ATV310 User Manual EN EAV94277 09-65-133

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Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 300-

200- I/O MENU (continued) 400-

217 M Reference Template bsd 600-

This parameter defines how the speed reference is taken into account for analog inputs only.
In the case of the PID controller, BNS and BNS0 are not applied. The limits are set by the Low Speed
512.0 and High Speed 512.2 parameters.
BSD v Standard
Frequency At zero reference the frequency = 512.0


0% +100%


BNS v Deadband
Frequency At reference = 0 to 512.0 the frequency = 0

-100% 512.0
512.0 +100%


BLS v Pedestral
Frequency At zero reference to 512.0, the frequency = 512.0

-100% 512.0
512.0 +100%


BNS0 v Deadband at 0%
Frequency This operation is the same as BSD Standard,
except that in the following cases at zero
512.2 reference, the frequency = 0: the signal is less
than the minimum value, which is greater than 0
(example: 2 mA on a 4–20 mA input). The signal
512.0 is greater than minimum value, which is greater
-100% 0% than the maximum value (example: 21 mA on a
+100% 20–4 mA input)


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• Fully read and understand the manual of the connected motor.
600- • Verify that all motor parameters are correctly set by referring to the nameplate and the manual of the connected motor.
• If you modify the value of one or more motor parameters after having performed auto-tuning, the value of Auto-tuning is reset to 00
and you must re-perform auto-tuning.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury or equipment damage.

Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

300- Motor control menu

301 M Standard motor frequency 00

This parameter modifies the presets of the following parameters: Rated motor voltage 304 below, High
speed 512.2 (page 102), Motor frequency threshold 213 (page 63) and Rated motor frequency 306 .
00 v 50 Hz
01 v 60 Hz

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.
Drive power -5 to Determined by drive rating
302 M Rated motor power drive power +2 and dual rating
according to dual
Rated motor power given on the nameplate, in kW if Standard motor frequency 301 is set to 50 Hz, 
in HP if Standard motor frequency 301 is set to 60 Hz.

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.
Determined by drive rating
303 M Rated motor cos phi 0.5 to 1
and dual rating
This parameter is visible only if Motor parameter choice 319 (page 70) is set to [00]. 
If Rated motor cos phi 303 is available, Rated Motor Power 302 disappears.
Power factor (pf) is given on the motor rating plate.

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.

NOTE: Do not confuse this with motor "Service Factor". Setting 303 to 1 or very near to 1 may
result in unsatisfactory motor operation. If the motor power factor is not indicated on the nameplate,
leave this parameter at the factory default (approximately 0.80).

304 M Rated motor voltage 360 to 460 V 380 V

Nominal motor voltage is given on the nameplate. If the line voltage is less than the nominal motor voltage,
Rated motor voltage 304 should be set to the value of the line voltage applied to the drive terminals.

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.

(1) In = rated drive current

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Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

300- Motor control menu (continued)
0.25 In to 1.5 In (1) Determined by drive rating
305 M Rated motor current and dual rating

Nominal motor current is given on the nameplate. Motor thermal current 604.0 (page 106) varies
according to the nominal motor current 305.

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.

306 M Rated motor frequency 10 to 400 Hz 50 Hz

Nominal motor frequency is given on the nameplate. 

The factory setting is 50 Hz, or preset to 60 Hz [if Standard motor frequency 301 (page 66) is set to 60 Hz].

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.
Determined by drive rating
307 M Rated motor speed 0 to 24000 rpM
and dual rating
Nominal motor speed is given on the nameplate. 

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.

308 M Maximum frequency 10 to 400 Hz 60 Hz

Maximum frequency 308 gives the upper value possible for High speed 512.2 (page 102). The factory
setting is 60 Hz, or preset to 72 Hz [if Standard motor frequency 301 (page 66) is set to 60 Hz].

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.

309 M Motor control type 03

Permits selection of motor control types suitable for application and performance requirements.
00 v Performance: Sensorless vector control with internal speed loop based on a voltage feedback calculation.
For applications requiring high performance during starting or operation.
03 v Standard: 2 point V/F control without internal speed loop.
For simple applications that do not require high performance. Simple motor control law maintaining a
constant Voltage Frequency ratio, permits adjustment of curve start point.
This law is generally used for motors connected in parallel. Some applications using motors in parallel or
with high performance requirements may require use of the "high performance" (00) control type.
06 v Pump: U2/F; for dedicated use with variable torque fan and pump applications not requiring high starting
torque. 

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed again.

(1) In = rated drive current

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Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting


300- Motor control menu (continued)

700- 310 M IR compensation 25 to 200% 100%

 Used to optimize torque at very low speed, or to adapt to special cases (for example, for motors connected
in parallel, decrease IR compensation 310). If there is insufficient torque at low speed, increase IR
compensation 310. Too high a value can cause the motor not to start (locking) or to change to current
limiting mode.

311 M Slip compensation 0 to 150% 100%

 Visible only if Motor control type 309 (page 67) is not set to 06.
Used to adjust the slip compensation around the value set by the nominal motor slip, or to adjust to special
circumstances (for example, for motors connected in parallel, decrease Slip compensation 311).
If the set slip compensation is lower than the actual slip compensation, the motor will not run at nominal
speed in a steady state but at a speed lower than the reference.
If the set slip compensation is greater than the actual slip compensation, the motor speed becomes

312 M Frequency loop stability 0 to 100% 20%

 The 312 parameter can be used to reduce overshoots and oscillations at the end of acceleration. After
a period of acceleration or deceleration, 312 adjusts the return value of the steady state to the dynamic
value of the equipment;
Too high a value can cause an extended response time.
Too low a value can cause overspeed, or even instability.

Low 312 parameter value Correct 312 parameter value High 312 parameter value
In this case, increase 312In this case, reduce 312

Visible only ifMotor control type 309 (page 67) is set to 00.

313 M Frequency loop gain 0 to 100% 20%

 The 313 parameter adjusts the slope of the speed increase according to the inertia of the machine being
Too high a value can cause overspeed, or even instability.
Too low a value can cause an extended response time.

Low 313 parameter value Correct 313 parameter value High 313 parameter value 
In this case, increase 313In this case, reduce 313

Visible only if Motor control type 309 (page 67) is set to 00. 

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

300- Motor control menu (continued) 600-

314 M Flux Profile 0 to 100% 20% 700-

 This function defines the magnetizing current at zero frequency as a % of the rated magnetizing current.
Adjustment curve for PUMP law


Visible only if Motor control type 309 (page 67) is set to 06.

315 M Switching frequency 2 to 12 kHz 4 kHz

 Switching frequency range setting.
In the event of overheating, the drive automatically decreases the Switching frequency range. Returns to
its original value once the temperature has returned to normal.

317 M Motor noise reduction 00

Noise refers to audible noise. Means of adjusting motor noise must be provided to satisfy environmental
Random frequency modulation avoids possible noise resonance that can occur at fixed frequency.
00 v No
01 v Yes

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

300- Motor control menu (continued)
700- 318 M Auto-tuning 00

Autotuning moves the motor in order to tune the control loops.
• Only start the system if there are no persons or obstructions in the zone of operation.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury or equipment damage.
During autotuning, noise development and oscillations of the system are normal.

If you modify the value of one or more motor parameters after having performed auto-tuning, the value of Auto-
tuning is reset to 00 and you must re-perform auto-tuning.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury or equipment damage.

00 v No: use factory paramameters of standard motors.

01 v Yes: request auto-tuning.
02 v Done: auto-tuning has already been performed.

• Auto-tuning must be performed with the motor connected and cold.
• The parameters Rated motor power 302 (page 66) and Rated motor current 305 (page 67) must
be consistent.
• Auto-tuning is performed only if no stop command has been activated. If a freewheel stop or fast stop
function has been assigned to a logic input, this input must be set to 1 (active at 0).
• Auto-tuning takes priority over any run or prefluxing commands, which will take effect after the auto-
tuning sequence.
• Auto-tuning may last for 1 to 10 seconds. Do not interrupt. Wait for the display to change to 02 or
• Re-perform auto-tuning after motor cables are replaced to ensure effectiveness of motor control.

NOTE: During auto-tuning, the motor operates at rated current.

319 M Motor parameter choice 00

This parameter allows to choose which motor parameter will be configured (power or power factor).

00 v Rated motor power (page 66)

01 v Rated motor cos phi (page 66) 

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed

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Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

320 M Vector control 2 points 00
00 v [00] No
01 v [01] Yes 700-

For use in the following application contexts: when the rated speed and rated frequency of the motor must
be exceeded for optimization of operation performance at constant power, or when the maximum voltage
of the motor must be limited to a certain value below the main voltage.

The U/F diagram must therefore be modified according to the motor's work ability at maximum voltage
and Top frequency.
Motor voltage
Maximum Voltage 321
Motor Rated Voltage 304

Standard Motor Frequency 301 Maximum Frequency 322

304 parameter
321 M Max voltage of constant power value ~ 460 V
380 V

Visible if 320 = YES

306 parameter
322 M Max frequency of constant power value ~ 400Hz

Visible if 320 = YES

323 M Dual Rating 01

This parameter is used to select the default value of rated drive current and motor nameplate.
This parameter cannot be modified on drive with power equal to or lower than 2.2 kW.
A modification of its setting resets several parameters of the drive:
- motor nameplate parameters (302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307)
- status of tune results
- current parameters: In (drive rating current), motor thermal current (604.0), current limitation (511.1
and 511.2), motor current threshold (214) and current injections (502.5, 502.7, 504.1).

00 v Normal duty: Normal rating, dedicated mode for applications requiring slight overload (up to 1. In for
60 s).
01 v Heavy duty: High rating, dedicated mode for applications requiring significant overload 
(up to 1.5In for 60s).

1. This parameter must be set before performing an autotuning.
2. Modifying this parameter resets the motor tune parameters. Auto-tuning will need to be performed

NOTE: Both modes use the same hardware, the overload in normal duty is lower than the one in normal
duty, consequently, the rated drive current (In) in normal duty mode is adapted to be slightly higher than
the one in heavy duty mode. The default motor nameplate and other current limitation are adapted

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Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Control menu
500- Control channel diagram
Forced local assignment
700- Stop key priority
407 Command channel 1 408
Terminals nO
Integrated display Forced local command
410 LI
Remote display
Integrated display
Channel 406
configuration Remote display

Combined mode
Separate mode

Reference 2 preset speeds

channel 1 507
505.0 Jog assignment
408 Forced local assignment
Anolog terminal nO
Remote display nO
Modbus LI 505.1
Jog Forced local
Integrated display LI
frequency reference 409
with Jog dial
505.0 or 59.00
Not assigned
Analog terminal
nO Remote display
Preset speed 2
Integrated display Reverse inhibition
Analog terminal with Jog dial 404
High speed
Preset speed 8 512.2 501.0 501.1
Preset speeds Yes
512.0 501.4 501.5

Low speed

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Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting
400- Control menu 600-

401 M Reference channel 1 01 700-

01 v Anolog terminal
163 v Remote display
164 v Modbus
183 v Integrated display with Jog dial
-400 Hz to 400 Hz
402 M External reference value -

0% to 100% of
403 M Integrated display jog dial reference 512.2 parameter
 value
Embedded display terminal active or local force mode configured. Forced local reference 409 set to
183 and Forced local assignment 408 is not set to 00. Displays the Actual speed reference
coming from the jog dial. This value is not visible in the factory settings.

