BMFU 3223 Proposal High1 - Aug2020

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(UVPL 2020)

This proposal is submitted in accordance with requirement of Universiti Teknikal

Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) of Integrated Design Project (BMFU3223) for Bachelor’s
Degree in Manufacturing Engineering with Honours (BMFG)

Prepared by:

Name Matric Number Signature

THIAN YU HAO B051710128

Prepared for:


28 FEBRUARY 2020

This proposal is submitted to Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering of Universiti

Teknikal Malaysia Melaka as a fulfilment of the requirement for Integrated Design
Project (BMFU 3223). This proposal suit with level in researching of engineering aspect
and complexity level. The proposal has been approved.

Approved by:

Supervisor Name: Madam Ruzy Haryati Binti Hambali


Date: 26 February 2020



1.1 Problem Scenario 1-3
1.2 Objective 3
1.3 Product Summary 3-4


2.1 Functionality 5
2.2 Component of the Product 6
2.3 Detail Drawings 7
2.3.1 Isometric Assemble View 7
2.3.2 Isometric Exploded View 8
2.3.3 Bill of Material (BOM) 9
2.3.4 Isometric Parts 10 Frame 10-11 Shaft 12 Wheelbarrow Wheel 13 Wheel Launcher 14 Railway 15 Battery 16 Storage 17 Control box 18 Volleyball 19


3.1 Gantt Chart 20
3.2 Process Planning 21
3.2.1 Product Development Process 22 Identify Customer Needs 22 Established Target Specification 23-24 Generate Product Concept 24-25 Select Product Concept 26-27 Test Product Concept 27-28 Set Final Specification 28-29 Plan Development Project 29-30

ii Economic Analysis 31-32


4.1 List of Material 33
4.2 Manufacturing Process 34
4.2.1 Cutting Process 34-35
4.2.2 Shaping Process 35
4.2.3 Joining Process 36
4.2.4 3D Printing Process 36-37




Table 2.1: Reflection of concept 6

Table 3.1: Example data of cost variable 31
Table 3.2: List of material 33
Table 3.3: Summary for manufacturing process 34


Figure 1.1: Volleyball sports 1

Figure 1.2: Training session of volleyball 3
Figure 2.1: Isometric Assemble View 7
Figure 2.2: Isometric Exploded View 8
Figure 2.3: Bill of Material 9
Figure 2.4: 3D Drawing of frame 10
Figure 2.5: Dimension of frame 10
Figure 2.6: Part list of frame 11
Figure 2.7: 3D Drawing of shaft 12
Figure 2.8: Dimension of shaft 12
Figure 2.9: 3D Drawing of wheelbarrow wheel 13
Figure 2.10: Dimension of wheelbarrow wheel 13
Figure 2.11: 3D Drawing of wheel launcher 14
Figure 2.12: Dimension of wheel launcher 14
Figure 2.13: 3D Drawing of railway 15
Figure 2.14: Dimension of railway 15
Figure 2.15: 3D Drawing of battery 16
Figure 2.16: Dimension of battery 16
Figure 2.17: 3D Drawing of ball storage 17
Figure 2.18: Dimension of storage 17
Figure 2.19: 3D Drawing of control box 18
Figure 2.20: Dimension of control box 18
Figure 2.21: 3D Drawing of volleyball 19
Figure 2.22: Dimension of volleyball 19
Figure 3.1: Gantt Chart 20
Figure 3.2: Flow chart of process flow planning 21
Figure 3.3: Process of Product Development 22
Figure 3.4: Process of Identify Customer Needs 22
Figure 3.5: The Seven Management and Planning Tools 23
Figure 3.6: Draft of QFD house 24
Figure 3.7: Process of Morphology Chart 25
Figure 3.8: Process of Screening and Scoring Concept 27
Figure 3.9: Process of Testing Product Concept 28
Figure 3.10: Process of set final specification 29
Figure 3.11: Factor of Material Selection 30
Figure 3.12: Material Selection Strategy 30
Figure 3.13: Saw machine 35
Figure 3.14: Bending machine 35
Figure 3.15: MIG welding machine 36
Figure 3.16: 3D printing machine 37


