Crochet Toolkit Designer Tips and Tricks

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Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


• Used in video for swatches: Lion Brand Wool-Ease (80% acrylic/ 20%
wool; 3oz/85g; 197 yd/180m): #107 Blue Heather
• H/8 (5mm) crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
• Cable needle
• Yarn snips
• Tailor’s tape (cloth measuring tape)
• Yarn needle

• Designer Crochet: 32 Patterns to Elevate Your Style by Shannon
Mullett-Bowlsby (Lark Crafts, 2015).
• Crochet Geometry: Geometric Patterns to Fit and Flatter by
Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby (Lark Crafts, March 2016).


These skills and techniques are helpful when building your crochet
skill toolkit and are covered quickly in this class. I’ve added the written
instructions here as a handy reference.
Knotless Starting Chain
1. Pass the tail of the yarn from back to front over your hook crossing
the tail in front of your working yarn (the yarn coming from ball or
skein). Firmly hold crossing point where tail and working yarn cross.
2. Yarn over and draw up a loop being careful to maintain firm hold on
crossing point.
3. Chain 1 for first st.
4. Insert hook back into the Knotless Starting Chain so the crossing
point is on the top of the hook.
5. Make stitches as indicated in pattern.
6. Close loop by firmly grasping starting tail with one hand while
holding work with other hand.
7. Gently pull tail until loop from Knotless Starting Chain disappears
into the row, being careful to match tension of neighboring loops.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Foundation Crochet Stitches FOUNDATION DOUBLE CROCHET (FDC): Ch 2, insert hook in 2nd
FOUNDATION SLIP STITCH (FSLST): Ch 2, insert hook in 2nd ch ch from hook, yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through
from hook, yo and draw up a loop (first "chain" made) (2 loops 1 loop (first "chain" made), yo and draw through 2 loops on
on hook), yo and draw through 2 loops on hook (first Fslst hook, ch 2 (first-foundation dc made), *yo, insert hook un-
made), *insert hook under 2 loops of "chain" just made, yo der 2 loops of the "chain" just made, yo and draw up a loop,
and draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), yo and draw through 2 yo and draw through 1 loop ("chain" made), (yo and draw
loops on hook (Fslst made); repeat from * for indicated num- through 2 loops on hook) twice (dc made); repeat from * for
ber of foundation stitches. indicated number of foundation stitches.


