or painter's supplies and the skills and talents with ease. You gain the following benefits:
appropriate materials to create a work of fine art worth
50 gp for each 8-hour workday you spend working on it. Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You have advantage on checks to assess the value of art. At the end of a long rest, you can learn one new language,
or gain proficiency with one tool, skill, or weapon of your
Helpful Insights choice, so long as there is an example for you to learn
You always seem to have helpful advice for from (such as a willing teacher or a manual). You can only
any situation. You gain the benefits below: gain one additional language or proficiency with this
You increase your Intelligence score by 1, feature. If you learn a new language or proficiency, you
up to a maximum of 20. immediately forget the previous language or proficiency.
You can take the Help action as a bonus
action on each of your turns.
When you use a Help action to give
advantage on an ability check that
you are proficient in, the target
gain bonus to its roll equal to
your Intelligence modifier.
Doctoral Robes
Wondrous item, legendary
(requires attunement by a savant)
These luxurious navy blue robes were fashioned by
an ancient empire long forgotten for the headmaster
of an academy of higher learning.
While attuned you gain the following benefits:
• So long as you are not wearing armor, your Armor
Class is equal to 15 + your Intelligence modifier.
• When you are forced to make a saving throw you gain
a bonus to your roll equal to your Intelligence modifier.
• When a creature that can hear you within 30 feet
makes an ability check, you can use your reaction to
add your Intelligence modifier to the result of its roll.
Living Quill
Wondrous item, common
This fanciful quill looks to be made from
the feather of a bird of unknown origin.
As an action, you can speak the Quill's
command word and touch it to a piece of
paper or parchment. It then begins to transcribe
your words, stopping after 1 hour, or sooner if you
speak the quill's command word again.
Monocle of the Linguist
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This single eyeglass allows you to read and understand
writing in any language as if it were your native tongue.
Ring of Remembering
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
Scholar of Lore This simple bronze ring is etched with hieroglyphics from a
You have spent time learning everything there is to know forgotten civilization. This ring has 3 charges and it regains
about a specific area of study. You gain the following benefits: 1 of its expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20. ring, you can expend 1 charge and focus your thoughts on
You gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Arcana, one object or creature you can see. You instantly learn a piece
History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. of significant forgotten or secret knowledge about the target.
Choose one skill from the list above. Once per day when If no such information exists then you learn nothing.
you make a check with that skill, you can treat a roll of 9
or lower on the d20 as a 10. You can use this feature after Scholar's Cap
you roll, but before you know if you succeed or fail. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This elegantly made hat marks you as a scholarly member of
Magic Items high society. While wearing this hat, you have advantage on
Charisma checks you make to interact with royalty, nobility,
Consider adding the following scholarly magic items to your and other aristocratic members of high society.
game, particularly if one of your players is playing a savant. Additionally, once per day when you make an Intelligence,
Some of the magic items listed below require attunement Wisdom, or Charisma-based ability check, you can choose to
by a creature with at least one level in the savant class. substitute your d20 roll with your Intelligence score.
Blade of the Scribe Staff of the Headmaster
Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a savant) Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a savant)
The handle of this elegant shortsword is fashioned from This austere staff was once a symbol of the headmaster at an
silver and steel, the blade filled with ink. It bears an Elvish imperial academy. It can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff
inscription that, when translated, reads "The pen is mightier that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
than the sword, but this is mightier still". You gain a +1 bonus it. When holding it, you have a +2 bonus to any ability checks
to both attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon. you make that use your Intelligence or Wisdom.
This magic weapon has 4 charges. When you hit a creature Moreover, you can use an action to plunge this staff into the
with this weapon, you can expend 1 charge to release a blast ground, producing the effect of private sanctum within a 30-
of ink. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving foot radius of that point. The area within the spell appears as
throw or be blinded for 1 minute. This effect ends early if the a ornate study in addition to the normal effects of the spell.
creature uses its action to wipe the ink from its eyes. Once you use the staff to cast private sanctum in this way, it
The shortsword regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn. cannot do so again until the following dawn.
Tome of Everlasting Genius Adventurer's Cook Book
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a savant) 3rd-level Culinarian feature
This elegantly made ageless tome has been passed down by You have begun to compile a Cook Book containing the exotic
generations of geniuses, each adding more information to its and wondrous Recipes you create during your adventures:
pages. This tome contains 1d4 +1 entries from those listed Recipes Known. At 3rd level, you know two Recipes of
below. You can roll randomly, or the DM can choose them. your choice from the list at the end of this subclass.
