Adobe Scan 28-Nov-2023

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Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is not a binary number ?
(a) 1001 (b) 101
(c) 1002 (d) 110 [
2. The base of Binary Number System is
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 0 [
3. Which of the following is an example of a binary number ?
(a) 6AH1 (b) 100101
(c) 20020 (d) 23456 | b
4. What is the value of the binary number 18?
(a) 10010 (b) 10101
(c) 10100 (d) 11010 | a
5. The binary numbers 0 and 1 are also called
(a) Bytes (b) Bits
(c) Kilobytes (d) Decimal
6. Decimal equivalent to (1111), is
(a) 11 (b) 10
(c) 15 (d) 13
7. The binary equivalent of decimal number 98 is
(a) 1110001 (b) 1110100
(c) 1100010
(d) 1111001 C
8. The base of Octal number system is
(a) 6 (b) 2
(c) 12 (d) 8 d ]
9. Conversion of Octal number (540)% to binary number is
(a) (101100000 2 (b) (100110000),
(c) (101010000)> (d) (101100100)> Ia
10. Convert the binary number (1010111100), into an octal number.
(a) (1074)8 (b) (1257)8
(c) (1572)8 (d) (1274), d ]
11. Base of hexadecimal number system is
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 8 (d) 16 | d
12. Conversion of binary number (101110), to hexadecimal is
(a) (39)16 (b) (40)16
(c) (49)16 (d) (42)16
13. Conversion of binary number (1111011011100010), to
hexadecimal is
(a) (E5D2),6 (b) (3D7B)6
(c) (D3F5)6 (d) (C3F5),6 [ a
14. The speech signal is obtained after
(a) Analog to digital conversion
(b) Digital to analog conversion
(c) Modulation (d) Quantization
15. Telegraph signals are examples of
(a) Digital signals (b) Analog signals
(c) Impulse signals (d) Pulse train aa ]
17. As compared to the analog systems, the digital processing of
signals allow
(a) Programmable oprations only
(b) Flexibility in the system design only
(c) Cheaper systems only
(d) All the above [ d
18. Modem is used for?

(a) Supply DC power (b) DC to DC conversion

(c) ACto DC conversion
(d) Modulation and demodulation
d ]
19. Modem is used mostly for?
(a) Mostly for file system
(b) A modern empty memory modules
internet (d) None of above C
(c) Connecting to
20. Aswitch inanetwork is used to ?
(a) It is used to connect systems on network
(b) It is used to stop hacking
(c) It is used to stop viruses
(d) It is used to boot systems remotely | a
21. LAN card is also known as ?
(a) Modem (b) NIC
(c) Hub (d) Switch
22. What kind of transmission medium is most appropriate to

carry data in acomputer network that is expOsed to electrical

(a) Unshielded twisted pair (b) Optical fiber
(c) Coaxial cable (d) Microwave | b
3. The location of a resource on the internet is given by its?
(a) Protocol (b) URL
(c) E-mail address (d) ICQ | b
24. Fromn which of the following words does codecs is derived ?
(a) Coder (b) Decoder
(c) Coder-decoder (d) Coder-encoder [ c ]
25. Which codec is used in digital audio?
(a) A-law (b) u-law
(c) linear (d) PCM c

26. Which codec is used in the UK?

(a) a-law (b) u-law
(c) linear codec (d) PCM a ]

27. What is a multiplexer ?

(a) It is a type of decoder which decodes several inputs and
gives one output
(b) A multiplexer is a device whích converts many signals
(c) It takes one input and results into many output
(d) It is atype of encoder which decodes several inputs and
gives one output | b
28. Which combinational circuit is renowned for selecting a single
input from multiple inputs '& directing the binary information
to output line ?
(a) Data selector (b) Data distributor
(c) Both data selector and data distributor
(d) DeMultiplexer | a ]
29. A digital multiplexer is acombinational circuit that
(a) One digital information from several
sources and
transmits the selected one
(b) Many digital information and convert them into one
(c) Many decimal inputs and transmits the selected
(d) Many decimal outputs and accepts the selected
information | a
30. In a multiplexer, the selection of a particular input line is
controlled by
(a) Data controller (b) Selected lines
(c) Logic gates
(d) Both data controller and selected lines | b
31. If the number of n selected input lines is equal to 2^m then it
requires. select lines.
(a) 2 (b) m
(c) n (d) 2n | b
32. Which transmission media has the highest transmission
speed in a network ?
(a) Coaxial cable (b) Twisted pair cable
(c) Optical fiber (d) Electrical cable [ C
33. Bits can be send over guided and unguided media as analog
signal by
(a) Digital modulation (b) Amplitude modulation
(c) Frequency modulation
(d) Phase modulation
34. Which data communication method is used to transmit the
data over a serial communication link?
(a) Simplex (b) Half-duplex
(c) Full duplex (d) All of above C

35. The method of communication in which transaction takes

place in both directions, but only in one direction at a time, is
called ?

