Motiv Safety Audit Report - 2

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No of Sites 01
Business Noel Auditor(-s): Francis Bbaale
Operations Lead Kaijabwango (in alphabetical order) Alex Tukachungurwa
Key contact: Juliet Nr of employees 40
Audit date (from/ to) Click here to Audit report date 31/03/2021
enter a date.
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enter a date.

Purpose of the audit:

Highlight opportunity for improvement when assessing audit activity regarding physical conditions,
HSE MS and other HSE requirements, split in between audit activities approximately 50% physical
conditions, 50% management systems

Audit results Summary

No. Hi Mi Lo

No of Audit Findings

1. AUDIT DETAILS............................................................................................................................. 1
2. MANAGEMENT SUMMARY........................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Overall Assessment................................................................................................................ 3
2.2. Positive Findings..................................................................................................................... 3
3. FINDINGS AND ACTION PLAN..................................................................................................... 4
Appendix A - Classification of Audit Findings...................................................................................6


The activities performed at Motiv Creation Limited facility do present inherent hazards and risks to the
employees of the company and all those that are affected by their undertaking i.e., subcontractors. It’s
the responsibility of Motiv Creation Uganda Limited management to ensure that the facility is safe for
all. The organisation needs to put in place adequate safety measures to prevent injuries and ill-health
within their facility. During the audit, the organisation demonstrated commitment to ensuring a safe
workplace and the team at Motiv accordingly cooperated with the auditors. The good practices,
positive and negative findings and any recommendations have been detailed in this report. It’s
important to note that the findings were all based on a sampling methodology within the audited areas
and function.
We highly recommend that action plan be developed by the organisation to ensure all the identified
gaps are closed and priority must be given to the High-risk items. We also recommend that the
organisation establishes, implements and maintains an Occupational Health and Safety Management
system that meets the requirements of ISO 45001:2018. This shall adequately enable the organisation
to achieve the objective of prevention injuries, ill-health and providing a safe workplace.


- There is visual communication of Safety at the facility through adequate safety signage.
- The organisation has installed sufficient emergency equipment at the facility.
- The HSE Policy has been displayed at different locations within the facility.
- The organisation has availed First aid kits at different locations with the facility
- The first aiders and fire marshals were appointed and have undergone the required safety
- The organisation has appointed Safety Representatives for each section.
- Cleaning schedules are being used to track cleaning and sanitation on the facility
- The organisation has appointed the Compliance Manager who is responsible for driving Health
and Safety with the organisation.
- The Workplace has been registered with the OSH department of Ministry of Gender Labour
and Social Development

H: High/Major item; M: Medium item.

L: Low/Minor item.

Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence

1.1 Finding H

- There is a risk of failure to

suppress a fire in the
carpentry workshop
because the nearest horse
reel is located quite a
distance from this location


- Considering the quantities

of combustible materials in
this area, its
recommended to Install a
sprinkler system in this

1.2 Finding M

- Fire extinguisher in the

workshop blocked and not


- Conduct monthly
inspection of all fire
extinguishers at the
- Install signage with
instruction for Fire Action
at each extinguisher point
1.3 Finding M

- Contractor staff were

performing Welding works
at the facility with unsafe
electrical connections.


- A permit to work system

must be implemented to
manage the risks
associated contractors
performing works at the
- Conduct a training for
selected staff in Permit to
1.4 Finding M Most of the staff that were
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
HIGH interviewed during the audit
- The organisation has not were not aware of the
adequately communicated company HSE policy
the HSE policy to its statement.
employees and other

- Distribute a copy of the

HSE policy to all staff and
ensure they acknowledge
having read and
understood the policy
- Upload the HSE policy on
the company website for
other stakeholders to have
access to the policy
- Review the staff induction
form to include awareness
on HSE Policy for all new
1.5 Finding H Click here to enter text.

- Top management has not

established HSE
objectives at all
appropriate functions and
levels with the


- Top management must

establish HSE objectives
and have them adequately
communicated with in the
- Develop an action plan to
enable the achievement of
HSE objectives with
clearly defined KPI’s and
- Monitor, measure and
analyse performance on
the HSE objectives
quarterly and ensure
appropriate actions are
taken for any deviations.
1.6 Finding M Click here to enter text.
- The job descriptions of
Section Heads did not
include HSE roles and

- Review staff job
descriptions to include
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
HSE roles and
H A Page from First Aid
Finding book

- The first aid records in the

fabric section indicated 17
cuts during the last 4
months. None of those
accidents had been
reported and investigated.