IDP – Integrated Design Project

UVPL – Ultimate Volleyball PRO Launcher
QFD – Quality Function Deployment
DFMA – Design for Manufacture and Assemble
DFA – Design for Assembly
DFM – Design for Manufacture
DFE – Design for Environment
FEA – Finite Element Analysis
CES – Cambridge Education System
HOQ – House of Quality
LCA – Life Cycle Analysis



(1) Manufacturing Cost 32

(2) Profit Margin 32
(3) Selling Price/unit 32
(4) Unit Contribution 32
(5) Break Even Analysis 32


1.1 Problem Scenario

Volleyball is one of the most widely played sports all over the world that is
enjoyed by both men and women. It is also among the played student sports as it
challenges the players both physically and mentally. Volleyball is a game played by two
teams, usually of six players on each side separated by a net as in Figure 1.1. A player on
one of the team begins use their hands to serving the ball from behind of the back
boundary line into receiving team on other side of the court trying to make the ball touch
the court within the opponents playing area before it can be returned. To prevent this a
player on the opposing team bats the ball up and toward a teammate before it touches the
court surface, that teammate may then volley it back across the net or bat it to a third
teammate who volleys it across the net. A team is allowed only three touches of the ball
before it must be returned over the net. An individual player is not allowed to touch the
ball twice consecutively. The ball can be played either by passing or releasing with a
volley. No player in any condition is allowed to touch the net. A team who reaches 25
points first with a difference of two points wins the set.

Figure 1.1: Volleyball sports

Based on the overview, there are two critical part during volleyball games is how
a server serve the ball to other side of team and how the team on other side receive the

ball without letting the ball hit the court. During training session, there may involve at
least one player to throw the ball from other side to train the player for more focussing on
how to reflect the serving ball. It will take a risk for the player and may course injury,
lack of energy for training, and affect skill development of player.

Based on the research that has been done, volleyball is a challenging, point-based
competitive team sport that labour-intensive both outdoors and indoors. Although
volleyball is a growing sport, there are a limited number of advanced athletes and coaches
available to train new players in the world. Since the game requires complex ball control
skills, it is important for volleyball players to have sufficient and thorough training. This
training can be a time and volleyball process. For example, during practice sessions, the
team members are trained by coaches who use their labour and manual training techniques
to generate a variety of ball motion to train players. Manual training might involve
throwing the ball by hand to athletes from affecting and drills. It is a difficult and defence
process because a volleyball coach’s arms will get tired after hitting 30 balls
consecutively. For three hours per day of training sessions, the coach may have to hit the
ball repeatedly up to 300 times approximately. In addition, the accuracy of human-
generated ball motion could not be control and this can affect the development of the
athlete’s throwing skills (S.Perumalsamy et al., 2014).

The main target on the studies is focussing on increase the sufficient skills for
volleyball player during training session. The player may cause injury if continue
practising with conventional techniques by manually launch the ball. Training using
manual skills cannot launch the ball with suitable height, consistent speed, hit the angle
position, but there is only increase the time taken during training and energy of player
will be loss. However, the aim for this project is to develop an inventory idea on
improving the ability of volleyball training with efficiently in order to serve and receive
the ball between the borderline of net.

Figure 1.2: Training session of volleyball

1.2 Objective

In order to solve these issues, the main aim of the project is to design and develop a
volleyball launcher mechanism with low in cost and lightweight material. The objective
of this project are:

1. To analyse the current problem in volleyball sport, training and customer

2. To design and develop the low cost UPVL 2020 mechanism training machine.
3. To analyse and validate the UVPL 2020.
4. To analyse and validate the time and injury in training session using UVPL 2020.

