Balanced Diet
Balanced Diet
Balanced Diet
Your diet is a
bank account.
Start incorporating a balanced diet
into your daily routine. Good food choices
Remember, small changes can are good
make a big difference! Consult
with a healthcare provider or investments.
nutritionist for personalized
advice. - Bethenny Frankel
What is a Balanced Diet? Why is a Balanced Diet Tips for Maintaining a
Important? Balanced Diet:
A balanced diet is one that
provides all the essential Supports Growth and Development Eat a Variety of Foods
nutrients your body needs to
A balanced diet is crucial, especially Include colorful fruits and
function effectively. It includes a for children and teenagers, as it
variety of foods from different vegetables, whole grains, lean
supports proper growth and proteins, and healthy fats in your
food groups: fruits, vegetables, development.
grains, proteins, and dairy. Each
group provides vital nutrients that Boosts Immune System
Portion Control
contribute to your overall health. Consuming a variety of vitamins and
minerals helps strengthen your Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid
immune system, making you less overeating while still enjoying your
susceptible to illnesses. favorite foods.