Phrasal Verbs List
Phrasal Verbs List
Phrasal Verbs List
Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb +
preposition. Think of them as you would any other English vocabulary. Study them as
you come across them, rather than trying to memorize many at once. Use the list below as
a reference guide when you find an expression that you don't recognize. The examples
will help you understand the meanings. If you think of each phrasal verb as a separate
verb with a specific meaning, you will be able to remember it more easily. Like many
other verbs, phrasal verbs often have more than one meaning.
This list shows about 200 common phrasal verbs, with meanings and examples. Only the
most usual meanings are given. Some phrasal verbs may have additional meanings.
As well as learning their meanings, you need to learn how to use phrasal verbs properly.
Some phrasal verbs require a direct object (someone/something), while others do not.
Some phrasal verbs can be separated by the object, while others cannot. Review this
phrasal verbs grammar from time to time so that you don't forget the rules!