Keywords: Many countries are experiencing freshwater crises due to the increasing growth of the population together with
Seawater the infrastructure construction that is aligned with the needs of freshwater for concrete production. There are
Chloride ion also deficiencies in freshwater in many coastal areas where seawater is more accessible. To reduce unnecessary
Cementitious concrete
resource-wasting and meanwhile drive sustainable development in the construction industry, great efforts have
been made to utilize seawater as the alternative mixing water for concrete casting, which presents potential
Sustainability economical and environmental benefits in the coastal and island regions. This paper comprehensively reviews
the current studies on the predominant performance differences between seawater-mixed and conventional
concretes with freshwater. Particular attention is paid to the chloride-induced hydration mechanism due to the
chloride ions in seawater. The main findings of this review reveal that although harmful ingredients in seawater
may weaken some of the concrete performances, applying proper curing conditions and adding moderate ad
ditives and admixtures could significantly and effectively mitigate these defects in properties. However, the
unstable chloride binding ability in cement hydrates cannot eliminate the risk of rebar corrosion caused by
chlorides in seawater, resulting in a limited scope of practical application. Finally, some trade-offs are recom
mended in using seawater in concrete, suggesting prospects of applications in the future construction industry.
This study guides for the safer use of seawater in sustainable concrete through reviewing the advanced research
* Corresponding author. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia.
E-mail address: (W. Li).
Received 8 February 2021; Received in revised form 3 May 2021; Accepted 5 May 2021
Available online 12 May 2021
0958-9465/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
economical and environmental benefits to use seawater in concrete hydration. Therefore, Wang et al. [18] stated that seawater mixing in
[11]. creases the total heat of hydration seems questionable. Besides, differ
This paper reviews current and previous studies on the predominant ences are also found in the clinkers hydrated in seawater. Li et al. [17]
performance differences between seawater-mixed and conventional reported that an increasing water/binder (w/b) ratio in seawater mix
concretes. Particular attention has been paid to the chloride-induced tures does not further stimulate the hydration of C3S, while the hydra
hydration mechanism to provide a scientific and unbiased foundation tion of C3A is observed promoted (see Fig. 1). The inconsistent results
for a better understanding of the applicability of seawater in construc indicate that the hydration of C3S is enhanced by raising the concen
tion. Through evaluating both the benefits and limitations of seawater tration of the influential ions, not by increasing their total content. While
mixtures, this work hopes to guide the safer use of seawater as a con as for C3A, the hydration can simply be promoted by adding more
struction material. seawater-related ions. Based on these results, a conclusion can be drawn
that during the accelerating hydration period, some special hydration
2. Properties of cementitious composites with seawater products were formed by the reaction of C3A and some ions in seawater,
for instance, the Friedel’s salt [20]. However, the stimulating effect of
Due to the long-term transfer from rainwater to the ocean, a great seawater on the hydration rate of C3S is limited in a certain range.
number of alkaline minerals are migrated constantly from the inland
rock stratum to seawater. The salinity varies in different marine regions 2.2. Fresh properties
that, for instance, the North Sea has a salinity of 3.3%, the Red Sea has
that of 4%, while the Baltic Sea has only 0.7% [10]. The main ions It is well understood that in a cast-in-situ construction, the fresh
concentration of seawater in different marine regions are listed in properties of concrete are required to be tested at the time of placement.
Table 1. Typically, seawater has a total salinity of 3.5%, which mainly As an important evaluating indicator, slump value is widely applied to
consists of chloride, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, etc. The concentration determine the workability of fresh concrete. Generally, a higher slump
of predominant components needed in freshwater to prepare substitute represents better workability, assuming that there is no segregation
seawater is specified in ASTM D1141-98 (see Table 1). In this section, a occurs. Regarding the seawater-mixed concrete, a consensus has been
comprehensive review is provided to summarize the advanced progress proposed among the existing studies that seawater mixtures presented a
of seawater-mixed cement composite, followed by a detailed illustration higher cohesive, viscous, and compact behavior, compared with the
of the mechanisms. conventional concrete [18,21]. The workability, however, becomes
worse, along with a shortened setting period [22]. According to the
2.1. Hydration kinetics studies by Bachtiar et al. [23] and Ting et al. [24], using seawater
instead of freshwater mixing would cause an approximately 30%
The exotherm of cement hydration changes greatly when mixed with reduction in slump values. It should, however, be noted that the influ
seawater, in particular, at the early stage. As proposed in the existing ence of seawater on slump value is reduced when the w/b ratio in
literature, a consensus has been suggested that seawater increases the creases, as Otsuki et al. [25] suggested that the slump of seawater-mixed
heat flow rate, due to the enhanced kinetics of hydration [12–15]. In concrete is only 15% lower at a w/b ratio of 0.53. Similar observations
seawater mixtures, the accelerated hydration is mainly dominated by were reported on ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete blended
the abundant chloride ions [16], which dramatically promotes the hy with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in the studies by
dration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and tricalcium aluminate (C3A) [17]. Sena-Cruz et al. [21], Younis et al. [12], and Katano et al. [26], in which
Also, the hydration of cement can be affected by the other ions that the reduced slump by seawater ranges from 10 to 30% at the decreasing
existed in seawater, such as sulfate, magnesium, and calcium [18,19]. w/b ratio from 0.5 to 0.26. Besides, a 20–25% shortened initial and final
The specific effects of these ions on cement hydration will be discussed setting time was observed in seawater-mixed concrete [27], which
in Section 3. Based on the aforementioned studies, in general, the showed a negative effect on the workability. In Wang et al. [18], the
exothermic peak of seawater mix presents 35–40% higher and occurs rheological behaviors were measured in cement pastes mixed with
approximately 17–30% earlier, compared to the conventional concrete. seawater and deionized water. Under the same shear rate, the shear
Furthermore, Younis et al. [12] found that the cumulative heat of stress and viscosity were observed remarkably higher in seawater mix
seawater mixtures is higher at the early age, while it becomes almost tures at 5 min and 15 min, indicating the stiffer feature in the fresh state.