from hook, yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 1 loop Images in class reprinted with permission from Designer
(first "chain" made), yo and draw through 2 loops on hook (first Crochet © 2015 by Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby, Lark Crafts,
Fsc made), *insert hook under 2 loops of the "chain" just made, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Photography and
yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 1 loop ("chain" illustrations by Jason Mullett-Bowlsby © 2015 by Sterling
made), yo and draw through 2 loops on hook (Fsc made); re- Publishing.
peat from * for indicated number of foundation stitches. Images in class reprinted with permission from Crochet
Geometry © 2016 by Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby, Lark Crafts,
an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Photography and
in 3rd ch from hook, yo, pull loop through, yo, pull through 1
illustrations by Jason Mullett-Bowlsby © 2016 by Sterling
loop on hook (first "chain" made), yo, pull through all 3 loops on
hook (first Fhdc made), * yo, insert hook under 2 loops of "chain"
just made, yo, pull loop through (ch 1), yo, pull through 1 loop on
hook, yo, pull through all 3 loops on hook (Fhdc made); repeat
from * for indicated number of foundation stitches.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Stitch Guide Stitch Guide
FOUNDATION SINGLE CROCHET (FSC): Ch 2, insert hook in 2nd ch FOUNDATION DOUBLE CROCHET (FDC): Ch 2, insert hook in 2nd
from hook, yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 1 loop ch from hook, yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through
(first "chain" made), yo and draw through 2 loops on hook (first 1 loop (first "chain" made), yo and draw through 2 loops on
Fsc made), *insert hook under 2 loops of the "chain" just made, hook, ch 2 (first-foundation dc made), *yo, insert hook un-
yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 1 loop ("chain" der 2 loops of the "chain" just made, yo and draw up a loop,
made), yo and draw through 2 loops on hook (Fsc made); re- yo and draw through 1 loop ("chain" made), (yo and draw
peat from * for indicated number of foundation stitches. through 2 loops on hook) twice (dc made); repeat from * for
indicated number of foundation stitches.
FIRST DOUBLE CROCHET (FIRST-DC): Sc in first st, ch 2.
FIRST DOUBLE CROCHET (FIRST-DC): Sc in first st, ch 2.
Note: Use this stitch whenever the first stitch of a row is a dc.
Note: Use this stitch whenever the first stitch of a row is a dc.
End Cap Finishing Stitch
Work last stitch of row and cut yarn leaving about a 6-10"/15-
25cm tail.
1. Draw last loop still on hook all the way through last stitch Color Change at End of Row
made until tail passes through stitch. Thread tail through Work to last stitch of row, work last stitch of row up to last
yarn needle. "yo and draw through," yo with new yarn and draw through
remaining loops. Hold both previous and new yarn tails snug
2. Insert hook from front to back under two side loops at to adjust tension of last stitch of previous color and first stitch
bottom of last stitch made. of new color. Continue with next row in new color.
3. Gently pull yarn snug to match tension of other stitches.
Carrying Yarn Up the Side of Your Work Practice Swatch
4. Insert needle into center of stitch where tail originally With Color A
came from (last stitch made).
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fdc, turn.
5. Gently pull yarn snug to create a tidy corner being
ROW 1: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of
careful to match tension of last stitch made.
row, turn.
6. Weave in remaining tail.
With Color B
ROWS 2-3: Repeat Row 1.
Chart-Reading Practice Swatch Written Pattern
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 21 Fsc, turn. With Color A
ROWS 4-5: Ch 1, hdc in first st and in each st to end of row, turn.
ROW 1: Work first-dc, *ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st; repeat
from * to end of row, turn – 1 first-dc, 10 dc, 10 ch-1 sps. With Color B
ROWS 6-7: Ch 1, sc in first st and in each st to end of row, turn.
ROW 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, ch 1, sk next ch-1 sp, sc in next st, *sk
next ch-1 sp, work 5-dc Fan in next st, sk next ch-1 sp, sc in With Color A
next st; repeat from * to last st ch-1 sp, sk next ch-1 sp, sc in ROWS 8-9: Repeat Row 1.
last st, turn – 4 dc fan, 7 sc, 2 ch-1 sps.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/ 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
ROW 3: Work first-dc, ch 1, sk next ch-1 sp, dc in next st, *ch 1, in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
sk first 2 dcs of 5-dc Fan, sc in 3rd dc of 5-dc Fan, ch 1, sk next
2 dcs of 5-dc Fan, dc in next st; repeat from * to last ch-1 sp,
ch 1, sk next ch-1 sp, dc in last st, turn – 1 first-dc, 10 ch-1 sps,
6 dc, 4 sc.
ROWS 4–11: Repeat Row 2-3.

Fasten off leaving approx 8"/ 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Foundation Stitches for Extending a Row BUTTONHOLE BAND
EXTENDING FOUNDATION SINGLE CROCHET (Ext-Fsc) With RS facing and working in side of sts at end of each
Foundation sc as used for extending rows and buttonholes row; join yarn in bottom right corner of Buttonhole Practice
Swatch; first st of Row 1 is made in same st as joining.
Insert hook in last stitch worked, yo and draw up a loop, yo
and draw through 1 loop (first "chain" made), yo and draw ROW 1: Work 21 sc evenly across end of dc rows (1 sc in bottom
through 2 loops on hook (first Ext-Fsc made), *insert hook of foundation row, 2 sc in side loops of foundation row dc st,
under 2 loops of the "chain" just made, yo and draw up a 2 sc in side loops of each dc st), turn.
loop, yo and draw through 1 loop ("chain" made), yo and
ROW 2 (BUTTONHOLE ROW): Ch 1, sc in each of first 3 sts, *make
draw through 2 loops on hook (Ext-Fsc made); rep from * for
a 3-St Buttonhole, sc in same st as last worked st of button-
desired number of extending foundation stitches.
hole, sc in each of next 2 sts; repeat from * to end of row, turn.
ROW 3: Ch 1, sc in each st to end of row, turn.
Foundation dc as used for extending rows
Fasten off leaving approx 8" / 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
Insert hook in last st worked, yo and draw up a loop, yo and
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
draw through 1 loop on hook (first "chain" made), yo and draw
through 2 loops on hook, ch 2 (first-foundation dc made), *yo,
insert hook under 2 loops of the "chain" just made, yo and MINI GARMENT MADE SIDE-TO-SIDE
draw up a loop, yo and draw through 1 loop ("chain" made),
(yo and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice (Ext-dc made); First Half Main Body
FOUNDATION ROW (RS): Work 25 Fdc, turn.
repeat from * for indicated number of extending foundation
stitches. ROWS 1–3: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of

