Full Time Fee Structure
Full Time Fee Structure
Full Time Fee Structure
TRN : 100393529100003
2024-2025 SEP-2024 INTAKE
FIRST APPLICATION FEE 1000.00 50.00 1050.00 1 SEP 2024 1,050.00 51,765.00
SOPHOMORE MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS 4700.00 235.00 4935.00 9 OCT 2025 JUN 2026 44,415.00
THIRD JUNIOR FIRST INSTALLMENT 6000.00 300.00 6300.00 1 SEP 2026 6,300.00 50,715.00
JUNIOR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS 4700.00 235.00 4935.00 9 OCT 2026 JUN 2027 44,415.00
FOURTH SENIOR FIRST INSTALLMENT 6000.00 300.00 6300.00 1 SEP 2027 6,300.00 50,505.00
SENIOR MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS 4700.00 235.00 4935.00 8 OCT 2027 MAY 2028 39,480.00
SENIOR LAST INSTALLMENT 4500.00 225.00 4725.00 1 JUN 2028 4,725.00
1. Tuition fees, miscellaneous fees are non-transferable and details of the same is published on the website, catalog, LMS, notice board and student handbook at
the beginning of each academic year.
2. All payments against Tuition fees, Miscellaneous Fees are subject to 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) in line with Federal Decree-Law No.8 of 2017. It is to be noted
that any other charges or taxes levied by the government in future is required to be paid by students.
3. Continuing students must complete their semester registration as per the Semester Registration Policy.
4. In case of Cancelation / Postponement, refer to Financial policy.
5. Students shall be responsible for all signed undertakings even if the same has been signed by the parent/local guardian. All undertakings and documents
mentioned in the application checklist for local and international students should be completed as per the deadlines, inability to complete before the deadline
will result in cancellation of conditional admission.
6. Convocation fee of AED 4,250/- + VAT 5% will be additional payable in the final year of the program.
7. Transportation fee is additional, refer miscellaneous fees.
8. For all payments against Tuition fees and miscellaneous fees refer to SUC Financial Policy 2024-2025.
I acknowledge that I have read & understand above mentioned SUC Payment terms