identical to that of freshwater mixtures after 7 days. It seems that the The higher viscosity can be attributed to the larger solid content and the
heat of cement hydration in seawater is released in advance, subse stronger flocculations between the suspended particles from the accel
quently being caught up by freshwater mixtures. The exothermic feature erated hydration by seawater. Moreover, there is a consensus that the air
in seawater mix is very well accordant with the characteristic of content in seawater mixtures is typically 5–20% lower than that of
compressive strength growth, which both are dominated by cement freshwater mixtures [13,25,26], probably due to the higher viscosity in
Table 1
Concentration of the main ions in seawater from various seas.
Conc. [mg/l] Cl− Na2+ SO2-
4 Mg2+ Ca2+ K+ pH Refs.
South China Sea 33400 21700 3840 1040 579 417 7.8 [28]
Arabian Gulf 26000 15000 3700 2300 500 520 8.2 [12,18]
Red Sea 22660 11350 3051 1867 531 1350 − * [134]
Mediterranean Sea 20800 11640 2820 1360 490 420 8.0 [27,135]
Melbourne 20700 11940 3420 1430 − * 622 − * [136]
Norway Sea 19420 9460 2583 1130 351 348 − * [137]
Yellow Sea 19360 10780 2702 1297 408 388 − * [138]
Atlantic Sea 19920 10735 2697 1416 424 380 − * [16]
North Sea 16550 12200 2220 1110 430 500 − * [139]
Marmara Sea 14390 8100 2034 1035 328 340 7.9 [140]
Black Sea 9500 4900 1362 640 236 230 7.4 [140]
Baltic Sea 3000 1800 410 240 98 67 − * [141]
ASTM D1141-98 19437 10833 2769 1292 419 398 7 [142]
Not reported.
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
Table 2
Initial slump flow in seawater/cementitious composite.
Concrete type W/b ratio Initial slump flow Refs.
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
Table 3
Recent studies on the compressive strength in seawater-mixed composite.
Concrete type W/b ratio Curing condition Compressive strength (MPa) Refs.
concrete and freshwater-mixed concrete. For the tidal seawater curing, 2.4. Transport properties
it should, however, be noted that the external condition was an enor
mous environment relative to the concrete itself along with constant In general, concrete deterioration is mainly due to the mass transfer
dry-wet alternated, where the higher water absorption and outward of chemicals that can be transmitted inside and outside through the pore
leaching effect of alkalis and calcium hydroxide occurred to cause severe solution. The transport properties are accordingly valued to predict the
deterioration [37,38]. It should be noted that the expansive product, service life of the concrete. Pore structure, as an important character for
calcium oxychloride, may cause serious deterioration to reduce concrete evaluating the quality of hardened cement mixtures, dominating the
properties [34,39] (detailed discussion in Section 3). Therefore, the permeability that affects moisture and ions diffusion in concrete. Ac
adverse effect of long-term seawater curing is quite significant than cording to the available research, using seawater in concrete shows a
those only with seawater as a mixture on their strength development. great effect on the early-stage pore structure, while the difference of
long-term pore size distribution is hardly observed. Li et al. [29] re
ported that the ratio of pores smaller than 10 nm is significantly
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
days [13], which is well accordant with the slightly higher compressive
increased by using seawater at 3 days (see Fig. 3), while the porosity is
strength in seawater-mixed concrete.
5% higher than that of conventional concrete. During the curing time
In Wang et al. [18], the C–S–H gels with a high surface area were
which followed, the porosity decreased remarkably over time and,
detected in seawater paste by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface
gradually, the amount of small pores (<10 nm) overtakes the large pores
area measurements. It has been found that the cement paste with
(10–5000 nm) at 7 days. However, it appears that the porosity has not
seawater possessed a surface area of up to 27.4 m2/g, while that of
markedly altered at 28 days when using seawater mixing instead of
freshwater paste was only 14.3 m2/g. In the meantime, the volume of
freshwater, indicating that the two composites have formed a similar
pores ranged between 2 and 60 nm is 0.0434 cm3/g in seawater paste,
pore structure at the late stage. The result has also been verified by
which was 70% higher than that of freshwater paste. The result shows a
Montanari et al. [16] that an identical total porosity ranged between
finer structure of C–S–H gels with a higher volume of pores below 5 nm
0.166 and 0.167 ml/g is determined at 91 days, in both cement pastes
formed after seawater mixing. Likewise, Younis et al., [12] measured the
mixed with seawater and freshwater. Shi et al. [40] investigated the
permeability performance of seawater concrete through rapid chloride
effect of seawater on the evolution of pore structure with the aid of
permeability test (RCPT), chloride migration test (CMT), and water
mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), as shown in Fig. 4. The results
absorption test (WAT). The results demonstrate that the seawater mix
demonstrate that in the presence of seawater, most of the pores over 10
tures were found to achieve higher impermeability at 28 days. However,
nm are converted to finer pores, exhibiting a refined structure at the
the results of the sea mixtures and freshwater mixtures were comparable
early stage, after which the distinction between the two mixtures rela
over 56 days, revealing that the late-stage permeability is less affected
tively decreases with age. Still, the volumes of pores ranged between 50
by the mixed seawater.
