How Do Transiting Planets Affect Dasa-Bhukti Promises
How Do Transiting Planets Affect Dasa-Bhukti Promises
How Do Transiting Planets Affect Dasa-Bhukti Promises
What are the factors that help to indicate the time of?
(Marriage, Child birth, Accident while commuting, Death of parent and, Gain of job)
indicate promises or say prosperity to cause a particular event. You may equate with an electric
bell at your door. Dasa Antardasha coming at an appropriate time is like availability of electric
current to the bell or planetary promises and propensities; transits of planets are just like pushing
the push button by the planetary force. The Bell would cause sound indication depending on the
kind of quality of the bell. It would continue to ring so long as it is pushed and so long current is
available. A fixed bell, without current would not ring. It would not ring without being pushed. Thus
favorable or unfavorable results get ignition touch from the favorable or unfavorable transits.
Favorable Unfavorable Favorable Promises and high expectations without being fulfilled
1. An event which is not indicated in a natal chart shall not happen even in favorable dasa
with favorable transit. An event which is indicated would not happen in favorable dasa, if
transit do not support. If planetary promises are code numbered in a lock and dasa-bhukti
are all the favorable digits excepting last one-transits of planets are the best digit which
transits of planets (i) For favorable results of any Bhava; the bhava and Bhava Lord should
be strong, well placed and well aspected. Otherwise one should not expect favorable
i. When Lagna Lord passed either over the house Lord or through the sign and
ii. When Lagna and Bhava lord either conjoins each other or aspect each other.
3. Though Mantrashwara says that Rasi and auspicious Jupitarian trine aspect causes
favorable result to Bhava. But experience does not prove this direction always.
4. In this connection Lord of 6th, 8th or 12th passes over a weak Lagna Lord or Rasis and 6th,
8th or 12th Lord is also weak in natal chart, their passage should not be expected to be
favorable. But if both are strong then favorable results relating to these houses as well as
5. Inter relationship of these planets is also omnipotent and fivefold relationship based on
natural and temporal relationship must be seen. If relationship is inimical then one can
6. We do not accept Mantrashwar's views on transit. We on the basis of our experience say
that all planets join together to cause good or bad depending on circumstances and either
pass over Bhava lord of Bhava along with Lagnesh or Rasi or Lagna. To identify the house
which is likely to give result at c. given time, we apply first double transit of Saturn and
Jupiter. Saturn's passage indicates that hurdles in fructification of result of the transited
house being removed and Jupiter indicates "Daiva Krupa" for the fructification of the result
indicates "Satwa" or essence with connected things. Transit of Venus indicates "Sukha" or
particular direction; and transit of the Moon indicated "Manahsthi". Transit of Ketu indicates
indicate the year when they jointly come in contact with Lagna, Lagnesh or Rasi on one
hand and the concerned Bhava or Bhavesh. Same is true about slow moving Karakas.
Fast moving planets indicate concerned months and the Moon may indicate week.
Primarily, we confine the consideration and aspects to "full aspects". However secondarily
we may apply the trine Rasi and Navamsa aspect, as Mantreshwar applied in respect of
passage of Jupiter.
As has been pointed out earlier, then transits would give results only according to the
promises indicated by the birth chart and dasabhukti and Pratyantara only. Things not
indicated by them cannot happen. So transit help in timing an events, and quality of event,
It would be useful here to refer to some specific kind of events which are of general
b) In dasa or bhukti of 2nflord (or the Navamsa Lord of the Navamsa occupied by
e) In dasa or bhukti of planet period in 7th and conjunct with 7th lord;
f) Dasa or Bhukti of Venus and Rahu have found to give marriage in good
numbers of cases.
a) If the disposition of the 7th lord in Rasi or Navamsa chart is strong, then
bhukti of the stronger amongst the Moon Venus; and when Jupiter passes over
Find out the strongest and the second strongest amongst the above marriage giving planets
"During marriage period of life" and expect marriage in their dasa-bhukti. This may clinch the
i. When Jupiter and the Moon passes over the 2nd from the Navamsa Lord of the Navamsa
ii. When Jupiter and the Moon together pass through Kendra’s.
i. Add the Longitude of Lords Lagna and 7th house. When Jupiter transits the resultant Rasi
ii. Add similarly the Longitude of the Moon and Lord of the 7th house, when Jupiter transits
Delay factors: According to Dr. B V Raman, Saturn's aspects on 7th house and 7th Lord both from
the Lagna and the Moon and Venus delay in marriage. The association or aspect of
the Lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th with the 7th house, 7th Lord and Karaka also ruled
Reconciliation and Cohesion between all these factors would decode the time of marriage.
Timing of Child Birth: In timing child birth following factors must be considered.
iv. Transit.
Dasa and Bhuktis for timing of child birth: One may expect birth of a child in child procreating age
iv. Dasa and bhukti of "Shubhas" conjunct with or aspecting 5th Lord.
vi. According to Jataka Parijat add Sphutas of 5th lord and 7th lord, and the lord of the
resultant Nakshatra, and planets connected with it are also capable of giving birth to a
child. Supposing sphuta of 5th lord is 3"7°0' and Sphuta of 7th lord is 6"7°0'. Its total comes
to 9'14°0'. Its Nakshatra lord is Shavarana owned by the Moon. Child birth may take place
in the dasa or bhukti of the Moon as well as dasa or bhukti conjuncts with or aspecting the
Transits and Child birth: Following transit tend to give child birth.
i. Add Lagnesh Sphuta and sphuta of 5th Lord. When Jupiter transits the resultant
ii. When Saturn and Jupiter aspect 5th house or 5th Lord in procreating age, child
iii. When Saturn and Jupiter aspect Kehstra and Beeja sphutas of both child birth may
be expected.