404 M Reverse inhibition 00

l Inhibition of movement in the reverse direction. Does not apply to direction requests sent by logic
- Reverse direction requests sent by logic inputs are taken into account.
- Reverse direction requests sent by the display are not taken into account.
- Reverse direction requests sent by the communication line are not taken into account.
- Any reverse Actual speed reference originating from the PID, summing input etc., is interpreted as a
zero reference (0 Hz).
00 v No
01 v Yes

405 M Stop key priority 01

This parameter can enable or disable the stop button located on the drive and remote display. 
2s Disabling the stop button is effective if the active command channel is not the drive display terminal or the
remote display.

The function Stop key priority 405 parameter disables the Stop keys of the drive and of the Remote Display Terminal
if the setting of the parameter is 00.
Only set this parameter to 00 if you have implemented appropriate alternative stop functions.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury or equipment damage.

00 v No: Stop inactive

01 v Yes: Stop active
It is advised in case this function is set to 01 to use the front door cover or the optional display cover
on the "run" and "stop" keys.

406 M Channel configuration 01

Channel configuration 406 allows the selection of:

- Combined mode (command and reference come from the same channel) 
- Separate mode (command and reference come from different channels) 

01 v Combined mode
02 v Separate mode

2s To change the assignment of this parameter, press the ENT key for 2 s.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

400- Control menu (continued)

700- 407 M Command channel 1 01

This parameter permits selection of the command channel.

01 v Terminals
02 v Integrated display
03 v Remote display
10 v Modbus
Visible only if Channel configuration 406 (page 73) is set to Seperate.

408 M Forced local assignment 00

00 v Not assigned
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high
409 M Forced local reference 00

Visible only if Forced local assignment 408 is not set to 00

00 v Not assigned
01 v Analog terminal
163 v Remote display
183 v Integrated display with Jog dial

410 M Forced local command 02

Visible only if Forced local assignment 408 is not set to 00

01 v Terminals
02 v Integrated display
03 v Remote display

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Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

500- Function menu 600-

Ramp menu 700-

0.0 s to 999.9 s
501.0 M Acceleration 3.0 s
 Acceleration time between 0 Hz and the Rated motor frequency 306 (page 67). 
Make sure this value is compatible with the inertia being driven.
0.0 s to 999.9 s
501.1 M Deceleration 3.0 s
 Time to decelerate from the Rated motor frequency 306 (page 67) to 0 Hz. 
Make sure this value is compatible with the inertia being driven.

501.2 M Ramp shape assignment 00

00 v Linear
01 v S Shape
02 v U Shape

The rounding coefficient is fixed, wherein
t1 = 0.6 x set ramp time (linear)
S Shape t2 = 0.4 x set ramp time (round)
t3 = 1.4 x ramp time

The rounding coefficient is fixed, wherein

U Shape t1 = 0.5 x set ramp time (linear)
t2 = set ramp time (round)
t3 = 1.5 x ramp time

501.3 M Ramp switching commutation 00

00 v Not assigned
LIH v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high
L1L v L1L: LI1 active low
L2L v L2L: LI2 active low
L3L v L3H: LI3 active low
L4L v L4H: LI4 active low
LUL v LUL: LIU active low
See LI assignment information on page 54. 

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting


500- Function menu (continued)
700- 501-
Ramp menu (continued)
501.4 M Acceleration 2 0.0 to 999.9 s 5.0 s
 Visible only if Ramp switching commutation 501.3 (page 75) is not set to 00.
Second acceleration ramp time, adjustable from 0.0 to 999.9 s
This ramp becomes the active ramp only when PID is used to perform start and wake-up phases. 
See PID: wake up level (page 89).

501.5 M Deceleration 2 0.0 to 999.9 s 5.0 s

 Visible only if Ramp switching commutation 501.3 (page 75) is not set to 00.
Second deceleration ramp time, adjustable from 0.0 to 999.9 s

501.6 M Decel Ramp Adaptation assignment 01

00 v Function inactive. The drive will decelerate based on normal deceleration time settings. This setting is
compatible with optional dynamic braking (if used).
01 v This function automatically increases deceleration time when stopping or reducing the speed of high inertia
loads to help prevent DC bus overvoltage or overbraking.
02 v Motor Braking: This mode allows the drive to attempt the most rapid stop possible without the use of a
dynamic brake resistor. It uses motor losses to dissipate energy generated by braking. 
This function may be incompatible with positioning. This function should not be used when an optional
braking resistor and module are being used.

Attention: When using a braking resistor set 501.6 to 00.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

500- Function menu (continued)
Stop configuration menu 700-

502.0 M Type of stop 00

Stop mode on disappearance of the run command or appearance of a stop command.

00 v Ramp stop
03 v DC injection stop
08 v Fast stop
13 v Freewheel stop

502.1 M Freewheel stop assignment 00

This stop type is activated when the input or corresponding register bit changes to 0. If the input returns to
state 1 and the run command is still active, the motor will only restart if Type of control 201 (page 56) =
2C and 2-wire type control 202 (page 60) = 00 or 02. If not, a new run command must be sent.
00 v Not assigned
L1L v L1L: LI1 active Low to stop
L2L v L2L: LI2 active Low to stop
L3L v L3L: LI3 active Low to stop
L4L v L4L: LI4 active Low to stop
LUL v LUL: LIU active Low to stop

502.2 M Fast stop assignment 00

00 v Not assigned
L1L v L1L: LI1 active Low to stop
L2L v L2L: LI2 active Low to stop
L3L v L3L: LI3 active Low to stop
L4L v L4L: LI4 active Low to stop
LUL v LUL: LIU active Low to stop
502.3 M Fast stop Ramp divider 1 to 10 4
 Visible only if Fast stop assignment 502.2 (page 77) is not set to 00 or 502.0 is set to 08 Fast stop
(page 77).
When stop requests are sent the active ramp time [Deceleration 501.1 (page 75) or Deceleration 2
501.5 (page 76)] is divided by this coefficient.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

500- Function menu (continued)
700- 502-
Stop configuration menu
502.4 M DC injection assignment 00

• Do not use DC injection to generate holding torque when the motor is at a standstill.
• Use a holding brake to keep the motor in the standstill position.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
DC injection is activated when the input switches to 0. If the input returns to state 1 and the run
command is still active, the motor will only restart if Type of control 201 (page 56) = 2C and 2-wire
type control 202 (page 60) = 00 or 02. If not, a new run command must be sent.
This parameter is forced to 00 if Type of stop 502.0 is set to 08 (page 77)
00 v Not assigned.
L1H v L1H: L1 active high
L2H v L2H: L2 active high
L3H v L3H: L3 active high
L4H v L4H: L4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high (AI1 used as logic input: AI1 type 204.0 sets to LIU)

502.5 M DC injection level 0.1*In to 1.41*In (1) 0.64*In (in A)

Verify that the connected motor is properly rated for the DC injection current to be applied in terms of amount
and time.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Level of DC injection braking current activated via digital input or selected as stop mode.
This parameter can be accessed if DC injection assignment 502.4 is set to a value different from 00
or if Type of stop 502.0 is set to DC injection stop 03.
NOTE: this setting is independent from the AUTO DC INJECTION MENU 504- function.

502.6 M IDC injection time for DCLI 0.1 s to 30 s 0.5 s

Verify that the connected motor is properly rated for the DC injection current to be applied in terms of amount
and time.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Maximum current injection time DC injection level 502.5 . After this time, the injection current
becomes DC injection level 2 502.7 .
This parameter can be accessed if DC injection assignment 502.4 is set to a value different from 00
or if Type of stop 502.0 is set to DC injection stop 03.
NOTE: this setting is independent from the AUTO DC INJECTION MENU 504- function.

(1) In = rated drive current

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting
500- Function menu (continued) 600-

Stop configuration menu 700-

0.1*In to DC
502.7 M DC injection level 2 injection level 0.5*In (in A)
502.5 (1)

Verify that the connected motor is properly rated for the DC injection current to be applied in terms of amount
and time.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Injection current activated by digital input or selected as stop mode once period IDC injection time for
DCLI 502.6 has elapsed.
This parameter can be accessed if DC injection assignment 502.4 is set to a value different from 00
or if Type of stop 502.0 is set to DC injection stop 03.
NOTE: this setting is independent from the AUTO DC INJECTION MENU 504- function.

502.8 M Injection standstill braking time 0.1 s to 30 s 0.5 s

Verify that the connected motor is properly rated for the DC injection current to be applied in terms of amount
and time.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Maximum injection time for DC injection level 2 502.7, selected as stop mode only.
This parameter can be accessed if Type of stop 502.0 is set to DC injection stop 03.
NOTE: this setting is independent from the AUTO DC INJECTION MENU 504- function.

(1) In = rated drive current

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

500- Function menu (continued)

503 M Reverse direction
LI1 - LI4: choice of the input assigned to the reverse command
00 v Function inactive
LIH v L1H: L1 active high
L2H v L2H: L2 active high
L3H v L3H: L3 active high
L4H v L4H: L4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high

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Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

500- Function menu (continued)
700- 504-
504.0 M Automatic DC injection 01

If the parameter 504.0 Automatic DC injection is set to 02, DC injection is always active, even if the motor
does not run.
Verify that using this setting does not result in unsafe conditions.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

• Do not use DC injection to generate holding torque when the motor is at a standstill.
• Use a holding brake to keep the motor in the standstill position.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

00 v No DC injected current
01 v Time limited DC injection
02 v Continuous DC injection
0 to 120% of Rated 70% of Rated
504.1 M Automatic DC injection current motor current motor current
 305 305 (in A)

Verify that the connected motor is properly rated for the DC injection current to be applied in terms of amount
and time in order to avoid overheating and damage to the motor.
Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage.
Visible only if Automatic DC injection 504.0 is not set to 00.
Injection current on stopping and continuous DC injection.

504.2 M Automatic DC injection time 0.1 to 30 s 0.5 s

Verify that the connected motor is properly rated for the DC injection current to be applied in terms of amount
and time in order to avoid overheating and damage to the motor.
Failure to follow this instruction can result in equipment damage.
Visible only if Automatic DC injection 504.0 is not set to 00.
Injection time on stopping.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

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Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

500- Function menu (continued)
505.0 M Jog assignment 00 700-

This parameter employs a 2 or 3-wire control related logic input, providing step by step control of motor
running. Acceleration and deceleration ramps taken into account in the Jog function are 0.1 s.
00 v Function inactive
L1H v L1H: L1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high

2 wire type control





505.1 Acceleration command 0.5 s
L1H....L4H, LUH

3-wire control




LI1 Run

Motor ramp

505.1 Jog

505.1 M Jog Frequency 0 to 10 Hz 5 Hz

Reference in jog function

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300- 
Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

500- 500- Function menu (continued)

M M Speed up and down
506.0 M Up speed command
00 00: Function inactive
L1H L1H: LI1 active high
L2H L2H: LI2 active high
L3H L3H: LI3 active high
L4H L4H: LI4 active high
LUH LUH: LIU active high
506.1 M Down speed command
00 00: Function inactive
L1H L1H: LI1 active high
L2H L2H: LI2 active high
L3H L3H: LI3 active high
L4H L4H: LI4 active high
LUH LUH: LIU active high

Variable saved
to RAM or ROM Variable saved
Variable not saved
to ROM
Variable not saved or saved to RAM

Up speed active active active


Down speed active


Clear the active


Forward active active active active

Main supply Main supply power on Main supply power on

506.2 M Store
Up speed/down speed command will change the initial speed reference. Eventually it produces an overall
"speed increment". This speed increment accumulates over time depending on the actions of Lix and Liy.
It is therefore necessary to keep a record of speed incrementation when changing speed reference.
Visible only if parameter 506.0 and 506.1 are configured.