and 1000 nm were slightly higher in seawater mixtures at 28 days, and
The migration behavior of conductive ions in the pore solution, such
more fine pores less than 30 nm formed in the seawater mixtures at 60
as chloride, sulfate, or possibly hydroxyl ions dominates the electrical
resistance of the concrete. When an electric field is applied, electro
migration occurred as the only mechanism of concrete conductivity
[41]. Montanari et al. [16] demonstrated that using seawater as the
mixing water decreased the electrical resistivity of concrete by
approximately 40–50%, due to the considerable amount of ions in pore
solution, as shown in Fig. 5. Moreover, due to the concentration of the
pore solution increasing with hydration age, cement pastes with fresh
water showed a 40% reduction in the electrical resistivity at 28 days,
while only a 25% reduction in the resistivity was observed in seawater
paste within the same time duration.
2.5. Shrinkage
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
autogenous shrinkage strains were reducing with the w/b ratio increases
[13]. Khatibmasjedi et al. [13] showed that using seawater instead
increased the 63-day autogenous shrinkage from 213 to 387 microstrain
at a w/b ratio of 0.36, and that from 149 to 314 μs at a w/b ratio of 0.45,
as illustrated in Fig. 6. It should be noted that the shrinkage by seawater
is significantly higher in 3 days, which might be due to the acceleration
in the early-age hydration by seawater [40].
On the other hand, drying shrinkage induced by vapor diffusion also
occurs in concrete during the external drying process, which inevitably
happened after the moist-curing period [44]. Unlike the autogenous
shrinkage which was scarcely changed at the late stage, the drying
shrinkage has grown continuously throughout 65 days [13]. In Fig. 7,
the drying shrinkage values are quite close in both seawater and fresh
water mixtures at a w/b ratio of 0.36, approaching 600 μs and 560 μs,
respectively. With the increase of the w/b ratio, the drying shrinkage
becomes more significant in seawater mixtures, which reaches 980 μs
and exhibits 17% higher than the freshwater mixtures at the w/b ratio of
0.45. Also, the use of seawater has resulted in a reduction of mass loss
during the drying process, and thus the slope of the drying
shrinkage-mass loss curve of seawater mixtures becomes larger, as seen
Fig. 8. Drying shrinkage versus mass loss for mortar mixtures [13].
in Fig. 8. The higher shrinkage can be due to the denser microstructure
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
hydration can be divided into three parts: 1) the interaction with AFm in the AFm-related adsorption as well. Hence, the formation of Friedel’s
(aluminate-ferrite-mono) phase; 2) the formation of calcium oxy salt also occurs by an ionic interaction from other AFm phases [51,53,
chloride (CAOXY); and 3) the adsorption by C–S–H, as discussed below 54]. Additionally, the various bound anions can be partially miscible
separately. with each other in AFm phases [55] (e.g., Kuzel’s salt:
3CaO⋅Al2O3⋅1/2CaCl2⋅1/2CaSO4⋅10H2O; Hemicarboaluminate: Ca4Al2
3.1.1. Interaction with AFm (CO3)0⋅5(OH)13⋅5.5H2O, etc. [49]). Therefore, the thermodynamic sta
In Portland cement, chloride can be chemically bound with the bilization of the AFm hydrates is highly associated with the formation
layered calcium-aluminate hydrates as AFm hydrates [47], such as mechanism of chloride-related hydrates.
calcium chloroaluminate, commonly known as Friedel’s salt: At temperature of 25 ◦ C and the standard atmosphere (100,000 Pa),
3CaO⋅Al2O3⋅CaCl2⋅10H2O [20]. Suryavanshi et al. [48] proposed that monocarboaluminate (CO3-AFm) is more stable than mono
there are two mechanisms for the formation of Friedel’s salt, namely, the sulfoaluminate (SO3-AFm) in Portland cement, which promotes a pro
adsorption mechanism and the anion-exchange mechanism. Firstly, the gressive substitution of CO2− 3 in SO3-AFm to convert into hemi
bulk of free-chloride ions present in the pore solution can be adsorbed carboaluminate or, more likely, CO3-AFm [49]. Similarly to CO2− 3 , Cl
directly in the interlayers of the layered AFm structures, to balance the can also displace sulfate in SO3-AFm, converting to Friedel’s salt as the
charge arising from the displacement of a Ca2+ ion by an Al3+ ion, as more stable AFm hydrates. Numerous studies have investigated the
shown in Fig. 9. Secondly, the free-chloride ions can displace the OH− chloride effect on the mineralogy of hydrated Portland cement [56–59].
ions from hydroxy-AFm hydrates (OH-AFm), such as C4AH13, C4AH11, Due to the significant competitiveness of carbonate in binding AFm
C4AH19, etc., forming Friedel’s salt coincided with a comparable content hydrates, the impact mechanism of chloride has to be discussed
of OH− ions released in the pore solution. The two separate mechanisms respectively in the cementitious system with and without carbonates as
can effectively explain the phenomenon that an increase of OH− con follows.
centration occurs during the chloride ions binding, and also that the
concentration of bound Cl− is much higher than that of the displaced
OH− from the interlayers.