iv. According to Jataka Parijata add Sphuta of 5th Lord, Jupiter, planets pointed in 5th,
and planets aspecting 5th, find out Rasi and Navamsa of the resultant; and when
Jupiter passes over such Rasi or Navamsa, child birth may take place. (We do not
agree with Jataka Parijata that passage of Saturn over it would cause loss of child
(c) Time of accident while commuting: Following factors are required to be seen that help to
ii. If Mars is in the 4th house and the Sun in the 10th, death shall be due to
iii. If the lords of the 8th and the 1st houses are associated with the lord of
the 4th, the native shall die due to such conveyance as elephant or a
horse etc.
iv. If the luminaries are in the 6th or the 8th house, the native shall be killed
v. If Moon and Mars are in a Kendra or the 8th house, fear of death be
through a Vehicle.
vi. If the waning Moon is in the 4th house, there is danger from a vehicle.
vii. If Lord of 6th is associated with Saturn or Rahu, then there is danger of
There are some other combinations which are prone to cause accidents. In the
majority of such cases apart from the influence of the 8th house, 22nd, Drekkana
and Mars, and Ketu. Planets placed in the Nakshatras of Ketu associated with
Venus or 3rd Lord or planets placed in Nakshatras of Venus associated with Ketu
and Mars make prone to suffer accidental injuries. Planets in Nakshatras of Rahu
also an additional malefic factors, causes the same results. Intensity increases
when Mars and Ketu both afflict 8th, 8th Lord or Lagnesh or Rashis or 22nd
These very combination if aspected by benefic or in benefic Rasi may not cause
death and may cause just some injuries due to vehicular accident. It may be
slightly mind boggling to explain the logic behind it. Behind all these combination,
Mars in the 6th house if treated in Cancer Rasi would indicate accident. Lagna
Lord which indicates vehicle, Debilitation indicates fall, Sun in 5th house in
Capricorn in Shatru Rasi indicates unusually agitated mind and Karma Bhava.
The mutual aspect .between Sun and Mars would indicate rashness in relation to
vehicle, Jatak Parijat adds in this combination presence of Moon in 2nd house,
moon being the natural 4th Lord representing vehicle becomes maraka and it is
i. Dasa-Bhuktis of 3rd, 5th, 7th Nakshatra Lord, especially when they are
ii. Dasa and Bhuktis of such papies and Karmas who are inimical to Lagnesh
or Rasis.
iii. Dasa and Bhuktis of 6th, 8th, 12th and 3rd Lords, especially when they are
iv. Dasa and Bhuktis of 2nd, 7th, connected with Mars and Ketu, Rahu,
v. Dasa and Bhuktis of the planet placed in the Nakshatras of Ketu, Mars or
vi. Rahu placed in Ketu Nakshatra or Ketu placed in Raghu’s Nakshatras are
Transit: When Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, Jupiter and Mars, activate 6th, 8th or 12th house,
Timing of Death of Parents: Factor which requires consideration to time mother death is.
i. Afflictions to 4th house, 4th Lord, the Moon (Venus in case of day birth)
iii. Transit.
by a "Papi".
c) If Saturn is in 4th, aspected by a malefic and 8th Lord is posited
d) If 4th house or 4th Lord, or the Moon is in "Papa Kartari" and 4th
g) If the Sun is posited in the 3rd or the 7th house and Mars occupy
Afflictions to Parents:
a) If Lords of 4th and 9th both are placed in 6th, 8th, and 12th and
c) If lord of 4th is in 5th or 9th and the lord of the trine where 4th
d) If Lords of 1st, 4th and 9th are placed in Kendra Trikona then in
mother dies
a) If, in case of night birth, Saturn and Mars are posited in the 7th place from
i. 3rd and 10th Lords, from Lagna or the Sun and planets posited therein
ii. Of 5th and 10th Lords from Lagna or the Moon in night birth and Venus
i. Deduct Chandra Sphuta from the Surya Sphuta, when the Saturn
and Jupiter passed over that remainder Rasi and Navamsa or trine
ii. Deduct "Mandi Sputha" from "Chandra Sputha" when Saturn passed
iii. Deduct ''Yama Kantaka Sputha" from the 8th Lord from the Moon
when Saturn passes over such Rasi and the Sun passes over such
i. Deduct "Yama Kantaka" from the Sun. When Jupiter passes over
such Rasi or Navarnsa or in trine there from father may passes away.
ii. Deduct Mandi of Yama Kantaka. When Saturn passes over such Rasi
Gain of Job: The factors that help for the time of gain of job are as under.
i. Strongest 10th house (s) from the Lagna, the Moon and the Sun.
ii. Strongest 10th Lord (s) from the Lagna, the Moon and the Sun.
iii. Strongest Navamsa Lord (s) of the 10th Lord (s) from the Lagna, the Moon and the Sun.
iv. Dasa Bhuktis of planets connected with the above 10th house, 10th lords and Navarnsa
Lords of 10th Lords, 7th Lord (10th from 10th) and 9th Lord.
their strength acquired through different vargas, their relation with other planets are to
considered, treating them as if they are different Lagnas and conditions of 10th house and 10th
lords from these Lagnas. Another way to study this aspect taking 10th house as Lagna.
Consider one more, count 10th house from the Dasa Natha and see the planets connected
with 10th house and 10th lord there form they may give better clues in different Bhuktis about
job. If this 10th Lord is favorably placed, well aspected and friend or intimate friend you can say
prosperity, promotion, expansion, and gains beyond one's expectation during such a period. If
it is otherwise, you can imagine what will happen. This principle is just an extension of the
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