For each entry in the tome, you gain proficiency in the skill Adding a Recipe. As an action, you can harvest a Sample
that corresponds with the genius who wrote the entry, and an from a creature that died within the last minute and preserve
additional +5 bonus to any checks you make with that skill. it to create a Recipe. Over the course of 1 hour, which can be
during a short or long rest, you can use cook's utensils and a
Genius (Proficiency) Genius (Proficiency) Sample to create a new Recipe based on the creature type of
Actor (Performance) Psychologist (Insight) the Sample from the list at the end of this Discipline.
Astronomer (Nature) Surgeon (Medicine)
Preparing a Morsel. At the end of a short or long rest, you
can prepare a number of Morsels equal to your Intelligence
Cultist (Deception) Researcher (Investigation) modifier (minimum of 1). Each Morsel has the properties of
Linguist (Persuasion) Ritualist (Arcana) one Recipe of your choice contained in your Cook Book.
You don't need to have ingredients from a creature type of
Magistrate (History) Theologian (Religion) that Recipe to prepare a Morsel of that Recipe. Any Morsels
you prepare lose their potency at the end of your next short or
Once you are attuned to this tome for a year and a day, you long rest as they become inedible and bland.
can add your own entry into the tome detailing your area of Serving Morsels. As an action, a creature can eat one of
expertise, choosing one skill that you are proficient in to add. your Morsels, or feed it to a conscious willing creature within
its reach. A creature that eats a Morsel gains the benefits of
Academic Disciplines that Morsel as detailed in the Recipe description. A creature
can only benefit from one Morsel at a time. Eating a Morsel
At 3rd level, a savant gains the Academic Discipline feature. instantly ends any previous Morsel benefits.
The following additional Academic Disciplines are available
to savants: Culinarian, Orator, Philosopher, and Rune Scribe. Replacing a Cook Book. If your Cook
Book is lost or destroyed, you must
Culinarian reacquire fresh Samples of each
creature type in order to create
The savants known as Culinarians put their great intellects any Recipes you once knew.
to work in the science of food and drink. Ever the adventurer, You can create a copy of your
they leave their kitchens behind, venturing out into the world Cook Book by spending 1
in a lifelong search for new wondrous and exotic ingredients. hour copying each Recipe.
What strange and exciting recipes will you come to discover?
A Cut Above
Student of Flavor 6th-level Culinarian feature
3rd-level Culinarian feature As an action, you can touch one of
You gain proficiency in Nature and with cook's utensils, and your prepared Morsels and change
your proficiency bonus is doubled for any check that uses it to a Morsel of another recipe.
either proficiency. If you're already proficient in Nature, you Also, when you eat or feed
gain proficiency in another skill from the savant skill list. a Morsel to a creature, you
In addition, when you have access to cook’s utensils and can make one weapon
ingredients, creatures that expend a Hit Die to regain hit attack as a bonus
points during a short rest with you regain additional hit action on that turn.
points equal to one roll of your Intellect Die.
Improved Recipes
13th-level Culinarian feature Dragon
Your Recipes invigorate your allies along with their normal Prerequisite: Any Dragon, 6th level Culinarian
benefits. A creature that eats one of your Morsels also gains The creature that eats this Morsel gains resistance to the
temporary hit points equal to your savant level. damage type dealt by the breath weapon of the dragon used
in the creation of this Recipe.
Master Culinarian You can create a separate Recipe in your Cook Book for
17th-level Culinarian feature each type of Dragon you have harvested a sample of.
You are a master monster chef and can cook with anything, Giant
anywhere. During the course of a long rest, you can use your Prerequisite: Any Giant, 6th level Culinarian
cook's utensils to prepare a monstrous feast for yourself and A creature that eats this Morsel grows to become the size of
a number of creatures equal to your savant level. the Giant used in the creation of this Recipe for 1 hour. While
Any creature that eats a portion of this meal gains the it is enlarged in this way, the creature must concentrate on
benefits listed below until the end of their next long rest: this effect as if it were concentrating on a spell, and it gains
It is instantly cured of any poisons or disease and is a bonus to any Strength checks and Strength saving throws
immune to the poisoned and frightened conditions. equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Its hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to You can create a separate Recipe in your Cook Book for
one roll of your Intellect Die + your Intelligence modifier. each size of Giant you have harvested a sample of.