However, it seems not necessary to strictly distinguish the two
mechanisms aforementioned. Intending to balance charges, both chlo
ride ions, and hydroxyl ions can be adsorbed by the principal layer of the
AFm structure, and the two adsorptions occur simultaneously. During
the process, the adsorbed OH− ions are more easily displaced by Cl−
ions, due to the fact that OH− hardly competes with Cl− in balancing
charge. Meanwhile, the free OH− ions are retained in the pore solution,
leading to an increase of pH. Therefore, the increase of alkalinity in pore
solution is due to the significant substitution of adsorbed OH− ions by
Cl− ions, and it also means that the metastable hydroxy-AFm hydrates
hardly coexist with aqueous Cl− [49]. The same opinion has been put
forward by Galan and Glasser [50] that the ion exchange mechanism is
dominant in the formation of Friedel’s salt [51]. Suryavanshi et al. [48]
also proposed theoretical support but lacks strong evidence. Due to the
competitive relationship between hydroxyl ions and chloride ions to
bind with AFm, the formation of Friedel’s salt is reduced in high alkaline
conditions. In other words, chloride binding is decreased with high al
kali content, which was verified by Rasheeduzzafar et al. [52].
Additionally, the formation of Friedel’s salt is not limited to the Fig. 10. The relative amount of solid hydrate phases of a hydrated model
substitution reaction between free Cl− and OH− , which means that the mixture consisting of initially 1 mol C3A, excess of portlandite, and with fixed
reaction of Cl− and AFm is more than just one way on a single AFm initial sulfate ratio (SO3/Al2O3 = 1), showing phase development and its
phase. Some other anions, such as SO2− 2−
3 and CO3 , can compete with Cl
dependence on changing chloride ratios (2Cl/Al2O3) at 25 ◦ C [60].
Fig. 9. Structural representations of AFm phase: hydrogen bond network within the interlayer region [48,145].
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
In the carbonate-free system, as depicted in Fig. 10 by Balonis et al. products in laboratory conditions. Damidot et al. [81] have investigated
[60], Cl− substitute SO2− 3 from SO3-AFm hydrates, forming an inter the CaO–Al2O3–CaCl2–H2O system at 25 ◦ C and defined the stable
mediate compound Kuzel’s salt at lower chloride concentration (molar invariant points that Friedel’s salt can coexist with CH and 3-1-15
ration of 2Cl/Al2O3 < 0.70) and Friedel’s salt at higher chloride con compound with a Cl− concentration of 3.285 mol/kg, and Friedel’s
centration (molar ratio 2Cl/Al2O3 > 0.70). Meanwhile, the substituted salt can coexist with both 3-1-15 compound and 1-1-2 compound with a
3 are released to the aqueous solution, forming ettringite subse Cl− concentration of 6.427 mol/kg. Besides, CAOXY also can be
quently when the required concentration is reached [50,61–63]. The observed in the presence of MgCl2 solution [82,83], and the concen
ettringite is hard to decompose due to the higher stability and thus the tration is also required. Wang et al. [34] indicated no CAOXY formed in
content of ettringite increases with the presence of chloride, as proposed solution with 4% MgCl2, but it was detected in solution with 20% MgCl2.
by Hirao et al. [64] and Cao et al. [57]. Additionally, some studies are However, the existing studies indicated no sign of CAOXY formation
consistent that ettringite shows no binding capacity to chlorides [64, when cement paste was exposed to NaCl solution [82,84,85], with an
65], and thus can coexist steadily with Friedel’s salt at high chloride exception in carbonated concrete in one study [86]. The studies agree
concentration. In Zibara [66] and Ekolu et al. [62], however, ettringite well with the conclusion that CaCl2 and MgCl2 solutions might exhibit
was observed decomposed and gradually converted to Friedel’s salt in expansion and crack in cement paste [78], but NaCl is relatively benign
NaCl solution of 3 M and 2.8 M, respectively. [82,84,85], since the expansive product CAOXY does not exist in
In practice, however, many modern types of cement contain added Ref. [87]. Therefore, CAOXY would hardly form in cement paste hy
calcite, leading to a portlandite-calcium carbonate-carbon dioxide drated in seawater, owing to the fact that the required concentration of
equilibrium in the hydration system [50]. Therefore, hemi CaCl2 and MgCl2 is not reached. Moreover, in practice cases, there is no
carboaluminate or, more likely, monocarboaluminate will form in the clear evidence in the existing studies that CAOXY was observed in the
carbonate-contained Portland cement. In this hydration system, it can be OPC hydrated in seawater at standard concentration.
