Concrete Pavement Design2
Concrete Pavement Design2
Concrete Pavement Design2
Road Note 29 classifies subgrades into three classes (Table 5)
Table 5:
Minimum Thickness of
Type of Subgrade Definition Based on CBR
Required Subbase
Weak CBR ≤ 2% 150 mm
Normal 2% < CBR < 15% 80 mm
Very Stable CBR ≥ 15% 0
Drainage Requirements
Water Table should be prevented from rising to within 60 cm of the formation level.
1) By provision of drainage system
2) Raised embankment
Subbase Thickness
Based on the subgrade strength.
Table 5 gives the minimum subbase thickness.
These are suitable where no construction traffic is going to use the road.
Where construction traffic is going to use the prepared subbase prior to placement of
concrete (on weaker or normal subgrade classes) the subgrade should be strengthened.
1) For subgrades with CBR ≤ 4% - Additional 150 mm layer which meets
subbase requirements (topping layer).
2) For all other normal subgrade 4% < CBR ≤ 15% - Additional 80 mm topping
layer can be used
Figure 11 gives the thicknesses required for reinforced and unreinforced slabs in terms
of cumulative number of standard axles to be carried for the three classes on subgrade
in Table 5.
o The thickness to be rounded upward to the next 10 mm intercept
o The design is based on a minimum crushing strength of concrete of 28 MN/m2
(28 N/mm2) at 28 days using Ordinary Portland Cement.
o On residential roads built for light traffic the alternative design thickness
(Figure 11) should be used to cater for heany loads associated with
construction of surrounding development.
o Figure 11 gives slab thicknesses for normal subgrade (2 < CBR < 15)
For CBR ≥ 15% slab thickness can be reduced by 25 mm.
For CBR ≤ 2% slab thickness should be increased by 25 mm.
Dotted lines give slab thickness of unreinforced concrete where heavy
traffic loads with light (density) are expected.
For reinforcement concrete, the minimum weight of reinforcement in relation to the
cumulative number of standard axles is given in Figure 12 in terms of:
o Weight of long mesh reinforcement
o Area of steel per unit width of pavement
Eg. For standard axles number (CESAL) of 2.0 x 106
Weight of reinforcement = 180 mm (Figure 11)
Weight of reinforcement = 300 mm2/m width of slab (Figure
Concrete Cover
A minimum of 60 mm for slabs ≥ 150 mm
A minimum of 50 mm for slabs < 150 mm
Reinforcements should terminate at least 40 mm and not more than 80 mm from the
edge of the slab and from the joint.
The transverse reinforcement by 8 mm Ø at 200 mm spacing
At the transverse overlap of reinforcement mat (mesh), the last transverse wire of one
mat should be within the last complete mesh of the previous mat and the overlap
should not be less than 450 mm.
Spacing depends on bar diameter
Overlap ≥ 450 mm
When deformed bars are used the overlap should not be less than 40 Bar Diameter
Temperature changes cause expansion or contraction of solid slabs
If the slab is cooled, it will tend to contract and if the contraction is constrained,
tensile stresses will be induced which may cause cracking of the slab.
Likewise if the slab heats up it will tend to expand and if the expansion is restricted,
compressive stresses will be induced which also cause cracking or warping of the slab.
One method to counteract these defects is the introduction of joints, spaced in such a
manner to relieve these stresses. Reinforcements can also be used to minimize the
defects by increasing the capability of the slab to sustain the induced stresses.
Types of Joints
Contraction joint
Expansion joint
Construction joint
Hinge or warping joint
Joint Requirements
Discontinuity to release stresses
Sustain the load transfer mechanism
Seal against water
Contraction Joints
These are transverse joints intended to release slab from the tensile stresses.
A groove is cut or formed at the pavement surface to make certain that cracking will
occur at this location
Load transfer at this joint is attained by grain interlock of the cracked surface.
If reinforcement is used (RC slab) the spacing of contraction joints may be increased
For longer spacings, dowels are required across the transverse joint because the joint
will open wider and therefore load transfer by grain interlock may be doubtful.
The groove can be formed by sawing or by placing a metal or fibre strip in the uncured
concrete and then removing prior to hardening of the concrete.
Apply sealing material (bituminous material)
Expansion Joints
Has to allow free expansion of the solid slab.
Are constructed with a clear break throughout the depth of the slab to permit
expansion to take place
Since the joint has no aggregate interlock, dowel bars are used for load transfer.
The dowel bars has to be smooth (lubricated) on one end to allow free movement.
An expansion cap has to be provided at the end of the dowel bar on the smooth side.
However, it should be noted that expansion joints for highways are likely to suffer
from pumping effect by traffic load.
It is essential to seal the joint periodically to prevent water from infiltrating into
interlaying pavement layers. This is best done during cold season when the joint is at
its maximum opening.
Construction Joints
Used as a transition from old to new concrete construction such as the case for end of
day’s work.
These may take the form of :
o A butt joint (most common)
Deformed Bar (Ribbed)
Direction of Construction
o A keyed joint
If two – lane construction is used, the most convenient type of longitudinal warping
joint is dummy – groove type with a dowel tie bar.
Road Note 29
Figure 13 shows the recommended maximum joint spacing in relation to the weight of
The maximum joint spacing used in design should correspond to the actual weight of
reinforcement used and not necessarily to the minimum weight of reinforcement
Every third joint should be an expansion joint, the remainder contraction joints
When soft aggregates such as limestone are used, the joint spacing can be increased by
Reinforcements should be discontinuous across the joints.
Longitudinal joints should be provided such that the maximum slab width is within 4.5
m except where special reinforcements are used.
(1 + 0.05)20 − 1
= 1188 𝑥 [ ] 𝑥 365 = 𝟏𝟒. 𝟑𝟒 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟔
Slab Thickness
o Standard Axle = 15.49 x 106 – Slab Thickness = 230 mm (Figure 11)
o Slab Thickness = 230 + 25 = 255 mm (Since Subgrade CBR ≤ 2%)
Reinforcements Requirements
o Weight or Reinforcements = 3.9 kg/m2 (Approximately (Figure 12)
Groove Thickness
Depth of Seal