00 v Do not save. Variables not saved after the RUN command has disappeared.
01 v Save to RAM. Variables saved to RAM after STOP command ends and disappear when power off.
02 v Save to ROM. Variables saved to ROM when power off. 

82 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 300-

506- M Speed up and down (continued) 400-

0 - 100% 00
506.3 M Clear the function 600-
When the CLEAR command is activated, acceleration and deceleration commands are deactivated. All 700-
speed increments are reset when the CLEAR command is activated, regardless of the save method used.
Visible only if parameter 506.0 and 506.1 are configured. 

00 v [00], Function inactive

L1H v [L1H], LI1 active high
L2H v [L2H], LI2 active high
L3H v [L3H], LI3 active high
L4H v [L4H], LI4 active high
LUH v [LUH], LIU active high
159 v The function is cleared when [159] acceleration and deceleration commands activate simultaneously.
0 - 100% 0%
506.4 M Reactivity of +/- speed around ref.
An experience value between 0 to 100% is used to change the rapidity of response for acceleration and
deceleration command inputs.
Visible only if parameters 506.0 and 506.1 are configured. 

Preset speeds
2, 4, or 8 speeds can be preset, requiring 1, 2 or 3 logic inputs respectively.

Combination table for preset speed inputs

8 speeds LI 4 speeds LI 2 speeds LI Speed reference

(507.2) (507.1) (507.0)
0 0 0 Preset speed
0 0 1 Preset speed 2
0 1 0 Preset speed 3
0 1 1 Preset speed 4
1 0 0 Preset speed 5
1 0 1 Preset speed 6
1 1 0 Preset speed 7
1 1 1 Preset speed 8

EAV94277 05/2024 83
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting


500- Function menu (continued)
700- 507-
Preset speed menu
507.0 M 2 preset speeds 00

00 v Function inactive
L1H v L1H: L1 high activation level
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: active high
507.1 M 4 preset speeds 00

As 507.0

507.2 M 8 preset speeds 00

As 507.0

507.3 M Preset speed 2 0 to 400 Hz 10 Hz

 Visible only if 2 preset speeds 507.0 is not set to 00.

507.4 M Preset speed 3 0 to 400 Hz 15 Hz

 Visible only if 4 preset speeds 507.1 is not set to 00.

507.5 M Preset speed 4 0 to 400 Hz 20 Hz

 Visible only if 2 preset speeds 507.0 and 4 preset speeds 507.1 are not set to 00.

507.6 M Preset speed 5 0 to 400 Hz 25 Hz

 Visible only if 8 preset speeds 507.2 is not set to 00.

507.7 M Preset speed 6 0 to 400 Hz 30 Hz

 Visible only if 2 preset speeds 507.0 and 8 preset speeds 507.2 are not set to 00.

507.8 M Preset speed 7 0 to 400 Hz 35 Hz

 Visible only if 4 preset speeds 507.1 and 8 preset speeds 507.2 are not set to 00.

507.9 M Preset speed 8 0 to 400 Hz 40 Hz

 Visible only if 2 preset speeds 507.0, 4 preset speeds 507.1 and 8 preset speeds 507.2 are not
set to 00.
0 to 400 Hz 0 Hz
508 M Skip frequency
 This parameter prevents prolonged operation within an adjustable range around 508 frequency of 
1 Hz. This function can be used to prevent a critical speed which would cause resonance being reached.
Setting the function to 0 renders it inactive. 

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

84 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

PID diagram 300-

PID reference PID error
Reference 500-
channel 1 806 804
401 600-
Activation internal
PID reference value 700-
59.05 Preset PID PID reference
PID correction reverse
Modbus PID gain
assignment 59.16
value ramp wake up level
Remote display
59.13 59.06 59.01
+ No +
Integrated display 59.12 59.19 59.02 (1)
with Jog dial 59.14 59.07 Yes
+ 59.03 +
2, 3, 4 preset PID
Internal PID reference value PID min/max
reference value 59.08 value reference
59.09 PID feedback
59.10 59.00
scale factor

59.04 59.20 59.15
Analog terminal

PID: Wake up threshold PID predictive speed

PID feedback


PID auto/manual assignment

59.17 (LI)

High speed deceleration ramp
Automatic reference 512.2
Manual 801


Low speed
PID manual reference

Anolog terminal
Integrated display
with Jog dial

EAV94277 05/2024 85
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

500- Function menu (continued)
PID menu
59.00 M PID feedback assignment 00

00 v Not assigned.
01 v Analog terminal. Choice not possible if 401 is set to 01.

59.01 M PID proportional gain 0.01 to 100 1

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 is not set to 00.

59.02 M PID integral gain 0.01 to 100 1

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 is not set to 00.

59.03 M PID derivative gain 0.00 to 100.00 0.00

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 is not set to 00.

59.04 M PID feedback scale factor 0.1 to 100.0 1.0

 This parameter gives the relation between process range and feedback range. 
Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 is not set to 00.

59.05 M Activation internal PID reference value 00

Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 is not set to 00.

00 v No
01 v Yes

59.06 M 2 preset PID assignment 00

Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 is not set to 00.

00 v None
L1H v L1H
L2H v L2H
L3H v L3H
L4H v L4H

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

86 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

500- Function menu (continued) 600-
PID menu (continued) 700-

59.07 M 4 preset PID assignment 00

Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00.
00 v None
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
Before assigning 4 preset PID assignment 59.07, 2 preset PID assignment 59.06 (page 86) must be

59.08 M 2 preset PID reference value 0 to 100% 25%

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) and 2 preset PID assignment 59.06 (page
86) are not set to 00.

59.09 M 3 preset PID reference value 0 to 100% 50%

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) and 4 preset PID assignment 59.07 
(page 87) are not set to 00.

59.10 M 4 preset PID reference value 0 to 100% 75%

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86), 2 preset PID assignment 59.06 and 
4 preset PID assignment 59.07 (page 87) are not set to 00.

59.11 M Internal PID reference value 0 to 100% 0%

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86)is not set to 00 and Activation internal PID
reference value 59.05 (page 86) is set to 01 or Reference channel 1 401 (page 73) is set to 163.

59.12 M PID reference value ramp 0 to 99.9 s 0s

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00.

59.13 M PID min value reference 0 to 100% 0%

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00.

59.14 M PID max value reference 0 to 100% 100%

 Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00.

59.15 M PID predictive speed 0.1 to 400 Hz nO

This parameter allows direct attainment of a set speed reference.

Visible only if [PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

EAV94277 05/2024 87
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting


500- Function menu (continued)
700- 59-
PID menu (continued)
501.4 M Acceleration 2 0.0 to 999.9 s 5.0 s
 This parameter only can be activated when the system is starting.
Second acceleration ramp time, adjustable from 0.1 to 999.9 s.
The time required to accelerate from 0 to Rated motor frequency 306 (page 67). Make sure that this value
is compatible with the inertia being driven.

Visible only if PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) and PID predictive speed 59.15 
(page 87) are not set to 00.

59.16 M PID correction reverse 00

This parameter will reverse the internal error value of PID system.
00 v No , no negative speed
01 v Yes, no negative speed
02 v No, allow negative speed
03 v Yes, allow negative speed

Visible only if:

PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00
Negative speed possible only if
Low speed 512.0 is set to 00
Reverse inhibition 404 is set to 00

59.17 M PID auto/manual assignment 00

At state 0 of input, PID is active.

At state 1 of input, manual run is active.
00 v No
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high

Visible only if PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00.

59.18 M PID manual reference 00

This parameter can disable the PID and enable the standard manual reference.
00 v No
01 v Anolog terminal
183 v Integrated display with Jog dial

Visible only if PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) and PID auto/manual assignment 59.17
(page 88) are not set to 00.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

88 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

500- Function menu (continued)
PID menu (continued) 700-

512.1 M Low speed operating time 0.1 to 999.9 s 00

 A motor stop is requested automatically following a defined period of operation at Low speed 512.0
(page 101). The motor restarts if the frequency reference is greater than Low speed 512.0 and if a run
command is still present.
NOTE: 00 value corresponds to an unlimited period.

Visible only if PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) is not set to 00.

59.19 M PID: wake up level 0 to 100% 0%

If PID functions and Low speed operating time512.1 are set at the same time, the PID regulator may try
to set a speed lower than Low speed 512.0. This will result in unwanted operations consisting of starting,
running at Low speed 512.0, stopping and so on. Parameter PID: wake up level 59.19 can be used
to set a minimum PID error threshold to restart after a prolonged stop below Low speed 512.0.

Visible only if PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) and Low speed operating time 512.1 
(page 101) are not set to 00.

59.20 M PID: Wake up threshold 0 to 100% 0%

 If PID correction reverse 59.16 (page 88) is set to nO, this parameter can be used to set the PID
feedback threshold. Following a stop caused by exceeding the maximum time at low speed 512.1, the
PID regulator is reactivated (wake-up) when this threshold is exceeded. 
If 59.16 is set to 01, the PID regulator is reactivated (wake-up) when this threshold is exceeded,
following a stop caused by exceeding the maximum time at low speed 512.1.

Visible only if PID feedback assignment 59.00 (page 86) and Low speed operating time 512.1 
(page 101) is not set to 00.

59.21 M Sleep offset threshold 0 to 512.2 0 Hz

0 ~ 512.2 (*0)

59.22 M PID feedback supervision threshold 0 - 100% 0 (No)

0 - 100% (*0)
0 - 600s
59.23 M PID supervision function time delay 0s

 0 - 600s (*0)

59.24 M Maximum frequency detection Hysteresis 0 to 512.2 0 Hz

59.25 M PID feedback supervision 01

01 v Fault and freewheel stop

04 v Fall back speed
59.26 M Fall back speed 0 to 512.2 0 Hz

0~ high speed frequency (*0).

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

EAV94277 05/2024 89
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting


700- 207 M Process overload time delay 0-100 s 0s

This function can be used to stop the motor in the event of an process overload. This is not a motor or drive
thermal overload. If the motor current exceeds the Process overload threshold 208, a Process overload
time delay 207 is activated. Once this time delay 207 has elapsed, if the current is still greater than the
overload threshold 208 -10%, the drive will stop running and display Process overload.
Overload detection is only active when the system is in steady state (Actual speed reference reached). 
A value of 0 will disable application overload detection.
Estimated motor current Drive stop on detection of F012 fault.

208 -10%

< 207 207

70% - 150% of 305

208 M Process overload threshold parameter value 
90% of 305
 70% - 150%
parameter value

Visible only if Process overload time delay 207 above is not 0.