It gains a bonus to any Wisdom saving throw it makes
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). Ooze
Prerequisite: Any Ooze, 6th level Culinarian
Creature Recipes A creature that eats this Morsel reduces any lightning
or slashing damage it takes by an amount equal to your
The following Recipes are available to Culinarians. Some of Intelligence modifier for 1 hour.
these Recipes have a savant level prerequisite. You can learn
a Recipe at the same time you meet its prerequisite level. Celestial
Prerequisite: Any Celestial, 13th level Culinarian
Beast, Air A creature that eats this Morsel manifests a pair of ethereal
Prerequisite: Any Beast with a flying speed angelic wings and gains a 30-foot flying speed for 1 hour.
A creature that eats this Morsel gains a bonus to initiative
rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier for 1 hour. Elemental, Air
Prerequisite: Any Air Elemental, 13th level Culinarian
Beast, Cave A creature that eats this Morsel can take the Dash action as
Prerequisite: Any Beast with a flying speed a bonus action, and hold its breath indefinitely for 1 hour.
A creature that eats this Morsel gains darkvision out to a
60-foot radius 1 hour. Elemental, Earth
Prerequisite: Any Earth Elemental, 13th level Culinarian
Beast, Land A creature that eats this Morsel gains tremorsense out
Prerequisite: Any Beast without a flying or swim speed to a 15-foot radius, and gains resistance to non-magical
A creature that eats this Morsel regains hit points equal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1 hour.
to your Intellect Die + your Intelligence modifier.
Elemental, Fire
Beast, Sea Prerequisite: Any Fire Elemental, 13th level Culinarian
Prerequisite: Any Beast with a swimming speed A creature that eats this Morsel gains immunity to both
A creature that eats this Morsel gains a swimming speed the charmed and frightened conditions for 1 hour.
equal to its walking speed for 1 hour.
Elemental, Water
Monstrosity Prerequisite: Any Water Elemental, 13th level Culinarian
Prerequisite: Any Monstrosity A creature that eats this Morsel can breathe both air and
A creature that eats this Morsel gains the benefits of alter self water, gains a 30-foot swimming speed, and can use its
for 1 hour. It must concentrate on this effect to maintain it. reaction to turn a critical hit into a normal hit for 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Any Plant
A creature that eats this Morsel is instantly cured of one Creating your own Recipes
of the following conditions currently affecting it: blinded, Part of the genius of a Culinarian is the creation of
deafened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, or their level of custom signature Recipes. If you have an idea for a
exhaustion is reduced by 1 (maximum once per day). Recipe based on a creature type that isn't included
here, work with your DM to design a suitable effect
Aberration based on the abilities of a creature of that type.
Prerequisite: Any Aberration, 6th level Culinarian Whatever Recipe you design, its effects should
A creature that eats this Morsel can telepathically speak to last for 1 hour and should be equal in power to the
creatures within 30 feet for 1 hour. A target must be able to other Recipes a Culinarian can learn at that level.
understand at least one language to understand its telepathy.
Prerequisite: Any Fey, 13th level Culinarian
For 1 hour, a creature that eats this Morsel can
use a bonus action on each of its turns to teleport
to an unoccupied space it can see within 30 feet.
Prerequisite: Any Fiend, 13th level Culinarian
A creature that eats this Morsel has advantage on all
saving throws it is forced to make to resist spells and
other magic effects for 1 hour.
Orators are true masters of linguistics and the spoken word.
These wordsmiths use nothing but their wit and mastery of
rhetoric to rebuff their foes and empower their allies. With
utmost confidence, they stride boldly into hostile situations,
confident that they can win anyone with their eloquence.
Unlike others who rely on their charm to cajole, Orators
are able to embolden their allies and win over their foes with
nothing but well-reasoned logic and convincing rhetoric.
Student of Logic
3rd-level Orator feature
You gain proficiency in Deception and Persuasion, and your
proficiency bonus is doubled for any check you make with
either skill. If you are already proficient in these skills you
gain proficiency in another skill from the savant skill list.
You studies also gain for you the following benefits:
Whenever you would make a Charisma (Deception) or
Charisma (Persuasion) check, you make an Intelligence
(Deception) or Intelligence (Persuasion) check instead.
