Narrative ET1L

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Series Circuit

I. Introduction
Make a short description of the activity (uses, importance, applications)

II. Objective
At the end of this activity, we should be able to:
1. Understand and Construct a Series Circuit: Learners will be able to
accurately assemble a simple series circuit on a breadboard, identifying the
correct placement of components such as resistors, LEDs, and power supply, and
ensuring continuity in the circuit
2. Analyze Voltage and Current in a Series Circuit: Learners will measure and
analyze voltage drops across individual components and current throughout the
circuit, verifying that the current remains constant while voltage divides among
the components as per Ohm's Law
3. Troubleshoot Common Issues in Series Circuits: Learners will develop
troubleshooting skills by identifying and resolving common issues such as loose
connections, incorrect component placement, or faulty components that can
affect the circuit's performance.

III. Components
 Name of components
a board used to connect electronic
components, such as wires, resistors,
capacitors, and coils, to conduct various
experiments and projects.

an electrochemical device (consisting of
one or more electrochemical cells) which
can be charged with an electric current and
discharged whenever required.
is a passive electrical component that resists or impedes the flow
of charges. The resistor's property to limit the amount of current
in an electric circuit or an electric component is known
as resistance.

A semiconductor device that emits
infrared or visible light when charged
with an electric current.


An electrical component that can

disconnect or connect the conducting
path in an electrical circuit, interrupting
the electric current or diverting it from
one conductor to another.

IV. Procedures
1. Connect the Breadboard on the power supply.
2. Connect the resistor(R1) on the bread board.
3. Connect the Switch(1) in the Resistor(R1).
4. Connect resistor(R2) within the same line of R1, connect the switch(2) on the
same line of R2.
5. Connect resistor(R3) within the same line of R1 and R2, connect the switch(3)
on the same line of R3
6. On the same line of R1, R2 and R3, connect the LED Lights.
V. Schematic Diagram

VI. Analysis
 If the line of Switch1, 2, and 3 is not connected with each other the LED will
only light up if you press switch1, 2 and 3 simultaneously.
 If the switch1, 2 and 3 is connected within the same line the LED will light up
even if you press each switch individually.
 The lower the resistance value the brighter the brighter the light of the LED.

Rubric (Activity)
Circuit functionality 50% (the circuit is correct)
Timeliness 20% (minus 5 pt every 1 day late)
Correctness of data 20% (based on report)
Question and answer 10% (correctness to answer the given question)

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