Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi (Revised) Kirim
Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi (Revised) Kirim
Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi (Revised) Kirim
Read the text carefully, choose the best D. First and second paragraphs.
answer! E. This text has no conclusion.
The text is for no. 1-4
3. Which one is not the generic structure of
How Roman Roads were Built explanation text?
The system of roads for mobility has been A. Hypothesis
begun early decades. It was started since the Roman B. General statement
Empire conquered the world. The roads in Roman era C. Explanation sequences
were known as the best construction. D. Phenomenon Identification
The Romans built roads are for the purpose E. Conclusion
of mobility, especially for the army. Having the best
road, the army could march from one place to 4. What is the function of explanation text?
another. They built the roads as straight as possible, A. To entertain the reader
so that the army could take the shortest route. B. To describe how and why a phenomenon
It is interesting to know how the roads were happen
built, which some of them are still in use today. First, C. To describe something
the Romans builders would clear the ground of rocks D. To persuade the readers
and trees. Then they dug a trench where the road was E. To convince the reader
to go and filled it with big stones. Next, they put in
big stones, pebbles, cement and sand which they The text is for no. 5
packed down to make a firm base. After that, they
Let’s say you’re shopping online for shoes.
added another layer of cement mixed with broken
After browsing a few stores for just the right pair,
tiles. On top of that rough construction, then they put
you surf over to an article on your favorite news site.
paving stones to make the flat surface. These stones
There, like magic, an advertisement appears for the
were cut so that they fitted together tightly. As the
very same shoes you were admiring just moments
finishing touch, kerb stones were put at each sides of
ago. “That’s funny” you tell yourself before clicking
the road to hold in the paving stones. It was also used
through to a weather site for the weekend forecast.
to make a channel for the water to run away
Then, wedged between sunny Saturday and stormy
Sunday, you see yet another ad for the shoes. You’re
1. The followings are TRUE according to the text,
not going crazy; you’ve just experienced the wonder
of custom Internet advertising.
A. Some roads built by the Romans are still
5. This paragraph is most likely called _____ of the
functioning today.
A. General statement
B. The Roman roads were built using
B. Hypothesis
pebbles, cement and big stones.
C. Closing
C. The system of roads for transportation
D. Explanation sequences
has been begun from early decades.
E. Conclusion
D. Paving stones were cut to make them fit
together tightly.
The text is for no. 6 - 10
E. The Romans built roads for the mobility
of the army only. Smell is probably the most important shark
2. The conclusion can be found in paragraph… sense, so much so that sharks have been referred to as
A. First paragraph. “swimming noses”. There are some impressive
B. Last paragraph. statistics to back this up, too. A shark can sniff out
C. First and last paragraphs. fish extracts that make up only one part for every 10
billion. Other research shows sharks are able to D. Shark Abilities
respond to one part blood for every one million parts E. Shark Roles
of water; this is like being able to smell one teaspoon
of something in a swimming pool. What’s more, 7. Which one is TRUE according to the text?
sharks can smell these small amounts from hundreds A. More than half of sharks’ brain weight is
of meters away. composed of olfactory lobes.
B. Sharks always kill their preys.
C. Sharks can use their mouths to smell their
How does the shark do this? Just under the preys.
snout are two nares, or nasal cavities. Each nare has D. Similar to other types of fish, sharks
two openings, one for water to enter and one for breathe with gills.
water to exit. The shark sucks or pulls the water into E. Sharks swim back and forth to understand
the nares to sniff out any evidence of prey. The water how they preys taste.
goes into nasal sacs and over a series of skin folds
known as olfactory lamellae. The nasal cavities are 8. Why would the author mention “teaspoon” and
big spaces, which gives the shark more time to “swimming pool” in paragraph 1’?
register the smells. The nasal sacs are filled with A. To show how sharks behave.
sensory cells, which send signals to the shark’s brain. B. To demonstrate the importance of shark
The olfactory lobes in the shark’s brain analyze the mell.
smells, looking for those that match the scent of their C. To give example of how sharks hunt its
prey or the pheromones of potential mates. And preys.
sharks have pretty advanced equipment up there- D. To make the readers understand how
about two-thirds of the shark’s brain weight is powerful sharks’ smell is.
composed of olfactory lobes. E. To show that sharks can smell scents
Once the shark identifies the scent and from far away.
decides to pursue, it starts swimming. The shark’s
natural swimming motion of moving its head back 9. “Once the shark identifies the scent and decides to
and forth provides further assistance in determining pursue, it starts swimming.” (Paragraph 3) The
where the scent is coming from. With each underlined word is closest in meaning to...
movement, the snout picks up more water for the A. Kill D. Ignore
shark to analyze, and the shark is able to tell whether B. Leave E. Chase
it’s coming from the right or left nare. This helps C. Retreat
them determine which way to swim.