row, turn.
Make 2 Ext-Fsc, insert hook under 2 loops of last "chain"
made, yo and draw up a loop, sk next 3 sts, insert hook into
ROW 4: Work first-dc, dc in each of next 14 sts, work Side-To-
next st, yo an draw up a loop through st AND 1 loop on hook,
Side Armhole over next 10 sts, dc in same st as last worked st
yo and draw through 2 loops on hook.
of armhole (last st of row), turn.
Make 3 Ext-Fsc, insert hook under 2 loops of last "chain"
ROWS 5-8: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of
made, yo and draw up a loop, sk next 4 sts, insert hook into
next st, yo and draw up a loop through st AND 1 loop on hook, row, turn.
yo and draw through 2 loops on hook. Fasten off leaving approx 8"/ 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
Make 1 less than desired number of Ext-foundation sts, make
Second Half Main Body
last Ext-Foundation st as: insert hook under 2 loops of last
With RS facing, join yarn in bottom of last Fdc made of Foun-
"chain" made, yo and draw up a loop, sk same number of sts
dation Row; first st of Second Half Main Body Row 1 is made
as total desired number of Ext-Foundation sts, insert hook
in same st as joining.
into next st, yo and draw up a loop through st AND 1 loop on
hook, (yo and draw through 2 loops on hook) 2 times. ROWS 1-4: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of
row, turn.
Buttonhole Practice Swatch
ROW 5: Work first-dc, work Side-To-Side Armhole over first 10
ROW 1-9: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of
sts, dc in same st as last worked st of armhole, dc in each st to
row, turn.
end of row, turn.
Fasten off leaving approx 8" /20 cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
ROWS 6-9: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of
row, turn.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/ 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Main Body
FOUNDATION ROW (RS): Work 10 Fdc, turn.

ROWS 1–7: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of row, turn. Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in;
weave in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.

ROW 8: With new length of yarn, work 7 Fdc sts; with RS of work facing, work next st as for Side-To-Side Armhole to join First
Sleeve to Main Body: insert hook under 2 lps of last "chain" made, yo and draw up a lp, insert hook into first st on RH side of
Main Body, yo and draw up a lp through st AND 1 lp on hook, (yo and draw through 2 lps on hook) 2 times (sleeve joined to
Main Body); dc in same st as sleeve joining, dc in each st to end of row, work 8 Ext-Fdc sts, turn – 8 Fdc for first sleeve, 10 dc for
main body, 8 Fdc for second sleeve.
ROWS 9-12: Work first-dc, dc in next st and in each st to end of row, turn.

Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.


Row 7

Row 6
Row 5

Row 4
Row 3
Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
Row 2
Chain (ch) Row 1

Single Crochet (sc)

Double Crochet (Dc)
Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc) First Double Crochet (First Dc)

Chain (ch)
Single Crochet (sc) 5-Dc Fan

Double Crochet (Dc)

First Double Crochet (First Dc)

5-Dc Fan

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán
1-over-1 front post
1-over-1 front post
double crochet
double crochet
Single Crochet Through Back Loop Only (Sc-tbl) STRENGTHEN YOUR BASIC SKILLS
right cross cable (1/1 FPdc RC)
right cross cable (1/1 FPdc RC)

Single Crochet Through Back Loop Only (Sc-tbl)