1.3 Scopes

The scope of this project involves gathering the data and using this data and other
research to develop and construct a new automated volleyball throwing mechanism to be
used for training athletes. Thus, this Ultimate Volleyball PRO Launcher (UVPL) has its
own limitation whereby the player needs to set the right angle, according to them
manually. This launcher is not automated by any programmable sensor that can detect
their height so the position of the player then becomes an integral part of the machine’s
efficiency and stability.

There are also several function limitations for this launcher such as the control
box itself doesn’t have a full-function remote control with LCD digital display that can
be controlled from a certain distance. But the player can adjust on the machine itself since
it has intelligent placement programming, whereby it can set the speed, the time and it
can be set to release the ball from a realistic height.

Furthermore, the storage for the ball only can fit around 10 balls. Where the player
needs to feed the ball by hand into the storage since it is not an automatic feeding. But
this machine is an automatic lifting, once there's a ball inside the storage, the ball will
automatically lift into the railway and passed through the wheel launcher.

Lastly, in terms of fabricated this launcher, it needs several equipment and tools
to be used since all the parts will be using different materials. For the frame, the material
to be used must good in tensile strength. Low carbon steel is ideal for application in which
the product needs a good performance for the high load to withstand. The frame also
should be lightweight in order to make it easy to move. While the storage and the railway
are made from aluminium since it resists corrosion because this machine will be used not
only indoor but also outdoor.


2.1 Functionality

Thousands of college, high school, club, and international men’s teams rely on the
machine to deliver thousands of reps in the daily practice of jump serve receiving, and
spiking. An Ultimate Volleyball PRO Launcher (UVPL) was designed to meet these
conditions. Designed for serious players and individual practice at home as well as
competitive club or school youth teams. To design a ball throwing mechanism capable
of being used for volleyball training required the technical critical specifications. This
product is for the ball to be able to launch at a suitable height for spiker with a different
height so it will not affect the development of athlete or players throwing skills. The speed
is the primary variable used by volleyball players to vary their spikes, and the machine
allows to vary speed so that it will create a consistent speed every time the ball is launch.
Next was the need to change the ball and continuously launch ball several times is
important. This PRO launcher allows to instantly throw the ball within a specific time.
The ball feeder will vary the individual drop rate of balls by set time intervals. In addition,
the mechanism of the angle of the shooting head can be adjusted. Changing the launching
angle is important because of the different volleyball movements and this launcher will
maintain the stability and easy access. It will provide accurate and consistent soft sets
with no spin at any angle and height. It also means you can instantly throw the ball to any
point on the court, creating game situations and challenging players to perform in
progressively more difficult circumstances. Besides that, this launcher also can minimize
the energy of the player to launch the ball manually. Manual training might involve
throwing the ball by hand to athletes for spikes and required more energy. Other than that,
this product contains storage such as a basket to hold a capacity of balls, and to allow the
balls to drop into the ball feeder one at a time, so it will reduce time during volleyball

2.2 Component of the Product

Table 2.1 shows the selected sub function that choose based on their performance
and fulfil the requirement needs for UVPL.

Table 2.1: Reflection of concept


This scooter DC motor is special design

DC Motor for produce high torque up to 450W and
high speed up to 24V.

The required battery for the product high

reserve capacity for high duty. The
nominal voltage of the battery is 12V and
fulfil the voltage of DC motor.

This DC motor speed controller comes

DC Motor
with a screen which is can display a
percentage of the speed. This is design for
24V and up to 450W.

The reason for the low carbon steel has

been selected is the characteristic of low
carbon steel itself which is light weight
and cheap price.

This basket has been selected because the

round shape is suitable to store in this
Feeder / storage
design to minimize the motion of each of
the object.
The inclined movement is a suitable
Ball Track Inclined motion for the round shape and its flow by
follow the gravity.

This plastic wheel caster has brake

Wheel Caster function to stable of fix the motion. It also
easily to move from one point to another.

