Práctica Calificada 2 - Sandro Sanchez

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Práctica Calificada 2

Apellidos y nombres: Sandro Leo Sánchez Polo



Artículo 1

Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) is a 40 MWt sodium cooled loop type reactor located in
Kalpakkam with two primary sodium loops. Fuel for the reactor consists of (Pu,U)C,
(Pu,U)O2 subassemblies (Srinivasan et al., 2006). Each subassembly has 61 fuel pins. The
reactor has been successfully operating with a large number of fuel assemblies experiencing
burnup exceeding 155 GWd/t. Any fuel clad failure can have the consequences of
contaminating primary circuit and cooling disturbances due to leaked fuel particles. Therefore,
detection and localization of failures is very important. Clad failures generally have two phases
(Jacobi, 1982): At first, they start leaking fission gases alone and do not release delayed
neutron precursors, solid fission products or fuel. In the second phase, they start releasing
Delayed Neutron (DN) precursors. It may take hours, days or even months before failures
progress from gas leaking phase to DN release phase. In the DN phase, there is direct contact
between fuel and sodium. Hence there are fair chances of solid fission product and fuel leak.
The risk that Pu escapes from fuel pin when clad is breached brings about the requirement of
continuous surveillance of fast reactors (Michaille and Berlin, 1982). Hence it is important not
only to detect but also find the location of the failure early so that appropriate action is taken.
There are many methods of localization. Delayed Neutron Detection (DND) with individual or
sector sodium sampling, dry and wet sipping, cover gas tagging methods have commonly been
employed (Jacobi, 1982). The sipping methods are considered time consuming and tagging
methods expensive. DND with individual sodium sampling is one of the best methods.
However, this cannot be implemented in small loop reactors. FBTR has Gaseous Fission Product
Detection (GFPD) system and DND system with sector primary sodium sampling (Sangodkar,
1982). Two DND blocks are provided, one on each primary loop and the signals are
incorporated in the reactor scram circuit. The localization capabilities of DND system can be
assessed and enhanced by calibration measurements of DN signals from a suitably chosen
fission product source at various locations. This paper reports a series of such measurements
of DN signal performed with a natural uranium alloy fission product source [1]

[1]G. Srinivasan, R.S. Keshavamurthy, D.V. Subramanian, Adish Haridas, C.P. Reddy, V. Sathiyam
oorthy, S. Varadarajan, K.V. Suresh Kumar, “Delayed neutron measurements with a natural
uranium fission product source in Fast Breeder Test Reactor”, Annals of Nuclear Energy 2014

Artículo 2
To test the long term behaviour of UO 2-pins with artificial cladding failures a special
FR2 in pile steam loop was built. The individual activity concentrations of gaseous and
volatile fission products were measured with the aid of a Ge(Li)-system and in addition
the integral activity concentration was recorded by a precipitator. Typical results and
time behaviours are given. With the aid of a prototype-DND-monitor for the SNR the
delayed neutrons of the fission products are measured. Considerable deviations
hitherto unknown were observed between the measured values and the values
calculated according to the recoil model. The ratio of the both values, called k factor,
was in the range of 0.7–533; in the case of fresh fuel the k factor decreases to one-
tenth of the initial value after one or two weeks; the k factor of fuel with a burn-up of
46 000 MWd/t was only 1/30 compared to unirradiated fuel and about 1.
In the meantime, also in the case of sodium cooling, k factors > 1 were observed, and
the GfK defect pin program will focus attention on this effect. The release values of the
gaseous fission products were about the same as the values for the neutron precursors

[1] S. Jacobi, K. Letz, G. Schmitz, “Release and detection of fission products from defective fuel
pins”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 44, Issue 1, Pages 125-134, October 1977.

Artículo 3

A review of fission product release theory is presented in support of fuel-failure monitoring

analysis for the characterization and location of defective fuel. This work is used to describe: (i)
the development of the steady-state Visual_DETECT code for coolant activity analysis to
characterize failures in the core and the amount of tramp uranium; (ii) a generalization of this
model in the STAR code for prediction of the time-dependent release of iodine and noble
gas fission products to the coolant during reactor start-up, steady-state, shutdown, and bundle-
shifting manoeuvres; (iii) an extension of the model to account for the release of fission
products that are delayed-neutron precursors for assessment of fuel-failure location; and (iv) a
simplification of the steady-state model to assess the methodology proposed by WANO for a
fuel reliability indicator for water-cooled reactors.