MASTER Chain (ch)
Chain (ch) Single Crochet Through Back
1-over-1 front post
1-over-1 front post
double crochet
CHART KEY Slip Stitch (sl st)
Slip Stitch (sl st) Single Crochet Through Front Loop Only (Sc-tfl)
double crochet
left cross cable (1/1 FPdc LC)
left cross cable (1/1 FPdc LC)
or Single Crochet (sc)
or Single Crochet (sc) Single Crochet
Front Post Through
Cluster (FP-Cl)Front Loop Only (Sc-tfl) 2-over-2 front post
Half Double Crochet (hdc) 2-over-2 front post
Half Double Crochet (hdc) tc left cross cable
Front Post Cluster (FP-Cl) tc left cross cable
(2/2 FPtr LC)
(2/2 FPtr LC)
Double Crochet (dc) Front Post Cluster (FP-Cl)
Double Crochet (dc)
Front Post Double Crochet (FPdc)
2-over-2 front post
Front Post Double Crochet (FPdc) 2-over-2 front post
Treble Crochet (tr) tc right cross cable
Treble Crochet (tr) tc right cross cable
(2/2 FPtr RC)
Front Post Double Crochet (FPdc) (2/2 FPtr RC)
Back Post Double Crochet (BPdc)
Double Treble Crochet (dtr)
Double Treble Crochet (dtr)
Back Post Double Crochet (BPdc)
2-over-3 left cross cable
Back Post Double Crochet (BPdc) 2-over-3 left cross cable
(2/3 LC)
Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc) (2/3 LC)
Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc) Single Crochet V-stitch (Sc-V)
Single Crochet V-stitch (Sc-V)
Foundation Double (Fdc) Double
Single Crochet
Crochet V-stitch
V-stitch (Dc-V)
Foundation Double (Fdc) 3-over-3 double treble crochet
Double Crochet V-stitch (Dc-V) 3-over-3 double treble crochet
left cross cable
left cross cable
(3/3 dtr LC)
Double Crochet V-stitch (Dc-V) (3/3 dtr LC)
First Double Crochet (First-dc) Double crochet 2 together (dc2tog)
First Double Crochet (First-dc)
Double crochet 2 together (dc2tog) 3-over-3 front post double treble
3-over-3 front post double treble
left cross cable
Double crochet 2 together (dc2tog) left cross cable
Double Crochet 3 Together (dc3tog) (3/3 FPdtr LC)
First Treble Crochet (First-tr) (3/3 FPdtr LC)
First Treble Crochet (First-tr)
Double Crochet 3 Together (dc3tog)
Double Crochet 3 Together (dc3tog)
Front Post Double Crochet V-stitch (FPdc-V)
3-2-3 front post triple treble
Front Post Double Crochet V-stitch (FPdc-V) 3-2-3 front post triple treble
right cross cable
3-Double Crochet Fan (3-dc fan): right cross cable
3-Double Crochet Fan (3-dc fan): Front Post Double Crochet V-stitch (FPdc-V) (3-2-3 FPtrtr RC)
(3-2-3 FPtrtr RC)
Direction of Work
5-Double Crochet Fan (5-dc fan) Direction of Work
5-Double Crochet Fan (5-dc fan)
F Foundation
Direction of Row
Work 4-over-4 front post
4-over-4 front post
Foundation Row double treble/triple treble crochet
F double treble/triple treble crochet
left cross cable
1-over-1 front post left cross cable
Non-Stick Lace F Foundation Row
double crochet (4/4 FPdtr/trtr LC)
(4/4 FPdtr/trtr LC)
Non-Stick Lace right cross cable (1/1 FPdc RC)

1-over-1 front post

double crochet
left cross cable (1/1 FPdc LC)

© Craftsy
2-over-2 front post
tc left cross cable
(2/2 FPtr LC)
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


LINKED STITCHES Linked Double Crochet (Ldc) Practice Swatch
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsc, turn.
hook into bump of first ch from hook, yo and draw up a loop ROWS 1-10: Work First-Ldc in first st, work Ldc in next st and in
(2 loops on hook), insert hook into first st or row, yo and draw each st to end of row, turn.
up a loop (3 loops on hook), yo and draw through all 3 loops
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
on hook.
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
to bottom through front of horizontal wrap just below head Linked Treble Crochet (Ltr) Practice Swatch
of previous Lhdc, yo and draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsc, turn.
insert hook in to next st, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on ROWS 1-10: Work First-Ltr in first st, work Ltr in next st and in
hook), yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook. each st to end of row, turn.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
loop on hook up to slightly taller than normal, pinch bottom in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
of pulled loop and ch 1, insert hook into "bump" of pulled loop,
yo and draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook into first
st of row, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook), [yo and STANDING STS AND WRAPPED FIRST STS
draw through 2 loops on hook] 2 times. WRAPPED FIRST-DC: Turn work and pull loop on hook up to