2.3 Detail Drawings

2.3.1 Isometric Assemble View

Figure 2.1: Isometric Assemble View

2.3.2 Isometric Exploded View

Figure 2.2: Isometric Exploded View

2.3.3 Bill of Material (BOM)

Figure 2.3: Bill of Material

2.3.4 Isometric Parts Frame

The frame is made from low carbon steel and it is the important part the design. Frame
provides support for every component for UVPL design. The low carbon steel that will
used is square 40 x 40 x 2 (mm) hollow tube and flat 20 x 4 (mm) steel bar.

Figure 2.4: 3D Drawing of frame

Figure 2.5: Dimension of frame

Figure 2.6: Part list of frame

11 Shaft

Shaft is the part where it is connected to the wheel. The shaft transfers the moving force
to the wheel hence moving UVPL forward.

Figure 2.7: 3D Drawing of shaft

Figure 2.8: Dimension of shaft

12 Wheelbarrow Wheel

The wheel is connected to the shaft. It is use to that move UVPL to desired location.

Figure 2.9: 3D Drawing of wheelbarrow wheel

Figure 2.10: Dimension of wheelbarrow wheel

13 Wheel Launcher

In order to transfer the rotational force generated by the dc motor to the volleyball. The
rotational force then launches the volleyball.

Figure 2.11: 3D Drawing of wheel launcher

Figure 2.12: Dimension of wheel launcher

14 Railway

The path that the volleyball will move from the storage towards the wheel launcher.

Figure 2.13: 3D Drawing of railway

Figure 2.14: Dimension of railway

15 Battery

The power supply of UVPL. Power up the DC motor by supplying DC voltage.

Figure 2.15: 3D Drawing of battery

Figure 2.16: Dimension of battery

16 Storage

The storage that store volleyball, it does not have to be refilled every time the UVPL
launcher a volleyball. It is connected to the railway.

Figure 2.17: 3D Drawing of ball storage

Figure 2.18: Dimension of storage

17 Control box

The control box that store the DC motor speed controller. The DC motor speed can be
adjusted through this controller.

Figure 2.19: 3D Drawing of control box

Figure 2.20: Dimension of control box

18 Volleyball

Figure 2.21: 3D Drawing of volleyball

Figure 2.22: Dimension of volleyball



IDP briefing by coordinator

Discussion with supervisor

Mid-Term break
Update logbook
3.1 Gantt Chart

Group discussion

Proposal writing

Submission of IDP proposal

Material purchasing and

planning works

Development works on the


Figure 3.1: Gantt Chart

Development works on the
prototype and product analysis
Prototype testing and product

Preparation of technical report

Preparation of poster

Oral presentation and prototype

IDP exhibition
Submission of final report and

log book
3.2 Process Flow Planning

Figure 3.2: Flow chart of process flow planning

3.2.1 Product Development Process

Figure 3.3 shows the process of product development and each components discussed in
following sub-sections.

Figure 3.3: Process of Product Development Identify Customer Needs

Identify customer needs are so meaningful during product development process

since this is the first step to find out what customer prefer and needs for future product
based on facts from user. By referring Figure 3.4, first step to determine customer needs
is gather raw data from customer such as interview, questionaire and observation. Next
step is interpreting raw data or survey analysis that refers to the process of analysing result
from customer surveys. It can be analyse using statistically method such as bar chart and
pie chart to determine the critical customer needs. From voice of customer, there are
deeper understanding of customer requirements, which in turn, will achieve a great
solution for the problem.

Figure 3.4: Process of Identify Customer Needs

22 Established Target Specification

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is method that putting customer needs that
is inspired by survey throughout the entire product development process. QFD can be
develop in structured method of house that uses the Seven Management and Planning
Tools as Figure 3.5 to identify and prioritize customer’s expectation quickly and
effectively. This method will define the requirements and constraints on the product being
designed in terms of minimize, maximize or target. The weightage of the requirements is
counted as results. By reflecting customer needs, analyse the competitive product that
technically and economically realizable. Then, the target or limit value will be counted.
A great preparation of QFD house will increase the chance of product to be successful.

