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Archdiocese of Lingayen Dagupan Catholic Schools


Urbiztondo, Pangasinan
Contact No’s. (075) 540-1712 / 0923- 086-2353
Urbiztondo Catholic School-ALDCS @ucsaldcs
S. Y. 2024-2025




Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
A. Define the exponential function.
B. Differentiate exponential functions to exponential equations.
C. Demonstrate how to represent exponential function using table of values,
graphs, and equations.

represents real-life
situations using one-to-one
functions (M11GM-Id-1);
2. determines the inverse
of a one-to-one function
3. represents an inverse
function through its table
of values and graph
4. finds the domain and
range of an inverse
function (M11GM-Id-4);
5. solves problems
involving inverse functions
represent real – life
situations using rational
2. distinguishes rational
function, rational equation
and rational inequality
Prerequisite Skill:
A. Demonstrate how to represent exponential function using table of values,
graphs, and equations.

Prerequisites Assessment:

Before we start this

module, let us check first
what you have learned
expressing fractions to
decimals and percent
and vice versa by
answering the
questions below.
Before we begin this lesson, let us check first your prior knowledge on this lesson.
After taking and checking this short test, take note of the items that you are not
able to answer correctly
Read and analyze each item carefully. Circle the letter that corresponds to your
answer for each statement.
1. In the function, f(x) = bx, x is called ________.
a. base c. exponent
b. coefficient d. intercept
2. Which of the following is NOT an application of exponential function?
a. bacterial growth c. monthly salary
b. compound interest d. population decline
3. Which of the following is an example of exponential function?
a. f(x) = x2 + 1 c. f(x) = 4x+3

b. f(x) = 2𝑥𝑥 d. f(x) = 3x2

4. The following are examples of exponential function except one.
a. f((x) = 5-2x c. f(x) = 33x
b. f(x) = 10x+3 d. f(x) = (x-2)-2
5. In exponential function, the function has the value of 1 when the exponent is
equal to _____.
a. 0 c. -1
b. 1 d. none of the choices
6. The function f(x) = 2x is an increasing function. The function f(x) = 2-x is
______ function.
a. increasing
b. decreasing
c. either increasing or decreasing
d. no conclusion can be made from the given
7. In the function f(x) = 2x, x < 0, the x-axis becomes the _______ of the graph.
a. intercept b. asymptote c. base d. slope
8. The domain of the function f(x) = 2x is the set of ________.
a. negative real numbers c. zero
b. positive real numbers d. set of real numbers
9. The range of the function f(x) = 2x is the set of ________.
a. negative real numbers c. zero
b. positive real numbers d. set of real numbers
10. The function f(x) = 4-x is the same as the function _______.

a. f((x) = �14�𝑥𝑥 c. f(x) = -4x

b. f(x) = �12�𝑥𝑥 d. f(x) = �14 �−𝑥𝑥

Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:
1. For Students with an Insufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge
and/or Skill(s):

The teacher will give the students more examples on how to solve and
represent an exponential function through tables and graphs and explain it
more clearly to the students.

2. For Students with a Fairly Sufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-

knowledge and/or Skill(s):
The teacher will give the students more examples on how to solve and
represent an exponential function through tables and graphs and let them
explain how they get it.

Introduction: Must include the following parts:

1. Time frame : 3 hours
2. RUA: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to; define the
exponential function (Understanding), differentiate exponential functions to
exponential equations (Remembering), demonstrate how to represent
exponential function using table of values, graphs, and equations (Applying).
3. The students will be going to define the exponential function, differentiate
exponential functions to exponential equations, demonstrate how to represent
exponential function using table of values, graphs, and equations.
4. Overview of the Lesson : In this lesson you are going to define the
exponential function, differentiate exponential functions to exponential
equations, demonstrate how to represent exponential function using table of
values, graphs, and equations.

Student’s Experiential Learning:

Chunk 1 : Activity 1: You Complete Me! (Drawing attention to meaning )

Construct a table of values that would represent the COVID-19

confirmed cases in the Philippines on the first 15 days of March starting on
5. You may do your research online, then plot the values that you get on a
plane. You may use paper and pencil or any applicable graphing apps such
as MS
Excel, GeoGebra, or Desmos. You may use the table below as your

Questions to Answer:
1. What can you observe about the table and graph? Is it linear?
2. Does it curve slowly or rapidly? _________________________________
3. In order to slow down the growth, what can you do to the curve? In
real-life, what must be done to flatten the curve? _________________

Chunk 2: Activity 2: Move Me! (Prompting connections to prior knowledge)

Materials Needed: pen/pencil, graphing paper/bond paper, MS Excel, Desmos,

1. In a bond paper/graphing paper, plot the following functions.
a. f(x) = 3x
b. f(x) = -2x^5
c. f(x) = 2x + 1
2. Create a table of values for question no.1 (altogether in one table) using the
following x-values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2.
3. Identify which among the functions are growth and decay.
Questions to Answer:
1. Relative to f(x) = 2x , what can you say about the movement of the curves?
2. Were you able to correctly identify which is an exponential growth and decay?
Explain how you did that.

Chunk 3: Activity 3: Find my Value! (Prompting for effortful thinking)

Discussion Proper: The teacher will use powerpoint presentation and a white
board in discussing the following topics;
4.2 Representing Exponential Functions

Activity 4:Your Turn! (Using Examples and non-examples)

1. Create your own or similar real-life situation where exponential function is

2. In a bond paper, present the problem from Field of application up to
Presentation as illustrated above.
3. You can use graphing paper, MS Excel, Desmos or any graphing app to graph
the function. You can also use calculators to solve the table of values.
4. Your grade will be according to these criteria: Clarity of Presentation 60%,
Organization and Accuracy, 30%, and Applicability to Current Situations, 10%
with a total of 100%.

RUA of a Student’s Learning: : At the end of the lesson the students will be
able to; define the exponential function (Understanding), differentiate
exponential functions to exponential equations (Remembering), demonstrate how
to represent exponential function using table of values, graphs, and equations

Post-lesson Remediation Activity:

Answer Me!
Read and analyze each item carefully. Circle the letter that corresponds to your
answer for each statement.
1. In the function, f(x) = 2x, 2 is called ________.
a. constant c. coefficient
b. variable power d. base
2. Which of the following is an application of exponential function?
a. monthly salary c. radioactive decay
b. shooting a cannon d. distance travelled
3. The following are examples of exponential function except one.
a. f(x) = 2-x c. f(x) = 52x
b. f(x) = 2x-3 d. f(x) = � 3
4. One of the properties of the base in the exponential function is that it cannot
be ___.
a. equal to1 b. greater than 0
c. greater than 0 but less than 1 d. greater than 1
5. In exponential function, when the exponent is equal to zero the function has
a value equal to _____.
a. 0 b. 1 c. -1 d. imaginary number
6. The function f(x) = 3-x is a decreasing function. The function f(x) = 3x is ______
a. increasing b. decreasing
c. either increasing or decreasing d. slanting
7. In the function f(x) = 4x, the x-axis becomes the asymptote of the graph at
a. x = 0 b. x > 0 c. x < 0 d. x = 1
8. The domain of the function f(x) = 2x-1 is the set of ________.
a. negative real numbers c. zero
b. positive real numbers d. real numbers

9. The range of the function f(x) = �12𝑥�

a. positive numbers b. zero
c. either increasing or decreasing d. slanting
10. The exponential function f(x) = �120
a. decay b. progress is the set of all numbers.
c. negative numbers d. all of the choices

Prepared by:


Checked by:


SHS Coordinator

Noted by:


SHS Principal

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