Racism and Discrimination A Sociological Perspective
Racism and Discrimination A Sociological Perspective
Racism and Discrimination A Sociological Perspective
Discrimination: A
This presentation delves into the complex issues of racism and
discrimination, examining their sociological underpinnings,
manifestations, and impact on society. By analyzing research findings
and exploring real-world examples, we aim to shed light on the
multifaceted nature of these societal ills and propose strategies for
fostering a more inclusive and equitable world.
by erilina
Understanding the
Concepts: Definitions
and Key Distinctions
Racism is a system of beliefs and practices that perpetuates the idea
that one racial group is inherently superior to another. Discrimination, on
the other hand, is the unequal treatment of individuals or groups based
on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected
characteristics. While racism is a broader ideology, discrimination refers
to specific actions and behaviors.
1 Types of 2 Individual
Discrimination Discrimination
Discrimination can take Direct, intentional actions
many forms, including: by individuals toward others
based on their group
3 Institutional 4 Structural
Discrimination Discrimination
Policies and practices Interconnected patterns of
embedded within inequality across various
institutions that institutions and systems,
systematically leading to cumulative
disadvantage certain disadvantages for certain
groups. groups.
Manifestations of Racism and
Discrimination in Society
Racism and discrimination permeate various aspects of society, from the workplace to the criminal justice system.
Unequal hiring practices, pay Segregated schools, disparities in Redlining, steering, and other
disparities, limited promotion funding, and biased testing practices, practices that prevent certain groups
opportunities, and hostile work resulting in educational disadvantages from accessing safe and affordable
environments. for certain groups. housing.
Impact on Marginalized
Groups: Findings from
Surveys and Research
Numerous studies and surveys have documented the profound impact of
racism and discrimination on marginalized groups. These studies
demonstrate the persistent inequities in areas such as:
Community-Based Organizations
These organizations provide critical support and
resources to marginalized communities, empowering
individuals and fostering social change.