observed that carbonate ions in AFm phases are gradually substituted by
chloride with a rising chloride concentration [55,60]. The released 3.1.3. Chloride adsorped by C–S–H gels
carbonate ions are subsequently bound as calcite. It should, however, be In addition to chemical combinations, some researchers found that
noted that there is no Kuzel’s salt appeared even as the intermediate chloride can be physically adsorbed in C–S–H gels due to its large spe
products during the substitution in the carbonate-containing system, cific area [88,89]. It is found that the chloride binding capacity of C–S–H
which can be attributed to the more stability of CO3-AFm than that of increases with the increase of chloride concentration [64,89,90], and
Kuzel’s salt [67]. The result reflects that Kuzel’s salt is incompatible also more chloride can be found held in C–S–H with a higher
with CO3-Afm, and it is destabilized when encountering even small calcium-silicate (Ca/Si) ratio [66,91,92]. Therefore, C–S–H gels with a
amounts of carbonate in the hydration system. Furthermore, Chang et al. higher Ca/Si ratio are seemingly more beneficial to reduce the free
[68] observed most of Friedel’s salt and Kuzel’s salt decomposed after chlorine in concrete under marine environments. Experimental and
experiencing a 28-day carbonization period with CO2 concentration modeling results [93] suggest that the chloride ions associated with the
being 20%. The results indicate that the bound chlorides in AFm were C–S–H are mainly present in the diffuse layer of the C–S–H surface,
unstable and prone to be set free again in the carbonization which is positively charged in the presence of high calcium concentra
environment. tions. The finding can well explain that C–S–H exposed in CaCl2 solution
Some other studies have been conducted to observe the binding of has higher chloride adsorption than that exposed in NaCl with the same
chloride in hydrated calcium aluminoferrite to find that the rate of hy chloride concentration [90]. However, despite the adsorption proposed
dration reaction is slower than C3A and decreases with increasing iron in most previous studies, an opposite view has been put forward by
content as the order C6A2F > C4AF > C6AF2 [69]. The studies show that Plusquellec and Nonat [94] that C–S–H particles cannot adsorb chlo
both of these aluminoferrites can bind chloride and develop hydrates rides, based on the zeta potential measurement. The research observed
with similar structures to Friedel’s salt but with iron instead of that the zeta potential was well linearly increasing with the increase of
aluminum (e.g., 3CaO⋅Fe2O3⋅CaCl2⋅10H2O) [70,71], and the concentration, and thus no adsorption occurred in the process to reduce
iron-containing Friedel’s salt may form solid solutions with other AFm the zeta potential. This finding questions the common experimental
phases. method of calculating the concentration of chlorides that some
electrical-attracted chlorides by C–S–H particles are inevitably removed
3.1.2. The formation of CAOXY during the filtration process, and thus the reduction of chloride in so
Apart from the aluminate hydrates, chloride can also be chemically lution is wrongly attributed to adsorption by C–S–H. As a result, further
bound during the cement hydration process through the formation of
calcium oxychloride compounds: xCa(OH)2⋅yCaCl2⋅zH2O (CAOXY) [58,
72–75]. As calculated by Qiao et al. [39], the volume of CAOXY is 303% Table 4
as large as Ca(OH)2 and thus leads to a volumetric expansion. In hard Main interactions between chloride ions and cement hydrates.
ened cement paste, the expansive pressure caused by CAOXY is un Mechanism Cement hydrates Comment
doubtedly responsible for the deterioration of mechanical properties. involved
The most common compositions range from the dehydrated phase with Chloride AFm converts to Friedel’s Anions in AFm such as hydroxyl,
x:y:z of 1:1:0 compound to the hydrated phase with the ratio of 3:1:15 exchange salt sulfate, and carbonate can be
(3-1-15 compound) and 4:1:10 (4-1-10 compound), depending on the displaced by chloride to form
various chloride concentrations and test conditions [74,76]. In most Friedel’s salt. The stability of related
hydrates follows the order of
cases, however, the formation of CAOXY can be observed in CaCl2 so
Ettringite > Friedel’s salt > CO3-AFm
lutions instead of in NaCl2 solutions [34,39,58,77–79], and a certain > SO3-AFm > hydroxy-AFm in the
concentration is required. Farnam et al. [58] suggested that the mini range 0–70 ◦ C [50].
mum concentration of CaCl2 is 11.3% when CAOXY is formed. Qiao Phase change Destabilization of CH and Portlandite is converted to CAOXY of
et al. [80] determined the required Cl− concentration for CAOXY for formation of CAOXY 3-1-15 compound or, perhaps, 1-1-2
compound. The reaction occurs in a
mation, which is 1.20 M at 5 ◦ C and 3.64 at 23 ◦ C. Similar results were high concentration of aqueous CaCl2
reported by Brown and Bothe [76] that the formation of 3:1:15 com or MgCl2, and not occurs in aqueous
pound requires a chloride concentration approaching 4 M, and the for NaCl.
mation of 1-1-2 compound (hydrated phase with the ratio of 1:1:2) Chloride C–S–H More chloride can be adsorbed in
Adsorption C–S–H with a high Ca/Si ratio.
