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Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): (P) 397 - 404

Review Article Pharmacology

International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences ISSN


Hemidesmus indicus COMMONLY KNOWN AS

Reader, Department of Pharmacology, Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals, Chennai.
Green chem herbal extracts & formulations, Bangalore, India.


Hemidesmus indicus is widely used in Ayurveda for treatment of various disease

conditions. It is used as a tonic, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic and blood purifier. The
therapeutic action of the herb is due to presence of major chemical constituents like
coumarinolignoids hemidesmine and hemidesmin. This herb is beneficial in skin
disorders ,urinary tract infections and to treat kidney failure. Based on the scientific
research the article is reviewed to reveal the therapeutic aspects of the herbal extract
for the beneficial of further research.

KEY WORDS : H.indicus ,Ayurveda ,Urinary tract infections ,Kidney failure

Reader, Department of Pharmacology,
Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals, Chennai.

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Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): (P) 397 - 404


Indian Sarsaparilla (Botanical name: medicinal plant sarsaparilla Hemidesmus

Hemidesmus indicus) is also known as indicus , possessed viper venom inhibitory
Anantamul in Hindi, Nannari in Tamil. The activity. The compound isolated significantly
roots of this plant are also known as Mahani antagonized viper venom-induced lethal,
kazangu; especially in the South of India and haemorrhagic, coagulant and anticoagulant
in its pickled form is also served along with activity in experimental rodents
rice dishes.1 In Ayurveda, this creeper vine (antivenom)9,10. The extracts from the root are
and its roots are identified to treat ailments used as a coolant and a blood purifier. Various
such as venereal and skin diseases, arthritis, effects of HI, such as hypoglycemic 2,
rheumatism, epilepsy, nervous diseases, hypolipidemic 3, antioxidant, antithrombotic4,
5 6
tonsillitis, liver disease and syphilis, stomach antiinflammatory , antiulcerogenic ,
7 8
disorders and as an aphrodisiac to treat hepatoprotective , renoprotective , and
impotence. This herb is usually grown in the neutralization of viper venom 9,10have been
foothills of most mountainous terrains across reported. Hence an attempt was taken to
India and is famed for its all-round medicinal review the pharmacological actions of
and anti-oxidant properties. It mainly Hemidesmus indicus extensively.
comprises saponins, tannins, hemidesmine,
hemidesmol, hemidesterol, stearoptin, Taxonomy
pregnane glycosides, β-sitosterol, indicusin, Kingdom: plantae
coumarin, volatile oils, triterpines, flavonoids12. Division: magnoliophyta
Syrup prepared from the roots is used as a Class: magnoliopsida
flavoring agent and in the preparation of a Order: Gentianales
sherbet which have cooling properties.people Family: Apocynaceae
use this herb for a lots of medical issues like Subfamily: Periplocoideae
syphilis,urinary tract , nephritic infections.the Genus: Hemidesmus
root extract possess medicinal properties. It is Species: Hemidesmus indicus
used in traditional medicine. In Ayurveda it is
known as Anantmula. It is also called the Common names
False Sarsaparilla. It is used in nutritional Anantamul (Sanskrit),
disorders, syphilis, chronic rheumatism, gravel Indian Sarsaparilla (English),
and other urinary diseases and skin infections Nunnari Asclepias,
. Roots of Hemidesmus indicus possesses Periploca indica,
anti venom property. An organic acid, isolated Pseudosarsa
and purified from the root extract of an Indian

Figure 1
Hemidesmus indicus leaf & root

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Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): (P) 397 - 404