This parameter is used to detect an "application overload". 208 can be adjusted between 70 and 150%
of the rated drive current. This is not the same as a motor or drive thermal overload.

209 M Process overload fault duration 0-6 min. 0 min.

 If 602.0=01, the drive will automatically restart after this time delay following the overload fault F012.
Minimum time permitted between an overload being detected and any automatic restart.
In order for an automatic restart to be possible, the maximum restart time 602.1 (page 103) must exceed
that of this parameter by at least one minute.

Visible only if the "Overload time delay 207" above is not set to 0.

210 M Process underload time delay 0-100 s 0s

210 can be adjust between 0 to 100 s

If the motor current undershoots the underload threshold 211 for longer than the adjustable time delay
210, the drive will stop running and display F029 (Underload fault), see page 115.
Estimated motor current When F029 fault is
211 +10% (hysteresis)

< 210 210


Underload detection is only active when the system is in steady state (Actual speed reference reached).
A value of 0 will disable application underload detection.
20% to 100% of 305 60%
211 M Process Underload threshold parameter
 Visible only if Process underload time delay 210 is not set to 0. This parameter is used to detect an
application underload condition on the motor. Process underload threshold 211 can be adjusted between
20 and 100% of the rated drive current.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

90 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting
212 M Process underload fault duration 0-6 min. 0 min.
 If 602.0=01, the drive will automatically restart after this time delay following the Process underload 700-
fault F029.
Minimum time permitted between an underload being detected and any automatic restart.
In order for an automatic restart to be possible, the maximum restart time 602.1 (page 103) must exceed
that of this parameter by at least one minute.

Visible only if the "Process underload time delay 210" above is not set to 0.

510.0 M Selecting operating mode

00 v No: single frequency conversion mode
01 v Yes: single frequency conversion combined with auxiliary pump mode
If 510.0 = [01], digital output LO will automatically assign value pump switching.

0-308 parameter 512.2

510.1 M Starting frequency of the auxiliary pump value parameter value
The auxiliary pump will start if this frequency is exceeded and after the pump start time delay (value of

510.2 M Time delay before starting auxiliary pump 0-999.9s 2s

This time avoids the effects of transient pressure fluctuations and so avoids vibrations generated during
pump starting and stopping.

510.3 M Auxiliary pump ramp reaching 0-999.9s 2s

0-308 parameter
510.4 M Auxiliary pump stop frequency value

The auxiliary pump will stop below this frequency after the auxiliary pump stop delay (value of 510.5).

510.5 M Auxiliary pump stop time delay 0-999.9s 2s

This time avoids the effects of transient pressure fluctuations and so avoids vibrations generated during
pump starting and stopping.

510.6 M Auxiliary pump stop ramp 0-999.9s 2s

510.7 M Zero flow detection period 0-20 min. 0 min.

Function inactive if value is 0.

510.8 M Zero flow detection activation threshold 0-400Hz 0Hz

Below this threshold function activated if 510.7 value >0 and the auxiliary pump is stopped.

0-400Hz 0Hz
510.9 M Zero flow detection offset

EAV94277 05/2024 91
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Architecture of the pumping installation

Single variable mode - 1 single variable speed pump

Variable pump

Pressure sensor
0-20 mA
4-20 mA
0+5 V
0+10 V

Enter the values given on the motor rating plate in the Motor control menu 300-
First level adjustment parameters
501.0 Acceleration: 0.7 s
501.1 Deceleration: 0.7 s
512.0 Low speed: 30 Hz
512.2 High speed: 60 Hz
Analog input menu AIt
204.0 Scale of analog input AI1: 0-20 mA
Motor control menu drC
311 Slip compensation: 0%
313 Frequency loop gain: 70%
310 IR compensation: 0%
Application functions menu FUn
202 2-wire type control: LEL
PI sub-menu
59.00 Assignment of the PI function feedback: AI1
59.01 PI regulator proportional gain: 5.00
59.02 PI regulator integral gain: 8.00
59.11 Internal PI regulator reference: 39%
59.19 Restart error threshold: 40%
59.25 Supervision of the PI regulator function: LFF
59.22 PI feedback supervision threshold: 17%
59.23 PI feedback supervision function time delay: 1 s
59.26 Fallback speed: 50 Hz
Pump sub-menu PMP
510.7 Zero flow detection: 1 min
510.8 Zero flow detection activation threshold: 50 Hz
510.9 Zero flow detection offset: 5 Hz
512.1 Sleep threshold operating time: 3 s
59.15 Quick start threshold: 25 Hz
59.21 Sleep threshold offset: 10 Hz
Automatic DC injection sub-menu AdC
504.0 Automatic DC injection assignment: nO
Automatic restart function Atr
602.0 Automatic restart: YES
Fault menu 600-
208 Process Overload threshold: 11%
209 Process overload fault duration: 1
59.24 Frequency hysteresis reached: 2 Hz

92 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Single variable with auxiliary pump mode - 1 variable speed pump (variable pump) and one fixed speed
pump (auxiliary pump)

Fixed speed auxiliary pump

Variable pump ATV310

0-20 mA
4-20 mA
0+5 V
0+10 V

The auxiliary pump is controlled by the ATV310 via logic output LO.

Enter the values given on the motor rating plate in the Motor control menu 300-
First level adjustment parameters
501.0 Acceleration: 0.1 s
501.1 Deceleration: 0.1 s
512.0 Low speed: 35 Hz
Analog input menu 204-
204.0 Scale of analog input AI1: 0-20 mA
Motor control menu 300-
311 Slip compensation: 0%
313 Frequency loop gain: 70%
310 IR compensation: 0%
Application functions menu FUn
202 2-wire type control: 00
PI sub-menu
59.00 Assignment of the PI function feedback: 01
59.01 PI regulator proportional gain: 5.00
59.02 PI regulator integral gain: 8.00
59.11 Internal PI regulator reference: 51%
59.19 Restart error threshold: 42%
Pump sub-menu PMP
510.0 Selecting the operating mode: 01 (Yes)
510.1 Starting frequency of the auxiliary pump: 49 Hz
510.2 Time delay before starting the auxiliary pump: 1 s
510.3 Ramp for reaching the nominal speed of the auxiliary pump: 1 s
510.4 Stopping frequency of the auxiliary pump: 39.6 Hz
510.5 Time delay before the auxiliary pump stop command: 1 s
510.6 Ramp for stopping the auxiliary pump: 1 s
510.7 Zero flow detection: 1 min
510.8 Zero flow detection activation threshold: 42 Hz
510.9 Zero flow detection offset: 2 Hz
512.1 Sleep threshold operating time: 5 s
59.21 Sleep threshold offset: 3 Hz
206.1 Assignment as logic/analog output PMP
Automatic DC injection sub-menu 504-
504.0 Automatic DC injection assignment: 00
Automatic restart function 602-
602.0 Automatic restart: 01 (active)
Fault menu 600-
210 Process underload function time delay 5 s
211 Process underload threshold: 59%
212 Time delay before automatic restart for the underload fault: 1

EAV94277 05/2024 93
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Connection diagram

3-phase supply
380 V...460 V





+24 V


+5 V







Auxiliary pump
M1 sensor M2
3 3
0-20 mA
Variable 4-20 mA
pump 0+5 V 3-phase supply
380 V...460 V

(1) Fault relay contacts, for remote indication of the drive status.

NOTE: Fit interference suppressors to all inductive circuits near the drive or connected to the same circuit (relays, contactors, solenoid
valves, etc.).

NOTE: This wiring example is in source using internal supply.

94 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

PI feedback supervision (59.25)

Used to define the operating mode in the event of detection of a PI feedback lower than the limit set.

PI feedback

Motor speed Fallback mode
defined by 59.25

< tPI tPI
End-of-time delay

Once the variable pump is running at maximum speed (higher than 512.2 – 59.24) and at the same time the PI feedback is lower than
the supervision threshold 59.22*(1-2%), a time delay tPI is launched. If at the end of this time delay the value of the PI feedback is still
lower than the supervision threshold 59.22*(1+3%), the drive switches to fallback mode as defined by parameter 59.25.
- 59.25 = 01:
The drive will perform a freewheel stop.

- 59.25 = 04:
The drive will run at a fixed frequency 59.26 and will display fault code --12.
In both cases the drive reverts to PI regulation mode as soon as the PI feedback is higher than the supervision threshold 59.22*(1+3%).
In single variable with auxiliary pump mode (510.0 = 01), the PI feedback supervision function is only active when both pumps are

EAV94277 05/2024 95
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Pump submenu PMP

The principal objective is to control a complete pumping installation using a single drive by providing constant pressure whatever the flow
The system is operated using an auxiliary fixed speed pump, and one variable speed pump, which is unable to provide the full flow range
required on its own. A PI regulator is used for drive control. The pressure sensor provides system feedback.
The variable speed pump is called a variable pump.
The fixed speed pump is called an auxiliary pump.

Selecting the operating mode

The ATV310 offers 2 operating modes:
• Single variable mode: 1 single variable speed pump (variable pump).
• Single variable with auxiliary pump mode: 1 variable speed pump (variable pump) and one fixed speed pump (auxiliary pump).

Control of the auxiliary pump

The PI regulator output (frequency reference of the variable pump) is used to control starting or stopping of the auxiliary pump with
hysteresis, as shown in the figure below:

Frequency of the
variable pump Auxiliary pump starting

Starting frequency
510.1 Frequency
Auxiliary pump corresponding to the
stopping auxiliary pump flow

Stopping frequency
Flow rate of the installation

When the frequency exceeds the starting threshold (510.1), a time delay (510.2) is launched to avoid the effects of transient flow
fluctuations. If after this time delay, the frequency remains higher than the starting threshold, the auxiliary pump is started. When the start
command is sent, the variable pump will go from its current speed reference to the auxiliary pump stopping frequency (510.4) following
a ramp (510.3) that equals the time taken for the auxiliary pump to reach its nominal speed. Parameter rOn is used to minimize the
booster effect on starting the auxiliary pump.

Frequency of the
variable pump

2 1 2 .2
Auxiliary pump starting
5 1 0 .1

5 1 0 .4

5 1 2 .0
0 t

5 1 0 .2 510.3
5 1 0 .3

96 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

When the frequency is lower than the stopping threshold (510.4), a time delay is launched (510.5) to avoid the effects of transient flow
fluctuations. If after this time delay, the frequency remains lower than the stopping threshold, the auxiliary pump is stopped. When the stop
command is sent, the variable pump will go from its current speed reference to the auxiliary pump starting frequency (510.1) following a
ramp (510.6) that equals the auxiliary pump stopping time. Parameter 510.6 is used to minimize the booster effect on stopping the
auxiliary pump.