needs about 9 M of chloride concentration, based on the synthetic
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
studies are needed to clarify the chloride-adsorption capacity of C–S–H. leading to the formation of higher-Ca/Si C–S–H and M-S-H with higher
Based on the aforementioned discussion, Table 4 summarizes the main chloride content [56,74,100]. The second cause can be the formation of
effect of chloride on cement hydrates. CAOXY or magnesium oxychloride (MAOXY) [34,35,74,83,104]. The
third one is that in cement blended with alumina-rich SCMs, higher
3.1.4. Effect of chloride ions in seawater calcium concentration can enhance the formation of Friedel’s salt,
The change in properties of cement composites caused by seawater which increases the chloride binding capacity of the composite system
(Section 2), can be well explained through the chloride effects afore [101,105]. The schematic diagram of the chloride distribution in cement
mentioned. Because the chloride concentration in seawater is close to hydrates is summarized in Fig. 11. Furthermore, De Weerdt et al. [61]
0.55 M, which is lower than the threshold of that in the formation of observed an approximately 0.25 M higher chloride bound in MgCl2 than
CAOXY (1.2–9 M [76,80]), it is still questionable whether the reaction CaCl2, which probably indicates a higher binding chloride enhanced by
between chloride and CH occurs in seawater composites. Therefore, the Mg2+.
property differences between seawater composite and freshwater com
posite can be considered to be dominated by the interaction between
3.4. Chloride binding in hydrates
chloride and AFm phases. During the seawater-mixed hydration process,
especially in the early stage, the calcium, aluminate, and ferrite ions are
Chloride binding happens during the cement hydration process,
consumed to form Friedel’s salt, thus enhancing the hydration kinetics
which significantly limited the free chloride penetration. Therefore, the
and accelerating the hydration rate of C3S, C3A, and C4AF. The enhanced
threshold concentration of chloride-induced corrosion can be affected
hydration in the early stage is responsible for the rapid heat evolution
by the chloride binding capacity of cement hydrates, and it further in
and higher autogenous shrinkage; the ratio of solid phase is increased to
fluences the service life of the concrete. The chloride binding of cement
reduce the setting time; the cement hardens faster with higher
hydrates can be affected by various factors, such as hydration degree,
compressive strength and refined pore structure.
cation of chloride salt, carbonation, etc. [67,106]. Among them, chlo
ride binding is significantly associated with chloride concentration and
3.2. Sulfate and carbonate ions
different binding mechanisms. In general, the relationship between the
adsorbed chloride and free chloride in OPC is considered as non-linear
Sulfates and carbonates, as the other major anions in seawater, can
also affect cement hydration. Although the content involved in seawater
is much less than that from gypsum and calcite in cement itself, the effect Freundlich equation: ⋅ Cb = α⋅Cfβ (1)
can not be ignored. Similar to the chlorides, the sulfate ions can be
bound in AFm and C–S–H, with similar mechanisms aforementioned. α⋅Cf
Langmuir equation: ⋅ Cb = (2)
Therefore, chloride and sulfate would compete and displace mutually 1 + β⋅Cf
for the binding space, and the chloride binding ability of hydrates is thus
reduced [57,61]. For example, more ettringite would be developed in where α and β are binding constants at a given temperature, Cb is the
the presence of sulfate in seawater [55,95], including that delayed absorbed amount of chloride per gram of the solid at equilibrium, and Cf
forming by the displaced sulfate by chloride. The ettringite possesses is the chloride concentration in solution at equilibrium.
higher stability, consuming AFm hydrates, and presenting no chloride Tang and Nilsson [107] investigated the chloride binding capacity of
capacity as well [64,65]. Analogously, carbonate also presents negative OPC concrete and found Freundlich isotherm is better suited for high
effects on the chloride binding of cement hydrates. Chang et al. [68] chloride concentration (>0.01 M) and Langmuir is more applicable for
determined that when cement is exposed to a carbonation environment low chloride concentration (<0.05 M). However, it should be noted that
with a CO2 concentration of 20%, all chloride bound previously in AFm because the two equations are empirical and designed to fit data, the
and nearly 90% of that in C–S–H would be released into pore solution constants α and β serve no practical concern and may vary in a wide
after 28 days and 56 days, respectively. While even worse, the chloride range.
binding ability will no longer exist in carbonated cement. Therefore, if
seawater is used as mixing water instead, there is only a small amount of 3.4.1. Chloride binding capacity of AFm
cement hydrates changed from the limited additional sulfates and car The chloride binding capacity of sulfo-AFm has been investigated by
bonates. However, if being long-term exposed to seawater, sulfate attack Hirao et al. [64]. They found that the relationship between bound
or carbonation, hydration products such as Friedel’s salt and C–S–H chloride and sulfo-AFm phase follows Freundlich isotherm, in mg of
would become more vulnerable to convert and release bound chloride. bound Cl/g of sulfo-AFm:
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
Fig. 11. Schematic diagram of chloride distribution in hydrates of OPC and alumina-riched SCMs exposed to NaCl and CaCl2 solutions [58,80,92,101].
phase and, however, the suggested isotherms vary in a wide range, with
Cb, Friedel′ s salt = 0.31⋅Cf0.46 (11)
poor fit compared to experimental data [64,66,109]. Hirao et al. [64]
described that the relationship between chloride concentration and
where the molecular formula of Friedel’s salt is 3CaO⋅Al2O3⋅CaCl2⋅6H2O
bound chloride follows a Langmuir isotherm in C–S–H, while a
at 11% RH [111].
