@dr. Risma Daftar Kode ICF

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BODY FUNCTIONS Pain (b280-b289) b720 Mobility of bone functions

Chapter 1 Mental functions b280 Sensation of pain Chapter 5 Functions of the digestive, metabolic b729 Functions of the joints and bones, other specified and
Global mental functions (b110-b139) b289 Sensation of pain, other specified and unspecified and endocrine systems unspecified
b110 Consciousness functions b298 Sensory functions and pain, other specified Functions related to the digestive system (b510-b539) Muscle functions (b730-b749)
b114 Orientation functions b299 Sensory functions and pain, unspecified b510 Ingestion functions b730 Muscle power functions
b117 Intellectual functions Chapter 3 Voice and speech functions b515 Digestive functions b735 Muscle tone functions
b122 Global psychosocial functions b310 Voice functions b520 Assimilation functions b740 Muscle endurance functions
b125 Dispositions and intra-personal funtions b320 Articulation functions b525 Defecation functions b749 Muscle functions, other specified and unspecified
b126 Temperament and personality functions b330 Fluency and rhythm of speech functions b530 Weight maintenance functions Movement functions (b750-b789)
b130 Energy and drive functions b340 Alternative vocalization functions b535 Sensations associated with the digestive system b750 Motor reflex functions
b134 Sleep functions b398 Voice and speech functions, other specified b539 Functions related to the digestive system, other specified and b755 Involuntary movement reaction functions
b139 Global mental functions, other specified and unspecified b399 Voice and speech functions, unspecified unspecified b760 Control of voluntary movement functions
Specific mental functions (b140-b189) Functions related to metabolism and the endocrine system b765 Involuntary movement functions
b140 Attention functions
Chapter 4 Functions of the cardiovascular, (b540-b569) b770 Gait pattern functions
b144 Memory functions haematological, immunological and b540 General metabolic functions b780 Sensations related to muscles and movement functions
b147 Psychomotor functions respiratory systems b545 Water, mineral and electrolyte balance functions b789 Movement functions, other specified and unspecified
b152 Emotional functions Functions of the cardiovascular system (b410-b429) b550 Thermoregulatory functions b798 Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions, other
b156 Perceptual functions b410 Heart functions b555 Endocrine gland functions specified
b160 Thought functions b415 Blood vessel functions b560 Growth maintenance functions b799 Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions,
b163 Basic cognitive functions b420 Blood pressure functions b569 Functions related to metabolism and the endocrine system, unspecified
b164 Higher-level cognitive functions b429 Functions of the cardiovascular system, other specified and other specified and unspecified
b167 Mental functions of language unspecified b598 Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems, Chapter 8 Functions of the skin and related
b172 Calculation functions other specified
b176 Mental function of sequencing complex movements
Functions of the haematological and immunological systems
b599 Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems, structures
(b430-b439) Functions of the skin (b810-b849)
b180 Experience of self and time functions b430 Haematological system functions unspecified
b810 Protective functions of the skin
b189 Specific mental functions, other specified and unspecified b435 Immunological system functions Chapter 6 Genitourinary and reproductive b820 Repair functions of the skin
b198 Mental functions, other specified b439 Functions of the haematological and immunological systems, functions b830 Other functions of the skin
b199 Mental functions, unspecified other specified and unspecified Urinary functions (b610-b639) b840 Sensation related to the skin
Chapter 2 Sensory functions and pain Functions of the respiratory system (b440-b449) b610 Urinary excretory functions b849 Functions of the skin, other specified and unspecified
Seeing and related functions (b210-b229) b440 Respiration functions b620 Urination functions Functions of the hair and nails (b850-b869)
b210 Seeing functions b445 Respiratory muscle functions b630 Sensations associated with urinary functions b850 Functions of hair
b215 Functions of structures adjoining the eye b449 Functions of the respiratory system, other specified and b639 Urinary functions, other specified and unspecified b860 Functions of nails
b220 Sensations associated with the eye and adjoining structures unspecified Genital and reproductive functions (b640-b679) b869 Functions of the hair and nails, other specified and unspecified
b229 Seeing and related functions, other specified and unspecified Additional functions and sensations of the cardiovascular and b640 Sexual functions b898 Functions of the skin and related structures, other specified