LINKED DOUBLE CROCHET (LDC): Insert hook from top to bottom

slightly taller than normal, pinch bottom of pulled loop, ch
through front of horizontal wrap of previous Ldc, yo and 1, firmly hold loop on hook with finger; wrap yarn from front
draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook into next st, yo to back around pulled loop, yo and bring bring loop up from
and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook), [yo and draw through 2 back to front around pulled loop, firmly hold both loops on
lps on hook] 2 times. hook with finger; insert hook into first st of row, yo and draw
up a loop (3 loops on hook), [yo and draw through 2 loops on
FIRST LINKED TREBLE CROCHET (FIRST-LTR): Ch 2, insert hook into hook] 2 times.
bump of first ch from hook, yo and draw up a loop (2 loops
STANDING FIRST-DC: With new yarn, wrap yarn tail from back
on hook), insert hook into bump of second ch from hook, yo
and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook), insert hook into first st to front over hook and around left side of working yarn, pass
of row, yo and draw up a lp (4 loops on hook), [yo and draw tail behind working yarn and grasp with right hand to secure,
through 2 loops on hook] 3 times. firmly hold loop on hook with finger; yo, firmly hold both
loops on hook with finger to avoid slipping; insert hook into
LINKED TREBLE CROCHET (LTR): Insert hook from top to bottom first st of row, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook), [yo
through front of horizontal wrap just below head of previous and draw through 2 loops on hook] 2 times.
Ltr, yo and draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook from
LINKED FIRST-DC: Turn work and pull loop on hook up to
top to bottom through front of next horizontal wrap, yo and
draw up a loop (3 loops on hook), insert hook into next st, yo slightly taller than normal, pinch the bottom of that pulled
and draw up a loop (4 loops on hook), [yo and draw through 2 loop to hold securely in place, ch 1; insert hook into "bump"
loops on hook] 3 times. of pulled loop, yo and draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert
hook into first st of row, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on
Linked Half Double Crochet (Lhdc) Practice Swatch hook), [yo and draw through 2 loops on hook] 2 times.
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsc, turn.

ROWS 1-10: Ch 1, hdc in first st, work Lhdc in next st and in

each st to end of row, turn.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/ 20 cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Wrapped First-Dc Practice Swatch ROW 2 (SECOND HALF): with new length of yarn, work Standing
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fdc, turn. First-dc in next st, dc in next st and in each st to end of row.

ROWS 1-10: Work Wrapped First-dc in first st, dc in next st and Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in each st to end of row, turn. in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.

Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave Linked First Stitches Practice Swatch
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch. Using Wrapped First-Dc Practice Swatch, and with new
length of yarn:
Standing First-Dc Practice Swatch
Using Wrapped First-Dc Practice Swatch, and with new ROW 110: Work Linked First-dc in first st, dc in next st and in
length of yarn: each st to end of row, turn.

ROW 1: Work Standing First-dc in top of last st made, dc in Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
next st and in each st to end of row, turn. in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.

ROW 2 (FIRST HALF): Work dc st in first st, dc in each of next 9

sts. Fasten off.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


I-CORD Chain, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook); *pinch firmly
to secure bottoms of last 2 loops made and remove them from
Three-Stitch Romanian Cord the hook, ch 1, insert hook back into next open loop, yo and
ROUND 1: Starting with Knotless Starting Chain, ch 2, sc in draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook back into next
2nd ch from hook, sc in Knotless Starting Chain; turn work open loop, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook); repeat
clockwise and sc in loop of bump at beginning of row, round from * until desired cord length is achieved.
is now joined – 3 sc.
FINAL ROW: When desired length is achieved, yo and draw
SPIRALS: Continuing to work in a clockwise manner, insert through all 3 loops on hook, pull to secure and tighten stitch-
hook into center and under loop below top of next stitch, yo es, ch 1 to secure end. Fasten off.
and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops (sc made);
FOUR-STITCH OFF-THE-HOOK CORD: Starting with Knotless
continue to sc in this manner in a spiral until desired cord
length is achieved. Starting Chain, ch 3, insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, yo
and draw up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook into next
FINAL SPIRAL: When desired length is achieved, (insert hook ch, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook), insert hook into
into center and under loop below top of next stitch, yo and Knotless Starting Chain, yo and draw up a loop (4 loops on
draw up a loop) 3 times (4 loops on hook), yo and draw loop hook); *pinch firmly to secure bottoms of last 3 loops made
through all 4 loops on hook, pull to secure and tighten stitch- and remove them from the hook, ch 1, insert hook back into
es, ch 1 to secure end. Fasten off. next open loop, yo and draw up a loop (2 loops on hook),
(insert hook back into next open loop, yo and draw up a loop)
Four-Stitch Romanian Cord 2 more times (4 loops on hook); repeat from * until desired
ROUND 1: Starting with Knotless Starting Chain, ch 3, sc in 2nd cord length is achieved.
ch from hook, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sc in Knotless Starting
Chain; turn work clockwise and sc in loop of bump at begin- FINAL ROW: When desired length is achieved, yo and draw
ning of row, round is now joined – 4 sc. through all 4 loops on hook, pull to secure and tighten stitch-
es, ch 1 to secure end. Fasten off.
SPIRALS: Continuing to work in clockwise manner, insert
hook into center and under loop below top of next stitch, yo Swatch for Attaching Cord
and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops (sc made); FOUNDATION ROW: Work 15 Fdc, turn.
continue to sc in this manner in a spiral until desired cord
ROWS 1-2: Work First-dc in first st, dc in next st and in each st
length is achieved.
to end of row, turn.
FINAL SPIRAL: When desired length is achieved, (insert hook
ROWS 3-5: Ch 1, hdc in first st, hdc in next st and in each st to
into center and under loop below top of next stitch, yo and
draw up a loop) 4 times (5 loops on hook), yo and draw loop end of row, turn.
through all 5 loops on hook, pull to secure and tighten stitch- ROWS 6-8: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc in next st and in each st to end
es, ch 1 to secure end. Fasten off. of row, turn.
THREE-STITCH OFF-THE-HOOK CORD: Staring with Knotless Start- Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
ing Chain, ch 2, insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, yo and draw in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook into Knotless Starting