Freundlich isotherm was considered by Elakneswaran et al. [109], in mg
As mentioned by Elakneswaran et al. [109], the sorption capacity of
of bound Cl/g of C–S–H:
ettringite was lower than portlandite and Friedel’s salt, but higher than
2.65⋅Cf tobermorite. However, the capacity of tobermorite described in Eq. (7) is
Cb, C− = 21.84⋅ (5)
S− H, H
1 + 2.65⋅Cf higher than those of portlandite and Friedel’s salt in Eqs. (10) and (11),
which seems contradictory. Hence, the binding capacity of AFt is still not
Cb, C− S− H, E = 12⋅Cf0.63 (6) clear. Assuming that the minimum binding capacity of AFt is as same as
that of C3S, Florea et al. [110] suggested the total bound chloride by AFt,
Zibara [66] also investigated the chloride binding capacity of C–S–H. which also takes into account the effect of the delay formed ettringite
Although the specific equation is not given, the binding isotherm of from chloride substitution (section 3.2):
cement minerals of C2S and C3S has been determined, in mg of bound
Cl/g of solid: mAFt + mdelayed AFt mC AS H + 0.3⋅mFriedel′ s salt
mcl, AFt = Cb, AFt ⋅ = 6.65⋅Cf0.334 ⋅ 6 3 12
msample msample
Cb, C3 S = 6.65⋅Cf0.334 (7)
Cb, C2 S = 7.89⋅Cf0.136 (8) where the molecular formula of AFt is C6 AS3 H12 at 11% RH [111]; mAFt ,
By considering the almost same hydration products for C2S and C3S mdelayed AFt , mFriedel′ s salt and msample refer to the mass of initial ettringite,
and the amount of C–S–H generated, Florea et al. [110] combined the delayed formed ettringite, formed Friedel’s salt and the sample,
two isotherms and the ratio of two minerals as the isotherm of C–S–H respectively.
provided by Zibara [66]: Table 5 and Fig. 12 summarise the chloride binding capacity of
ability is highly debated as most of the existing studies determined no C–S–H Freundlich Cb, C− S− H, Z = 6.65⋅C0.334
f ⋅δC3 S + 7.89⋅ [66,110]
chemical binding exhibited, even when exposed to a high concentration C0.136
f ⋅δC2 S
of chloride solution [63,64,66]; while the physical binding capacity, CH Freundlich Cb, CH = 0.087⋅C0.62
although insignificant, has also confirmed its existence and even Friedel’s salt Freundlich Cb, Friedel′ s salt = 0.31⋅C0.46
detected in Friedel’s salt [109]. Elakneswaran et al. [109] concluded C3S Freundlich Cb, C3 S = 6.65⋅C0.334
isotherms of portlandite and Friedel’s salt, in mg of bound Cl/g of solid: C2S Freundlich Cb, C2 S = 7.89⋅C0.136
AFt Freundlich not clear [109,
Cb, CH = 0.087⋅Cf0.62 (10)
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
cement hydrates, the chloride binding capacity is very low and can be
various cementitious phases at 11% RH based on the fitted isotherms, 4. Performance of seawater-mixed concrete
determined by existing studies. It can be concluded that the hydroxy-
AFm phase, exhibiting a constant binding capacity versus chloride Based on the existing studies, the negative effects and specific
concentration, provides the greatest contribution to chloride binding, properties of seawater-mixed concrete are discussed. To alleviate the
which can be completely converted to Friedel’s salt in chloride con potential defects, various methods have been proposed and adopted to
centration over 0.015 M. The binding capacity of sulfo-AFm increases improve concrete performance, as discussed separately.
with the increase of chloride concentration, from 13% at 0.3 M to over
33% at 3 M [110]. Therefore, the AFm phase provides the greatest 4.1. Superplasticizer and retarder
contribution to chloride binding, accounting for around 70% of the total
chloride binding capacity of OPC. The second strongest chloride binding It is generally believed that seawater cement paste has lower work
is C–S–H that the binding ability remains stable and effective in a wide ability and flowability due to the rapid hydration effect at an early age
range of chloride concentrations, which comprises 25–28% of total [12]. Therefore, using a superplasticizer (SP) and retarder is recom
bound chloride [110]. Although the content of CH is higher in OPC mended in seawater-mixed concrete. Li et al. [28] compared the SP ef
hydrates, the corresponding chloride binding ability of CH and Friedel’s fect of cement paste with freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW) in Fig. 15.
salt is only 2–5%, due to the insignificant adsorption. While as for other The result showed that the slump increases significantly when SP is
added over 1%, though the slump of SW remains a slightly lower value
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
Fig. 14. Chloride binding mechanism and distribution versus chloride threshold for steel corrosion in a range of concentration (1–104 mM), assuming aqueous pH
are around 12.5 and the temperature is around 25 ◦ C. Data from the study of Chalhoub et al. [146], Jones et al. [74], Damidot et al. [147], Stark et al. [62], Zibara
[66], and Hou et al. [148].
