43 - Geotechnical Engineering 3
43 - Geotechnical Engineering 3
43 - Geotechnical Engineering 3
SITUATION. A clay layer 8 m thick rest beneath a deposit of sand layer ~ TIME RATE OF CONSOLIDATION ~
12 m thick with water table located 4 m below the ground surface. The Coefficient of Consolidation, cv
water content and specific gravity of saturated sand are 30% and 2.65 It is the parameter used to describe the rate at which saturated clay or
respectively. other soil undergoes consolidation, or compaction, when subjected to an
4. Solve for the effective stress at a depth of 12 m. increase in pressure.
5. If the specific gravity and void ratio of the clay layer are 2.70 and 0.90 𝐜𝐯 =
𝐦𝐯 𝛄𝐰
respectively, determine the effective stress at the bottom of the clay
Coefficient of Volume Compressibility, mv
6. If the water level rises by 2 m from the original water level, determine It is the volume decrease of a unit volume of soil per unit increase of
the decrease in effective stress at the bottom of the soil formation. effective pressure during compression.
𝐦𝐯 =
𝟏 + 𝐞𝐨
The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the amount of consolidation at Coefficient of Compressibility, av
a given time within a soil mass, to the total amount of consolidation It is the slope of the void ratio-pressure curve when both are plotted on
obtainable under a given stress condition. an arithmetic scale.
𝐞𝟏 − 𝐞𝟐
𝛅𝐭 𝐚𝐯 =
𝐔= 𝐏𝟐 − 𝐏𝟏
Time Factor, Tv
where: δt = settlement at time t It is the parameter used to find the consolidation coefficient with time
δmax = settlement at the end of primary consolidation taken for consolidation settlement in soil. It is a non-dimensional number.
𝐂𝐯 𝐭
Another way to solve the degree of consolidation: 𝐓𝐯 =
(𝐇𝐝𝐫 )𝟐
𝐮𝐨 − 𝐮𝐭
𝛑 𝐔 𝟐
where: uo = initial excess pore water pressure 𝐓𝐯 = ( ) when: 0 < U ≤ 60%
𝟒 𝟏𝟎𝟎
ut = excess pore water pressure at time t
𝐓𝐯 = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟖𝟏 − 𝟎. 𝟗𝟑𝟑 𝐥𝐨𝐠(𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝐔) when: 60% < U < 100%
1. Calculate the initial effective stress at the mid-height of the clay 4. Compute the secondary consolidation settlement of the clay 4 years
layer. after the completion of primary consolidation settlement. Time for
the completion of primary settlement is 2 years. Secondary
2. Calculate the induced stress at the mid-height of the clay layer.
compression index is 0.020.
3. Calculate the consolidation settlement of the clay layer if it is
normally consolidated. 5. From the figure shown above, if the water table rises to the surface
of clay over a period of time, determine the total consolidation
4. If the coefficient of volume compressibility is 0.0005 m2/kN, settlement of the clay 3 years after the completion of primary
calculate the settlement. consolidation settlement. Time for the completion of primary
settlement is 1 year. Secondary compression index is 0.025.
Ans. Sp = 216.95, Se = 10.6875, Ss = 53.04 mm, St = 280.68mm