- Establish, implement and
maintain and incident
management procedure.
- Conduct Accident
Reporting and
Investigation training for
selected staff.
- Conduct a comprehensive
accident investigation on
the first aid cases relating
to cuts in the fabric section
to determine immediate
and root causes. Clear
actions following the
investigation must be
implemented to avoid
recurrence of similar first
aid cases. Lessons learnt
must be shared with all
L No medical records were
Finding availed.
- Medical fitness checks are
not conducted for
employees prior to
employment. Including
trainees accessing
dangerous machines in
the workshop

- Contract a medical facility
where pre-employment
medical examinations can
be done. This should also
be done to pre-onboarding
procedure for trainees
accessing the workshop

Finding H

- Security checks are not

done for persons
accessing the facility.
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence


- Establish clear site

security procedures and
communicate them to the
security personnel.
Finding M No Leadership visit records
were availed
- Senior management does
not conduct regular spot
checks to ensure
compliance to HSE
practices/ procedures.
This has limited senior
management involvement
in HSE.


- Develop a checklist to be
completed by senior
managers during their
leadership visits.
- Define a KPI of one
leadership visit per senior
manager per month.

Finding H

- The emergency
evacuation procedure/plan
was not known to some of
the staff that were
interviewed during the


- Conduct an emergency
evacuation awareness
training for the staff.
- Conduct an emergency
fire drill at the facility and
maintain a drill report.
- Display the appointed first
aiders in the different
section notice boards.
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
2.1 Finding M

- Trailing Cables on the

floor of the
clothing/Tailoring Section.


- Re-design the lay out of

the electrical sources for
the equipment to avoid
any trailing cables.

2.2 Finding M

- Trainees in the carpentry

section not wearing
adequate PPE


- Conduct a PPE needs

assessment for the facility
and establish a PPE
management procedure.
- Conduct monthly PPE
- Conduct a PPE
Awareness Training for
2.3 Finding L

- Drugs stored in the first

aid boxes
- Staff (appointed first
Aiders) are carrying out
drug prescription which is
not a responsibility of a
first Aider.


- Remove all drugs from the

first aid boxes.
- Inspect First Aid boxes on
a monthly basis to ensure
they are adequately
- Conduct refresher first Aid
training with accredited
training providers to
provide proper first aid

2.4 Finding M No induction records were

Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
- Trainees in the carpentry
section had not been
adequately inducted. They
were not aware of the
facility emergency


- All trainees and Casual

labourers must undergo a
comprehensive HSE
induction. The induction
package should cover;
emergency procedures,
HSE policy, hazards and
risks in their sections, site
signage, facility security
rules, accident reporting
and investigation, PPE
usage, housekeeping,
waste management,
electrical safety as a

2.5 Finding H No records of HSE

Inspections and Internal Audit
- HSE Self Assessments were availed
i.e. (HSE Inspections &
Internal Audits) are not
being conducted.


- Develop a quarterly HSE

inspection Schedule for
SHE Representatives.
- Develop an HSE
Inspection Checklist to be
used by the SHE
Representative while
conducting Inspections.
- Conduct bi-annual Internal
Audits for the HSE
management system
- Conduct an annual
management review
meeting for the HSE
management system.

2.6 Finding M Hazard and Risk Registers

were reviewed.
- The organisation has not
conducted a
comprehensive risk
assessment for all its
processes and activities.
The current risk
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
assessments do not
include events
management activities.


- Review the current risk

assessments to cover all
activities process and
locations within the facility.

- Establish a system for

continuous hazard
identification at the facility.
A Safety Observation
Card System would be

2.7 Finding M Hot work procedure not

- Hot works (welding,
griding & cutting) are
routine activities
conducted at the
workshop. However, no
hot work procedure has
been established to
control these high-risk


- Develop a Hot Work

Procedure and display in
hot work designated
- Conduct a training on the
hot work procedure for all
persons who perform hot
2.8 Finding L

- No designated waste
storage area at the facility.


- Designate waste storage

areas at the facility.
- Ensure waste segregation
practices at the
designated waste storage
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
3.1 Finding M

- The workshop and

clothing section floors are
not demarcated.


- Demarcate the floors to

ensure there is adequate
working space for each
equipment and clearly
defined walkways.
3.2 Finding M
- Gas Cylinders not safely
stored in the workshop


- Provide a cage for safe

storage and trolley for safe
movement of the gas
cylinders from one
location to another.