You master your choice of the Linguistics, Riddles, or
Traditions Pursuit, but it does not count against the total
number of Pursuits you can master for your savant level.
3rd-level Orator feature
Your mastery over the spoken word allows you to dominate, Inspiring Word
inspire, and cajole other creatures who can understand and As an action, you can grant a creature within 30 feet that can
hear you. You gain the rhetorical abilities listed below. If one hear you temporary hit points equal to your Intellect Die roll.
of these abilities requires a creature to make a saving throw,
the saving throw DC is calculated as follows: Soothing Speech
Orator save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus As an action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to make
+ your Intelligence modifier. a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it becomes indifferent
toward creatures of your choice that it was hostile toward for
You can use these abilities a combined number of times 1 minute. The effect ends if you or an ally harm the creature.
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finsih a short or long rest. Uplifting Remark
As a reaction when a creature within 30 feet that can hear
Convincing Dialog you makes an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving
If you spend at least 1 minute talking to a creature that is not throw, you can add one roll of your Intellect Die to its roll.
currently hostile toward you, you can choose to charm it for
up to 1 hour. This charm effect ends early if you or your allies Logical Mind
do anything harmful to the creature. 6th-level Orator feature
Your masterful grasp of logic allows you to better resist all
Distracting Retort but the strongest mind-altering effects. You have advantage
When a creature that can hear you within 30 feet of you on any saving throws to resist enchantment spells, and you
attacks a creature, you can use your reaction to force the are immune to the charmed condition.
attacker to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it Additionally, when you use your action to use a rhetorical
must subtract a roll of your Intellect Die from its attack roll. ability, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.
Philosophy is considered by many to be the purest Discipline
a savant can pursue. They expend their genius pondering the
deep questions of existence; the purpose of life, the nature of
the planes, and the relationship between mortals and
gods. Through the study of the multiverse, Philosophers
try to perfect their knowledge of the multiverse.
Student of Thought
3rd-level Philosopher feature
You gain proficiency in Arcana and Religion,
and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any
check you make with either skill. If you are already
proficient in these skills you gain proficiency in a skill
of your choice from the Savant skill list.
Your understanding of the higher levels of reality
also grants you the benefits listed below:
• When you make an ability check to communicate
with or recall information about, a creature from
another plane, you gain a bonus to the roll equal
to one roll of your Intellect Die.
• You can use Adroit Analysis to learn additional
characteristics about a creature: its alignment,
its spellcasting ability (if it has one), the highest
level spell it can cast, or its native plane.
Words of Power
3rd-level Philosopher feature
Through years of study, you have uncovered Words of Power
that were used in shaping the multiverse. As an action, you
Peerless Rhetoric can speak aloud one of the Words of Power below, focusing
13th-level Orator feature on a creature that can hear you within 30 feet, forcing it to
You are able to bend the masses to your will with nothing make a saving throw, against your Philosopher save DC:
more than words. You learn the rhetorical abilities listed Philosopher save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
below. You can use each of these abilities once, and then you + your Intelligence modifier.
must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
You can speak these Words a combined number of times
Motivational Address equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You
Over the course of 1 minute, you can speak to a number of regain all expended uses when you finsih a short or long rest.
creatures of your choice equal to your savant level that can
hear and understand you. The creatures gain temporary hit Confound
points equal to your savant level, and while the temporary hit You force the target to make an Intelligence saving throw. On
points remain, they have advantage on saving throws to resist a failure, it subtracts your Intelligence modifier from the first
enchantment spells and they are immune to being frightened. attack roll it makes each turn for 1 minute. It can repeat this
Definitive Argument saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.
As an action, you speak to a number of creatures who can Disorient
hear and understand you equal to your savant level. They You force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by failed save, it must subtract your Intelligence modifier from
you for the next 24 hours as if by mass suggestion. This the next saving throw it is forced to make.
charm effect ends if you harm the creature.
If you were speaking to any of the creatures for at least 1 Fear
minute before using this action, and they were not hostile You force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
towards you, they have disadvantage on their saving throw. failed save, it is frightened of a creature of your choice that it
Master Orator can see for 1 minute. It can repeat this saving throw at the
17th-level Orator feature end of each turn, ending the effect on a success.
