Morpho-Phonology Handout

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Tonkawa is a native American language that used to be spoken in Texas. From the given data,
isolate the morphemes corresponding to the verb roots, the progressive, the present and the
various pronominals.
Data Set 1
Verb.present Verb. progressive
picnoɁ He cuts it picnanoɁ He is cutting it
wepcenoɁ He cuts them wepcenanoɁ He is cutting them
kepcenoɁ He cuts me kepcenanoɁ He is cutting me
picen Castrated one
notxoɁ He hoes it notxonoɁ He is hoeing it
wentoxoɁ He hoes them wentoxonoɁ He is hoeing them
kentoxoɁ He hoes me kentoxonoɁ He is hoeing me
notox hoe

Step 1: Split the phonological string

Verb.present Verb. progressive
picn-oɁ He cuts it picn-an-oɁ He is cutting it
we-pcen-oɁ He cuts them we-pcen-an-oɁ He is cutting them
ke-pcen-oɁ He cuts me ke-pcen-an-oɁ He is cutting me
picen Castrated one
notx-oɁ He hoes it notx-on-oɁ He is hoeing it
we-ntox-oɁ He hoes them we-ntox-on-oɁ He is hoeing them
ke-ntox-oɁ He hoes me ke-ntox-on-oɁ He is hoeing me
notox hoe

Step 2: Interim generalization

Pronouns Verbs Tense sub obj obj obj Cut Hoe Present Progressive
-oɁ ∅ we- ke- picn notx ∅ -an
pcen ntox -on
picen notox

Alternative Generalization
Pronouns Verbs Tense sub obj obj obj Cut Hoe Present Progressive
-oɁ we- ke- picna notxo -n
pcena ntoxo -n
picen notox
picn notx
pcen ntox
Step 3: Verification with additional data
Data set 2
Verb.present Verb. progressive
netloɁ He licks it netlenoɁ He is licking it
wentalxoɁ He licks them wentalenoɁ He is licking them
kentalxoɁ He licks me kentalenoɁ He is licking me

naxcoɁ He makes it naxcenoɁ He is making it

wenxacxoɁ He makes them wenxacenoɁ He is making them
kenxacoɁ He makes me kenxacenoɁ He is making me

Generalization 1
Pronouns Verbs Tense sub obj obj obj Lick Make Present Progressive
-oɁ ∅ we- ke- netl naxc ∅ -en
ntal nxac

Generalization 2
Pronouns Verbs Tense sub obj obj obj Lick Make Present Progressive
-oɁ ∅ we- ke- netle naxce ∅ -n
ntale nxace
netl naxc
ntal nxac

In Generalization 1, both verb roots and the progressive show allomorphy, while in the latter the
allomorphs are restricted to verb roots.

The allomorphs of the verb Roots

Generalization 1 Generalization 2
Cut Hoe Lick Make Cut Hoe Lick Make
picn notx netl naxc picna notxo netle naxce
pcen ntox ntal nxac pcena ntoxo ntale nxace
picen notox picen notox netl naxc
picn notx ntal nxac
pcen ntox

Gen 1
Underlying representation Cut Hoe Lick Make
picen notox netal naxac
Và∅/ CV][C_C we-pcen we-ntox we-ntal we-nxac
Delete the first stem vowel when a CV prefix is attached
Underlying representation Cut Hoe Lick Make
picen notox netal naxac
Và∅/ CVC_C][VC picn-oɁ notx-oɁ netl-oɁ naxc-oɁ
Delete the final stem vowel when a VC suffix is attached

Note Both rules do not apply simultaneously since both root vowels will get deleted. How do we
block them from applying? By cyclic rule ordering.

Underlying representation Cut Hoe Lick Make

Cycle 1 picen notox netal naxac
Prefixation we-picen we-notox we-netal we-naxac
Và∅/ CVC_C][VC ____ ____ ____ ____
Và∅/ CV][C_C we-pcen we-ntox we-ntal we-nxac
Cycle 2
Suffixation we-pcen-oɁ we-ntox-oɁ we-ntal-oɁ we-nxac-oɁ
Và∅/ CVC_C][VC we-pcn-oɁ we-ntx-oɁ we-ntl -oɁ we-nxc-oɁ
Và∅/ CV][C_C ____ ____ ____ ____
Surface Representation we-pcn-oɁ we-ntx-oɁ we-ntl -oɁ we-nxc-oɁ

Reversing the order

Underlying representation Cut Hoe Lick Make
Cycle 1 picen notox netal naxac
Suffixation picen-oɁ notox-oɁ netal-oɁ naxac-oɁ
Và∅/ CVC_C][VC picn-oɁ notx-oɁ netl-oɁ naxc-oɁ
Và∅/ CV][C_C ____ ____ ____ ____
Cycle 2
Prefixation we-picn-oɁ we-notx-oɁ we-netl-oɁ we-naxc-oɁ
Và∅/ CVC_C][VC ____ ____ ____ ____
Và∅/ CV][C_C we-pcn-oɁ we-ntx-oɁ we-ntl-oɁ we-nxc-oɁ
Surface Representation we-pcn-oɁ we-ntx-oɁ we-ntl-oɁ we-nxc-oɁ

Underlying representation Cut Hoe Lick Make

Cycle 1 picen notox netal naxac
Prefixation we-picen we-notox we-netal we-naxac
Và∅/ CVC_C][VC ____ ____ ____ ____
Và∅/ CV][C_C we-pcen we-ntox we-ntal we-nxac
Cycle 2
Suffixation we-pcen-oɁ we-ntox-oɁ we-ntal-oɁ we-nxac-oɁ
Và∅/ CV][C_C ____ ____ ____ ____
Surface Representation we-pcen-oɁ we-ntox-oɁ we-ntal-oɁ we-nxac-oɁ

The rule for deleting stem final vowel is absent from Cycle 2.
Underlying representation Cut Hoe Lick Make
Cycle 1 picen notox netal naxac
Suffixation picen-oɁ notox-oɁ netal-oɁ naxac-oɁ
Và∅/ CVC_C][VC picn-oɁ notx-oɁ netl-oɁ naxc-oɁ
Và∅/ CV][C_C ____ ____ ____ ____
Surface Representation picn-oɁ notx-oɁ netl-oɁ naxc-oɁ

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