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


8 7

2 10
3 17 16


15 4

1. Chest/bust 10. Center back neck to waist
2. Midriff 11. Center back neck to high hip
3. Waist 12. Center back neck to low hip
4. High hip 13. Upper arm
5. Hip/seat 14. Elbow
6. Low hip 15. Wrist
7. Cross shoulder 16. Sleeve length to underarm
8. Neck base 17. Sleeve length to shoulder
9. Neck around collar bone

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Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Back/Front Front


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Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán



Total number rows (B)

Total height inches (D)

Total number of stitches in one row (A)

Total width inches (C)
Swatch weight in grams (E)

Swatch Stitches Per Inch
Total number of stitches in one row (A)
÷ Total swatch width inches (C) ÷
= Swatch stitches per inch =
Swatch Rows Per Inch
Total number of Rows (B)
÷ Total swatch height inches (D) ÷
= Swatch rows per inch =


How many stitches in a row?
How many rows?
How many stitches per inch?
How many rows per inch?

Make Sure It Will Fit

Number of stitches in a row
÷ Stitches per inch ÷
= Total inches =

Number of rows
÷ Rows per inch ÷
= Total inches =

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Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Stitch pattern worked over a multiple of (Y) + (Z) stitches

Total number of inches

× Stitches per inch ×
= Total stitches needed =
÷ Stitch pattern multiple (Y) ÷
= Total number of stitch pattern repeats =

Whole number of pattern repeats (rounded down)

× Stitch pattern multiple (Y) ×
= Total stitches worked in stitch pattern =
+ Additional stitches for pattern (Z) +
= Total stitches to work =

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


EVOLVING LINEN STITCH Single Crochet Linen Stitch Variation 2 Practice Swatch
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 21 Fsc, turn.
Single Crochet Linen Stitch Practice Swatch
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 21 Fsc, turn. ROW 1: Ch 1, sc in first st, *ch 1, sk next st, sc tfl of next st; rep
from * to end of row, turn.
ROW 1: Ch 1, sc in first st, *ch 1, sk next st, sc in next st; rep
from * to end of row, turn. ROWS 2-19: Ch 1, sc in first st, *ch 1, sk next ch-1 sp, sc tfl of
next st; rep from * to end of row, turn.
ROW 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc in next ch-1 sp, *ch 1, sk next st, sc
in next ch-1 sp; rep from * to last st, sc in last st, turn. Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
ROW 3: Ch 1, sc in first st, st, *ch 1, sk next st, sc in next ch-1 sp;
rep from * to last 2 sts, ch 1, sk next st, sc in last st, turn.
ROWS 4-19: Repeat Rows 2-3.

Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.


