Cofat SPC
Cofat SPC
Cofat SPC
Ce test est valable lorsque vous voulez vérifier est-ce la moyenne de votre processus est égale à la
valeur nominale ou non.
Ce test est utilisé lorsqu’on veut comparer les moyennes de deux machines, deux méthodes, deux
opérateurs, deux lignes, deux shifts, avant et après réparation, etc
ANOVA : Comparison of more
than two means.
Ce test est très utile pour rechercher la cause racine. Il suffit
de prendre en considération toutes les causes potentielles
dans notre feuille de relevé de données (ex : opérateur,
machine, méthode, set, shift, …etc). ensuite en choisissant
l’outil ANOVA, on déterminera quel est le facteur qui nous
cause une variabilité significative de notre output.
how SPC methods were used to improve quality and productivity in a copper plating operation at a
printed circuit board fabrication facility. This process was characterized by high levels of defects such
as brittle copper and copper voids and by long cycle time. The long cycle time was particularly
troublesome, as it had led to an extensive work backlog and was a major contributor to poor
conformance to the factory production schedule.
Management chose this process area for an initial implementation of SPC. The DMAIC
approach was used. An improvement team was formed, consisting of the plating tank operator, the
manufacturing engineer responsible for the process, and a quality engineer. All members of the team
had been exposed to DMAIC and the magnificent seven in a company-sponsored seminar. During the
define step, it was decided to concentrate on reducing the flow time through the process, as the
missed delivery targets were considered to be the most serious obstacle to improving productivity. The
team quickly determined (during the measure step) that excessive downtime on the controller that
regulated the copper concentration in the plating tank was a major factor in the excessive flow time;
controller downtime translated directly into lost production.
The items may have several quality characteristics that are examined
simultaneously by the inspector. If the item does not conform to standard
on one or more of these characteristics, it is classified as nonconforming.
The usual procedure is to select m preliminary samples, each of size n.
As a general rule, m should be at least 20 or 25.
At least 100 or more observations should be available
The following steps should be followed prior to data collection:
The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) was formed and consists
of representatives of the “big three” (Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler)
and the American Society for Quality Control (now the American Society
for Quality). One of their objectives was to standardize the reporting
requirements from suppliers and in general of their industry. The AIAG
recommends using the process capability indices Cp and Cpk when the
process is in control, with the process standard deviation estimated by