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Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004

Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

Training Center
Automation and Drives THAILAND

Training Course Catalog 2003-2004

1. Introduction 2. PLC Introductory course 3. Course overview and Pricing 4. Course content 5. Course Schedule 6. Terms and Condition 7. Contact us 8. Registration Form

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

1. Introduction The Information and Training Center for Automation & Drives is one of the more than 100 training centers worldwide which provide Siemens training programs in automation. The Training Center was established on 1998. With assistance from the parent training center in Nuremberg, Germany, the center offer training programs with a wide range of industrial automation courses including SIMATIC PLC SIMATIC S5, SIMATIC S7 and HMI (human machine interface) SIMATIC PLC courses include system-training courses for the SIMATIC S5, S7 and HMI (humanmachine-interface) courses Protool courses. The training is provided to train project engineers, maintenance personnel and operators.

2. PLC Introductory course Beginner, Intermediate and Advance Courses Courses descriptions are given in the following chapters. The description also includes a description of the prerequisites. The courses are classified as beginner, intermediate and advance. The beginners courses are designed to allow engineers and technicians with limited experience to meet the entry requirements of our system courses and the advance courses. However, those who have worked with PLCs and Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP may feel confident enough to by-pass the beginners courses. Facilities Siemens has developed a reputation for its thorough training courses. These courses were developed in Germany and have been adopted for use in Thailand and Asia Pacific region. A typical class has four training stations with utmost 1-2 trainees per station. The courses consist of many exercises and the trainees get many hands-on exercises. Programming Device in class room

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

Standard Training set in classroom

3.Course Overview and Pricing *** 2003-2004 TRAINING PROGRAM *** During 2003 to 2004,we offer the following SIMATIC training courses in our training center in Bangkok THAILAND. Course Title SIMATIC S5-System Training Part 1 SIMATIC S5-System Training Part 2 SIMATIC S5-Service SIMATIC S7-Programming 1 SIMATIC S7-Troubleshooting SIMATIC S5-S7-Upgrade Workshop ProTool Course Code ST-S5SYS1 ST-S5SYS2 ST-S5SERV ST-S7PRO1 ST-S7STOE ST-S7UPPROG BBOPSYS Prerequisites Automation background ST-S5SYS1 ST-S5SYS2 Automation background ST-S7PRO1 ST-S5SYS2 ST-S5SYS2 or ST-S7PRO1 Duration
9.00-17.00 hr.

Fee B.14,900.00 B.14,900.00 B.14,900.00 B.15,500.00 B.14,900.00 B.14,900.00 B.6,000.00

4 days 4 days 4 days 5 days 4 days 4 days 2 days

(This Price is excluded VAT 7 %) Price including Lunch and Coffee Break

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

4.Course Content

Simatic S5-System Courses

1.ST-S5SYS1 SIMATIC S5 System 1
Description This course is directed at user from all fields without SIMATIC S5 knowledge, who needs to succeed in an easy task with SIMATIC S5-Machine. In this course gives the example SIMATIC S5 mode of operation and using the PLC. Objective/Content Structure and function of the SIMATIC S5 automation devices Basic operations of the programming language STEP5 (logical operations, memory operations, timer-/counter operations, load and transfer operations, comparing operations, arithmetic operations) Practically orientated programming applications Test- and comment functions of the programming device Prerequisites requirements: Automation Background Hint: This course ST-S5SYS consists of 2 parts. The requirement is ST-S5SYS1 for the participant ST-S5SYS2.

2.ST-S5SYS2 SIMATIC S5 System 2

Description This course is directed at users from all field, who would like to succeed in an easy task with SIMATIC S5-Machine or for example who would like to know SIMATIC S5 mode of operation and Application of store programmable steering. The examples of SIMATIC S5 mode of operation and using the PLC will be given in this course. Requirement for this course is a basic knowledge of course ST-S5SYS1. ST-S5SYS1 the basic course for the participant of advance course ST-S5SERV or ST-S5PRG1. Objective/Content Going into detail of basic operations and using parts of additional features of the programming language Step5 Data blocks and function blocks, calling routines, characteristics and possibilities of applications Capability characteristics of SIMATIC S5 Automation devices. Starting behavior, principles of time controlled program execution and analog value processing. Debugging, diagnose possibilities using the PG functions Overview of the variety of processing control and its application. Intensive practicing on realistic systems using the programming device, the automation device and a plant model Prerequisites requirements: ST-S5SYS1 Hint: This course ST-S5SYS consists of 2 parts. The requirement is ST-S5SYS1 for the participant ST-S5SYS2.