Frequency of the
variable pump

1 2 .2
1 0 .1

Auxiliary pump
5 1 0 .4
5 1 2 .0

1 0 .2 5 1 0 .6

EAV94277 05/2024 97
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

"Sleep" function/"Wake-up" function

This function is used to stop the variable pump when there is zero flow (auxiliary pump stopped). In this case, if the frequency of the variable
pump is lower than the "sleep" threshold (512.0 + 59.21), a time delay (512.1) is launched. If, after this time delay, the frequency
remains lower than threshold 512.0 + 59.21, the variable pump then stops. The installation is in "sleep" mode.
To switch to "wake-up" mode, the pressure feedback must drop to below the "wake-up" threshold 59.20. The variable pump is then

PI feedback

5 9 .2 0

Motor frequency

512 .0 + 5 9 .2 1
512 .0

512 .1 t

Low speed or speed threshold

operating time

Quick start function

The quick start function can be used to overcome problems linked to high 59.01 and 59.02 gains (instability on starting). The drive
accelerates until it reaches the quick start threshold 59.15 following a ramp 510.4. Once the threshold has been reached, the PI
regulator is activated.

Frequency of the
variable pump

5 1 2 .2

5 9 .1 5

0 1 .0

98 EAV94277 05/2024
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Zero flow detection

This function is only active when the auxiliary pump is stopped and the motor frequency is below threshold 510.8.
This function is used in applications where zero flow cannot be detected by the sleep function alone. It forces the drive frequency reference
to 512.0 + 510.9 periodically (at each time interval 510.7) in order to test for zero flow.
• If the request is still present, the PI error increases, causing the drive to restart.

PI feedback

PI error

Frequency reference

1 0 .8

5 512.0
1 2 .0 ++510.9
5 1 0 .9
1 2 .0
1 0 .7 510.7
5 1 0 .7

• If the request is no longer present (zero flow), the PI error will not increase.

PI feedback

Frequency reference

1 2 .2
1 0 .8
Sleep threshold 512.0 + 59.21

2 .0 + +5510.9
5 1512.0 1 0 .9
5 1512
2 .0
1 0 .7 5512.1
1 2 .1

• Set the sleep function so that the drive switches to sleep mode when zero flow is detected (510.9 y 59.21).

EAV94277 05/2024 99
Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment Factory setting
500- range
500- Function menu (continued)
511.0 M 2nd current limitation commutation 00

00 v Function inactive
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high
L1L v L1L: LI1 active low
L2L v L2L: LI2 active low
L3L v L3L: LI3 active low
L4L v L4L: LI4 active low
LUL v LUL: LIU active low
If the assigned input is at 0, the first current limitation is active.
If the assigned input is at 1, the second current limitation is active.
See LI assignment information (page 54).
Determined by
511.1 M Current limitation 0.25 to 1.5 In (1) drive rating
 and dual rating
First current limitation.

Depending on the settings of this parameter, the error response to detected errors is disabled or the transition
to the operating state Fault is suppressed if an error is detected.
• Verify that the settings of this parameter do not result in equipment damage.
• Implement alternative monitoring functions for disabled monitoring functions.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Determined by
511.2 M Current limitation 2 0.25 to 1.5 In (1) drive rating
 and dual rating
Second current limitation.
This function allows reduction of the drive current limit.

Visible only if 2nd current limitation commutation 511.0 (page 100) is not set to 00.

Depending on the settings of this parameter, the error response to detected errors is disabled or the transition
to the operating state Fault is suppressed if an error is detected.
• Verify that the settings of this parameter do not result in equipment damage.
• Implement alternative monitoring functions for disabled monitoring functions.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

(1) In = rated drive current

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

100 EAV94277 05/2024

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

500- Function menu (continued) 600-
Speed limit menu 700-

0 Hz to 512.2 0 Hz
512.0 M Low speed parameter value
 Motor frequency at minimum reference.
0.1 to 999.9 s 00
512.1 M Low speed operating time
 Following operation at Low speed 512.0 for a defined period, a motor stop is requested automatically.
The motor restarts if the reference value is greater than Low speed 512.0 and if a run command is still
NOTE: 00 corresponds to an unlimited period.

EAV94277 05/2024 101

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

High speed configuration
The logic inputs enable selection of the desired high speed.

600- Desired High Setting Desired High Setting

speed speed
700- Parameter State Parameter State
512.2 512.3 00 512.6 512.3 00
512.4 00 512.4 assigned
512.5 512.3 assigned 512.7 512.3 assigned
512.4 00 512.4 assigned

Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

500- Function menu (continued)

Speed limit menu
512.0 to 308 50 or 60 Hz
512.2 M High speed parameter value determined by 301
 parameter value,
maximum 308
parameter value
Motor frequency at maximum reference can be set in the range Low speed 512.0 to Motor control type
308 (page 67).
If 308 falls below the value defined for 512.2, 512.2 automatically drops to the new value of 308.
512.3 M 2 High speed assignment
00 v None
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high
512.4 M 4 High speed assignment
00 v None
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high
512.0 to 308 As 512.2 parameter
512.5 M High speed 2 value
 Visible only if 2 High speed assignment 512.3 is not set to 00.
512.0 to 308 As 512.2 parameter
512.6 M High speed 3 value
 Visible only if 4 High speed assignment 512.4 is not set to 00.
512.0 to 308 As with 512.2
512.7 M High speed 4 parameter value
 Visible only if 2 High speed assignment 512.3 and 4 High speed assignment 512.4 are not set to 00.
513 M Cooling fan control
00 v Fan runs while drive is running
01 v Temperature control mode, fan starting and stopping controlled on basis of IGBT temperature

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

102 EAV94277 05/2024

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

601 M Detected fault reset assignment 00 700-

Manual fault reset.

00 v Function inactive
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high
Faults are reset when the assigned input or bit changes to 1, if the cause of the fault has
The STOP/RESET button on the graphic display terminal performs the same function.
See also Diagnostics and Troubleshooting (page 114).

Automatic restart menu
602.0 M Automatic restart 00

This function can be used to automatically perform individual or multiple Fault Resets. If the cause of the error
that has triggered the transition to the operating state Fault disappears within while this function is active, the
drive resumes normal operation. While the Fault Reset attempts are performed automatically, the output
signal "Operating state Fault" is not available. If the attempts to perform the Fault Reset are not successful,
the drive remains in the operating state Fault and the output signal "Operating state Fault" becomes active.

• Verify that activating this function does not result in unsafe conditions.
• Verify that the fact that the output signal "Operating state Fault" is not available while this function is active
does not result in unsafe conditions.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury or equipment damage.

00 v Function inactive.
01 v Automatic restart after locking on a detected fault, if the cause has disappeared and the other
operating conditions permit the restart. 
The restart is performed by a series of automatic attempts separated by increasingly longer waiting
periods: 1 s, 5 s, 10 s, then 1 minute for subsequent attempts. The drive status relay remains
activated if this function is active. The speed reference and the operating direction must be
maintained. 
Use 2 wire type control (Type of control 201 (page 56) = 00 and 2-wire type control 202 (page
60) = 00). If the restart has not taken place once the Max. automatic restart 602.1 has elapsed,
the procedure is aborted and the drive remains locked until it is turned off and then on again. 
The detected faults which permit use of this function are listed on page 116.
5 min.
602.1 M Max. automatic restart
00 v 5 min.
01 v 10 min.
02 v 30 min.
03 v 1 hr
04 v 2 hr
05 v 3 hr
06 v Infinite
Visible only if Automatic restart 602.0 is not set to 00. This parameter can be used to limit the
number of consecutive restarts on a recurrent fault.

EAV94277 05/2024 103

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting


603 M Catch on the fly 00

This function is used to enable a smooth restart if the run command is maintained after the following events:
• Loss of line supply or disconnection
• Reset of current fault or automatic restart
• Freewheel stop
The speed given by the drive resumes from the estimated speed of the motor at the time of the restart, then
follows the ramp to the reference speed.
This function requires 2-wire level control.

00 v Function inactive
01 v Function active

104 EAV94277 05/2024

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)

Motor thermal protection
Thermal protection by calculating the I2t.
• Naturally-cooled motors:  700-
The tripping curves depend on the motor frequency.

• Force-cooled motors: 
Only the 50 Hz tripping curve need be considered, regardless of the motor frequency.

Trip time in seconds

Motor current/604.0 parameter value

EAV94277 05/2024 105

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

700- 604-
Motor Thermal Protection menu
0.2 to 1.5 In (1) Determined by drive
604.0 M Motor thermal current rating
 Current used for motor thermal detection. Set ItH to the nominal current on the motor rating plate.

604.1 M Motor protection type 01

01 v Self-ventilated
02 v Motor-ventilated
604.2 M Overload fault management 01

Type of stop in the event of a motor thermal fault.

00 v Fault ignored
01 v Freewheel stop
08 v DC injection
Overload fault management Setting 604.2 to 00 inhibits the Motor overload fault F013
(page 116).

If this parameter is set to 00, the error response to detected errors is disabled and the transition to the
operating state Fault is suppressed.
• Verify that the settings of this parameter do not result in equipment damage.
• Implement alternative monitoring functions for disabled monitoring functions.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

604.3 M Motor thermal state memo 00

00 v Motor thermal state not stored at power off

01 v Motor thermal state is stored at power off
605 M Output Phase loss 01

If output phase monitoring is disabled, phase loss and, by implication, accidental disconnection of cables, are
not detected.
Verify that the setting of this parameter does not result in unsafe conditions.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

00 v Function inactive
01 v Tripping on F014 (1 phase loss) or F015 (3 phase loss) fault with freewheel stop.
606 M Input Phase loss
This parameter is only accessible in this menu on 3-phases drives.
00 v Fault ignored
01 v Fault with freewheel stop
If one phase disappears, the drive switches to fault mode, but if 2 or 3 phases disappear, the drive
continues to operate until it trips on an undervoltage fault.
08 v DC Injection

(1) In = rated drive current

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

106 EAV94277 05/2024

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-


Undervoltage menu 700-

607.0 M Undervoltage detected fault management 00

Behaviour of the drive in the event of an undervoltage

00 v Detected fault and R1 relay set to 0
01 v Detected fault and R1 relay set to 1

607.1 M Undervoltage prevention 00

Behaviour in the event of the undervoltage fault prevention level being reached
00 v No action (freewheel)
02 v Stop following an adjustable ramp Undervoltage ramp deceleration time 607.2.

607.2 M Undervoltage ramp deceleration time 0.0 to 10.0 s 1.0 s

 Undervoltage prevention 607.1 = 02 gives this ramp time.


608 M IGBT Test 00

00 v No test
01 v The IGBTs are tested on power up and every time a run command is sent. These tests cause a slight
delay (a few ms). 
In the event of a fault, the drive will lock. The following faults can be detected:
- Drive output short-circuit (terminals U-V-W): F018, F019, F021 display
- IGBT faulty: F020 display, where x indicates the number of the IGBT concerned
IGBT short-circuited: x2F, where x indicates the number of the IGBT concerned

609 M 4-20mA loss Behaviour 00

00 v Fault ignored. This configuration is only possible if AI1 current scaling parameter of 0% 204.1
(page 61) is not greater than 3 mA or AI1 type 204.0 = 0 A.
01 v Freewheel stop
08 v DC injection

2s To change the assignment of this parameter, press the ENT key for 2 s.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

EAV94277 05/2024 107

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting

700- 610 M Detected fault inhibition assignment 00

In rare cases, the monitoring functions of the drive may be unwanted because they impede the purpose of the
application. A typical example is a smoke extractor fan operating as a part of a fire protection system. If a fire
occurs, the smoke extractor fan should operate as long as possible, even if, for example, the permissible
ambient temperature of the drive is exceeded. In such applications, damage to or destruction of the device
may be acceptable as collateral damage, for example, to keep other damage from occurring whose hazard
potential is assessed to be more severe.