Hearing and vestibular functions (b230-b249) respiratory systems b650 Menstruation functions b899 Functions of the skin and related structures, unspecified
b230 Hearing functions (b450-b469) b660 Procreation functions
b235 Vestibular functions b450 Additional respiratory functions b670 Sensations associated with genital and reproductive functions
b455 Exercise tolerance functions Qualifier
b240 Sensations associated with hearing and vestibular function b679 Genital and reproductive functions, other specified and
b249 Hearing and vestibular functions, other specified and b460 Sensations associated with cardiovascular and respiratory xxx.0 NO impairment (none, absent, negligible,… ) 0-4 %
unspecified functions b698 Genitourinary and reproductive functions, other specified xxx.1 MILD impairment (slight, low,…) 5-24 %
Additional sensory functions (b250-b279) b469 Additional functions and sensations of the cardiovascular and b699 Genitourinary and reproductive functions, unspecified xxx.2 MODERATE impairment (medium, fair,...) 25-49 %
b250 Taste function respiratory systems, other specified and unspecified xxx.3 SEVERE impairment (high, extreme, …) 50-95 %
b255 Smell function b498 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, Chapter 7 Neuromusculoskeletal and
movement-related functions xxx.4 COMPLETE impairment (total,…) 96-100 %
b260 Proprioceptive function immunological and respiratory systems, other specified
b499 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, Functions of the joints and bones (b710-b729) xxx.8 not specified
b265 Touch function
b270 Sensory functions related to temperature and other stimuli immunological and respiratory systems, unspecified b710 Mobility of joint functions xxx.9 not applicable
b279 Additional sensory functions, other specified and unspecified b715 Stability of joint functions

BODY STRUCTURES s340 Structure of larynx s598 Structures related to the digestive, metabolic and endocrine Chapter 8 Skin and related structures
Chapter 1 Structures of the nervous system s398 Structures involved in voice and speech, other specified systems, other specified s810 Structure of areas of skin
s110 Structure of brain s399 Structures involved in voice and speech, unspecified s599 Structures related to the digestive, metabolic and endocrine s820 Structure of skin glands
s120 Spinal cord and related structures Chapter 4 Structures of the cardiovascular, systems, unspecified s830 Structure of nails
s130 Structure of meninges immunological and respiratory Chapter 6 Structures related to the s840 Structure of hair
s140 Structure of sympathetic nervous system
s150 Structure of parasympathetic nervous system systems genitourinary and reproductive systems s898 Skin and related structures, other specified
s410 Structure of cardiovascular system s610 Structure of urinary system s899 Skin and related structures, unspecifed
s198 Structure of the nervous system, other specified
s199 Structure of the nervous system, unspecified s420 Structure of immune system s620 Structure of pelvic floor First qualifier Second qualifier Third qualifier
s430 Structure of respiratory system s630 Structure of reproductive system (Extent) (Nature) (Location)
Chapter 2 The eye, ear and related structures s498 Structures of the cardiovascular, immunological and s698 Structures related to the genitourinary and reproductive
s210 Structure of eye socket respiratory systems,other specified systems, other specified
s220 Structure of eyeball 0 NO impairment 0 no change in structure 0 more than
s499 Structures of the cardiovascular, immunological and s699 Structures related to the genitourinary and reproductive 1 MILD 1 total absence one region
s230 Structures around eye respiratory systems,unspecified systems, unspecified
s240 Structure of external ear impairment 2 partial absence 1 right
s250 Structure of middle ear Chapter 5 Structures related to the digestive, Chapter 7 Structures related to movement 2 MODERATE 3 additional part 2 left
s260 Structure of inner ear metabolic and endocrine systems s710 Structure of head and neck region impairment 4 aberrant dimensions 3 both sides
s298 Eye, ear and related structures, other specified s510 Structure of salivary glands s720 Structure of shoulder region 3 SEVERE 5 discontinuity 4 front
s299 Eye, ear and related structures, unspecified s520 Structure of oesophagus s730 Structure of upper extremity impairment 6 deviating position 5 back
s740 Structure of pelvic region 4 COMPLETE 7 qualitative changes in 6 proximal
Chapter 3 Structures involved in voice and s530 Structure of stomach
s750 Structure of lower extremity impairment structure including 7 distal
s540 Structure of intestine
speech s550 Structure of pancreas s760 Structure of trunk 8 not specified accumulation of fluid 8 not specified
s310 Structure of nose s560 Structure of liver s770 Additional musculoskeletal structures related to movement 9 not applicable 8 not specified 9 not applicable