[1] B. J. Lewis, P. K. Chan, A. El-Jaby, F. C. Iglesias, A. Fitchett, “Fission product release modelling
for application of fuel-failure monitoring and detection – An Overview”, Journal of Nuclear
Materials, Vol. 489, pages 64-83, June 2017.

Artículo 4

The LIFE@PROTEUS program at the Paul Scherrer Institute is being undertaken to

characterize the interfaces between burnt and fresh fuel assemblies in modern LWRs.
Techniques are being developed to measure fission rates in burnt fuel following re-
irradiation in the zero-power PROTEUS research reactor. One such technique utilizes
the measurement of delayed neutrons.
To demonstrate the feasibility of the delayed neutron technique, fresh and burnt
UO2 fuel samples were irradiated in different positions in the PROTEUS reactor, and
their neutron outputs were recorded shortly after irradiation. Fission rate ratios of the
same sample irradiated in two different positions (inter-positional) and of two
different samples irradiated in the same position (inter-sample) were derived from the
measurements and compared with Monte Carlo predictions.
Derivation of fission rate ratios from the delayed neutron measured signal requires
correcting the signal for the delayed neutron source properties, the efficiency of the
measurement setup, and the time dependency of the signal. In particular,
delayed neutron source properties strongly depend on the fissile and fertile isotopes
present in the irradiated sample and must be accounted for when deriving inter-
sample fission rate ratios [1]

[1] K.A. Jordan, G. Perret, “A delayed neutron technique for measuring induced fission
rates in fresh and burnt LWR fuel”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research Reactor Section A: Acelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associates
Equipment, Vol. 634 Issue 1, pages 91-100, April 2011.

Artículo 5

In the present paper the results are discussed on the relative abundances of DN and the half-
lives of their precursors from the neutron induced fission of 235U in the energy range 0.4–8 MeV
which have been measured on a modified experimental set-up of the Institute for Physics and
Power Engineering (IPPE). The obtained data are compared with the appropriate experimental
data by other authors and the data obtained by the summation method and the data
presented in the evaluated data libraries JEFF, JENDL, and ENDF/B. The comparison was made
in the terms of the average half-life of delayed neutron precursors < T1/2(En)>. The obtained
data < T1/2(En) > were used also for the estimation of the energy dependence of the total DN
yield νd(En) from the neutron-induced fission of 235U on the basis of the correlation properties of
delayed neutrons. The obtained total DN yield is compared with available in the open literature
data of different origin. The observed features of the obtained νd(En) data most likely indicates
that the energy dependence νd(En) is largely governed by the chance structure of the 235U fission
cross-section and to a lesser extent by the odd–even and other effects. The data on the relative
abundances and the half-lives of delayed neutron precursors as well as the total delayed
neutron yield for 235U are important for both the safe operation of power reactors and
validation of the energy dependence of fission product yields [1]

[1] D.E. Gremyachkin, A.S. Egorov, K.V. Mitrofanov, V.F. Mitrofanov, V.M. Piksaikin, I.P.
Bondarenko, “The energy dependence of the temporal parameters of delayed neutrons from
the neutron-induced fission of U-235 in the energy range from 0.4 to 8 Mev”, Annals of Nuclear
Energy, Vol. 211, February 2024.

Artículo 6
In the previous study, the theoretical formulae of two time-domain reactor noise techniques,
i.e., the auto-covariance and the variance-to-mean function techniques, were derived
(Kitamura et al., 2018). These two techniques analyse the temporal fluctuation in continuous
neutron detector current signals arising from ionization chambers such as the fission chamber.
They are hence inherently insensitive to the count-loss effect that sometimes brings serious
difficulties to the conventional time-domain techniques that analyses the number of detector
pulse signals. With regard to these two techniques, the experimental conditions under which
they successfully measure the subcriticality through determination of the prompt neutron
decay constant were clarified. However, for mathematical simplicity and the sake of insight, the
previous study was performed on the basis of a theoretical model neglecting delayed neutrons.
The formulae of these two techniques are hence re-derived by taking delayed neutrons into
consideration. Using the formulae thus derived, the delayed neutron effect in these two
techniques is discussed [1]

[1] Y. Kitamura, T. Misawa, “Delayed neutron effect in time-domain fluctuation analyses of

neutron detector current signals”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 123, pages 119-134, January

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