A parameter is provided to disable certain monitoring functions in such applications so that automatic error
detection and automatic error responses of the device are no longer active. You must implement alternative
monitoring functions for disabled monitoring functions that allow operators and/or master control systems to
adequately respond to conditions which correspond to detected errors. For example, if overtemperature
monitoring of the drive is disabled, the drive of a smoke extractor fan may itself cause a fire if errors go
undetected. An overtemperature condition can be, for example, signaled in a control room without the drive
being stopped immediately and automatically by its internal monitoring functions.

• Only use this parameter after a thorough risk assessment in compliance with all regulations and standards
that apply to the device and to the application.
• Implement alternative monitoring functions for disabled monitoring functions that do not trigger automatic
error responses of the drive, but allow for adequate, equivalent responses by other means in compliance
with all applicable regulations and standards as well as the risk assessment.
• Commission and test the system with the monitoring functions enabled.
• During commissioning, verify that the drive and the system operate as intended by performing tests and
simulations in a controlled environment under controlled conditions.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

To assign fault inhibit, press and hold down the ENT key for 2 s.
00 v Function inactive
L1H v L1H: LI1 active high
L2H v L2H: LI2 active high
L3H v L3H: LI3 active high
L4H v L4H: LI4 active high
LUH v LUH: LIU active high
Following detected faults can be inhibited:
F008, F025, F028,F011, F013, F014, F015, F016, F022, F024,
2s F027, and F030.

2s To change the assignment of this parameter, press the ENT key for 2 s.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

108 EAV94277 05/2024

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment Factory setting 400-



611 M Modbus detected fault management 01

Behaviour of the drive in the event of a communication fault with integrated Modbus.
00 v Fault ignored
01 v Freewheel stop
08 v DC injection

If this parameter is set to 00, Modbus communication monitoring is disabled.
• Only use this setting after a thorough risk assessment in compliance with all regulations and standards that
apply to the device and to the application.
• Only use this setting for tests during commissioning.
• Verify that communication monitoring has been re-enabled before completing the commissioning procedure
and performing the final commissioning test.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

612 M Degraded line supply operation 00

Lowers the tripping threshold of the F030 fault to operate on a line supply down to 50% of nominal
line voltage. In this case, a line choke must be used and the performance of the drive controller
cannot be guaranteed.
00 v No
01 v Yes

A line choke must be used when the parameter 612 is set to 01.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

613 M Reset power run 00

This function will initialize the settings in the Monitor (800-) section, menu 900- (page 49).
00 v No
07 v Reset fan time display

614 M Reset all previous detected faults via Run key of HMI 00

 If this function is active and the RUN key on the equipment panel is pressed for at least 2 s, some
detected faults (1) can be reset.
This function is only effective for 2-wire or 3-wire control.
If type of control 201 (page 56) = 00 and 2 wire type control 202 (page 60) = 00 and the RUN
command is still valid, the drive will run the motor after the fault is reset.
To change the assignment of this parameter, press the ENT key for 2 s.
(1) These errors include: F001, F002, F006, F008, F010, F014, F015, F017, F018, F019, F020,
F021, F025, F027 and F028.
00 v Inactive
01 v Active

2s If parameter 614 is set to 1, pressing the RUN key for 2 s with clear and some detected errors (1).
• Verify that activating this function does not result in unsafe conditions.
• Only use this parameter after a thorough risk assessment in compliance with all regulations and
standards that apply to the device and to the application.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

EAV94277 05/2024 109

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


400- Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting


700- Communication menu
NOTE: For following parameters, the modifications will be taken into account only at the next control power on.
701 M Modbus address OFF to 247 OFF

Modbus address is adjustable in the range OFF to 247. When OFF, communication is not active.

702 M Modbus baud rate 19.2

24 v 4.8 kbps
28 v 9.6 kbps
32 v 19.2 kbps
36 v 38.4 kbps
703 M Modbus format 8E1

02 v 8o1
03 v 8E1
04 v 8N1
05 v 8N2
704 M Modbus time out 0.1 to 30 s 10 s

The drive detects a Modbus fault if the drive does not receive a Modbus request within a predefined time
period (time out).

Input scanner menu (values are expressed in hexadecimal)
705.0 M Com scanner read address parameter 1 0C81

Address of the 1st input word.

705.1 M Com scanner read address parameter 2 219C

Address of the 2nd input word.

705.2 M Com scanner read address parameter 3 0000

Address of the 3rd input word.

705.3 M Com scanner read address parameter 4 0000

Address of the 4th input word.

Output scanner menu (values are expressed in hexadecimal)
706.0 M Com scanner write address parameter 1 2135

Address of the 1st input word.

706.1 M Com scanner write address parameter 2 219A

Address of the 2nd input word.

706.2 M Com scanner write address parameter 3
Address of the 3rd input word.

706.3 M Com scanner write address parameter 4
Address of the 4th input word.

110 EAV94277 05/2024

Configuration Mode - Complete menu (FULL)


Code Name/Description Adjustment range Factory setting 400-

700- Communication menu (continued)
Input scanner access menu (values are expressed in hexadecimal) 700-

ETA value
707.0 M Com scanner read address value 1
Value of the 1st input word.

RFRD value
707.1 M Com scanner read address value 2
Value of the 2nd input word.

707.2 M Com scanner read address value 3
Value of the 3rd input word.

707.3 M Com scanner read address value 4
Value of the 4th input word.

Output scanner access menu (values are expressed in hexadecimal)
CMD value
708.0 M Com scanner write address value 1
 Value of the 1st output word.
LFRD value
708.1 M Com scanner write address value 2
 Value of the 2nd output word.
708.2 M Com scanner write address value 3
 Value of the 3rd output word.
708.3 M Com scanner write address value 4
 Value of the 4th output word.

 Parameter that can be modified during operation or when stopped.

EAV94277 05/2024 111



Read and understand the instructions in "Before your begin" chapter before performing any procedure in this chapter.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

The ATV310 does not require any preventive maintenance. However, it is advisable to perform the following checks regularly:
• Check environment and tightness of connections
• Remove any dust from the drive
• Ensure proper fan operation
Physical damage to covers

Perform the following activities.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Environment Related parts Actions Periodicity

Product impact Enclosure - Control panel (LED Check drive display part Once per month
Corrosion Terminals - connectors - screws Check and clean

Dust Terminals - fans - vents

Temperature Product setting Check and optimize

Check fan operation

Cooling Fan
Replace fan As required
Vibration Terminal connections Check connection torque Once per month

Prolonged storage
For products that have been stored for more than 2 years, voltage should be gradually increased in product capacitors.

The product capacitor performances after a long time storage above 2 years can be degraded. In that case, before using the product,
apply the following procedure:
• Use a variable AC voltage supply, connected between L1 and L2 (even for ATVpppppN4 catalog numbers).
• Increase AC supply voltage to have:
- 80% of rated voltage for 30 min
- 100% of rated voltage for 30 min
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

112 EAV94277 05/2024


Display menu
Use the status of the drive and its current values shown on the display menu as an aid for finding the causes of detected faults.

Assistance with maintenance, detected fault display

If a problem arises during setup or operation, ensure that the recommendations relating to the environment, mounting and connections have
been observed.
The first fault detected is stored and displayed, flashing, on the screen. The drive locks and the status relay R1 contact opens. 

Clearing the detected fault

Disconnect the drive power supply in the event of a non-resettable fault. 
Wait for the display to go off completely. 
Find the cause of the detected fault and correct it.
Restore power to the drive.
The detected fault will no longer be present if its cause has been corrected.
In the event of a non resettable detected fault:
• Remove/cut the power to the drive.
• WAIT 15 MINUTES to allow the DC bus capacitors to discharge, then follow the "Bus Voltage Measurement Procedure" (page 5) to
verify that the DC voltage is less than 42 V. The drive LED is not an accurate indicator of the absence of DC bus voltage.
• Find and correct the detected fault.
• Restore power to the drive to confirm the detected fault has been rectified.
• Certain detected faults can be programmed for automatic restart after the cause has disappeared.
These detected faults can also be reset by cycling power to the drive or by means of a logic input or control bit.

Spares and repairs:

Serviceable product. Refer to spares replacement catalogue.

Fan replacement
Fan spares can be ordered for the ATV310. Contact the Schneider Electric Customer Care Center for details.

 Remove screw of fan support and pull out the fan support
 Uncoupled the connected parts and remove the fan

ATV310HU15N4p, ATV310HU30N4p, ATV310HU40N4p, ATV310HU75N4p,

ATV310HU22N4p ATV310HU55N4p,ATV310HD15N4p, ATV310HD11N4p

 Grasp the protruding part of fan bayonet mount

 Uncouple the connected parts and remove the fan



EAV94277 05/2024 113

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Drive does not start, no error code displayed

• If the display does not light up, check the power supply to the drive (ground and input phase connections, see page 27). 

• The assignment of the "Fast stop" or "Freewheel" functions will prevent the drive starting if the corresponding logic inputs are not powered
up. The ATV310 then displays 502.1 in freewheel stop mode and --01 in fast stop mode. --00 is displayed at freewheel stop
end. This is normal, since these functions are active at zero so drive can safely stop in case of wire break. Assignment of LI to be checked
in the COnF/FULL/500-/502- menu. 

• Make sure that the run command input(s) is activated in accordance with the selected control mode (parameters in COnF/FULL/
200- menu Type of control 201 (page 56) and 2-wire type control 202 (page 60). 

• If the reference channel or command channel is assigned to Modbus, the drive displays "502.1" freewheel stop when the power supply
is connected and remains in stop mode until the communication bus sends a command. 

• "RUN" key is inactive in factory setting. Adjust parameters Reference channel 1 401 (page 73) and Command channel 1 407
(page 74) to control the drive locally (COnF/FULL/400- menu). See "How to control the drive locally" (page 45).

Fault detection codes which cannot be cleared automatically

The cause of the detected fault must be removed before resetting by cycling power to the drive.

F025 and F028 faults can also be reset remotely by means of a logic input (in COnF/FULL/600- menu, parameter Detected
fault reset assignment 601 (page 103).

F007, F025 and F028 faults can be inhibited and cleared remotely by means of a logic input (parameter Detected fault inhibition
assignment 610 (page 108).

Code Name Possible causes Remedy

---- Problem with application firmware • Invalid application firmware • Re-download application firmware.
update using the Multi-Loader tool
F001 Precharge • Charging relay control fault or  • Turn the drive off and then back on again.
charging resistor damaged • Check the connections.
• Check the stability of the main supply.
• Contact local Schneider Electric
F002 Unknown drive rating • Power card and stored card • Contact local Schneider Electric
versions different representative.
F003 Unknown or incompatible power • The power card is incompatible • Contact local Schneider Electric
board with the control card representative.
F004 Internal serial link fault • Communication interruption • Contact local Schneider Electric
between the internal cards representative.
F005 Invalid industrialization zone • Internal data inconsistent • Contact local Schneider Electric
F006 Current measurement circuit • Current measurement is not • Contact local Schneider Electric
correct due to hardware circuit representative.
F007 Internal thermal sensor detected • The drive temperature sensor is • Contact local Schneider Electric
fault not operating correctly representative.
• The drive is in short circuit or open
F008 Internal CPU • Internal microprocessor fault • Turn the drive off and then back on again.
• Contact local Schneider Electric
representative. 