3.3 Finding H

- Storing chemicals in
unlabelled containers
(This included chemicals
like thinner, used oil,


- All containers storing

chemicals must be
appropriately labelled. If
transferred into other
containers, existing labels
in the new containers
must be removed and the
container ladled to
indicate its contents eg.
Using masking tape and
- Material Safety
Datasheets for all
chemicals used at the
facility must be retained.
- Conduct a training on
Material Safety Data
sheets for persons that
use the specific
- Chemicals must be stored
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
separately from other
items in the store. And
that section clearly
labelled as “Chemicals”

3.4 Finding O No records of evaluation of

compliance were availed.
The organisation has
identified all its
compliance obligations in
an updated legal register.
However, the organisation
does not determine the
extent to which it complies
it complies to these


- Evaluate compliance on a
monthly quarterly basis
and take appropriate
actions where variances
have been identified.

3.5 Finding M Click here to enter text.

HIGH - No designated walkways
in the compound to
separate pedestrians from
- Demarcate clear
walkways for pedestrians
at the facility

4.1 Finding H Click here to enter text.

- Awareness on HSE within

the organisation is


- Develop an HSE training

matrix for all positions
within the organisation.
Some of the training to be
included in the matrix are
Risk Assessment and
Hazard Identification,
Accident Investigation and
Reporting, Hot Work
Procedure, Electrical
Safety, Safe use of power
tools, Manual Handling, 5
S Methodology, First Aid
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
and Fire Safety
- Develop and implement
annual HSE training plan
to close out any HSE
competency gaps.
- Conduct a weekly toolbox
talk for the staff in each
Section at the facility.
4.2 Finding M No minutes of any quarterly
HSE Committee meeting.
- HSE committee meetings
have not been conducted.
This has limited employee
participation in HSE


- Develop a schedule for

quarterly HSE committee
Finding No minutes of any monthly
HSE meeting
- HSE section/Departmental
meetings have not been
conducted. This has
limited employee
participation in HSE


- Develop a schedule for

monthly HSE
4.3 Finding M

- Inadequate ventilation and

airflow in the carpentry
section area.


- Provide for a secondary

opening on the wall at the
end of the workshop to
improve the ventilation
and also act as an
emergency exit.
Nr Findings & Recommendations H/M/L Photos / Evidence
4.4 Finding O

- Poor housekeeping in the

CCTV Control room area.
Control room being used
as storage for contractor’s


- Install access control

equipment at the
4.5 Finding M

- Assembly point at the site

not adequately located.


- Relocate assembly point

to a safer location.

5.1 Finding M

- Genset cover open while

equipment is energised.


- Conduct regular
inspections of the
equipment to ensure its
safe for use at all times.
- Install electrical hazard
warning signage in the

The findings of Audits shall be classified in accordance with the Audit Findings Classification Table and rated as
High, Medium or Low.

Classification of Audit Findings

Level Description
High The finding is likely to cause a high undesirable effect on the realization of the Motiv Creation
Limited objectives.
Major deviation to a legal requirement.
Immediate major risk to Safety and Health of people or to the environment.
High potential of catastrophic outcomes because of the non-compliance.
Repeat Finding.
Medium The finding is likely to cause a measurable undesirable effect on the realization of Motiv Creation
Limited HSE objectives.
Partial deviation to legal requirements.
Potential medium risk to Safety and Health for people or to the environment.
Finding with potential moderate outcomes because of the non-compliance.
Low The finding is unlikely to cause a measurable undesirable effect on the realization of Motiv
Creation HSE objectives but its correction would enhance the risk based correction framework or
aid in the realization of objectives.
Low deviation to legal requirements.
Potential low risk to Safety and Health for people or to the environment.
Finding with potential minor outcomes because of the non-compliance.

Overall Audit Opinion

An audit opinion is an assessment of the overall level of control for the HSE risks for the subject area and shall
only be provided for OI audits.

The Audit Opinion is primarily based on the Audit Opinion Decision Matrix.

Audit Opinion Decision Matrix:

Finding Rating Possible Audit Opinion

High Medium Low High +

0 <= 10 <= 10 

<= 5 <= 10 <=10 

>5 > 10 > 10 

These numbers assume that each Finding contains only one weakness. The fact that one such Finding gives rise
to more than one recommendation has no influence upon the count.
It would be to the consideration of the (lead) auditor to propose a variation to these definitions depending on
specific circumstances, such as: audit scope, distribution of findings within the OIMS areas to which clustering
might have distorted the numbers.

Critical Audit Factors:

An additional critical factor to the audit opinion is the overall support by the auditee´s team and validity of
materials and statements.

Repeat Findings:
Lead immediately to a red audit status.

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