Your absolute mastery over the spoken word allows you to Halt
bend all but the strongest creatures to your will. When you You force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a
force a creature to make a saving throw to resist a rhetorical failed save, its speed is reduced to 0 for 1 minute. The target
ability, it has disadvantage on the roll if both its Intelligence can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
and Wisdom scores are lower than your Intelligence score. ending the effect on a success.
Shift Runes of Power
You force two creatures of your choice to make a Charisma 3rd-level Rune Scribe feature
saving throw. Should both targets fail their saving throws, You have learned the artful and ancient magic of Runes.
they instantly switch places. A creature can willingly fail. Runes Known. You know two Runes of your choice from
the list at the end of this Discipline. Some Runes have a level
Unwavering Will prerequisite, which you can learn when you meet that level.
6th-level Philosopher feature You learn one additional Rune of your choice when you
Your sense of purpose and willpower are unyielding. When reach 6th, 10th, 13th, and 17th level in this class.
fail a saving throw and become either charmed, frightened, When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
or stunned, you can choose to succeed instead. of the Runes you know with another Rune of your choice.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long Inscribing Runes. During the course of a long rest, you
rest before you can use it again. can spend 1-hour using calligrapher's supplies to inscribe a
Rune you know onto a non-magical object, inscribing it in a
Supreme Understanding Runic Languages you know. A creature that bears an object
13th-level Philosopher feature inscribed with a Rune gains the passive benefit of that Rune
You have learned to manipulate the world with more potent for as long as they wear or wield the inscribed object.
Words of Power. You learn the greater Words of Power listed A Rune you know can only be inscribed in one object at a
below. You must concentrate on the effects of these Words of time, and inscribing it into another object causes the magic
Power as if you were concentrating on a spell. You can speak of any previous inscriptions of that Rune to instantly dispel.
each of these Words once, and then you must finish a short or Invoking Runes. A creature that bears an object inscribed
long rest before you can speak that Word it again. with one of your Runes can use an action to invoke the Rune.
A creature must be able to speak the Runic Language of the
Rune's inscription in order to invoke the Rune's effect.
You force a target to make a Charisma saving throw. On a Once a Rune has been invoked, it cannot be invoked again
failed save, it is banished for up to 1 minute. If it is native to until the Rune Scribe that inscribed it finishes a long rest.
your current plane, it is banished to a harmless demiplane. If Runic Casting Modifier. Intelligence is your Runic casting
it is native to another plane, it is banished to its native plane. ability for your Runes, as you unlocked their power through
The target can repeat its saving throw at the end of each turn. years of research. You use Intelligence when a Rune refers to
On a success, it returns to an unoccupied space nearest to your Runic casting ability, when you set the saving throw DC,
the place it was originally banished from. or when you make an attack roll with one of your Runes.
Enfeeble Rune save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
You force a target to make an Intelligence saving throw. On a + your Intelligence modifier
failed save, it is stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat Runic attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
this saving throw at the start of each turn, and each time it + your Intelligence modifier
takes damage, ending the effect on a success.
Master Philosopher Ancient Magics
17th-level Philosopher feature 6th-level Rune Scribe feature
Your willpower rivals that of powerful extraplanar beings. You The innate power of your Runes has grown. Any object you
are always under the effect of protection from evil and good. inscribe with one of your Runes counts as magical for as long
Moreover, when an aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, as the magic of the inscribed Rune lasts.
fiend, or undead creature forces you to make a saving throw, Also, during the course of a short rest, you can perform a
you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Intellect Die. short 10-minute ritual to reawaken the magic of a Rune that
has already been invoked for the day, allowing it to be invoked
Rune Scribe one additional time before the end of your next long rest.
Legends say that rune magic is the most ancient arcane art to Runic Ward
be mastered by mortals. Savants who dedicate their lives to 13th-level Rune Scribe feature
the study of these Runes are known as Rune Scribes. They Your Runes offer a measure of protection to those that bear
learn all they can about these ancient sigils that embody the them. Any creature that bears an object inscribed with one of
fundamental magic of creation. The magic of Runes is rarely your Runes gain a bonus to their saving throws equal to your
used, and jealously guarded by those who can wield its power. Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Moreover, each time you finish a long rest, you can replace
Student of Runes one Rune you know with another Rune of your choice.