114 EAV94277 05/2024

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Fault detection codes that cannot be cleared automatically (continued)

Code Name Possible causes Remedy

F010 Overcurrent • Parameters in the Motor control • Check the parameters.

menu 300- page 66 are not • Check the size of the motor/drive/load.
correct • Check the state of the mechanism.
• Inertia or load too high • Connect line motor chokes.
• Mechanical locking • Reduce the Switching frequency range
315 page 69.
• Check the ground connection of drive, motor
cable and motor insolation.
F018 Motor short-circuit • Short-circuit or grounding at the • Verify the cables connecting the drive to the
drive output motor and the motor insulation.
F019 Ground short-circuit • Ground fault while in run state • Adjust the switching frequency.
• Motor switching while in run state • Connect chokes in series with the motor.
• Significant current leakage to • Verify the adjustment of speed loop.
ground while several motors are
connected in parallel
F020 IGBT short circuit • Internal power component short • Contact local Schneider Electric
circuit detected at power on representative.
F025 Overspeed • Instability • Check the motor.
• Overspeed associated with the • If overspeed is 10% more than Top
inertia of the application frequency 308 (page 67) adjust this
parameter if necessary.
• Add a braking resistor.
• Check the size of the motor/drive/load.
• Check parameters of the speed loop (gain
and stability).
F028 Autotuning fault • Motor not connected to the drive • Check that the motor/drive are compatible.
• Motor phase loss • Check that the motor is present during
• Special motor autotuning.
• Motor is rotating (being driven by • If an output contactor is being used
the load, for example) downstream, close it during auto-tuning.
• Check that the motor is completely stopped. 

EAV94277 05/2024 115

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 

Fault detection codes that can be cleared with the automatic restart function, after
the cause has disappeared
These faults can also be cleared by turning on and off or by means of a logic input (parameter Detected fault reset assignment 601 (page
F011, F013, F014, F015, F016, F022, F024 and F027 faults can be inhibited and cleared by means of a logic input [Detected fault inhibition
assignment 610 (page 108)].

Code Name Possible causes Remedy

F009 Overbraking • Sudden braking or load inertia too • Increase the deceleration time.
high • Install a module unit with a braking resistor if necessary.
• Check the main supply voltage to ensure it is under the
maximum acceptable (20% over maximum main supply
during run status).
F011 Drive overheat • Drive temperature too high • Check the motor load, the drive ventilation and the
ambient temperature. Wait for the drive 
to cool down before restarting. See Mounting and
temperature conditions on page 18.
F012 Process overload • Process overload • Check that drive parameters and application processes
fault are compatible.

F013 Motor overload • Triggered by excessive motor • Check configuration of motor thermal protection and
current motor load.
F014 1 Output phase loss • Loss of one phase on drive output • Check the connections from the drive to the motor.
• If using a downstream contactor, make sure the
connection, cable and contactor are right.
F015 3 Output phases loss • Motor not connected • Check the connections from the drive to the motor.
• Motor power too low, below 6% of • Test on a low power motor or without a motor. In factory
the rated drive current settings mode, motor phase loss detection is active
• Output contactor open Output Phase loss detection 605 page 106 = 01. To
• Transient instability in the motor check the drive in a test or maintenance environment,
current without having to use a motor with the same rating as the
drive, deactivate motor phase loss detection Output
Phase loss detection 605 = 00.
• Check and optimize IR compensation 310 page 68,
Rated motor voltage 304 page 66 and Rated motor
current 305 page 67 and then perform Auto-tuning
318 page 70.
F016 Main overvoltage • Line voltage too high: • Turn Off the Drive. Check and adjust the line voltage.
- At drive power on, supply is 10% After line come back to nominal voltage (within tolerance)
over the maximum acceptable do power On.
voltage level If intermittent F016 code appear, set R1 assignment
- At power with no run command, 205.0 to 01 and it can be connected to upstream
20% over maximal line supply protection to avoid overvoltage in the drive. In this case
• Disturbed mains supply LO1 can be used for others drive status see page 61

F017 Input phase loss • Drive incorrectly supplied or a fuse • Check the power connection and the fuses.
blown • Use a 3-phase line supply.
• Failure of one phase • Disable reporting of this fault type by setting Input Phase
• 3-phase ATV310 used on a single- loss detection detection 606 (page 106) to 00.
phase line supply
• Unbalanced load
• This protection only operates with
the drive on load 

116 EAV94277 05/2024

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Fault detection codes that can be cleared with the automatic restart function, after
the cause has disappeared (continued)

Code Name Possible causes Remedy

F021 Load short circuit • Short-circuit at drive output • Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor and
• Short circuit detection at the run the condition of motor insulation.
command or DC injection
command if parameter IGBT Test
608 (page 107) is set to 01
F022 Modbus interruption • Interrupted communication on the • Check the connections of communication bus.
Modbus network • Check the time-out (parameter Modbus time out 704
page 110).
• Refer to the Modbus user manual.
F024 HMI communication • Communication interruption with • Check the terminal connection.
the external display terminal
F026 PI feedback fault • PID feedback below lower limit • Verify the PID function feedback.
• Verify the PID feedback supervision (parameter PID
feedback supervision 59.25 page 89) and time delay
setting (parameter PID supervision function time delay
59.23 page 89).
F027 IGBT overheat • Drive overheated • Check the size of the load/motor/drive.
• IGBT internal temperature is too • Reduce the Switching frequency 315 page 69.
high for the ambient temperature • Wait for the drive to cool down before restarting.
and load .

F029 Process underload • Process underload • Check that drive parameters and application processes
fault • Time that motor current is below are compatible.
the Process underload threshold
211 (page 63) exceeds the
Process underload time delay
210 
(page 63) to protect the application 

F033 AI1 current loss Detected if: • Check the terminal connection.
• Analog input AI1 is configured as
• AI1 current scaling parameter of
0% 204.1 (page 61) is greater
than 3 mA
• Analog input current is lower than
2 mA

EAV94277 05/2024 117

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Fault detection codes that will be cleared as soon as their causes disappear
USF faults can be inhibited and cleared remotely by means of a logic input parameter Detected fault inhibition assignment 610 (page 108).

Code Name Possible causes Remedy

F030 Undervoltage • Line supply too low • Check the voltage and parameters on the Undervoltage
• Transient voltage dip phase loss menu 607- (page 107). 

F031 Incorrect • HMI block replaced by an HMI • Return to factory settings or retrieve the backup
configuration block configured on a drive with a configuration, if it is valid.
different rating • If the fault remains after reverting to the factory settings,
• The current configuration of contact your local Schneider Electric representative.
customer parameters is
F032 Invalid configuration • Invalid configuration • Check the configuration loaded previously.
(1) The configuration loaded in the • Load a compatible configuration.
drive via the bus or communication
network is inconsistent. 
The configuration upload has been
interrupted or is not fully finished 

F034 Download invaild When save parameter setting or • Power cycle drive.
configuration restore to factory setting, the drive • Restore to factory setting.
detect invalid configuration.  • If the fault remains after reverting to the factory settings,
contact your local Schneider Electric representative.

(1) When the CFI is present in the previous fault menu, it means the configuration has been interrupted or is not fully finished.

Some detected faults that are reset by pressing the RUN key
See Reset all previous detected faults via Run key of HMI 614 parameter (page 109).

HMI block changed

When an HMI block is replaced by an HMI block configured on a drive with a different rating, the drive locks in Incorrect configuration
F031 fault mode on power-up. If the card has been deliberately changed, the fault can be cleared by returning to factory setting. 

118 EAV94277 05/2024

Diagnostics and troubleshooting

Fault detection codes displayed on the remote display terminal

Code Name Description

InIt: Auto-initialization on • Macro controller initialization

start • Searching communication configuration

COM.E Communication error • 50 ms time out error

(1) • This message appears after 220 retry attempts

A-17 Key alarm • Key pressed down for longer than 10 seconds
(1) • Membrane switch disconnected
• Display terminal woken up while a key is being pressed

cLr Confirm fault reset • This message appears if the STOP key is pressed while the display terminal is displaying a fault

dEU.E Drive mismatch • Drive type (brand) does not match display terminal type (brand)

rOM.E ROM abnormality • ROM abnormality detected by checksum calculation


rAM.E RAM abnormality • Display terminal RAM abnormality detected


CPU.E Other fault • The other detected fault


(1) Flashing

EAV94277 05/2024 119

Application notes

2-wire type control (source)

1. Connect the ground terminal to the grounding screws located below the output
2. Connect the power terminals.
R S 3. Connect the logic inputs.
4. Turn on the drive without giving a run command.
5. Assign factory settings to the drive, i.e. Factory / recall customer parameter set
R1A LO+ 102 (page 54) = 64.
R1B LO- 6. Set the motor parameters (in COnF mode) only if the factory configuration of the
R1C COM drive is not suitable.
LI1 7. Perform an auto-tuning.
COM LI2 (b 8. Set parameter Reverse direction 503 (page 79) to LI2H.

+24V 


500 

503 

L2H 

(a): Run Forward (b): Run Reverse 9. Start

2-wire control (sink)

1. Connect the ground terminal to the grounding screws located below the output
2. Connect the power terminals.
3. Connect the logic inputs.
R S T 4. Turn on the drive without giving a run command.
5. Assign factory settings to the drive, i.e. Factory / recall customer parameter set
102 (page 54) = 64.
R1A LO+ 6. Set 201 to 00 (see page 56).
7. Set the motor parameters (in COnF mode) only if the factory configuration of the
drive is not suitable.
(a) 8. Perform an auto-tuning.
AI1 LI3 9. Set parameter Logic inputs type 203 (page 60) to 01.
LI4 
AO1 +24V



200- 

203 
PA+ PB U V W 


(a): Run Forward 10. Start

120 EAV94277 05/2024

Application notes

3-wire control (sink)

1. Connect the ground terminal to the grounding screws located below the output
2. Connect the power terminals.
3. Connect the logic inputs.
4. Turn on the drive without giving a run command.
5. Assign factory settings to the drive, i.e. Factory / recall customer parameter set
102 (page 54) = 64.
6. Set 201 to 01 (see page 56).
R1C COM 7. Set the motor parameters (in COnF mode) only if the factory configuration of the
LI1 (a) drive is not suitable.
COM LI2 (b) 8. Perform an auto-tuning.
9. Set parameter Logic inputs type 203 (page 60) to 02.
5V LI4
AO1 +24V





(a): Run Forward (b): Run Reverse 10. Start

Speed control 0-20 mA (source)

1. Connect the ground terminal to the grounding screws located below the output
2. Connect the power terminals.
3. Connect the logic input LI1 and analog input AI1.
4. Turn on the drive without giving a run command.
5. Assign factory settings to the drive, i.e. Factory / recall customer parameter set 102
R1A LO+ (page 54) = 64.
6. Set the motor parameters (in COnF mode) only if the factory configuration of the
LI1 drive is not suitable.
0-20 mA
7. Perform an auto-tuning.
5V STOP/ LI4 8. Set AI1 type 204.0 (page 61) to 0A, AI1 current scaling parameter of 0% 204.1
(page 61) to 0 A. 
AO1 +24V

Check that AI1 current scaling parameter of 100% 204.2 (page 61) is set to 
20 mA.