Figure 3.5: The Seven Management and Planning Tools

Figure 3.6 showed the common draft of QFD house that generate through six basic
steps. The first thing is start to list the customer needs for the UVPL. Then, continue with
generating the engineering specification throughout customer requirements. Both of those
characteristics from customer needs and customer requirements have each consideration
that need to fulfils and identify using QFD. The third step is measure the interrelationship
according the customer needs and the technical requirements for UVPL. Rate each of the
factors on scale 9 (strong relationship), 3 (moderate relationship), and 1 (weak
relationship). Calculate a percentage of the importance of each factor relative to the rest.
This percentage may be calculated by adding all the ratings and dividing the individual

rating of each of the factors with this total to calculate the individual percentage and the
engineering parameter can be determined.

Step number five is need to consider and compare the UVPL with product that
existing in the market to determine the benchmark on how well the competitor meet
customer needs. Next, move to the top of the house for measure technical correlation that
used for correlate between functional requirements and technical requirements. The first
row is called up or down. In this column describe whether a following parameter is better
with a symbol of ‘+’ (high value) or ‘-’ (low value). Sum up all of the percentages for
each column of the engineering parameters and write the sum at the bottom of the table.
This is the total importance of each individual engineering parameter. Then, calculate the
normalized percentage of importance using these values. Add them up and then divide
each individual importance value with the total to get the percentages. This will help to
decide the target which parameters need to focus on in order to fulfils customer’s

Figure 3.6: Draft of QFD house Generate Product Concept

The good design concepts and design routes still need to showcase through the
best design expression. Without effective design expression, conceptual design of fashion
product will become a pile of waste paper. (Yue Hu and, Ying Liu, 2017). In this section
will discuss the process of generating concept for the UVPL. The method that been used
is morphology chart for determine the best concept among several option to choose the
best design. According to the article written by (J. Maultrie, 2016), a morphological chart
is a table based on the function analysis which will be applied to this project. Usually,
functions of the product are taken as a starting point. The various functions and sub
functions of a product can be established through a function analysis. However, function
analysis does not guarantee that all the relevant sub functions are identified. Often a
number of solutions to these sub functions are already known, while others are thought
up by individual. These solutions will form the components in the morphological chart.
The morphological method thus yields a matrix of functions and components.

The starting point of a morphological chart is a well-defined design problem. A

function analysis of the product that needs to be designed forms another starting point:
the product should be described in terms of function and sub functions. The expected
outcome of the morphological method is a number of principal solutions that consist the
components for the initial design problem. Figure 3.7 showed, the method begins with
identify the problem to be solved and must be formulated as accurately as possible. Next,
identify the possible parameters which might occur in the solution. Move to construct a
table of morphological chart, with parameters as in the columns. Then, apply the
evaluation strategies to limit the number of principal solutions. The analysis of the
evaluation for all solutions need to be carefully decided with regard to the criteria, and
choose a limited number of principal solutions. Lastly, the principal solutions selected
can be developed in detail in the remaining part of the design process.

Figure 3.7: Process of Morphology Chart

25 Select Product Concept

In order to select the best solution for the idea generation is need to select product
concept using screening and scoring method concept. Four new concept designs of the
component were produced at the end of the development process and the best concept
design was selected based on the product design specifications. (Azammi et al., 2018).
Screening concept is used to eliminate ideas that are not worth pursuing. The team makes
a go/no-go decisions using simple criteria. The screening process may lead to new ideas
or ways to combine ideas. The process can be repeated, but it makes sense to use
screening early in the design process when there are several, high-level ideas. As the ideas
become more detailed, other techniques are more beneficial. After specific design
concepts have been evolved, concept scoring is used to establish a qualitative hierarchy
of design options. The concepts are scored numerically using simple scales relative to a

The outcome is a smaller number of design concepts that the group decides to
pursue. The scoring exercise may generate additional ideas for new design concepts or
for ways to combine design concepts. The team may decide that future research is
necessary. Any additional research should be focus on answering specific questions.
Failure to obtain clarity should not set the team back to open-ended searches. To do so
implies that the team did not learn much in the scoring process.