Description: The course is directed at operation, service and assembly personnel of SIMATIC S5 controllers. The knowledge from courses ST-S5SYS1 and ST-S5SYS2 will be consolidated and broadened.

Assembly and wiring of different SIMATIC S5 controllers Detect and correct faults in assembly and wiring Detect and correct program faults Understanding the re-start behavior, process alarm and processing analog values Mastering the SIMATIC S5 controller as a tool for commissioning and trouble shooting. Prerequisites requirements: Courses ST-S5SYS1 and ST-S5SYS2 A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

Simatic S7-Programming Courses

1.ST-S7PRO1 SIMATIC S7 Programming 1
Description This course is directed at users with engineering experience in the fields of configuring, design and commissioning of SIMATIC S7 programmable controllers. The course provides an optimal entry level to the product-specific and in depth supplementary courses. Objectives/Content System overview Ability to structure, generate, document and put into operation extensive PLC programs with SIMATIC S7 Being acquainted with the structure and execution of programs in SIMATIC S7 programmable controllers and the structure of the IEC 1131 automation standard. Ability to use the STEP 7 tools for generating, documenting and testing of programs and for troubleshooting, module configuration and parameter assignment. Ability to use absolute and symbolic addressing Being in a position to evaluate system information of the programmable controller Being able to handle data types, data storage and archiving Configuring and implementing homogeneous communication links via the MPI interface Being acquainted with the basics of the integrated DP-interface. The knowledge gained on all these aspects is consolidated by practical exercises using the S7-300 programmable controller and a plant model

Prerequisites requirements: Automation background

2. ST-S7STOE SIMATIC S7 Troubleshooting

Description This course is directed at users working in the fields of operation, maintenance and assembly who have already acquired a knowledge of SIMATIC S7 in their particular field of activity. The course focuses mainly on the detection and correction of faults in both hardware and software. Objectives/Content Gaining familiarity with the system and program documentation and learning how to use it Becoming acquainted with the STEP 7 software for detecting and correcting faults and learning how to use it Checking the hardware and software of a system Recognizing and eliminating software faults resulting in stop Recognizing and eliminating logical software errors, e.g. multiple assignment Saving and documenting the program changes made Diagnosing program errors using I STACK and B STACK Extended test functions Troubleshooting in networked programmable controllers Program corrections using optional packages Prerequisites requirements: ST-S7PRO1

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

3. ST-S7UPPROG SIMATIC S5-S7 Upgrade Configuring, Commissioning, Service

Description This course is directed at users with engineering experience in the fields of configuring, commissioning and service, who are already capable of solving complex tasks with SIMATIC S5, as well as at users from the areas installation, service and maintenance that have excellent experience regarding SIMATIC S5. Objectives/Contents System overview and main performance characteristics SIMATIC S7 hardware configuring Integration of SIMATIC S5 Programming, differences and new features Tools for documentation, program testing and diagnostics Configuring communications links (global data)

Prerequisites requirements: Courses ST-S5SYS1 and ST-S5SYS2

Workshop ProTool
Description This course is intended for anyone who needs detail. Information Objective/Content Familiarization with the function scope of the COROS OP27/OP35/OP45 operator panels and being able to program them and put them into operation Becoming acquainted with the function scope of the editors for process visualization and operator-process communication Applications of COROS OP27/OP35/OP45 Introduction to the OP27/OP35/OP45 system Overview of the functions of the ProTool configuration software Creation process displays with character-graphics and pixel graphics configuring interfaces, e.g. Paintbrush Connection concept Communiction/AS511/Standard FB/MPI/PPI Generation messages

Programming the PLC interface (Simatic S5/S7) Consolidation with exercises on OP27 units

Duration : 2 days

Prerequisites requirements: Sufficient knowledge of SIMATIC S5 or S7 (Courses ST-S5SYS1 and ST-S5SYS2 or ST-S7PRO1 )

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

5. Course Schedule In Year 2003-2004 the regular course are follows;

Duration 06 - 10 Oct.2003 13 - 17 Oct.2003 20 - 21 Oct.2003 27 -31 Oct.2003 03 - 07 Nov.2003 10 14 Nov.2003 17 - 20 Nov.2003 24 - 27 Nov.2003

Course Title SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 ProTool SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S5 System 1 SIMATIC S5-Service

Duration Course Title 29 - 02 Apr.2004 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 19 - 23 Apr.2004 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 26 - 30 Apr.2004 SIMATIC S7 Program 1
*** ***

03 - 04 May.2004 ProTool 17 - 20 May.2004 SIMATIC S5 System 2 24 - 28 May.2004 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 31 04 Jun.2004 07 10 Jun.2004 14 17 Jun.2004 21 25 Jun.2004