F Stitch Guide
FOUNDATION SINGLE CROCHET (FSC): Ch 2, insert hook in 2nd
ch from hook, yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through
1 loop (first "chain" made), yo and draw through 2 loops on
Single Crochet Linen Stitch Variation 1 Practice Swatch hook (first sc made), * insert hook under 2 loops of the "chain"
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 21 Fsc, turn. just made, yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 1
loop ("chain" made), yo and draw through 2 loops on hook (sc
ROW 1: Ch 1, sc in first st, *ch 1, sk next st, sc in next st; rep
made); rep from * for indicated number of foundation sts.
from * to end of row, turn.
FIRST DOUBLE CROCHET (FIRST-DC): Sc in first st, ch 2. Note: Use
ROWS 2-19: Ch 1, sc in first st, *ch 1, sk next ch-1 sp, sc in next
this stitch whenever the first stitch of a row is a dc.
st; rep from * to end of row, turn.
FIRST TREBLE CROCHET (FIRST-TR): Sc in first st, ch 3. Note: Use
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave this st whenever the first st of a row is a tr.
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
Note: Use this stitch whenever the first stitch of a row is a dtr.
FRONT POST SINGLE CROCHET (FPSC): Insert hook from front to
back and to front again around the post of the indicated st, yo
and draw up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.
1 sts, tr in each of next 3 sts, working in front of tr just made, tr
in each of 2 skipped sts.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Non-Stick Lace Non-Stick Lace Variation #1
(worked on a multiple of 5 + 2 sts) (worked on a multiple of 5 + 2 sts and a multiple of 4 rows)
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 47 Fsc, turn. FOUNDATION ROW: Work 47 fsc, turn.

ROW 1 (RS): Work First-tr in first st, *yo, [insert hook in next st, ROW 1 (RS): Work First-tr, *yo, [insert hook into next st, yo and pull
yo and pull up a loop to height of first-tr] 5 times (7 loops on up a loop to height of first-tr] 5 times (7 loops on hook), yo and
hook), yo and draw through 6 loops on hook, yo and draw draw through 6 loops on hook, yo and draw through remaining
through rem 2 loops on hook, sc 4 times through center of 2 lps on hook, sc 4 times through center of last 6 loops ("eye" of
last 6 loops ("eye of loops); rep from * across to last st, tr in last loops); rep from * across to last st, tr in last st, turn.
st, turn.
ROW 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, ch 1, sk next st, *sc in each of next 3
ROW 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. sts, ch 2, sk next 2 sts; rep from * across to last 5 sts, sc in each
of next 3 sts, ch 1, sc in last st, turn.
ROWS 3–14: Rep Rows 1–2.
ROW 3: First-dc, sk next 2 sts, 5 dc in next st, *sk next 4 sts, 5 dc
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in next st; rep from * across to last 3 sts, sk next 2 sts, dc in last
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
st, turn.
6 ROW 4: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.

ROWS 5–16: Rep Rows 1–4.

Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.


© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Non-Stick Lace & Cables
(worked on a multiple of 5 + 2 sts)
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 32 Fsc, turn.

ROW 1 (RS): Work First-tr, *work 2/3 LC in next 5 sts; rep from *
to last st, tr in last st, turn.
ROW 2: Ch 1, sc in each st to end of row, turn.

ROW 3: First-tr, *yo, (insert hook into next st, yo and pull up
a loop to height of first-tr) 5 times (7 loops on hook), yo and
draw through 6 loops on hook, yo and draw through remain-
ing 2 loops on hook (sc made), sc 4 times through center of
last 6 loops ("eye" of loops); rep from * across to last st, tr in 4
last st, turn.
ROW 4: Rep row 2.
ROWS 5–12: Rep Rows 1–4.

Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch. 2

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


CROCHET RIBBING 6 WAYS Reversible Horizontal Dc Post Stitch Ribbing
Practice Swatch
Stitch Guide FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fdc, turn.
FRONT-POST DOUBLE CROCHET (FPDC): Yarn over, insert hook
from front to back and then to front again around post of ROWS 1-16: Ch 1, FPdc around first st and around each st to end
indicated stitch, yo and draw up a loop, (yo and draw through of row, turn.
2 loops on hook) 2 times.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/ 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
BACK POST DOUBLE CROCHET (BPDC): Yarn over, insert hook from in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
back to front then to back again around post of the indicated
stitch, yarn over and draw up a loop, (yo and draw through 2 Reversible Horizontal Sc Tbl Ribbing Practice Swatch
loops on hook) 2 times. FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsc, turn.

