Addressing Modes 8085

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Addressing Modes of Microprocessor – 8085

To perform any operation using microprocessor we have to give the

corresponding instruction, for executing this instruction
microprocessor will need 8/16 bit data. Therefore the method by
which we have to give the address of source of data is known as the
addressing mode of Source.

After the execution of instruction, microprocessor will obtain the

result. For storing this result we have to give the address of
destination of result. Therefore the method by which we have to
give the address of destination of result is known as the addressing
mode of Destination.

➢There are 5 types of addressing modes -

➢ Immediate Addressing Mode (IAM)

➢ Direct Addressing Mode (DAM)

➢ Register Direct Addressing Mode (RDAM)

➢ Register Indirect Addressing Mode (RIAM)

➢ Implicit Addressing Mode (IPAM)

Immediate Addressing Mode

 If 8/16 bit data required for executing the instruction is

directly given along with instruction then such type of
instructions are called Immediate Addressing Mode
instructions. In most of the Immediate Addressing Mode
Instruction, the last alphabet is ‘I’.

 For Example:
MVI A,75H (for 8- bit number)

LXI B,4565H (for 16- bit number)

Direct Addressing Mode

 If 8/16 bit data required for executing the instruction is present

in memory location and the address of that memory location is
given along with instruction then such type of instructions are
called Direct Addressing Mode instruction.

 For Example:
LDA 1575H
Load accumulator from the given address data

STA 4565H
Store accumulator at given address
Register Direct Addressing Mode

 If 8/16 bit data required for executing the instruction present in register(for
8-bit)/ register pair(for 16-bit) and the name of the register / register pair is
given along with instruction then such type of instructions are called
Register Direct Addressing Mode instruction.

➢ For Example –
Move data from register D to Register C
Register Indirect Addressing Mode

➢If 8/16 bit data required for executing the instruction present in
memory location and the address of that memory location is
present in register pair and the name of that register pair is given
along with instruction then such type of instructions are called
Register Indirect Addressing mode instruction .
➢For Example :

Load accumulator from the register pair address data.

Store accumulator at given register address.
Implicit Addressing Mode

➢ If the address of source of data as well as the destination of result is

fixed, then there is no need to give the operand in the instruction
and such type of instructions are known as Implicit Addressing
Mode instruction.

➢ For Example:

CMA complement accumulator

CMC complement Carry Flag
STC Set Carry Flag
RAL Rotate Accumulator Left with Carry
RLC Rotate Accumulator Left without Carry

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