than that of FW. The difference between the two samples is gradually demonstrate that the hydration degree of BFS in the seawater-mixed
narrowed in slump value if SP dosage reaches 2% or more, indicating the composite is 5–30% higher than that in the freshwater-mixed compos
lower workability in the cement-seawater mixtures can be thoroughly ite. Li et al. [43] also observed enhanced hydration stimulated by
improved by SP. Furthermore, the improvement was about 12–18% of seawater, which presents as an early occurrence of the main hydration
compressive strength in FW, but even 16–23% of that in SW, which peak for nearly 2 h. Due to the stimulated hydration in seawater-mixed
exhibits the increase of compressive strength by SP is even greater in composite, a slightly lower slump is presented in the BFS-mixed mix
SW. Younis et al. [12] improved the fresh properties of seawater-mixed tures than OPC [25], while a small increase of slump value is determined
concrete to achieve a comparable degree to freshwater-mixed concrete, in some other studies [7,120]. The differences vary only over narrow
by adding a retarder with a concentration of 0.25 L/m3 and an addi limits, proving that the effect of using BFS on the workability of seawater
tional 15% more superplasticizer. Meanwhile, if the excessively rapid mixtures is not significant. Li et al. [29] studied the seawater mixtures
hydration in seawater was eliminated through using the chemical ad incorporated with MK. The result showed that the porosity was
ditives, the mechanical performance can also be effectively improved decreased with a refined pore structure. Analogously, Cheng et al. [121]
[12]. investigated the seawater mixtures incorporated with MK and BFS and
measured that the permeability of concrete was reduced and the me
chanical properties of ITZ were improved, due to the filling effect and
4.2. Supplementary cementing materials
pozzolanic reaction of SCMs [121]. Khatibmasjedi [13] found that
adding 20% FA significantly increased the drying shrinkage from 738
Generally, the use of supplementary cementing materials (SCMs),
μm to 1370 μm in seawater-mixed composite after 60 days, which
such as blast furnace slag (BFS), fly ash (FA), silica fume (SF), and
further aggravates the cracking risk of seawater mixtures. Therefore,
metakaolin (MK) that can modify binder mineralogy has shown a great
attention should be taken when combining use seawater and FA in
influence on durability [112,113], by improving mechanical properties
cement mixtures.
[9,114], reducing chloride diffusivity [115], increasing chloride binding
[105,116,117] and refining pore structure [118,119]. The main mineral
4.2.2. Effect on chloride binding capacity
composition as silica, alumina, and calcite oxide content of SCMs used in
SCMs alter the composition of cement hydrates and, thus, the chlo
related studies is summarized in Fig. 16. For the potential defects in
ride binding capacity [105,116,117]. For example, MK, which com
seawater mixtures, the effect of SCMs has been investigated, which can
prises approximately 40% alumina presents a superior capacity of
be divided into two parts and are discussed separately herein.
binding chloride as the formation of AFm hydrates [29,40]. Shi et al.
[40] added MK (0–6%) in seawater mixtures to determine the chloride
4.2.1. Effect on fresh and hardened properties
binding effect. The result indicates 48–55% of total chloride bound by 3
Numerous studies have investigated the effect of BFS in seawater
days and 67% of that by 28 days. Due to the negligible calcium oxide
composites and are consistent with the finding that BFS increases the
content in MK, it is also suggested that calcium is necessary to stimulate
mechanical properties of concrete mixed with seawater. Table 6 sum
the binding ability of MK, which reveals the MK to lime ratio as the
marized the SCMs effect on the compressive strength in the seawater-
influential factor [66]. Lesser chloride binding, by contrast, can be
mixed composite. Katano et al. [26] used BFS to partly replace OPC
detected in BFS and FA, which contains alumina (10–25%). Dhir et al.
with a ratio ranging from 30% to 70%. The result shows that the
[122] found that at a high BFS replacement level of 67%, the chloride
compressive strength decreases with the increase of BFS. However, a
binding is 5 times that of OPC measured at 5 M chloride in 14 days. The
higher strength can be observed in seawater-mixed composite relative to
high chloride binding for BFS also was verified by Li et al. [43] that
freshwater-mixed composite, and the enhancing effect is even greater at
chloride concentration of 1.75 mg/g can be decreased to 1.46 mg/g and
the early stage, despite the lower strength value. For example, when the
1.33 mg/g for specimens with 25% BFS and 50% BFS, respectively in 3
blending ratio of BFS is 30%, the compressive strength is 37% higher in
days. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is an optimum BFS
seawater mixtures at 7 days, and the figure reaches 50% or more when
replacement for binding capacity, and when adding BFS to excess, the
the blended ratio is over 50%. The result indicates that seawater can
chloride binding becomes lower than OPC, which is supported by Zibara
promote the hydration of BFS, due to the higher content of alumina than
[66] who even studied the 100% BFS paste. By contrast with BFS, FA
OPC to develop more AFm hydrates. Similar observations have also been
seems too inert to bind chloride at the early stage. Otsuki et al. [120]
identified by Otsuki et al. [25] that the compressive strength ratio has
observed a similar chloride binding capacity in OPC and OPC with 30%
the largest value of 1.62 on the first day of hydration. The test results
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
Fig. 16. Ternary diagram of silica, alumina, and calcium oxide content in
SCMs. Data from the SCMs used in the related studies.
5. Mechanism discussion
P. Li et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 121 (2021) 104100
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