s320 Structure of mouth s570 Structure of gall bladder and ducts s798 Structures related to movement, other specified 9 not applicable
s330 Structure of pharynx s580 Structure of endocrine glands s799 Structures related to movement, unspecified
ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION messages d498 Mobility, other specified d798 Interpersonal interactions and relationships, other specified
Chapter 1 Learning and applying knowledge d325 Communicating with - receiving - written messages d499 Mobility, unspecified d799 Interpersonal interactions and relationships, unspecified
Purposeful sensory experiences (d110-d129) d329 Communicating - receiving, other specified and unspecified Chapter 5 Self-care Chapter 8 Major life areas
d110 Watching Communicating - producing (d330-d349) d510 Washing oneself Education (d810-d839)
d115 Listening d330 Speaking d520 Caring for body parts d810 Informal education
d120 Other purposeful sensing d331 Pre-talking d530 Toileting d815 Preschool education
d129 Purposeful sensory experiences, other specified and d332 Singing d540 Dressing d816 Preschool life and related activities
unspecified d335 Producing nonverbal messages d550 Eating d820 School education
Basic learning (d130-d159) d340 Producing messages in formal sign language d560 Drinking d825 Vocational training
d130 Copying d345 Writing messages d570 Looking after one’s health d830 Higher education
d131 Learning through actions with objects d349 Communication - producing, other specified and unspecified d571 Looking after one’s safety d835 School life and related activities
d132 Acquiring information Conversation and use of communication devices and d598 Self-care, other specified d839 Education, other specified and unspecified
d133 Acquiring language techniques (d350-d369) d599 Self-care, unspecified Work and employment (d840-d859)
d134 Acquiring additional language d350 Conversation
d355 Discussion Chapter 6 Domestic life d840 Apprenticeship (work preparation)
d135 Rehearsing Acquisition of necessities (d610-d629) d845 Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job
d137 Acquiring concepts d360 Using communication devices and techniques d850 Remunerative employment
d369 Conversation and use of communication devices and d610 Acquiring a place to live
d140 Learning to read d620 Acquisition of goods and services d855 Non-remunerative employment
d145 Learning to write techniques, other specified and unspecified d859 Work and employment, other specified and unspecified
d398 Communication, other specified d629 Acquisition of necessities, other specified and unspecified
d150 Learning to calculate Household tasks (d630-d649) Economic life (d860-d879)
d155 Acquiring skills d399 Communication, unspecified d860 Basic economic transactions
d630 Preparing meals
d159 Basic learning, other specified and unspecified Chapter 4 Mobility d640 Doing housework d865 Complex economic transactions
Applying knowledge (d160-d179) Changing and maintaining body position (d410-d429) d649 Household tasks, other specified and unspecified d870 Economic self-sufficiency
d160 Focusing attention d410 Changing basic body position Caring for household objects and assisting others (d650-d669) d879 Economic life, other specified and unspecified
d161 Directing attention d415 Maintaining a body position d650 Caring for household objects d880 Engagement in play
d163 Thinking d420 Transferring oneself d660 Assisting others d898 Major life areas, other specified
d166 Reading d429 Changing and maintaining body position, other specified and d669 Caring for household objects and assisting others, other d899 Major life areas, unspecified
d170 Writing unspecified specified and Chapter 9 Community, social and civic life
d172 Calculating Carrying, moving and handling objects (d430-d449) unspecified d910 Community life
d175 Solving problems d430 Lifting and carrying objects d698 Domestic life, other specified d920 Recreation and leisure
d177 Making decisions d435 Moving objects with lower extremities d699 Domestic life, unspecified d930 Religion and spirituality
d179 Applying knowledge, other specified and unspecified d440 Fine hand use
d198 Learning and applying knowledge, other specified d445 Hand and arm use Chapter 7 Interpersonal interactions and d940 Human rights
d950 Political life and citizenship
d199 Learning and applying knowledge, unspecified d446 Fine foot use relationships d998 Community, social and civic life, other specified
Chapter 2 General tasks and demands d449 Carrying, moving and handling objects, other specified and General interpersonal interactions (d710-d729) d999 Community, social and civic life, unspecified
d210 Undertaking a single task unspecified d710 Basic interpersonal interactions
d220 Undertaking multiple tasks Walking and moving (d450-d469) d720 Complex interpersonal interactions
d230 Carrying out daily routine d450 Walking d729 General interpersonal interactions, other specified and
d455 Moving around unspecified xxx.0 NO difficulty
d240 Handling stress and other psychological demands