204- 0




(a) Run Forward
204- 204.2


9. Start

EAV94277 05/2024 121

Application notes

4 preset speeds (source)

Important: Please refer to Function compatibility table (page 44).

1. Connect the ground terminal to the grounding screws located below the output
R S T 2. Connect the power terminals.
3. Connect the logic inputs.
4. Turn on the drive without giving a run command.
R1A LO+ 5. Assign factory settings to the drive, i.e. Factory / recall customer parameter set 102
R1B LO- (page 54) = 64.
(a) 6. Set the motor parameters (in COnF mode) only if the factory configuration of the drive
ఇ๕ ཽ‫؜‬
LI2 (b) is not suitable.
AI1 LI3 (c) 7. Perform an auto-tuning.
5V ཕኹ/
LI4 8. Set 2 preset speeds 507.0 (page 84) to L2H.
AO1 +24V




507- 507.0


(a): Run Forward

(b): 2 preset speeds (c): 4 preset speeds
Set Preset speed 2 507.3 (page 84) to 20 Hz.






Set preset speed 4 507.1 (page 84) to L3H.



507- 5 0 7 .1


122 EAV94277 05/2024

Application notes

Set Preset speed 3 507.4 (page 84) to 30 Hz.






EAV94277 05/2024 123

Application notes

4 preset speeds (source) continued

Set Preset speed 4 507.5 (page 84) to 40 Hz.






Estimated motor frequency

Preset speed 4 - 40 Hz

Preset speed 3 - 30 Hz

Preset speed 2 - 20 Hz

Forward (LI1)

507.0 (LI2)

507.1 (LI3)

124 EAV94277 05/2024

Application notes

Terminal command channel and Modbus reference channel

Important: Please refer to the Function compatibility table (page 44).

1. Connect the ground terminal to the grounding screws located below the output
R S T 2. Connect the power terminals.
3. Connect the logic input LI1 and plug RJ45 cable connector to the Modbus socket.
4. Turn on the drive without giving a run command.
5. Assign factory settings to the drive, i.e. set Factory / recall customer parameter set
R1C COM 102 (page 54) to 64.
LI1 (a) 6. Set the motor parameters (in COnF mode) only if the factory configuration of the
drive is not suitable.
7. Perform an auto-tuning.
8. Set Channel configuration 406 (page 73) to 02.
AO1 +24







(a): Run Forward

Set Reference channel 1 401 (page 73) to 164.


400- 401


Check that Command channel 1 407 (page 74) is set to 01.




9. Start

EAV94277 05/2024 125

Upstream Protective Device


• Use properly rated overcurrent protection devices.
• Use the fuses/circuit breakers specified.
• Do not connect the product to a supply mains whose prospective short circuit current rating (current that flows during a short circuit)
exceeds the specified maximum permissible value.
• When rating the upstream mains fuses and the cross sections as well as the lengths of the mains cables, take into account the
minimum required prospective short-circuit current (Isc). Refer to the Upstream Protection Device section.
• If the minimum required prospective short-circuit current (Isc) is not available, apply the instructions given in the section below.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

The specified maximum permissible values and products for IEC compliance are specified in the present document (user manual).

• The Short Circuit Protective Device (SCPD) rated to the drive will help protect the upstream installation in case of a short-circuit
internal to the drive and mitigate the damage to the drive and its surrounding area.
• The SCPD rated to the drive is mandatory to help ensuring the safety of the Power Drive System.
It comes in addition to the upstream branch circuit protection which is in compliance with the local regulation for electrical installation.
• The SCPD shall mitigate the damage in case of detected error condition such as an internal short-circuit of the drive.
• The SCPD must take into account both following characteristics...
- a maximum prospective short-circuit current
- a minimum required prospective short-circuit current (Isc).
If the minimum required prospective short-circuit current (Isc) is not available, increase the power of the transformer or decrease the length
of the cables
In other cases, contact your Schneider Electric Customer Care Center (CCC) for specific selection of Short Circuit Protective Device

NOTE: The electronic power output short-circuit protection circuitry meets the requirements of IEC 60364-4-41:2005/AMD1 - Clause 411.

126 EAV94277 05/2024

Upstream Protective Device

Wiring Diagram

This diagram shows an example of installation with both SCPD types, Circuit-breaker and Fuse link rated to the drive.

(1) Drive

EAV94277 05/2024 127

Upstream Protective Device

Prospective Short-Circuit Current

The prospective short-circuit current shall be computed at the drive connection points.

The following equations allow to estimate the value of the symmetrical three-phase prospective short-circuit current (Isc) at the drive
connection points.

Isc Symmetrical three-phase prospective short-circuit current (kA)

Xt Transformer reactance
U No-load phase to phase voltage of the transformer (V)
Sn Apparent transformer power (kVA)
usc Short-circuit voltage, according to the transformer data sheet (%)
Zcc Total short-circuit impedance (mΩ)
ρ Conductor resistivity e.g. Cu: 0.01851 mΩ.mm
l Conductor length (mm)
S Conductor cross section (mm2)
Xc Conductor lineic reactance (0.0001 mΩ/mm)
Rf, Xf Resistance and reactance of the line filter (mΩ)

128 EAV94277 05/2024

Upstream Protective Device

Example of Calculation with Copper Cable (without line filter)

Transformer U Cable Cross Isc depending on cable length in m(ft)

50 Hz 400 Vac Section 10 20 40 80 100 160 200 320
Usc (33) (66) (131) (262) (328) (525) (656) (1050)
kVA % mm2 (AWG) kA kA kA kA kA kA kA kA
100 4 2.5 (14) 2.3 1.4 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1
4 (12) 2.9 2.0 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2
6 (10) 3.2 2.6 1.6 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2
10 (8) 3.4 3.1 2.3 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4
25 (4) 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.5 2.2 1.6 1.4 0.9
50 (0) 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.3 2.1 1.5
70 (00) 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.3 1.8
120 (250 MCM) 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.8 2.6 2.1
250 4 6 (10) 5.7 3.4 1.8 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2
10 (8) 7.1 5.0 2.9 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4
25 (4) 8.4 7.4 5.5 3.4 2.8 1.8 1.5 0.9
50 (0) 8.6 8.1 7.0 5.2 4.5 3.2 2.7 1.8
70 (00) 8.6 8.2 7.3 5.8 5.2 3.9 3.3 2.3
120 (250 MCM) 8.7 8.3 7.6 6.5 6.0 4.8 4.2 3.0
400 4 6 (10) 6.6 3.6 1.8 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2
10 (8) 9.2 5.6 3.0 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4
25 (4) 12 9.9 6.5 3.6 2.9 1.9 1.5 1.0
50 (0) 13 12 9.3 6.1 5.1 3.4 2.8 1.8
70 (00) 13 12 10 7.2 6.2 4.4 3.6 2.4
120 (250 MCM) 13 13 11 8.6 7.6 5.7 4.9 3.4
800 6 6 (10) 6.9 3.7 1.9 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2
10 (8) 10 5.8 3.0 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4
25 (4) 15 11 6.9 3.7 3.0 1.9 1.5 1.0
50 (0) 17 15 11 6.5 5.4 3.5 2.9 1.8
70 (00) 17 15 12 7.9 6.7 4.6 3.7 2.4
120 (250 MCM) 17 16 13 9.8 8.6 6.2 5.2 3.5
1,000 6 6 (10) 7.1 3.7 1.9 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2
10 (8) 11 6.0 3.1 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4
25 (4) 18 12 7.1 3.7 3.0 1.9 1.5 1.0
50 (0) 21 17 12 6.7 5.5 3.6 2.9 1.8
70 (00) 21 18 13 8.4 7.0 4.7 3.8 2.4
120 (250 MCM) 22 19 16 11 9.3 6.5 5.4 3.6

EAV94277 05/2024 129

Upstream Protective Device

Additional Line Filter Option

If a line input filter option is required for the installation such as a line reactor or a passive harmonic filter, the minimum prospective short-
circuit current capability of the source is reduced at the drive connection point and shall be estimated (see Calculation, page 128) with the
impedance values given in the table below.

Then, the SCPD type shall be selected according to the drive. If no selection is available, Schneider Electric Customer Care Center (CCC)
should be contacted.

EMC filter series have no significant effect on the minimum prospective shortcircuit current capability of the main source.
Through the line option, the Isc will be limited to a maximum value independent of the transformer and cable. Therefore the below
equations can be used to estimate the minimum prospective short-circuit current capability.

Log: Natural logarithm

130 EAV94277 05/2024

Upstream Protective Device

IEC Fuses

The opening of the branch-circuit protective device is able to be an indication that a fault current has been interrupted.
• Current-carrying parts and other components of the controller should be examined and replaced if damaged.
• If burnout of the current element of an overload relay occurs, the complete overload relay must be replaced.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

NOTE: Only gR and gS fuses are mandatory in case of using braking ports, to comply with IEC 61800-5-1 Ed 2.1.

Short Circuit Current Ratings: Selection Table

The amp rating of the short circuit protection devices in the table are maximum values with Enclosure, in Normal Duty.
Smaller amp sizes may be used; particularly for Heavy Duty ratings.

• Integral solid state short circuit protection in the drive does not provide branch circuit protection. Branch circuit protection must be
provided in accordance with any local codes.
• The drive has a 100 kA interrupt rating on the output of the drive. In addition to providing a rating based on shorting the output of the drive,
these short circuit current ratings have been obtained by shorting components internal to the drive. These ratings allow proper
coordination of short circuit protection.
NOTE: Verify that the minimum required prospective short-circuit current (Isc) value from the table above is lower than the value estimated
in the Calculation section, page 128.

690 Vac Three phase (50/60Hz)

NOTE: Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than __X__ rms symmetrical kiloAmperes, 690 Vac Volts maximum,
when protected by __Z1__ with a maximum rating of __Z2__.

Current limiting fuses can be chosen as SCPD according to the following table for both Normal duty (ND) and Heavy duty (HD):

Nominal current SCCR

Fuse Nominal Voltage I²t
Reference Minimun Size (Z1, Z2) (X)
(V) (A) (A²s) Min (A) Max (kA)
ATV310H037N4• gR 10x38 690 4 6.48 100 5
ATV310H075N4• gR 10x38 690 6 22 100 5
ATV310HU15N4• gR 10x38 690 12.5 50 200 5
ATV310HU22N4• gR 10x38 690 16 78 200 5
ATV310HU30N4• gR 10x38 690 20 137 200 5
ATV310HU40N4• gR 10x38 690 25 238 300 5
ATV310HU55N4• gR 14x51 690 40 609 500 22
ATV310HU75N4• gR 14x51 690 40 609 500 22
ATV310HD11N4• gS 000 690 63 881 1000 22
ATV310HD15N4• gS 000 690 80 1741 1500 22
ATV310HD18N4• gS 1 690 100 2747 1500 22
ATV310HD22N4• gS 00 690 125 6185 1500 22

EAV94277 05/2024 131

132 EAV94277 05/2024

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