(a) Simplex (b) Four wire circuit

(c) Full duplex (d) Half-duplex | d

36. Loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called?
(a) Attenuation (b) Propagation
(c) Scattering (d) Interruption
37. Which of the following devices modulates digital signals into
analog signals that can be sent over traditional telephone

(a) Router (b) Gateway

(c) Switch (d) Modem | d
38. "Parity bits" are used for which of the following purposes?
(a) Encryption of data (b) To transmit faster
(c) To detect errors
(d) To identify the user [
39. What kind of transmission medium is most appropriate to
carry data in a computer network that is exposed to electrical

(a) Unshielded twisted pair (b) Optical fiber

(c) Coaxial cable (d) Microwave | b
40. How error detection and correction is done?
(a) By passing it through equalizer
(b) By passing it through filter
(c) By amplifying it
(d) By adding redundancy bits | d
41. Which error detection method is more efficient ?
(a) Parity check (b) Cyclic redundancy check
(c) Parity & Cyclic redundancy check
(d) Hamming code | b ]
42. Which error detection method uses one's complement?
(a) Simple parity check
(b) Two dimensional parity check
(c) CRC (d) Checksum [| d ]
43. The checksum of 1111 and 1111 is
(a) 1110 (b) 0000
(c) 1111 (d) 0111 b
44. How many bits in the data unit has changed in a single bit

(a) 1 bit (b) 2 bits

(c) 3bits (d) 4 bits [ a ]
45. A error means that two or more bits in the data unit
has changed.
(a) Burst (b) Double bit
(c) Single bit (d) Checksum a

46. In... error correction the receiver corrects the error

without requesting retransmission
(a) Onward (b) Forward
(c) Backward (d) Retransmission | b ]
47. The of error is more difficult than
(a) Detection, Correction (b) Correction, Convolution
(c) Correction, Detection
(d) Convolution, Detection
48. Cvclic Redundancy check is used in
(a) Codewords (b) Datawords
(c) Network
(d) Encryption and Decryption
49. The between two words is the number of differences
between corresponding bits
(a) Hamming code (b) Hamming distance
(c) Hamming rule (d) Hamming data | bb
50. The Hamming distance between equal codeword is
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) n (d) n+1 a

Fill in the Blanks

1. The binary equivalent of 18,0 is (10010,)
2. 506210 = (1001111000110,)
3. 159,0 in octal number system is (237)
4. 380,0 in the hexadecimal number system (17C6)
5. The base of system is 10. (Decimal)
6. In Binary addition, 1+1 equals to (10)
7. A computer understands only.. code. (Binary)
8. To convert Decimal number into Binary number, repeatedly
divide the number by (2)
9. Octal number system consists of symbols. (8)
10. number system uses 16 digits,from 0 to 9 and letters A
to F. (Hexadecimal)
11. The of a signal is the absolute value of its intensity at
time t. (amplitude)
12. The of a sigrnal is proportional to the energy carried
by the signal. (amplitude)
13. refers to the number of cycles completed by the wave
in one second. (Frequency)
14. refers to the time taken by the wave to complete one
second. (Period)
15. describes the position of the waveform with respect to
time. (Phase)
16. Frequency & Period are of each other. (inverse)
17. The ....
is the distance a signal travels in one period.
18. A is a device that selects one of several analog or
digital input signals and forwards the selected input into
single line, depending on the active select lines.
(multiplexer (or MUX)
19. is another name of Multiplexer. (Data Selector)
20. Amultiplexer has number of inputs? (2^n)
21. In computera modem stands for
(Modulator and Demodulator)
22. device is used to send and receive data over telephone
lines. (Router)
23. ntwork devices stores the IP addresses. (Switch)
24. converts audio and video into digital information.
25. is the de facto standard for audio industry. (AAC)
26. Connects two networks. (Gateway)
27. The Internet Protocol data is organized in the form of
information by
28. Digital information is converted into analog
the modem at (Source computer)
29. Communication protocol used by Internet is
(Wide Area Network)
30. WAN stands for
31. Anetwork of networks is known as (Internet)
32. CKRC uses (Multiplication and binary division)
33. A is adevice that connects two LANS or two segments
of the same LAN. (bridge)
34. is anetwork device operating at physical layer of the
OSI model that amplify or regenerate an incoming signal
before retransmitting it. (Repeater)
35. amplifies the attenuated signal and then retransmits
it. (Repeater)
Group A
(I) 1. Short form of binary
Group B
[e ] (a) 15
2. Computer Science is
dependent on [ c ] (b) Power of 2
3. Decimal equivalent
of (0111) binary | d | (c) Binary
4. Decimal equivalent
of (1111) binary [ a ] (d) 7
5. Positional weights
of binary system |b ] (e) Bit
Group A Group B
(II) 1. Base of octal number
system Ib ] (a) 16
2. Base of hexadecimal
number system [ a ] (b) 8
3. Hexadecimal equi- ([ dd ] (c) Varying voltage
valent of 1239
current or frequency
4. A signal is Ie ] (d) 4D7
5. How signal represents [ c ] (e)
Electromagnetic wave
Group A Group B
(III) 1. Analog signal [ c ] (a) Telephone line
2. Digital signal (b) Broadband based
3. Modem helps two |a ] (c) Produces a continuous
devices to commu Curve
nicate via
4. Cable modem Ie ] (d) Sequence of discrete
5. DSL modem |b ] (e) Works with the help
of Telephone line
Group A Group B
(IV) 1. De Facto standard | d ] (a) Developed by
for audio MPEG and ITU-T
2. Used for surround | c ] (b) Telecommunications
Sound and networks
3. H-264/ AVC I a ] (c) Dolby audio
4. Multiplexing [e ] (d) AAC
5. Areas of multiple | b ] (e) Transmitting larger
xing number of signals to
single mnedia
Group A Group B

