Mat203 Discrete Mathematical Structures, December 2023

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B.Tech Degree 53 (S,FE) / Sl (PTXS) June2024 (2019 Scheme)/S3 (WPXR)

Course Code: MAT203

Course Name: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Answer all questions. Each question corries 3 marks Marks

Construct a truth table for the compound statement q e (-P V -Q) where p (3)

and q are primitive statements. Check whether it is a tautology.

lf p,q and r are primitive statements, write the converse. inverse and (3)

contrapositiveof p + (qAr).
3 What are the number of possible arrangements of the letters in the word (3)

4 Given a group of 100 people, at minimum how many people were born in the (3)

same month ?

Give an example of a relation R on Zwhere R is irreflexive, transitive but not (3)

symmetric . (V, -is the set of integers)

6 Draw the Hasse diagram of (D26, l). ( | is the divides relation) (3)

7 t-:":-' (3)
Find the sequence generated by the generating function .
Determine the constant term in the expansion of (+x3 -;)t'
9 Let E be the set of all positive integers 2,4,6,.... Define f , Z* + E bY (3)

f (n) - / a semigroup hoqgmorphism from (Z+ ,') into (8,'). I

l0 Prove that every cyclic group is abelian. (3)

Answer any onefull questionfrom each module. Eoch question carries 14 morks
Module I
ll(a) ProvethatrpA(-{nr)v(qnr)v(pAr)(+r (6)

(b) Find the truth values of inverse, converse and contrapositive of the statement (g)
'lf the magnitude of a real number is greater than 3, then the number itself is
greater than 3' where the universe is the set of all real numbers.

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l2(a) Check whether rhe propositions pv (q Ar) and (p v q) nr are logically (6)
(b) Establish the validiry of the argument
q -r (rAs)
-r V (-tV u)

-'. u
Module 2
l3(a) Determine the coefficient of w3x zyzz
inthe expansion of (6)
(b) Determine the number of integrar
sorutions of x1 * x2 * x3 * xn = 32 (g)
where i)ri>0, t<i<4 ii)x1,x22s,x3,xa)./
l4(a) A certain ice cream store has 3l flavours
of ice cream available. In how many (6)
ways can we order a dozsnice cream cones if (i) we do not want the same
flavour more than once? (ii) a
flavour may be ordered as many
as l2 tinaes (iii)
a flavour may be ordered no
more than I I times.
(b) Find the numberofintegers between
I and 10000 inclusive, whichare divisible

Module 3
l5(a) If R is a reration on the setzof
at integers defined by R -
z'y e z'x - y is divisible by 3]. Prove that {(x,y):x e (6)
R is an equivalence relation.
Describe the distinct equivalence
classes of R.
(b) Show that (Da2,l) is a lattice. Find
the complements of each erement
andtheck (8)
whether it is a complemented
l6(a) rff 'gandharefunctionsonthesetofarrrearnumbers, (x)
f = x*2,g(x) = (6)
x - 2 and h(r) = 3x then find
(i)U"9)"h (ii)h. s"f (iii)/ "(s"h)
(b) Let A = 2,3,5,30} i) Show that (A,f) is a lanice
ii) Prove that ". ,, is not distributive over ,,* ,, (8)
in this lattice by identifuing
elements a,b,c in A for which a. (b + c) * (a. b) + (a. c).

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iii) Prove that " + " is not distributive over "'" in this lattice by identifring
elements a.,b,cinAforwhich a+ (b.c)+ (a+ b).(a+c)..
t Module 4
l7(a) Find the coefficient of xzo in f (x) = (x2 * x3 * xa * xs * xt)t. (6)
(b) Solve the recurrence relation (E)

an - 3on-, - 4an-z = 4n;n ) 2, oo = 3, a.r =YJ

l8(a) relation
Solve the recurrence t6)
en = Z(ar-t - an-z);n ) 2,(ro : L,a, - 2
(b) Solro" the recurrence relation
. (s)

on+z-&an*r*l9an- 8(5)" * 6(4)n;n) 2,do: L?.,ar=5


Module 5
l9(a) Show that any group 6 is abelian if and only if (ab), = G.
azbz for all o,b e (6)
O) If Il and K are subgroups of group 6, where e is the identity of 6. Prove that (g)
H nK isasubgroupof 6.Also,if lHl = 10..and ll(l = 21rhen
20(a) Show that (6)
(i)The order of any element of a finite group is a divisor of the order of the
(ii)If C isafinitegroupofordernthen an = e forany aEG.
t (b) lf A = {1,2,3}.List all permutations on A and prove that it is a group. (8)

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