Morphology 11 carbohydrates etc., in Aqueous and ethanolic

Root hemidesmus indicus root extract. From aerial
The roots are woody, slender or aromatic , parts of the plant several pregnan steroids
root of the plant is used for medicinal have been isolated16. Physico chemical
purpose.various research studies are done in analysis shows the total ash value of
the root extract for proving its medicinal value. Hemidesmus indicus root as 3.8%, acid
insoluble ash value 0.9%, water soluble ash
Stem value 1.85%. The extractive values of the
The stems and branches which twine plant material were 14.4% for water, 13.3% for
anticlockwise are profusely laticiferous, ethanol.17,18. Macroscopic analysis of root is
elongate, narrow, terete and wiry of a deep about 3.95 ,0.43cm long and 0.21, 0.6mm
purple or purplish brown colour with the width, cylindrical, thick and hard. Microscopic
surface slightly ridged at the nodes. analysis of root depicts Phellem cells were
characteristically dark pinkish colour,
Leaves presence of radially flattened cork cells with
Leaves of the basal parts of the shoots are brownish granules. Laticiferous ducts were
linear to lanceolate. Flowers: Greenish yellow unique. Medullary ray were mostly uniseriate.
to greenish purple outside, dull yellow to light Isolation of nine pregnane glycosides viz.
purplish inside, calyx deeply five lobed, corolla desinine, indicine, hemidine, indicusin,
gamopetalous, about twice the calyx, Stamens hemidescine, emidine, medidesmine,
five, inserted near base of corolla with a thick hemisine, and emicine from H. indicus have
coronal scale. been reported along with certain important
triterpenoids (including alpha-amyrin, beta-
Fruit amyrin, lupeol, lupanone, hexadecanoic acid)
Fruit of Sarsaparilla are two straight slender and 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy benzaldehyde16.
narrowly cylindrical widely divergent follicles, Novel pregnane glycosides denicunine and
Seeds many, flat, oblong, with a long tuft of heminine, have been isolated from the dried
white silky hairs.13 stem of Hemidesmus indicus. The volatiles
obtained from roots of Hemidesmus indicus by
Cultivation steam distillation contained 2-hydroxy-4-
Sarsaparilla is a wild, flowering herb can methoxybenzaldehyde and ledol, which are
successfully be grown by home gardeners isolable in pure form, as the major
from root cuttings. This plant is found constituents. The GC–MS analysis of the
throughout India growing under mesophytic to residual oil showed the presence of nerolidol,
semi dry conditions in the plains and up to an borneol, linalyl acetate, dihydrocarvyl acetate,
altitude of 600 m. It is found in India, Sri salicylaldehyde, isocaryophyllene, a-terpinyl
Lanka, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh and acetate and 1,8-cineol that are important as
Moluccas Sarsaparilla species generally grow aromatic and bio-active principles19.
in tropical rainforests and in hot temperate
regions.14,15 Microbial limits of H.indicus
A lower level of yeasts and molds and a limit
Phytochemical constituents on total aerobes are considered appropriate in
Literature indicates the presence of plant material for topical use. The presence of
Alkaloids,steroids,terpenoids, flavonoids, aflatoxins detected by chemical means is
saponins, phenolic compounds, tannins and generally independent of the number of viable
lignins, inulins, cardiac glycosides, protein, molds that are detected using microbiological

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Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): (P) 397 - 404

methods. Aflatoxins in microgram quantity are radical scavenging activity in sodium

