Nov 2
Nov 2
Nov 2
Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
A. Define the exponential function.
B. Differentiate exponential functions to exponential equations.
C. Demonstrate how to represent exponential function using table of values,
graphs, and equations.
represents real-life
situations using one-to-one
functions (M11GM-Id-1);
2. determines the inverse
of a one-to-one function
3. represents an inverse
function through its table
of values and graph
4. finds the domain and
range of an inverse
function (M11GM-Id-4);
5. solves problems
involving inverse functions
represent real – life
situations using rational
2. distinguishes rational
function, rational equation
and rational inequality
Prerequisite Skill:
A. Demonstrate how to represent exponential function using table of values,
graphs, and equations.
Prerequisites Assessment:
The teacher will give the students more examples on how to solve and
represent an exponential function through tables and graphs and explain it
more clearly to the students.
Questions to Answer:
1. What can you observe about the table and graph? Is it linear?
2. Does it curve slowly or rapidly? _________________________________
3. In order to slow down the growth, what can you do to the curve? In
real-life, what must be done to flatten the curve? _________________
Discussion Proper: The teacher will use powerpoint presentation and a white
board in discussing the following topics;
4.2 Representing Exponential Functions
RUA of a Student’s Learning: : At the end of the lesson the students will be
able to; define the exponential function (Understanding), differentiate
exponential functions to exponential equations (Remembering), demonstrate how
to represent exponential function using table of values, graphs, and equations
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