(V) 1. Time Division

Multiplexing c] (a) Shorter distances

2. Frequency Division
Multiplexing | d ] (b) Optical Fibre
3. Guided media are [e ] (c) Popular varjant of
4. Guided media used | a ] (d) Use for optical
for communication system
5. Thin strands of glass b ] (e) Wired media
Group A Group B
(V) 1. Optical Fibre L.c ] (a) Stripline
2. Carries huge amount
of data [ b ] (b) Optical Fibre
3. Contains insulation |e ] (c) Used for long distance
layer communication
4. Transvers electro | a ] (d) Radio waves
magnetic trans
5. These waves can [ d ] (e) Coaxial cable
transmit in every
Group A Group B
(VII) 1. This signal is useful
where data is to be
multicasted [e (a) Infrared
2. Range of radio waves
frequency [ c ] (b) 300 GHZ to 400 THZ
3. Issues in radio waves [ d | (c) 3 KHZ to 1 GHZ
4. Useful for very short
distance communi
cation [a ] (d) Interference
5. Range of infrared
signals |b ] (e) Radio waves
Group A Group B
(VIII) 1. Line-of-sight
transmission [ d ] (a) 1 Mbps-10Mbps
2. Bandwidth of
microwaves | a (b) Burst error
3. Effecting several [b] (c) Code word of cbits
Successive bits
encoding a data word
of d bits
4. Code word |e ] (d) Microwaves
5. (c,d) | c ] (e) Original data plus
Correction bits
True (Or) False
1. You cannot perform arithmetical operations on
binary numbers.
2. The decimal number system consists of 10 digits i.e., 0 to
3. The nmethod to perform the division of two binary numbers is
not the same as that of decimal numbers.
4. 1 multiplied by 0 èquals 0. (True)
5. Charles Babbage introduced the concept of 0 (Zero). (False)
6. The digits used in the Octal number system are 1 to 7. (False)
7. Hexadecimal system uses 16 symbols to represent numbers.
8. In Binary subtraction, 1-1 equals 0. (True)
9. Decimal numbers can be converted into binary by dividing by
twoand recording the remainders. (True)
10. Base is the same as radix. (True)
11. The most significant 'digit is the rightmost, largest-weight
digit in a number. (False)
12. 64 hexadecimal equals 100 decimal. (True)
13. The addition 1 +0 doesn't generate a carry bit. (True)
14. Modemisused to transmit a data. (True)
15. Modem is used to convert digital signal into analog format.
16. Modem inspects data packets received over the Internet

17. Dial-upInternet uses your phone line. (True)
18. DSL service uses a broadband connection, (True)
19. HTTPS standsfor HyperText Transfer Protocol. (True)
20. Gateway is used to connect two dis-similar types of networks.
21. Switch is used to boost up a weak signal. (False)
22. MACstands for Media Access Control. (True)
23. Length of MAC address is 48 bits. (True)
24. Router is used in the network layer. (True)
25. NICis an I/O device. (True)
26. Parity bits are used to detect the error. (True)
27. LAN stands for Local Array Network. (False)
28. Technologies such as DSL and cable modem are called
narrowband technologies. (False)
29. Optical Fibre cable provides higher data transfer speed than
.other cables. (True)
30. Hamming code permits the detection of two errors or correction
of only one error. (True)
31. Error detecting code uses an extra parity bit at the end of each
word to detect errors in the received data. (True)

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