capable of giving serious hypersensitivity nitroprusside/Greiss reagent system and
reactions which can be extremely harmful to inhibition of lipid peroxidation induced by iron-
human health. ADP-ascorbate in liver homogenate and
phenyl hydrazine induced haemolysis in
Pharmacological Aspects erythrocyte membrane stabilization study. The
Antimicrobial activity extract was found to have different levels of
Gayathri & kannabiran reported aqueous root antioxidant properties in the models tested. In
extract of H.indicus along with barks of F. scavenging DPPH and superoxide radicals, its
bengalensis and P. marspium roxb showed activity was intense , while in scavenging NO
antimicrobial activity against radical, it was moderate. It also inhibited lipid
S.aureus,P.aeruginosa,k.pneumoniae20. peroxidation of liver homogenate and the
Screening of Antibacterial activity of H.indicus haemolysis induced by phenylhydrazine
methanolic and ethanolic root extract & confirming the membrane stabilization
vettivaria zizanoids were tested against five activity.24
human pathogenic organisms .agar well
diffusion method is done and H.indicus Natriuretic & Saliuretic activity
ethanolic root extract shows maximum zone of H.indicus root extracts as diuretic agents is
inhibition against E.coli and V.cholerae than proven by a study conducted by Navanet B
other extracts tested.hence exhibits significant Gadge .A single individual dose of aqueous
antibacterial activity.21 and ethanolic extract of H. indicus root (200
mg/kg and 400 mg/kg, p.o., each) were
Antienterobacterial activity compared with frusemide and
Hemidesmus indicus root extract shows hydrochlorothiazide, (25 mg/kg, p.o., each) as
potent antienterobacteria activity. It inhibits the reference diuretic drugs .these were
growth of enterobacteria and very effective administered orally to dehydrated rats. Control
against S. flexneri. 22 group rats were fed with normal saline (25
ml/kg, p.o.). All rats were caged in metabolic
Anti acne activity cages in a pair and their urine output was
Study was carried out in terpenoidal fraction of monitored at 5 and 24 hrs intervals. Both
H.indicus root .anti acne effect is tested extracts significantly increased the urine
against Propionibacterium output in higher doses. Although, the onset of
acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis which this diuretic action was gradual (within 5 hrs),
is responsible for acne vulgaris.Disc diffusion it lasted throughout the studied period (up to
& Broth dilution method is done, MIC,MBC 24 hrs). Further, the intensity of diuresis
values suggest the extract exhibited significant induced by aqueous extract (400 mg/kg) in 5 h
anti acne effect against these organism was almost similar to that of frusemide and
tested. hydrochlothiazide. Aqueous extract of H.
indicus root also caused marked increase in
Antioxidant activity urinary Na+ and K+ levels.25
The antioxidant activity of methanolic extract
of H. indicus root bark is evaluated in Anti nociceptive activity
several in vitro and ex vivo models. Oral administration of Hemidesmus indicus
Preliminary phytochemical analysis and TLC extract in mice revealed dose-dependent
fingerprint profile of the extract was antinociceptive effect in all the mice models
established to characterize the extract which for antinociception and it blocked both the
showed antioxidant properties .the in vitro neurogenic and inflammatory pain and the
and ex vivo antioxidant potential of root bark nociceptive activity was comparable with the
of H. indicus was evaluated for radical reference drug.26
scavenging activity by DPPH reduction,
superoxide radical scavenging activity in
riboflavin/light/NBT system, nitric oxide (NO)

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Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): (P) 397 - 404