Figure 3.8 shows the step begins by creating a set of criteria to evaluate the
concepts. Next, identify the benchmark design throughout several option. Then, use a
simple scale of ‘+’ (better than reference), ‘0’ (same as reference), and ‘-’ (worse than
reference). Work across the criteria, not across the concepts. For example, suppose that
cost and weight are two criteria. Rate all of the design concepts first by cost, and then by
weight. Lastly, sum all the mark and rank the scores then choose the highest score to
proceed the design development.

Figure 3.8: Process of Screening and Scoring Concept Test Product Concept

Figure 3.9 shows, in order to test the performance of the selected conceptual
design, the product concept has been design using Autodesk Inventor software. Autodesk
Inventor is a 3D mechanical solid modelling design software developed by Autodesk to
create 3D digital prototypes. It is use for 3D mechanical design, design communication,
tooling creation, and product simulation. This software enables users to produce accurate
3D models to aid in designing, visualizing and simulating products.

Next, the design is carry out to apply the Boothyord-Dewhurst in Design for
Manufacture and Assemble (DFMA) has developed the systematic system that used for
ease of assembly and manufacturing the product. By using the Boothroyrd-Dewhurst
table, the estimated handling time and estimated assembly time of the parts are obtain and
recorded. By referring decision matrix, the product can be decide whether to proceed of
redesign. Then, apply analysis of Design for Environment (DFE) by using online
application in in purpose to generate various environmental impact
parameter towards environment, human health, safety and life cycle of products. Based
on the article (Telenko, Cassandra & O'Rourke, Julia & Seepersad, Carolyn & Webber,
Michael, 2016) Design for Environment (DFE) is the study and practice of tools, methods,
and principles to help designers reduce environmental impact. The result of DFE

indicated that the design possess minimal environmental impact compared to existing

There are three types of engineering analysis that will be developed in this design.
Firstly, analyse the suitable material that could give a good performance using CES
EduPack software. Consider four main step using material selection strategy which is
translation the constraint of product, screening and eliminate the material that do not give
a good performance, ranking the material opposes to their performance and
documentation research for the material properties. Next, analyse the possibility of the
product has an ergonomic value. It can be calculate using RULA Assessment Worksheet
and can be measure the ergonomic performance of product. Lastly, generating using
Autodesk Inventor in order to perform Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

Figure 3.9: Process of Testing Product Concept Set Final Specification

In order to set final specification of UVPL as in Figure 3.10, there are four main
steps required. It started with development of technical model of the product by determine
the technical feasibility of the product whether the concept do-able using current
technology available. Next, develop cost model of the product, which the goal is to
determine whether product can be produce at the target cost. The target specifications are
a result of interpreting customer needs, final specifications, including generating technical
and cost models are iterative processes followed while in the concept generation, concept

selection stages of the development process. The third step is refine the specifications,
making trade-offs where necessary by using technical and cost models to develop final
specifications. Finally, flown down the specification as appropriate as overall
specification of the complex product.

Figure 3.10: Process of set final specification Plan Development Project

This chapter will discuss the plan development for UVPL. Material selection is
one of the foremost functions of effective engineering design as it determines the
reliability of the design in terms of industrial and economic aspects. A great design may
fail to be a profitable product if unable to find the most appropriate material combinations.
It is vital to know what the best materials for a particular design are. In this aspect,
engineers use several facts of materials to come to the most reasonable decision. They are
mainly concentrated on the properties of the materials, which are identified as the
potential materials for that specific design.

In order to select the material, four factor need to be considered as shown in Figure
3.11. First is material properties to predict the reliability of both of these requirements,
the materials must be able to withstand a certain load. Next, manufacturing consideration,
if this selection criterion is neglected the manufacturing process might be very costly
making it unprofitable as a commercial product. The selected material must able to be
machined with a minimum cost. The third factor is cost analysis, there are two factors
namely the cost of material and the cost processing the material into finished goods. It is

likely that the cost of material might be low but the processing may involve costly
machining operations. Lastly, environmental issues of a manufacturing process also
depend on the selection of the material and design of a product. This is because the
manufacturing of a product is directly connected to the amount of carbon emitted in
consuming the electrical energy for that manufacturing process.

