Content MKTG Workbook v2
Content MKTG Workbook v2
Content MKTG Workbook v2
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Introduction to content marketing
View chapter 1 video
Your content reaches your target audience and makes them aware of your
services, and this awareness fills the top of the funnel. As your audience continues
to engage with you because they keep reading, watching or listening to your
fabulous content, you drive them deeper into the funnel where some actually
become viable leads, and eventually, clients.
Let your target market know that you exist. Create and share content that has value to
Awareness To build this awareness, you want to reach your target customers. Examples: blogs,
as many target customers as possible so webinars, white papers, and news stories
they can consider your services. with commentary. Encourage your audience
to follow you on social media and then ask
them to share their contact information by
subscribing to your content.
Need help identifying your target market? Use attributes like industry, company size, revenues and location to define your target
market. Here are a few examples:
• Solo practitioner law offices in Colorado
• Fast food franchisees generating $1M to $3M annually within 100 miles of Austin
• Businesses that are structured as partnerships in southern Florida
Annual revenue:
No. of employees:
4. Create a system to capture your content ideas and schedule your promotions.
Start easy and stay steady.
5. Choose an appropriate medium to communicate your content. You don’t have
Get your content marketing
to express all of your content through words. program underway by using low-
touch methods while prioritizing
consistency so you can build
momentum over time. As a starting point,
consider posting commentary, tips and blogs
directly in on your social media page. As
you build your audience, direct them to your
website to sign up for your newsletter, ebook
or webinar.
3) As I create content based on what my customers care about, I need to make sure they reach my target audience. I can
reach my potential customers through the following social media channels:
Example 2 Tax season planning Blog post published to my website Drive interest Share email in a form on LinkedIn
with a call-to-action (CTA) at end of my website
blog to subscribe to my newsletter.
Now that you have sown some seeds for starting your content marketing campaign, establish a cadence on your calendar.
If you’re unsure what is the right cadence, start slowly dedicating two-hour blocks every two weeks. The key is to maintain your
cadence over time, so don’t try to be too ambitious. In case you’re wondering, Jason's content marketing production activities occur
weekly while social media scheduling and promotions occur monthly.
1 How do you know your content resonated with your audience?
It’s all in your metrics.
• How many views did you get?
• Did people sign up for your newsletter?
• How many times was your content shared?
If you checked all three, congratulations! You’re ready start your content marketing engine.
• Calendar your content marketing • Reshare other people’s posts or news What are your social media metrics telling
activities at a frequency of once a month. stories with commentary in social media. you? Are certain topics performing better
• Get in the habit of looking for content • Write long-form blog using native than others? Are your own blog views
ideas: read industry news regularly and functions in social media. For instance, getting more views than reshares?
follow people who can provide fodder Facebook and LinkedIn provide
for your content. functions that enable you to author and
publish blogs directly in their app.