The shark’s nose may work so well because 10. What’s the purpose of sharks moving their head
it doesn’t have to do anything else. Sharks use their back and forth?
noses just for smelling. Breathing is accomplished A. To help sharks locating their prey’s scent.
with a shark’s gills, and the shark’s sense of smell is B. To help sharks determine which prey to
not connected to its mouth in anyway. Sharks often pursue.
don’t know how something is going to taste until C. To sniff out any evidence of prey.
they’ve taken a bite. D. To know how something is going to taste.
E. To respond to one part blood for every one million
This is how some people are able to “escape” from a parts of water.
shark attack – the shark gets a little nibble of a foot
and decides to reject the prey. The text is for no. 11 - 15
A kite is an object which is made from a
6. The best topic of the text is …
light material stretched over a frame. Due to its light
A. Shark Breathing Technique
material a kite will lift off the ground and fly when it
B. Shark Senses
is tilted into the wind.
C. Shark Smell
A kite is uses wind to make it fly because it is heavier D. Used for sent money
than air. When wind travels over the surface of the
E. Used for keep home for annoying evil
kite, it is split into two streams of air. One stream of
the air goes over the kite while the second stream The text is for no. 16 - 20
goes under the kite.
The upper stream above the kite. The lower A geyser is the result of underground water
stream hits the kite at a shallow angle and creates an under the combined conditions of high temperatures
area of high pressure. and increased pressure beneath the surface of the
The high-pressure area has a pushing effect earth. Since temperature rises approximately 1 F for
while the low-pressure area has a pulling effect. The every sixty feet under the earth’s surface, and
combination of push and pull can create enough force
pressure increases with depth, the water that seeps
to lift the kite into the air.
down in crack and fissures until it reaches very hot
Kites have been known for thousands of years. They
are used for military or scientific purposes. Today’s rock in the earth interior becomes heated to
kites are much used for leisure and competition. temperature in excess of 290 F. Because of the
greater pressure, the water shoots out of the surface
11. What media which use by kite to fly? in the form of steam and hot water. The result is a
A. Air D. Light geyser. In order to function, then a geyser must have
B. Water E. Wind a source of heat, reservoir where water can be stored
C. Ground until the temperature rises to an unstable point, an
opening through which the hot water and steam can
12. How many streams of air if we want the kite escape, and underground channels for resupplying
flying? water after an eruption.
A. Two D. Four Favorable conditions for geyser exist in
B. One E. Three some regions of the world including New Zealand,
C. There is no stream Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of
the United States. The most famous geyser in the
13. The first Word of “it” at the first line of world is Old Faithfull in Yellow Park. Old Faithfull
paragraph two refers to erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to
A. Wind D. Frame 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand
B. Air E. Fly gallons during each eruption.
C. Kite
16. How geyser is produced?
14. What is the function of the upper stream? A. By the rise of temperature pressure
A. Hits the kite at a shallow angle functioning hot steam.
B. Creates an area of high pressure B. From a huge tension of heated water that
C. Creates an area of middle pressure coming out from the earth crack.
D. Creates an area of low pressure C. From the heated temperature in earth
E. Give space for kite to fly crack that absorbing water.
D. From the temperature and absorbed water
15. Based on the text, what is the function of kite at that occurs on earth surface.
past? E. By the hot water and temperature of hot
A. Used for competition rock that occurs on earth surface
B. Used for military
C. Used for sent message
17. Steam and hot water shoot out of the surface
because of ….
A. Hot rock and water
21. What does the letter tell about….
B. Temperature and pressure A. Liza’s problem
C. Greater pressure B. Liza’s appointment
D. High temperature and increased pressure C. Daisy’s previous letter to Liza
E. Underground temperature and increased D. Daisy’s regret for not being able to come
pressure E. A meeting held at Liza’s house
Your sincerely
C. Soup with hot black pepper.
25. What kind of letter above? D. Satay with hot pepper.
A. Invitation Letter E. Non spicy food.
B. Apologies Letter
C. Congratulations Letter
D. Correspondence Letter
E. Personal Letter