Constitution of India History, Evolution, Features, Timeline
Constitution of India History, Evolution, Features, Timeline
Constitution of India History, Evolution, Features, Timeline
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What is a Constitution?
A Constitution is central to the administration of the country and to the existence and functioning of a country as a politico-legal entity.
They are a set of rules and regulations for a state which set out the fundamental principles by which the state is governed.
It describes the main institution of the state (Executive, Legislature & Judiciary) and the relationship between these institutions. It places
limits on the exercise of power and set out the rights and duties of the citizens. 1/12
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They are the set of fundamental laws and Law is commonly understood as a system of rules that
guidelines that set down how a country should be Definition are created and enforced through social or
governed. It is the supreme law of the land. governmental institutions to regulate conduct.
The objective of the constitution is to establish a The objective of the law is to create a system of rules
governance framework based on some Objective that are upheld by social and governmental institutions
fundamental and established core values to regulate the conduct of society.
Purpose of Constitution
Rule of Law: Constitution establishes the doctrine of the Rule of Law at the place of the Rule of man. It is an important feature of a
democracy, as in a democracy the power lies with the people.
Doctrine of Limited Government: it ensures that there should be legal constraints on the powers of government authorities, especially
with respect to the rights of the people. It checks the arbitrary decisions of the authorities by providing the citizens with Fundamental
Rights and an Independent Judiciary for its protection.
Ensure Fundamental Rights to its Citizens: As Fundamental Rights provided to the citizens ensure rule of law by limiting the
arbitrary actions of the government. Hence, it provides political freedom to the citizens.
Doctrine of Separation of Power and Checks & Balance: It ensures the division of the functions of the three organs of the
constitution and each checks and balances the functioning of other organs.
Independent Judiciary: Any constitution that wants to safeguard its citizens’ rights must protect and ensure the independence of the
Constitution Types
The Constitution helps check the country’s legal, political and social functions in different ways. Below are the types of constitutions:
Type Details
Almost all constitutions are “codified”, meaning they are written down clearly in a specific document
Codified Constitution
called “the constitution”.
However, some countries, such as Israel, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, have “uncodified”
Uncodified Constitution
constitutions, which means they are unwritten.
Here, the constitution mentions government agencies’ legal and political structures and lays out the
Procedural Constitution
legal limits for government power to protect democratic processes and fundamental human rights.
Perspective It provides a collective vision of what might be considered a good society based on a homogeneous
Constitution community’s common values and aspirations. 2/12
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Constitution Features
There are some important features that are typically contained in the Constitution:
The company which until now was only engaged in trade gained Diwani rights (rights over revenue) of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. This
marked the rise of EIC as a territorial force. The company went on to administer India till 1858 when the British Crown directly assumed
control of India’s affairs in the wake of the ‘Revolt of 1857’. The British government went on to rule India till its independence on
August 15, 1947.
India’s independence necessitated a Constitution for the country. In 1946, the Constituent Assembly was formed to draft the
constitution. The Indian Constitution came into being on 26th January 1950. 3/12
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It was the first step by the British parliament to regulate and control the affairs of the East India Company. It laid the foundation of
centralised administration in India by making the Governors of Bombay and Madras presidencies subordinate to the Governor-General
of Bengal. For the first time ever, the political and administrative functions of the company in India were officially recognised.
It introduced the system of double government. A Board of Control was created for managing political affairs and the Court of directors
was entrusted with managing only the commercial affairs of the company. 4/12
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A separate Indian (Central) legislative council was constituted which included 6 members as legislative councillors. The Indian (Central)
Legislative Council was like a small Parliament (along the same lines as the British Parliament).
The Government of India Act intended to bring a completely responsible government to the British Indian provinces. Large-scale
elections were also conducted for the first time in all the provinces in 1937 as per the provisions of the Act. Many of the provisions and
the framework of the Indian constitution have been taken from this act, and hence, this act is also called the ‘Mini Constitution’.
Government of India Act 1919: It announced that in 10 years from 1919, a royal commission will be set up to report on the working of
the particular act, though the commission was appointed in 1928, even though it was to be appointed in 1929 as per the 1919 Act.
Indian Statutory Commission: Also came to known as Simon Commission’, was a group of seven Members of the British
Parliament under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon. The commission arrived in India in 1928 to study constitutional reform in Britain’s
largest and most important dominion. The purpose of this commission was to report on the working of the Indian established under the
Government of India Act 1919 and to decide the political future of India. 5/12
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Indians Response: The Indian National Congress along with the Muslim League boycotted the commission as a result of the protest
Lord Birkenhead, the Secretary of State of India challenged Indian leaders to draft a Constitution for India which was accepted by the
Indian leaders.
First Major Attempt: A committee was appointed with the task to draft Indian Constitution. The committee was under the leadership of
Motilal Nehru with Jawaharlal Nehru as Secretary, Ali Imam, Tej Bahadur Sapru, Mangal Singh, M S Aney, Subhas Chandra Bose,
Shuaib Qureshi and G R Pradhan where the other members. The draft of the constitution prepared by the committee was called the
Nehru Committee Report or Nehru Report. The report was submitted in the Lucknow session of the all-party conference on August
28, 1928. This was the first major attempt by Indians to draft a constitution for India.
Demand of Constituent Assembly: The seed for the formation of the constituent assembly was sown initially in 1934 by the Pioneer of
the Indian Communist Leader Mahendra Nath Roy (M.N Roy). Later, in 1935, the Indian National Congress (INC) officially
demanded the setting up of a for framing the Constitution of India.
British Response: In early 1940, the British responded to the above demand and proposed August Offer this proposal included the
establishment of an advisory war council, the inclusion of more Indians in administration, and recognized the right of Indians to frame
their own Constitution after the end of the Second World War. The offer was, rejected by both Congress Working Committee and the
Muslim League.
Cripps Mission: The Cripps Mission, headed by Sir Stafford Cripps, was sent in March 1942. It was entrusted with drafting a draft
proposal on the framing of an independent constitution after the end of World War II. However, it also failed in its objective.
Cabinet Mission: In 1946, the Cabinet Mission came to India with the aim to discuss the transfer of power from the British Government
to the Indian leadership, with the aim of preserving India’s unity and granting it independence.
It held discussions with representatives of British India and the Indian States to set up a Constituent body. And, also put forth a scheme
for the formation of the Constituent Assembly. Based on the recommendation the Constituent Assembly was formed on December 1946. 6/12
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The constituent assembly was constituted on November 1946 and the first meeting of the constituent assembly was held on December
1946. Under the chairmanship of Dr. BR Ambedkar, the constituent assembly established a drafting committee to come up with a draft
of the Constitution for India
It took around 11 sessions and 167 days, precisely 2 years 11 months and 18 days to prepare the final draft of the constitution with a
total of 2000 amendments (approx.)
So, there were 398 representatives from the entire country of which 296 were from the British Province and 93 were from the Princely
states. Although the Princely states dint took part in the constituent assembly which left 296 members from the British provinces in the
constituent assembly.
The drafting committee of the Constitution had seven members namely Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar, N. Gopalaswami, B.R. Ambedkar
(Chairman of the drafting committee.), K.M Munshi, Mohammad Saadulla, B.L. Mitter, D.P. Khaitan.
Note: B.L.Mitter resigned due to health issues and he was replaced by N Madhav Rau. D.P. Khaitan died in 1948 and got replaced by
TT Krishnamachari. 7/12
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A constitution is the rule book for a state. It sets out the fundamental principles by which the state is governed.
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