Social Welfare Administration
Social Welfare Administration
Social Welfare Administration
John C Kidneigh
“Social work administration is the process of transforming social policy into social services It
is a two-way process: 1) transforming policy into concrete social services, and 2) the use of
experience in recommending modification of policy”
Arthur Dunham
“It is a process of supporting or facilitating activities which are necessary and incidental to
the giving of direct service by a social agency. Administrative activities range from the
determination of function and policies, and executive leadership to routine operations such
as keeping records and accounts and carrying on maintenance services.”
(2) Organising: Organising is a skill of arranging the various resources and task
systematically in manageable manner in relation to the hierarchal status, capabilities of
associates and priorities of agency for smooth functioning. In every organization there is an
integrated series of offices, or hierarchal statuses, in which a number of functions are closely
defined by specific rules.
(3) Staffing: Staffing means the administration of staff. Staffing includes recruitment,
selection, service conditions, promotion, leave, working conditions, welfare etc. Staffing also
includes training, orientation, supervision grievance procedure, retirement rules etc.
(4) Directing: Directing is the giving instructions in orally or in written to staff for doing work
in properly. This component includes leadership, motivation, communication, and
supervision. Effective directing ensures that staff are clear about their roles and
responsibilities and are working towards the common objectives of the organization.
(7) Budgeting: Budgeting is a process of preparing and presenting the financial statement
including income and expenditure in a proper way. Social Work Administrator should be
sound in technical knowledge of at least bests of budgeting.
(8) Evaluation: Evaluation means assessing the work completed by agency in the light of
planning and instructions given before starting task. Evaluation is an important component
of social welfare administration for performance of agency. As a social welfare administrator
social worker has the supervisory function of allocating work, or seeing that it is done, and
how it is done. He evaluates the total performance of the agency.
(9) Feedback: Feedback in social service is very important task for the success of
programme. It is useful for the beneficiary, community, funding body and also is policy
framing or modification. Generally, feedback is the response of beneficiary or community.
The feedback should be made during implementation of programme as well as the end of
programme. The finding from feedback may be useful to restructure or modify the
Principles of Social Welfare Administration:
1. Principle of desire to serve human beings.
2. Principle of sound organization of agency.
3. Principle of appropriate appointment (Right person at right place with right skills)
4. Principle of sound personnel policies and working conditions.
5. Principle of authority and delegation.
6. Principle of building sound public relations.
7. Principle of democracy.
8. Principle of sound budget.
9. Principle of proper clerical and maintenance services.
10. Principle of Self Appraisal/Evaluation.
11. Principle of recording and documentation.