3rd-level Rune Scribe feature
You gain proficiency in History and calligrapher's supplies, Master Rune Scribe
and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any check that uses 17th-level Rune Scribe feature
either proficiency. If you're already proficient in History you You can draw on the magic of your Runes to protect yourself
gain proficiency in another skill from the savant skill list. in times of great need. When you are reduced to 0 hit points
You can also speak, read, and write two of the following but not killed outright, you can draw on the latent power of
Runic Languages, which are used to inscribe the Runes you one of your inscribed Runes, instantly dispelling the Rune
learn: Draconic, Druidic, Dwarvish, Giant, or Primordial. and any of its effects, to fall to 1 hit point instead.
Runes Rune of Abjuration
Below are the Runes available to Rune Scribes. If a Rune has Prerequisite: 6th level Rune Scribe
a level prerequisite, you can learn that Rune at the same time Item: a shield, robe, or suit of armor
you meet its prerequisite. Some Runes can only be inscribed Once per turn, the bearer of this Runic object can reduce the
in certain objects as detailed in its description. damage they take from a spell or another magical effect by an
amount equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
Rune of Enchantment The bearer can invoke this Rune to cast counterspell (as a
Item: a bracelet, diadem, ring, or necklace reaction) or dispel magic at a level equal to your proficiency
Creatures will treat the bearer of this Runic object one stage bonus, using your Intelligence as the spellcasting ability.
friendlier than they normally would. For example, a neutral
creature would feel compelled to view the bearer as a friend, Rune of Conjuration
and a hostile creature would view the bearer neutrally. This Prerequisite: 6th level Rune Scribe
treatment instatnly ends if the bearer attacks the creature. Item: a belt, ring, or shield
The bearer can invoke this Rune to cast its choice of the The bearer of this Runic object can use its action to expend
calm emotions, charm person, or command spell, targeting a any amount of its remaining speed to instatnly teleport to an
total number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus. unoccupied space of its choice that it can see within that
distance, without provoking opportunity attacks.
Rune of Evocation The bearer can invoke this Rune to conjure a creature of
Item: a melee weapon its choice that it has seen before with a CR equal to half your
When you inscribe this Rune choose acid, cold, fire, poison, proficiency bonus or lower. The creature shares the bearer's
or lighting damage. When the bearer hits a creature with an initiative in combat and acts immediately after it. The bearer
attack with this Runic weapon, it deals additional damage of can use its bonus action to command the creature to move
the chosen type equal to one roll of your Intellect Die. and take an action from its stat block. The conjured creature
When the bearer of this Rune hits with an attack or casts a remains for 1 minute or until it is reduced to 0 hit points.
spell that deals the inscribed damage, it can invoke this Rune While this creature is conjured, the bearer of this object
to cause a target to take maximum damage instead of rolling. must concentrate on it as if it were concentrating on a spell.
Rune of Illusion Rune of Divination
Item: a cloak, robe, or suit of armor Prerequisite: 13th level Rune Scribe
The bearer of this Runic object can use an action to change Item: a wand, staff, robe, or spellcasting focus
its appearance, including height and weight, though it cannot The bearer of this Runic object can cast identify and detect
change their size. It can appear as another race, but it must magic as rituals. It also gains a bonus to Wisdom (Insight)
adopt a form that it has seen before. Its clothing, including checks equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1)
the Runic object, and equipment do not change. When you inscribe this Rune you roll a d20 and record the
These changes can be detected by a successful Intelligence result. When a creature within 30 feet of the bearer makes an
(Investigation) check made against your Runic save DC. attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, the bearer can use
The bearer can invoke this Rune to turn invisible for up to its reaction to invoke this Rune and replace the creature's
10 minutes. This invisibility instantly ends if they attack a d20 roll with the result of the d20 roll you recorded while.
creature or force a creature to make a saving throw. The creature can use this reaction after the creature rolls,
Rune of Necromancy
but before it knows
if the target
Item: a belt, ring, or suit of armor succeeds
The bearer of this Runic object can use its bonus action to or fails.
grant itself temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).
When the bearer of this Rune is reduced
to 0 hit points but is not killed, it can
invoke the Rune to fall to 1 hit point.
You are a student of fine creation. You
gain proficiency with jeweler's tools,
and you add double your proficiency
bonus to any check you make that
uses your jeweler's tools.