FRONT POST HALF DOUBLE CROCHET (FPHDC): Yarn over, insert ROWS 1-18: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc tbl of next st and each st to last
hook from front to back and to front again around the post of st, sc in last st, turn.
the indicated st, yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through Fasten off leaving approx 8"/ 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
all 3 loops on hook. in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
Reversible Vertical Post Stitch Ribbing Practice Swatch Slip Stitch Ribbing Practice Swatch
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 21 Fdc, turn.
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsl st, turn.
ROW 1: Ch 1, hdc in first st, FPdc around next st, *BPdc around
ROWS 1-20: Ch 1, sl st tbl of first st and each st to end of row, turn.
next st, FPdc around next st; repeat from * to last st, hdc in
last st, turn. Fasten off leaving approx 8" / 20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
ROW 2: Ch 1, hdc in first st, BPdc around next st, *FPdc around
next st, BPdc around next st; repeat from * to last st, hdc in Sc tbl Ripple Ribbing Practice Swatch
last st, turn. FOUNDATION ROW: Work 30 Fsc, turn.

ROWS 3-12: Repeat Rows 1-2. ROW 1: Sc in both lps of first st, sc-tbl in each st to last st, sc in
both lps of last st, turn.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch. ROW 2: Ch 1, sc in both lps of first st, sc-tbl in each of next 5 sts,
[sk next st, sc-tbl in next st] twice, sc-tbl in each of next 4 sts,
One-Sided Vertical Post Stitch Ribbing Practice 2 sc-tbl in next st, *2 sc-tbl in next st, sc-tbl in each of next 5
Swatch sts, [sk next st, sc-tbl in next st] twice, sc-tbl in each of next 4
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 21 Fdc, turn. sts, 2 sc-tbl in next st; rep from * to last st, 2 sc in both lps of
last st, turn.
ROW 1: Ch 1, sc in first st and in each st to end of row, turn.
ROWS 3-20: Rep Rows 1-2.
ROW 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, FPdc around next st, *sc in next st,
FPdc around next st; repeat from * to last st, sc in last st, turn. Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
ROWS 3-12: Repeat Row 1-2.

ROW 13: Repeat Row 1.

Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
Sc tfl Practice Swatch
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsc, turn.
Reversible Horizontal Hdc Post Stitch Ribbing ROWS 1-18: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc tfl of next st and each st to last
Practice Swatch st, sc in last st, turn.
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fhdc, turn.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
ROWS 1-16: Ch 1, FPhdc around first st and around each st to in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
end of row, turn.
Sc tbl Practice Swatch
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsc, turn.
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
ROWS 1-18: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc tbl of next st and each st to last
st, sc in last st, turn.

© Craftsy
Crochet Toolkit: Designer Tips & Tricks with Shannon Leigh Roudhán


Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave ROW 3: Ch 1, working in back loops of sts 2 rows below, sc in
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch. each st to end of row, turn.
ROW 4: Ch 1, sc in first st and in each st to end of row, turn.
Hdc tfl/tbl Combo Practice Swatch
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fhdc, turn. ROWS 5-20: Rep Rows 1-4.

ROWS 1-11: Ch 1, hdc in first st, *hdc tfl of next st, hdc tbl of Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
next st; rep from * to last st, hdc in last st, turn. in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave Twisted Single Crochet (twisted-sc) Practice Swatch
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch. FOUNDATION ROW: Work 30 Fsc, turn.

ROWS 1-19: Ch 1, work twisted-sc in first st and in each st to

end of row, turn.
Stitch Guide Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
REVERSE SINGLE CROCHET (REV SC): Insert hook into next st to
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
the right (to the left if left handed), yo and draw up a loop, yo
and draw through both loops on hook. Twisted Half Double Crochet (twisted-hdc) Practice
TWISTED SINGLE CROCHET (TWISTED-SC): Insert hook from back Swatch
to front under front loop only of next st, yo and draw up a FOUNDATION ROW: Work 30 Fhdc, turn.
loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook. ROWS 1-19: Ch 1, work twisted-hdc in first st and in each st to
TWISTED HALF DOUBLE CROCHET (TWISTED-HDC): Yo, insert hook end of row, turn.
from back to front under front loop only of next st, yo and
Fasten off leaving approx 8"/20cm tail for weaving in; weave
draw up a loop, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.
in tail using End Cap Finishing Stitch.
Reverse Single Crochet Fabric Practice Swatch
FOUNDATION ROW: Work 20 Fsc, turn.

ROW 1: Ch 1, sc in first st and in each st to end of row, Do Not Turn.

ROW 2: Ch 1, working in front loops only, rev sc in each st

across, Do Not Turn.

© Craftsy

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