MagicPrefix Suffix

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23.01.2020 The Phrozen Keep - Knowledge Base - MagicPrefix/Suffix.


Written by: Nefarius

Written on: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:04 am
Last modified: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:00 am
Views: 9351
Description: by Nefarius, restyled by Ogodei
Categories: File Guides (1.1x)

Name - This field controls what string will be displayed in-game for this affix (in the case of AutoMagic.txt this field is

Version - This field controls whenever or not this affix can appear in classic games.
0 - pre v08 affixes (needed so characters from those versions can be imported to current ones).
1 - post v08 affixes (affixes available in classic and LoD).
100 - LoD-only affixes (affixes available only in LoD).

Spawnable - A boolean that controls whenever or not this affix can be picked by the randomizer that assigns affixes to
magic and rare items. 0means it cannot be picked, while 1 that it can be picked.
NOTE: Untested: You should be able to use unspawnable affixes via cube recipes however, similar to the way the game
handles unspawnable items.

Rare - A boolean that controls whenever or not this affix can be picked by the randomizer when assigning affixes to a
rare item. 0 means it cannot appear on rare items (magic only), 1 that can appear on rare and magic items.

Level - The quality level (qLvl) of this affix, for this affix to be available on an item, that item must have an item level
(iLvl) of at least this amount. The iLvl is equal to the level of the monster that drops the item, or the generation level
(for vendors). The iLvl of an item is further influenced by the magic lvl field in Weapons.txt,Armor.txt and Misc.txt.

MaxLevel - An extremely powerful but badly underused field. This controls the point at which this affix will no longer
appear on items. Say we have a Level of 10 and a MaxLevel of 15, then the affix will only appear on items with a iLvl of
10-15, whereas it will never appear on items with iLvls 1-9 and 16-99. This is the easiest way to get those crappy low-
level affixes of higher level drops to ensure that those are useful.

LevelReq - The general level requirement that your character must meet before he can use an item that has this affix.

ClassSpecific - This does not work the way RicFaith suggested in his 1.09 guides. As you can see, it appears on +skilltab
items, and we all know that you can find skiller grand charms for every class irregardless of what class you are. I
assume that this is a bug fix to the problem that appeared during the early expansion beta, there +skilltab items
effected all classes that used the item and not only the class that they were supposed to effect.

Class - This field controls the character class for whom the class specific level requirement appears.

ClassLevelReq - The level requirement your character must meet before he can use an item with this affix if his class
is the class specified in the Class column. So lets say Class is Ama and normal LevelReq is 20 while ClassLevelReq is 25.
Then an Amazon will be able to use this item at cLvl 20 while all other classes would need to be cLvl 25.

Frequency - This works the same way rarity works in all other files. It controls the probability of this affix being picked
by the randomizer within this affix group. In classic days, the game simply rolled a random on all available affixes, ever
since v08 they are using this field (badly), which leads to the crappy rare items we see today. Lets say we have 5
affixes inside a group with Frequencies of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100, then the chance for each of these to appear in case the
game selects an affix from this group is: 1/166, 5/166, 10/166, 50/166 and 100/166 (~1%, 3%, 6%, 30% and 60%). In
short, the chance for an affix to appear is frequency/total_frequency. This field can hold values from 0 to 255. 0 will
effectivelt make the affix never appear (unless accessed by a cube recipe, but see under Spawnable).

Group - The group an affix is assigned to. The game cannot pick more then one affix from each group, this is used to
prevent an item from spawning say with Ferocious and Cruel at the same time. (be aware that you can put affixes in
MagicSuffix, MagicPrefix and AutoMagic in the same group, thus having prefix A never spawn together with suffix B). A
blank field obviously puts the affix in group 0, this is not a bug. 1/2
23.01.2020 The Phrozen Keep - Knowledge Base - MagicPrefix/Suffix.txt

Mod1Code to Mod3Code - The modifier(s) granted by this affix. This is an ID pointer from PROPERTIES.txt.

Mod1Param to Mod3Param - The parameter passed to the associated modifier. Whenever a modifier uses the
parameter or not depends on the modifier, see Properties.txt.

Mod1Min to Mod3Min - The minimum value passed to the associated modifier. Whenever, and if so how, the modifier
uses this value depends on the modifier, see Properties.txt.

Mod1Max to Mod3Max - The maximum value passed to the associated modifier. Whenever, and if so how, the modifier
uses this value depends on the modifier, see Properties.txt.

Transform - A boolean that controls whenever or not this affix will alter the color of the item it appears on. 0 for not
changing color, 1 for doing it .

TransformColor - An ID pointer from Colors.txt, this determines what color the modifier will give this item when the
Transform boolean is true.

CODE: Select all

Transform Color Code

White whit
Light Grey lgry
Dark Grey dgry
Black blac
Light Blue lblu
Dark Blue dblu
Crystal Blue cblu
Light Red lred
Dark Red dred
Crystal Red cred
Light Green lgrn
Dark Green dgrn
Crystal Green cgrn

iType1 to iType7 - These fields are ID pointers to ItemTypes.txt that control what item types this affix can appear on.
The affix can appear on all item types that inherit the item type in this field. So putting 'armo' in here will make it
appear on all armor (etc).

eType1 to eType5 - These fields are ID pointers to ItemTypes.txt that control what item types this affix will never
appear on. The affix will not appear on any item type that inherits this item type. So putting 'armo' here would prevent
it from showing up on all armor (etc).

Divide - This does not work the way the name suggests (the fields are all filled with 0), if it works at all that is, it
doesn't appear to work in ItemStatCost so it probably doesn't here either. But if it did work like that other column is
supposed to work, this controls the percentage the price is reduced by in 1024th. Where 1024 equals 100%.

Multiply - The price of the item is multiplied by this value when this affix is present on it (keep away from this field
unless you want to make something extremely expensive without editing ItemStatCost or the base prices). In 1024ths.

Add - The hard amount that is added to the price of this item when this affix is present on it.

Link to this article: Select all

[url=]Knowledge Base -
MagicPrefix/Suffix.txt[/url] 2/2

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