Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
•Blood vessels
•Heart Function:
•To transport
around the
Blood Vessels
• Carry blood away from heart to organs
• Carry blood under high blood pressure
• Thick muscular walls and round lumen
• Blood high in O2 and low in CO2 and H2O
• Large elastic arteries close to heart help intermittent flow from ventricles become
a continuous flow through the circulation
• Carry blood to heart from the organs
• Carry blood under low blood pressure
• Thin muscular walls and Oval lumen
• Blood low in O2 and high in CO2 and H2O
• In limbs, contain valves at reg. intervals and are sandwiched between muscle
groups to help blood travel against gravity.
Valves in Veins
• Connect arteries to veins
• Arterioles and capillaries cause
drop in pressure due to
overcoming the friction of
blood passing through them.
• Thin walls formed from a single
layer of epithelium cells
• Deliver protein-free plasma
filtrate high in O2 to cells and
collect CO2 and H2O
Major Blood
Vessels Aorta
Jugular Veins
Pulmonary Veins
Superior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Artery
Inferior Vena Cava
inferior ventricle
vena cava right ventricle
HRCS 3.2
vena cava
(transports blood
from rest of body)
The right atrium collects deoxygenated
blood and pumps it to the right ventricle
right atrium
The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated
blood to the lungs
right ventricle
The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated
blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
The septum separates the left and right
sides of the heart
The pulmonary veins carry oxygenated
blood from the lungs to the left atrium
The left atrium collects the oxygenated
blood and pumps it to the left ventricle
Left atrium
HRCS 3.2
Left ventricle
HRCS 3.2
Aortic arch
Atrio-ventricular valves prevent backflow
of blood into the atria when ventricles
Tricuspid valves
Bicuspid valve
(mitral valve)
The semi-lunar valves prevent backflow of
blood from the arteries into the ventricles
• The events
taking place
in the heart
during one
Control of the Cardiac Cycle
• Cardiac muscle can contract
on its own, without needing
nerve impulses.
Intrinsic control
During exercise temperature increases which
increases the speed of nerve impulses which in turn
increases heart rate.
Venous return increases heart rate which directly
increases End-Diastolic Volume (EDV) and therefore stroke
volume (Starlings Law).
Calculating The Length Of The Cardiac Cycle
• How long do all the events taking place in the heart
during one heartbeat take?
• Need to know the Heart rate (bpm) = 70 and the
number of seconds in a minute.
• 1 beat (or a cardiac cycle) = 60 / 70 = 0.8 seconds.
• The higher the heart rate, the shorter the cardiac
– This is only true until a limit is reached when the heart
would not have time to fill between successive cycles.
Systole – contraction
Diastole - relaxation
Composition of blood
Red Blood Cells
• Also known Erythrocytes
• Most common cell in the blood
• Structure:
– Have an elastic membrane
• Important to allow transport through small capillaries
– No nucleus
• Provides large surface area to be exposed to Oxygen
– Contain the chemical haemoglobin
• Gives the red colour
• Contains iron
• Carries the oxygen forming oxyhaemoglobin
• Can’t divide – limited lifespan of around 120 days
• Made in the bone marrow
White Blood Cells
• Also called Leukocytes
• Compared to erythrocytes:
– Large
– Have a nucleus
– Less of them
• Several types:
White Blood Cells - Granulocytes
• Most numerous of white cells
• Contain granules in cytoplasm
• Have lobed nucleus
• Can change shape to engulf foreign particles
and micro-organisms (Phagocytosis)
• Part of the immune system – fighting infection
• Made in the bone marrow
White Blood Cells - Lymphocytes
• Lymphocytes
– Round nucleus
– Clear cytoplasm
– Produce antibodies that attach to antigens on
microbes and toxins, neutralising them or
preventing microbes from multiplying.
– Part of the immune system – fighting infection.
– Made in lymphoid tissues
White Blood Cells - Monocytes
• Monocytes
– Larger than lymphocytes
– Large round nucleus
– Clear cytoplasm
– Phagocytosis
– Can move into tissues
– Made in bone marrow
• Also known as Thrombocytes
– Not true cells – fragments of cells
– Involved in blood clotting
• Straw-coloured
• Mainly water
• Carries dissolved substances
• E.g. nutrients and gases and plasma proteins.
• Plasma proteins are involved in clotting, transport,
defence and osmotic (water) regulation.
• Carries cells
Composition of blood
• Can you identify the different components of
the blood?
Functions of blood
Functions of the blood
• Oxygen is carried in the
red cells
• Carbon dioxide is carried
in the plasma
The Lungs
Functions of the blood
• digested foods are carried
in the plasma
A kidney
Functions of the blood
• Transports Hormones in
the plasma.
A Flame
Cardiac Output
Calculating Cardiac Output
• STROKE VOLUME (SV) - volume of blood ejected from
the heart when the ventricles contract (at rest = 70 cm3)
• HEART RATE (HR) – the number of (ventricle)
contractions in one minute (at rest = 70bpm)
• CARDIAC OUTPUT (Q) – volume of blood ejected from
the heart in one minute (at rest = 5Litres)
• Q = HR X SV
Calculating Cardiac Output
Measuring Stroke Volume
• Cardiac catheterization is where the cardiac
output can be directly measured with a
catheter in the heart. Stroke volume can then
be back calculated from this.
• Sometimes, the stroke volume can be
estimated with an echocardiogram
(ultrasound of the heart), but those
measurements are often inaccurate.
Case Study – Cheryl and Louis
1. Cheryl trains every day by doing cross country. She
has a stroke volume of 95cm3 and a resting heart
rate of 62bpm. Calculate her cardiac output.
2. Louis enjoys playing computer games. His stroke
volume is 72cm3 and his resting heart rate is 72bpm.
Calculate his cardiac output.
3. Explain the figures in light of their different
4. Explain how exercise benefits the cardiovascular
Blood Pressure
• The force blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels it is
• Measured using a sphygmomanometer (‘sphygmo’ –
pronounced sfigmo).
• Systolic bp – corresponds to ventricles contracting.
• Diastolic bp – corresponds to ventricles relaxed and filling.
• Written as systolic/diastolic
– e.g. 120/80 mm Hg
• BP is highest in blood vessels nearer the heart.
Blood Pressure
Normal Blood Pressure - Blood pressure reading
below 120/80 is considered normal.