Alonso 2009
Alonso 2009
Alonso 2009
0926-860X/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
212 M.M. Alonso et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 358 (2009) 211–214
Fig. 3. Product distribution of the hydroformylation of C5 olefins. Fig. 5. Product distribution of the hydroformylation of C7 olefins.
214 M.M. Alonso et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 358 (2009) 211–214
Fig. 6. Distribution of aromatics, naphthens and parafins in the light naphtha cut during the hydroformylation reaction.
reaction can be run for only 24 h, at which time all the reactive the naphtha cut were unaffected by the reaction, acting merely as
mono- and di-substituted olefins have been transformed to solvents for the biphasic reaction.
aldehydes, leaving the unreactive olefins intact. The produced
aldehydes can be separated from the hydroformylated naphtha cut
and sold independently as products of high added value in the fine Acknowledgements
chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. Thus the chemical
potential of the short olefins present in naphtha is harvested. We thank FONACIT (Caracas) for financial support through the
In general the activity of the title compound has been reported Project F-97003766, CONIPET Project 97-003777 and CODECIH-UC
by our group in several occations [16,17], and it showed to be very Project 94017. We are thankful to Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia y
active in the hydrogenation and hydroformylation of olefins and Tecnologı́a Para el Desarrollo, CYTED, Project V.9 and the
olefin mixtures simulating real naphtha. Recycling studies with 1- Universidad de Carabobo for permiting the publication of this
hexene show that the activity and selectivity of our system work.
remains constant after five reuses, evidence of the stability of the
complex. That same stability allows the complex to remain active References
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