Also, while you are in sunlight,
you can spend 1 hour using jewler's
tools to modify a gem you touch so that
it absorbs the radiant light of the sun. As
an action, you can release the sunlight bound
within the gem, causing it to emit bright light in a
30-foot radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. After
24 hours, gems modified in this way return to normal.
You have developed a great love for the care of horses. You
gain proficiency in Animal Handling. Whenever you would
make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, you can make an
Intelligence (Animal Handling) check instead. Also, when you
make an Animal Handling check related to caring for, riding,
or breeding of horses, you have advantage on your roll.
Finally, while mounted, you add your Intelligence modifier
to any ability check or saving throw your mount makes.
You have dedicated a significant amount of your studies to
the art of education. At the end of a long rest, you can teach
a creature that can hear you one proficiency or language you
know. Until the end of your next long rest, that creature gains
proficiency in one tool, skill, or weapon of your choice, or
Rune of Transmutation learns to speak and understand one language of your choice.
Prerequisite: 13th level Rune Scribe
Item: a bracelet, diadem, ring, or necklace Navigation
The bearer of this Runic object gains one of the following You gain proficiency with cartographer's tools, navigator's
features: a 30-foot swimming speed, a 30-foot climbing speed, tools, and vehicles (water). Whenever you make an ability
or their walking speed increases by 10 feet. They can use a check that uses these tools, you always use your Intelligence
bonus action to switch between these three features, but they score, and you add double your proficiency bonus to your roll.
can only benefit from one of these features at a time. In addition, you can never become lost, even by magical
The bearer can invoke this Rune to transform into a beast means, so long as you can see the night sky or have a map.
with a CR equal to your savant level or lower for 1 hour, or Meditation
until they use an action to revert to their normal form. They
take on the beast's statistics and hit points, but they retain You make time each day to clear your mind and keep it sharp.
their mental ability scores, alignment, and personality. They Whenever you roll an Intellect Die and you roll a 1, you can
are limited in the actions they can perform by the nature of re-roll that Intellect Die until you roll a result greater than 1.
their new form, and their gear melds into their new form. You can master this Pursuit up to three times, increasing
When they revert to their normal form, they return to the the number you re-roll by one each time. For example, the
number of hit points they had before they transformed. If they second time you master this Pursuit you re-roll 1's and 2's.
revert as a result of falling to 0 hit points, any excess damage Musicianship
carries over to their normal form. You have an ear for music and song. You gain proficiency in
Performance and three musical instruments of your choice.
Scholarly Pursuits Whenever you make a Charisma (Performance) check, or an
Listed below are additional Scholarly Pursuits available to ability check that uses a musical instrument proficiency, you
savants that can be included with those in the base class. gain a bonus to the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Agriculture Theology
You have a keen interest in all growing things. Whenever you You are a devoted student of the divine. You learn to speak,
make an Intelligence (Nature) check related to Plants, farms, read, and write Celestial and gain proficiency in Religion.
agriculture, or gardening you have advantage on your roll. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Religion) check to
In addition, if you spend 8 hours tending to crops, plants, recall religious devotions, rituals, or customs, or a Charisma
or other farmland, the 8-hour version of plant growth spell check to interact with a Celestial, or another servant of the
takes effect on any land you attended to during that period. divine, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10.
The Savant
A multitude of additional options for the most
brilliant class in the world's greatest roleplaying
game. Included here are additional roleplaying
quirks, Feats, magic items, four Academic
Disciplines, and eight Scholarly Pursuits!

Culinarian - Orator - Philosopher - Rune Scribe

Version 4.7.1 - Created by /u/laserllama

Artist Credits:
Covers - Tommy Arnold - Scholar of Stars
Page 1 - Titus Lunter - Silverquill Campus
Page 2 - Justine Cruz - Kalain, Reclusive Painter
Page 3 - Bram Sels - Arcane Investigator
Page 4 - Alix Branwyn - Cabaretti Caterer
Page 6 - Lake Hurwitz - Garrulous Sycophant
Page 7 - Eric Deschamps - Esteemed Speaker
Page 9 - Svetlin Velinov - Graven Lore
Page 10 - M. Villeneuve - Powerstone Engineer

The original Savant Class can be found Here

Additional laserllama Homebrew content

can be found for free on GM Binder.

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exclusive Academic Disciplines:

Engineer - Explorer - Occultist

Tinker - Wheelwright
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using GM Binder.

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