d250 Managing one’s own behaviour d460 Moving around in different locations Particular interpersonal relationships (d730-d779) xxx.1 MILD difficulty
d298 General tasks and demands, other specified d465 Moving around using equipment d730 Relating with strangers xxx.2 MODERATE difficulty
d299 General tasks and demands, unspecified d469 Walking and moving, other specified and unspecified d740 Formal relationships xxx.3 SEVERE difficulty
Moving around using transportation (d470-d489) d750 Informal social relationships xxx.4 COMPLETE difficulty
Chapter 3 Communication d470 Using transportation d760 Family relationships
Communicating - receiving (d310-d329) xxx.8 not specified
d475 Driving d770 Intimate relationships
d310 Communicating with - receiving - spoken messages d480 Riding animals for transportation d779 Particular interpersonal relationships, other specified and xxx.9 not applicable
d315 Communicating with - receiving - nonverbal messages d489 Moving around using transportation, other specified and unspecified

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS e230 Natural events e415 Individual attitudes of extended family members e560 Media services, systems and policies
Chapter 1 Products and technology e235 Human-caused events e420 Individual attitudes of friends e565 Economic services, systems and policies
e110 Products or substances for personal consumption e240 Light e425 Individual attitudes of acquaintances, peers colleagues, e570 Social security services, systems and policies
e115 Products and technology for personal use in daily living e245 Time-related changes neighbours and community members e575 General social support services, systems and policies
e120 Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor e250 Sound e430 Individual attitudes of people in positions of authority e580 Health services, systems and policies
mobility and transportation e255 Vibration e435 Individual attitudes of people in subordinate positions e585 Education and training services, systems and policies
e125 Products and technology for communication e260 Air quality e440 Individual attitudes of personal care providers and personal e590 Labour and employment services, systems and policies
e130 Products and technology for education e298 Natural environment and human-made changes to assistants e595 Political services, systems and policies
e135 Products and technology for employment environment, other specified e445 Individual attitudes of strangers e598 Services, systems and policies, other specified
e140 Products and technology for culture, recreation and sport e299 Natural environment and human-made changes to e450 Individual attitudes of health professionals e599 Services, systems and policies, unspecified
e145 Products and technology for the practice of religion and environment, unspecified e455 Individual attitudes of other professionals
spirituality Chapter 3 Support and relationships e460 Societal attitudes First qualifier
e150 Design, construction and building products and technology of e310 Immediate family e465 Social norms, practices and ideologies
buildings for public use e315 Extended family e498 Attitudes, other specified
e499 Attitudes, unspecified xxx.0 NO barrier xxx+0 NO facilitator
e155 Design, construction and building products and technology of e320 Friends
xxx.1 MILD barrier xxx+1 MILD facilitator
buildings for private use e325 Acquaintances, peers colleagues, neighbours and community Chapter 5 Services, systems and policies
e160 Products and technology of land development members e510 Services, systems and policies for the production of consumer xxx.2 MODERATE xxx+2 MODERATE
e165 Assets e330 People in positions of authority goods barrier facilitator
e198 Products and technology, other specified
e199 Products and technology, unspecified
e335 People in subordinate positions
e340 Personal care providers and personal assistants
e515 Architecture and construction services, systems and policies
e520 Open space planning services, systems and policies
xxx.3 SEVERE barrier'
xxx.4 COMPLETE barrier
Chapter 2 Natural environment and human- e345 Strangerse350 Domesticated animals e525 Housing services, systems and policies xxx.8 barrier, not xxx+4 COMPLETE
e355 Health professionals e530 Utilities services, systems and policies
made changes to environment e360 Other professionals e535 Communication services, systems and policies
specified facilitator
e210 Physical geography e398 Support and relationships, other specified e540 Transportation services, systems and policies xxx.9 not applicable xxx+8 facilitator, not
e215 Population e399 Support and relationships, unspecified specified
e545 Civil protection services, systems and policies
e220 Flora and fauna xxx.9 not applicable
e225 Climate Chapter 4 Attitudes e550 Legal services, systems and policies
e410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members e555 Associations and organizational services, systems and policies

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