Renoprotective activity Staining by Trypan blue dye exclusion method

Efficacy of Hemidesmus indicus root extract was followed.it shows The maximum reducing
evaluated against gentamycin induced power of the Berberis aristata and
hepatotoxicity in wister albino rats 5 g⁄kg Hemidesmus indicus extract at 680nm was
single dose, p.o. 90, last 6 days of treatment found to be 0.997 0.081 at 1000 g/ml and
reduced renal impairment, induced by GM in 0.956 0.067 at 1000 g/ml respectively. The
rats.27 inhibition percentage with regard to
cytotoxicity was found to be 89 % at 1000
Hepatoprotective activity µg/ml with IC50 value of 50+0.03 g/ml for
Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic root Berberis aristata DC and 87 % at 1000 µg/ml
extact of H.indicus was evaluated by R K with IC50 value of 48+0.02 g/ml for
Goyal in paracetomol and ccl4 induced acute Hemidesmus indicus respectively.hence the
liver toxicity in rats.rat model which received study proves the anti cancer activity of the
the extract showed rise in the level of extract32. The molecular basis of the
enzymes like SGOT,SGPT,ALP.but this was antileukemic effects of Hemidesmus and
less when compared to rat that received ccl4 identification of the mitochondrial pathways
or paracetomol alone.the results of the and [Ca2+] as crucial actors in its anticancer
methanolic extract of h.indicus were compared activity was carried out. Anti cancer activity of
with standard hepato toxic drug H.indicus is performed by variety of cellular
silymarin(100mg/kg) maximum assays and flow cytometry, as well as a
hepatoprotective effect is seen in 250mg/kg phytochemical screening on different leukemic
bodyweight in Ccl4 induced hepatic damage cell lines. study demonstrated
and 500mg/kg bodyweight in case of that Hemidesmus modulated many
paracetamol induced liver damage,the study components of intracellular signaling
concludes methanolic root extract of pathways involved in cell viability and
H.indicus showed higher level of hepato proliferation and altered the protein
protective activity.28 expression, eventually leading to tumor cell
death, mediated by a loss of mitochondrial
Wound healing activity transmembrane potential and increased
A clinical study was conducted in 30 patients Bax/Bcl-2 ratio. ADP, adenine nucleotide
of chronic wounds of either sex ,the patients translocator and mitochondrial permeability
were kept on observation.depending upon the transition pore inhibitors did not reverse
progress of epithelialization on complete cure Hemidesmus-induced mitochondrial
it was reported that H.indicus root extract as depolarization. Hemidesmus induced a
applied in paste form to wounds ,showed significant [Ca2+]I raise through the
wound healing activity.30 mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ stores.
Moreover, Hemidesmus significantly
Anti arthritic activity enhanced the antitumor activity of three
Hydroalcoholic extract and ethyl acetate commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs
fraction of Hemidesmus indicus showed (methotrexate, 6-thioguanine, cytarabine).
significantly higher anti-arthritic activity than clinically relevant observation is that its
chloroform and residual fraction. cytotoxic activity was also recorded in primary
Histopathological analysis demonstrated that cells from acute myeloid leukemic patients.33
both of hydroalcoholic extract and its ethyl
acetate fraction had comparable anti-arthritic Anti venom activity
activity with methotrexates.31 Lupeol acetate isolated from the root extract of
Indian sarsaparilla Hemidesmus indicus could
Cytotoxic activity significantly neutralize lethality, haemorrhage,
Study was done to evaluate the in vitro defibrinogenation, edema, PLA2 activity
cytotoxic activity in stems of Berberis aristata , induced by the Daboia russellii venom. It also
and rhizomes of Hemidesmus indicus on neutralized Naja kaouthia venom induced
MCF7 breast cancer cell lines. Viability lethality, cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity and

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Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): (P) 397 - 404

respiratory changes in experimental animals. CONCLUSION

The methanol root extracts of Hemidesmus
indicus and Pluchea indica were explored for
H.indicus belongs to the family
the first time for neutralization of the snake
Asclepiadaceae commonly known as indian
venom (Vipera russellii) activity. The H.
sarsaparilla. It is a treasure of tribal & forest
indicus and P. indica root extracts significantly
wealth. H.indicus has been
neutralized the viper venom-induced lethality
ethnopharmacologically used as a therapeutic
and haemorrhagic activity in albino rat and
agent for a variety of diseases, as reviewed in
mouse. Venom-induced coagulant and
this article. Moreover, numerous research
anticoagulant activity was also antagonized by
works have proven its uses beyond the
both the extracts. No precipitating bands were
ethnomedicinal uses in experimental animals.
observed between the plant extract and
Alkaloids and flavonoids, pregnane glycosides
polyvalent snake venom antiserum. Maximum
which were isolated from this plant may be
neutralization was achieved by H. indicus root
responsible for its pharmacological activities.
extract. These observations confirmed that
The birds eye point view to establish specific
certain Indian medicinal plants possess
bioactive molecules, which might be
significant snake venom neutralizing capacity
responsible for these actions. Therefore the
and need further examination for their active
cultivation, collection, and further
pharmacological exploration of H.indicus are
Anti inflammatory activity
A saponin from the plant is found to have anti
inflammatory activity against formalin induced

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