Figure 3.11: Factor of Material Selection

Material selection develops using CES EduPack software. This software allows
to identify the materials families that best meet its requirements. There are comprehensive
information resource and through the use of its materials selection, Eco Audit, and other
modelling tools to solve materials related problems during the plan development. The
strategy for material selection involves four main steps as shown in Figure 3.12. Firstly,
translate the design requirements as expressed function, constraints, objective, and free
variables. Next step is screen using constraints to eliminate material that cannot perform
the job. Third step is rank using objective to find the screen materials that do the best job.
Lastly, seek a documentation by research the family history of top ranked of the

Figure 3.12: Material Selection Strategy

30 Economic Analysis

Cost estimation is conduct to have the cost for the product produce, Costs can be
simply defined as the money or resources associated with a purchase / business
transaction or any other activity. Different industries adopt different methods of
ascertaining costs of their products depending on the nature of the production and the type
of output. Cost sheet is the statement that shows various components of total cost of a
product. It indicates per unit cost in addition to total cost. Cost sheet is prepared on the
basis of historical cost and estimated cost. There are several term associated that applied
to obtain the cost sheet for the product

Firstly, is variable cost. Variable cost changes proportionately to the level of

output. For manufacturers, the key variable cost is the cost of materials. For this product,
as shown in the Table 3.1, the price of the material and hardware that the product will use
is determined based on the survey that have been done to the supplier in the market. This
price has been taken from the several supplier and have been compare and the average of
the cost is take to calculate the variable cost.

Table 3.1: Example data of cost variable

No Raw Materials Quantity Cost (RM)
Total Fixed Costs

After having the variable cost, the fixed cost will be obtain. Fixed costs are those
costs that do not vary with respect to changes in output and would accrue even if no output
were produced. Example fixed cost is rent, interest payments, property taxes and
employee salaries. However, fixed costs are restricted to specific period, since over the
long run fixed costs can vary. For example, a manufacturer may decide to expand capacity

in tandem to the increase in demand for its product, requiring a higher level of expenditure
on plant and equipment.

By having the variable cost and fixed cost. The manufacturing cost can be obtain
by applying the formula. Before that, the unit produce per month need to be assume first.
The manufacturing cost formula is in equation (1):

Total Variable Cost + Total Fixed Cost

Manufacturing costs = (1)
Assumption unit

Then the profit margin can be calculate. This margin compares revenue to variable
costs. It tells you how much profit each product creates without fixed costs. Variable costs
are any costs incurred during a process that can vary with production rates. By assume to
have 15% of margin, it will calculate by using formula in equation (2):

Profit margin 15% = Cost per unit x Margin percentage (2)

The selling price per unit is calculated by using formula in equation (3) and then
the unit contribution can be achieve. Unit contribution margin is the remainder after all
variable costs associated with a unit of sale are subtracted from the associated revenues
as in equation (4). It is useful for establishing the minimum price at which to sell a unit.

Selling Price / unit = Cost per unit + Profit Margin (3)

Unit contribution = Selling price – Variable cost (4)

Break Even Analysis= (Fixed cost)/(Unit contribution) (5)

Lastly, to complete this cost analysis, the breakeven analysis is applied to the
product as in equation (5). A break-even analysis is a financial tool, which helps you to
determine at what stage your company, or a new service or a product, will be profitable.
In other words, it is a financial calculation for determining the number of products or
services a company should sell to cover its costs. The breakeven analysis is obtain from
the formula as shown above.


4.1 List of Material

Table 3.2 shows the list of material that will be used for the project of UVPL. The
product was selected by using CES EduPack Software according translating from design
requirement for each parts of UVPL.