15 - 18 Dec.2003 S7 Troubleshooting 22 - 26 Dec.2003 SIMATIC S7 Program 1

*** ***

SIMATIC S7 Program 1 S7 Troubleshooting SIMATIC S5 System 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1


05 09 Jan.2004 12 15 Jan.2004 19 20 Jan.2004 26 30 Jan.2004


SIMATIC S7 Program 1 S7 Troubleshooting ProTool SIMATIC S7 Program 1


28 02 Jul.2004 12 16 Jul.2004 19 22 Jul.2004 26 29 Jul.2004


SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 S7 Troubleshooting SIMATIC S5 System 1


02 06 Feb.2004 09 12 Feb.2004 16 20 Feb.2004 23 27 Feb.2004


SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S5 System 2 SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1


02 - 06 Aug.2004 09 - 10 Aug.2004 16 - 19 Aug.2004 23 - 27 Aug.2004


SIMATIC S7 Program 1 ProTool SIMATIC S5 System 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1


01 05 Mar.2004 08 11 Mar.2004 15 18 Mar.2004 22 26 Mar.2004


SIMATIC S7 Program 1
SIMATIC S5-S7-Upgrade

SIMATIC S5 System 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1


30 - 03 Sep.2004 06 - 09 Sep.2004 13 - 17 Sep.2004 20 - 24 Sep.2004


SIMATIC S7 Program 1
SIMATIC S5-S7-Upgrade

SIMATIC S7 Program 1 SIMATIC S7 Program 1


*** Remark: The schedule date in year 2004 may be changed, depend on the special holidays and the special courses. Revise version will be public at the beginning of the year 2004. Training programs are scheduled at fixed dates during the year. To register, please let us know at least one week before course schedule in advance. Course booking will be done by first-in-first order. We reserve the right to postpone the course to a later schedule in case of course fully booking or participant less than 4 people had signed up or registered.

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

Additional S5 and S7 training courses and the other courses listed above will be also scheduled on demand. Please, let us know what your training needs are. We will schedule courses according to your needs. On-Site Training We also provide training on-site at your company premises with Extra Charged. On-site training arrangements should be made at least one month before the starting date of the course. Please, contact the training co-ordinator or Training Manager

6. Terms and Condition Terms and Condition For Scheduled Courses 1. Registration closes when the course is full. 2. Course fees are payable in advance at least one week before the start of the course. Payment can be made by cheque payable to SIEMENS LTD. 3. A fee may be charged if we received a cancellation less than two-weeks before a course starts. 4. Course Price includes Coffee Breaks and Lunch. 5. Price is not included Hotel accommodation. General Condition for Trainee 1. The training course duration is 4 days, this duration is subject to change without prior notice. 2. The certificate will be given to the trainee who attends in complete duration for the course only. 3. The trainee, who would like to attend the S5-System 1 course or S7-Programming 1, must have the knowledge of basic PLC. 4. The trainee, who would like to attend the S5-System 2 course, must pass the S5-System 1 course of A&D Training Center. 7. Contact us Contact Persons For general information about Training Center and Registration please contact Training Coordinator: Ms. Sirirut Jareanvichayadaj Tel: ( 662 ) 715 4866 Fax: ( 662 ) 715 4861 Email: For any other special training requests please contact our training manager: Mr. Wiboon Thamtinno Tel: ( 662 ) 715 4571 Fax: ( 662 ) 715 4861 Email: Training Center Bangkok Thailand Email: Website Training Center worldwide (in Germany and other country) website

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

Automation & Drives

Training Center Bangkok, THAILAND Training Course Catalog 2003-2004
Cut down your costs, increase your productions efficiently with the knowledge of PLCs Siemens technology

Fax to: E- mail Company

REGISTRATION Ms. Sirirut Jareanvichayadaj From: SIEMENS LTD. Automation & Drives Training Center (662) 715 4866 (662) 715 4861, 715 4841 Company:

Tel: Fax:

Tel: Fax:

Name of Course: Requested Date of Training: Please register for the following person: 1. 2. 3. 4. Position Position Position Position Ending Date:

Tax Invoice/Receipt address

In English (please fill in both Thai and English)


Company: Address:

Tel: Fax:

Cancellation charge 30% of the register sum if cancelled after confirmation.

A&D Training Center

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Tel. (662) 715 4866, (662) 715 4571 Fax. (662) 715 4861, (662) 715 4841 Hotline : (662) 715 4141 e-mail : website http://
Charn Issara Tower II, room no. 3 on 33 floor 2922/283 New Petchburi Road ,Bangkapi, Huaykwang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

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