Table 3.2: List of material

No Raw Materials Quantity

1 4m

Low Carbon Steel 50 x 50 x 3mm

2 2.5m

Stainless steel 304 rod

3 2.5m

Stainless steel 304 plate

4 4 pcs

High Impact Polystyrene

4.2 Manufacturing Process
This topic will explain some process that are planned to obtain the final product. The
process that we plan to use the product is cutting, shaping, 3D printing and joining
process. The table below show the relationship between the part of the product and the
process required in this project.

Table 3.3: Summary for manufacturing process

Parts Process

Body (Frame) Cutting

Body (Frame)
Railway Joining
Body (Frame) Finishing


Control Box Additive Manufacturing

4.2.1 Cutting Process

Cutting process is a process to have the material in the dimension that required.
The conventional saw machine will use to cut the material. Typically, the material to be
cut is securely clamped or held in a vise, and the saw is advanced slowly across it. In
variants such as the table saw, the saw is fixed and the material to be cut is slowly moved
into the saw blade. As each tooth in the blade strikes the material, it makes a small chip.
The teeth guide the chip out of the work piece, preventing it from binding the blade. In
this project, this is the main process since the material is in metal family and the size is
not too thick and its suitable to cut the material. This cutting process will be by using
conventional saw machine monitor by the technician. Before the cutting process, the
material should be clean to avoid the cutting tool slip and to have a good surface finish.

Figure 3.13: Saw machine

4.2.2 Shaping Process

This process is the process to having a nice half circle and smooth angle product.
Since the product design of railway and basket is need to be shape to a half circle, the
steel rod and steel plate need to be roll by roller to shape the material. Rolling bending
process to form the curve shape for the hollow rod as the rod is curve. This process
induces a curve into bar or plate work pieces. There should be proper pre-punching
allowance to shape the material to the desired curved.

Figure 3.14: Bending machine

4.2.3 Joining Process

Process of assemble the part of frame, railway, railway and, basket is by using
joining process. In this process, welding have been choose to join the part. Welding is a
fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by
using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool causing fusion.
Welding is distinct from lower temperature metal-joining techniques such as brazing and
soldering, which do not melt the base metal.

In addition to melting the base metal, a filler material is typically added to the
joint to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools to form a joint that,
based on weld configuration (butt, full penetration, fillet, etc.), can be stronger than the
base material (parent metal). Pressure may also be used in conjunction with heat, or by
itself, to produce a weld. Welding also requires a form of shield to protect the filler metals
or melted metals from being contaminated or oxidized. The welding type that will be used
is Metal Inert Gases Welding (MIG). This welding type is chosen because the thickness
of the material is thin and this weld is suitable to thin material.

Figure 3.15: MIG welding machine

4.2.4 3D Printing Process

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional

solid objects from a digital file. This process will be use to fabrication a control box. The
creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process
an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is

created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the
eventual object. 3D printing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing which is cutting
out / hollowing out a piece of metal or plastic with for instance a milling machine. 3D
printing enables to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional
manufacturing methods.

Figure 3.16: 3D printing machine


In overall, the mechanism ultimately suited the volleyball player’s needs. The
volleyball throwing mechanism as designed will generate the serving and train the
players. The idea that has proposed is the solution to overcome the problem occured. As
an inventor, the product that will be produced should be more helpful and minimize the
problem during volleyball training to prove that time taken during training by manually
is higher than using smart machine.

Currently, there is no automated training device for coaching and helping

volleyball players to improve their skills commercially available on the market of this
country. This study aims to provide a new educational and training platform for youth
and professional volleyball players to perform repeatable drills and a range of movements
to improve their ball control skills.

The specification and requirements of the product are highly required in industries
compared to other ideas. Ultimate Volleyball PRO Launcher is capable of providing a
significant impact to the user. It is because the machine is specially designed to help
volleyball player to increase their potential to spike the ball with a suitable angle and
speed that will be adjusted or set that depends on player requirement. Thus, the user will
have no difficulties in using the machine during the training sessions. The team has come
to the conclusion that it is best for both the short and long term that work on improving
the material of the launcher system.


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